Noordin M Top discovers blogspot and complains of American plunderers and soccer Crusaders.
The newly created blog website on July 26th published a message apparently from Malaysian terrorist Noordin M Top claiming responsibility for the JW Marriott & Ritz Carlton suicide bombings in Jakarta on July 17th.
Speaking as the head of his Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) split off organisation “Tandzim Al Qo’idah Indonesia” Noordin, or as written on the blog, Nur Din bin Muhammad Top, said that the bombings were targeted at kafir – non-Muslims – and specifically American businessmen, and he explained why they were carried out:
The attacks were justified by the quotation of the following verse from Sura 8: Al-Anfal of the Quran:
So you did not slay them, but in fact Allah slew them; and O dear Prophet (Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him) you did not throw (the sand) when you did throw, but in fact Allah threw; and in order to bestow an excellent reward upon the Muslims; indeed Allah is the All Hearing, the All Knowing. [Yusuf Ali]
And from Attaubah: 14:
Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame, help you (to victory) over them, heal the breasts of Believers.
Finally Nurdin hoped that the attack would encourage other Indonesian Muslims to take up the cause of jihad.
The comments at are quite interest most can be summed up by the following (the only comment posted entirely in English). From Yudistira File mengatakan…
“How would you like to suck my balls?? Screw you Terorist, Go to Hell!”
There are a few choice others comparing Mr. Top to a banci.
So is it pretty dangerous for a foreigner to be a christian in Indonesia, huh?
So is it pretty dangerous for a foreigner to be a christian in Indonesia, huh?
No, it’s not.
I would say that the overwhelmingly negative tone of almost all of the comments on this (probably fake) blog post shows just how angry most Indonesian Muslims are about this.
It’s fairly common on this forum to see comments suggesting that Indonesian Muslims don’t condemn terrorism enough or even that they all tacitly support such anti-western sentiment.
I suggest that commenters who feel that way follow the link and have a look at what real Indonesians are saying (if you understand Bahasa Indonesia, that is).
Yes, thank you a lot. I only learning Bahasa Indonesia and not that good yet to understand it. 🙂
But i am always reading this Indonesian Matters and yes, it makes me feel much better that way. Terrorism does not have nationality and it would not be fair to make conclusions about all the indonesian people basing on the recent news.
However the general tone is too much scaring and even negative and this may create the one – side impression over the whole country and people for those who have never been in Indonesia before and never met indonesian people.
It is also creating very negative aspect for foreign investors and it is also understandable.
Diego, thanks. I actually did not know that. I think average people dont know it either.
It’s fairly common on this forum to see comments suggesting that Indonesian Muslims don’t condemn terrorism enough or even that they all tacitly support such anti-western sentiment.
Actually thats not correct, The vast majority of negative comments are directed at what is perceived as a luke warm response at best from the government and other organisations. Indonesians perhaps are not used to seeing figures in authority rebuked or made fun of for lunacy and draw the conclusion that the commentor is referring to all Indonesians.
Regardless of your perspective and despite claims to the contrary, when someone can explain why children are in court for “coin tossing”, a mother is locked up for demanding a second opinion in health care yet a hateful little cleric (on what visa?) still runs around spouting pure trash without so much as censor, then maybe I will believe the response is anything more than luke warm.
When someone can explain why Yoga deserves a fatwa but killing the innocent father of new born does not in Indonesian then we can discuss “lukewarm” further.
I would also like to qaulify the above, certain parts of the government and others are striving very hard to make Indonesia better but their efforts are diluted by the short sighted, greedy and morally bankrupt. None of the above means that people believe Indonesians as a population support these evil people, truely they have rejected these things at the ballot box and elsewhere but they have been let down by the very people that are supposed to represent them…
@ Oigal
Actually thats not correct, The vast majority of negative comments are directed at what is perceived as a luke warm response at best from the government and other organisations. Indonesians perhaps are not used to seeing figures in authority rebuked or made fun of for lunacy and draw the conclusion that the commentor is referring to all Indonesians.
Erm…actually it is correct.
