Manohara Odelia Pinot

Jul 20th, 2009, in Celebrities, by

Manohara Odelia PinotTabloid media sensation Manohara Odelia Pinot, building mosques and being honoured by the Solo kraton.

The long-running saga, some say tragedy, of model Manohara Odelia Pinot, who at only 16 was whisked off her feet by the dashing Malaysian prince Tengku Muhammad Fakhry and married in August 2008, but later cruelly used and abused by him, it seems, takes new turns. (For background on her case in exhaustive blow by blow detail check Unspun and Rob.)

Manohara – Mosque Builder

After managing to return to Indonesia in May 2009 to escape the Prince of Kelantan’s ill-treatment Manohara, now a massive celebrity, signed up with RCTI to star in a self-titled soap opera about her short but event filled life, reportedly for one billion rupiah or more.

The happy couple, Manohara Odelia Pinot & Tengku Muhammad Fakhry.

However Manohara modestly revealed that she had given no thought to the purchase of a luxury car, nor a big house, but instead said some of the proceeds from her sinetron contract would go to the purposes of religion. detikhot

I plan to build a mosque, at the moment I’m looking for some land, and I want to establish a foundation as well.

Manohara – KMAT

Manohara was recently bestowed the noble title of “Kanjeng Mas Ayu Tumenggung” (KMAT), by Jumenengan Paku Buwono (PB) XIII Hangabei of the palace of Surakarta in Central Java, for uncertain reasons.

Head of the Surakarta Arts Council, KRT Murtidjono, complained that the kraton was trivialising and commercialising the awarding of honorary titles and that a better choice was the singer Mbah Surip, creator of the mildly annoying song “Tak Gendong Kemana Mana”. kompas

Manohara was reportedly one of 75 people who received honorary titles at ceremonies over the weekend at the royal palace, another among the KMAT winners being television star Dorce Gamalama.

27 Comments on “Manohara Odelia Pinot”

  1. Chris says:

    After managing to return to Indonesia in May 2009 to escape the Prince of Kelantan’s ill-treatment Manohara, now a massive celebrity, signed up with RCTI to star in a self-titled soap opera about her short but event filled life, reportedly for one billion rupiah or more.

    I wonder if Sumanto is ruing selling his story to filmmakers for only Rp5 million?

  2. Chris says:

    But seriously, can anyone comment more generally about the habits of the Malaysian royal family and their attitudes to women?

    This isn’t the first time a Malaysian prince has had his young wife flee domestic violence. Many years ago, there was another case except this time the prince followed the wife, and abducted their kids. The story is explained in more detail here:

  3. Ross says:

    Am I the only one fed up with seeing this hag-ridden girl (the adjective refers to her glittering-eyed ma) swanning around in patently luxurious surroundings, while all those poor wee lasses in KL and Singapore and Saudi etc get beaten, ripped off, impregnated and otherwise foully treated by their employers.

    If they are lucky, they get a week’s attention in the media, but not a single cinetron to commemorate their plight.

    I don’t wish to get into the Manohara case, but have heard there are, as usual, two sides to the story…

  4. sputjam says:

    This lady claimed she was raped by her fiance prince on board a luxury yacht and still proceed to marry him.
    The mother, the prince claimed, owed him RM1mil.

    This sensation will be followed in the courts of Malaysia, where the prince has filed for RM100mil in damages today. He will of course win by default as manohara will not attend the proceedings.

    Meanwhile, this episode has turned manohara into a celebrity, and she is not even indonesian. She is a dual US/french citizen.

    Was the marriage to the prince a well planned short term sacrifice to gain prominence? Did the mum use her to gain fame, something she couldn’t acheive during her youth?

    Anyway, best of luck to Manohara in her new found career. But donating money to build mosque in a country steep in poverty? Come on!

  5. David says:

    Meanwhile, this episode has turned manohara into a celebrity, and she is not even indonesian. She is a dual US/french citizen.

    Yes, she doesn’t even speak Indonesian properly, still learning, still that’s no handicap for appearing on sinetron….

    Anyway, best of luck to Manohara in her new found career. But donating money to build mosque in a country steep in poverty? Come on!