While I can’t be bothered to plough through the comments to find you examples. This forum has had more than it’s fair share of comments complaining about a perceived lack of outrage on the part of Indonesian muslims or muslims in general in the past.
yet a hateful little cleric (on what visa?) still runs around spouting pure trash without so much as censor, then maybe I will believe the response is anything more than luke warm.
Not sure who you mean here… if you mean Abu Bakar, he’s Indonesian so I’m guessing he’s on the “Don’t-need-a-visa” Visa. If you mean Noordin Top, I think the Indonesian security forces would do more than “censor” him if they caught up with him.
None of the above means that people believe Indonesians as a population support these evil people
Glad to hear it. Doesn’t change the fact I stated which is that there are many who would tar all muslims with the same brush and do so on this forum.
I think it not written by Nurdin M Top… Nurdin english is very good, but at that blog, there are some misspelled words..
Anyone who has taken the trouble to read the statements made by major Muslim organizations including NU and Muhammadiyah regarding this tragedy should say “enough already” to the string of comments indicating that the country’s Muslims are “soft on” or tacitly support terrorism. The leaders of both organizations have denounced these acts in the strongest possible terms. References to the Yogya fatwa and the like have little if anything to do with this incident. This is uncalled for Indonesia bashing as it is very clearly that the people who made that pronouncement speak for no one but themselves and that almost no one in Indonesia takes them or the so called fatwa seriously. This is not the time for cheap shots It is rather a time for serious people outside Indonesia to pay serious attention to what the leaders of the Muslim community here (I am writing this from Jakarta) have to say.
As far as Yogya fatwas and the like are concerned I am certain tht one can find equally absurd pronouncements by marginal and not so marginal political and religous leaders in most countries. They really are not very important.
i release that moslem now in one step under west country like Amerika. but, terror is not a good way to changed this condotion. i am moslem, but i don’t agree to do the same way like by bombing. thank’s
Maybe SBY was right. As the site in question’s authenticity has not been ascertained it could just be the real perpetrators blaming the usual suspects to distract the authorities.
I recall that when the McDonalds in Makassar was bombed several years ago a certain car dealership was also targeted but the damage was very minor. Said dealership was owned by the same person who paid for lawyers for the accused terrorists captured in the Philippines and who also is rumoured to provide considerable funding to Laskar Jundullah in Sulawesi so it is difficult to see what connection the average billy-goat-bearded crazy would see between these two targets.
It kind of makes one think that perhaps it was a very clumsy attempt to shift suspicion from the owner of the car dealership. The name of the car dealership . . . Haji Kalla Toyota.
@ Pozzie…
A conspiracy theory? Are you suggesting that Haji Kalla is involved? 😀
Authenticity is always going to be a question for these sorts of claims, particularly where the claim is published in the way it has. I suppose if Top wanted to ensure that everyone believed the claim then he could upload a video of himself claiming the bombing. Yet, that is unlikely considering he is still allegedly in Indonesia and the coppers and others are looking for him.
@ All…
If the anti-terror forces are serious about catching top, and the governments of Indonesia and Malaysia are as committed as they say they are, then why not band together and other a sizable reward, let’s say, the equivalent of IDR 10 billion or more. I am guessing that loyalty would quickly dissipate at the periphery for this sort of cash.
I wonder which warnet nurdin typed this at….
I wouldn’t come right out and say it that way but at least one of SBY’s opponents has some links to bombings, if only being on the receiving end and paying for lawyers for Tamsil Linrung when he was caught pretty much red-handed in the Philippines with bomb materials according to initial reports.
The fact that Haji Kalla’s Japanese car showroom was struck supposedly by the same people who bombed the “American” McDonalds (locally owned in fact) has always struck me as a bit too much of a stretch for the crazies, especially as it was widely “rumoured” around that time that JK was Laskar Jundullah’s sugar daddy at the time.
Tamsil Linrung appears again in a story where he expresses doubt about Laskar Jundullah’s involvement.,20021217-08,id.html
Laskar Jundullah is the armed wing of the KPPSI or Komite Persiapan Penegakan Shariah Islam (Committee to Establish Islamic Law) which has a lot of clout with the government in Sulawesi. Laskar Jundullah worked with Laskar Jihad in Ambon and Poso. That may also go some way to explaining JK’s success in bringing peace to Poso which spring-boarded him into the wider public eye.
The story there goes on to say that the laskar was not involved but the book, Jemaah Islamiyah by Greg Barton claims that they along with Wadah Islamiya were responsible.
(sorry, long link)
Later we see that Laskar Jundullah supports JK-Win for the presidency, strange if they bombed one of JK’s showrooms.,20090623-183326,id.html
Regardless of his involvement or lack thereof it needs to be remembered that JK is a pretty shady character and bears some watching. See the first comments by Damien Kingsbury in the following link.
Food for thought in any case.
Two more links for you to take a look at Rob.
All of these groups are intertwined but JK keeps showing up with Tamsil Linrung and Agus Dwikarna, head of Laskar Jundullah, currently serving a 17 year sentence in the Philippines for his involvement in terrorism.
adding some fuel to the fire burning, there was an investigation-documentary made by this australian guy bringing forth the indonesian police or military or intel-agency as the culprit behind lots of bombings. watch it yourself and report back here, soldiers 😀
As far as Yogya fatwas and the like are concerned I am certain tht one can find equally absurd pronouncements by marginal and not so marginal political and religous leaders in most countries. They really are not very important.
Anyone who has taken the trouble to read the statements made by major Muslim organizations including NU and Muhammadiyah
Really need to decide the “Major Muslim Organisations” are the marginal and not so marginal religious leaders are marginal or Major. Its fair to say that in most countries very few religous leaders/oganisations (if any) have the political and social clout that the fore mentioned organisations have
almost no one in Indonesia takes them or the so called fatwa seriously
Perhaps not amongst the high fliers in Jakarta but to both these organisation wield enormomous power with a sigificant portion of the community.
Did we miss the “witch-hunts” of any number of people who’s beliefs were called deviant by the above? Did we miss how long it even took for some people to admit JL even exists?
BM has a valid point, all too often people including myself are not clear enough when talking the average “joe” in the street a point well made and taken. On the other hand anyone who suggests that certain sections of the “establishment’ have not been shall we say luke warm in their condemnation of intolerance remain…..
Instead of wasting time chasing a few individuals that hide in one of the 12000+ islands of the archipelago, wouldn’t it be better to chase the monkeys where they are to be found?
In what universe does it make more sense to chase after thousands of people who might or might not potentially be groomed as terrorists rather than the handful of skilled manipulators doing the grooming? Seriously?
On the other hand anyone who suggests that certain sections of the “establishment’ have not been shall we say luke warm in their condemnation of intolerance remain…..
Absolutely – in the past many in the establishment have been too slow to denounce acts of violence like this. I even seem to recall the chief of police taking Amrozi out for a nice coffee or two.
You crack me up everytime you post a comment. 😀
So much hate and anger. Would you be happier if the bombings are done in ‘Malingsia’? Lest you forget, there are thousands of Indonesians there too.
So where do we go from here? We are all trying to comprehend and hopefully find a solution to this unfortunate events, yes … Siti Nurhaliza included 😀
By the way, I’m a Malaysian. (sorry to spoil your day)
Regarding Malaysia, is there any effort given there at all considering the suspects are and have been malaysian? It’s so funny how Indonesia have been bombed here and there and I haven’t heard any bombing taking place in Malaysia at all. It’s going to the direction in which I’m thinking that maybe it’s not a terrorist act but an espionage one? It’s not that i wish that the same misery would happen to/in Malaysia too but it’s just weird that these islamic fundamentalists keep attacking Indonesia where it’s actually more non-sensical and intolerant when we’re talking bout the Moslems here. These fundamentalists IMO should have been in love with Indonesia with all the craziness they can do together with FPI. They couldn’t do that in Malaysia, could they? And yeah like Brother said, some non-moslems have been questioning why the non-fundamentalist Moslems in Indonesia do nothing but just sit around and give comments on the fundamentalist actions. I know they’re somewhat torn between their humanity and religion and fear…shame on them really, cause when I ask some moslem friends of mine, I can feel that a part of em supports the actions of these fundamentalists. The teaching of how they shouldn’t and mustn’t involve and do things with the non-moslem/kafir people have been so deeply carved into the back of their heads since they were children…
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