    Clearly on arriving in Jakarta she immediately noticed the terrible shortage of mosques in the city and decided to do something about it. 🙂

  6. diego says:

    White trash. Can I say white trash here? 😀 I was referring to mohanara. The kodok prince is also a trash, brown trash.

  7. diego says:

    Anything related with islam+sex always end up in something juicy (or bloody) like this:

  8. El Fuego says:

    Has this been a national incident already?

    Cause I’m sure that the prince would have his government’s full cooperation and support when it comes to the legal sues..while on the other hand, would this government do the same for a girl that is not even fully confirmed as its citizen??

    Guys, I think we better give away all the gossiping to E! and let us here take care of more SERIOUS issues…


    Am I the only one fed up with seeing this hag-ridden girl (the adjective refers to her glittering-eyed ma) swanning around in patently luxurious surroundings, while all those poor wee lasses in KL and Singapore and Saudi etc get beaten, ripped off, impregnated and otherwise foully treated by their employers.

    If they are lucky, they get a week’s attention in the media, but not a single cinetron to commemorate their plight.

    Right on!

  9. Daniella Zivilibniski Kaputut says:

    Iyah, ituh lucuh sekali, Hebat. Wahdu, itu lah serious business bangit.

    Saya nevah boleh get fed up untuk such issues affecting national security.

    It makes me want to sing:

    If I were a rich girl
    Lah di dah di dah di dah di lah di dah di dum
    All day long I’d bidi bidi bum, if I were a wealthy girl.

    Wouldn’t have to work hard
    Lah di, la di, dah di dah di dah di dum.

    I’d build a mosque with a second floor going all the way up to heaven,
    and there I’d da did da da dum
    Oh if I were a rich rich girl.

    All day long I’d revel in the scum,
    lah di dah di dah di dah dah dumb


  10. Rob says:

    @ Patung…

    Thanks for the mention and the link.

    Yes, there is a serious shortage of mosques, isn’t there. Although, the ones that are already built do not always seem to be full. But, I guess it is that Kevin Costner thing from “Field of Dreams”…if you build it they will come! 😉

    @ Chris…

    Yeah, Sumanto could have made a real killing (pun intended) had he found himself a better agent and manager!

    @ Ross…

    Probably not! But it is interesting to watch. The legal issues involved in the case are worth a look, at least for the lawyerly types amongst us.

    @ Sputjam…

    Now, now their Sputjam. Sounds like a conspiracy theory 😀

    But now that she is the billion rupiah woman it will be intriguing to watch what her next legal moves are. I guess, if there are no more legal moves from her side then the conspiracy theory about this being nothing more than a well-though out and planned (and somewhat grubby) move to become a celebrity might get a new set of legs.

    @ Diego…

    Mate, don’t be afraid to tell us what you really think 🙂

    El Fuego…

    More serious issues? There are more serious issues for IM to deal with? Cool!

  11. Joseph says:

    Oh no.. Manohara, I’m sick of her. She’s just trying to earn fame by publishing her ‘tragic’ marriage but she isn’t serious on taking the prince down. As we can see, she’s busy in the show biz with her self named sinetron.

    And what was in the Jumenengan Paku Buwono (PB) XIII mind to bestow that kind of honor? the world is going crazy, and Indonesia has already secure the pole position..

  12. plyong says:

    hahaha…….diego, well written – she is white trash and he is brown trash!

  13. molceonly says:

    She is just plain idiot whore.

    She got married to a prince in malaysia… her marriage case should have been cased and addressed to malaysian law.

    And so if her brilliant lawyers wanna make the case. at least make it legal in malaysia. Not distance policies like chicken shit trying to fly it’s ass abroad. I wonder where they got their law certificate.

    I don’t think it was a rape… she got married, so the rape is really felt good then…. if you know what I meant.

  14. Oigal says:

    I don’t think it was a rape… she got married, so the rape is really felt good then…. if you know what I meant.

    Actually no not sure what you mean but the inference is unsettling to say the least..Are you saying that if a woman is married then her husband has the right to rape her?

  15. douwedabbert says:

    Violance is prohibited by law. But i wonder how she will proof her husband mischieved behaviour? And now.. I heard that her husband is suing her back.

  16. Brother Mouzone says:


    She is just plain idiot whore….I don’t think it was a rape… she got married, so the rape is really felt good then…. if you know what I meant.

    Thanks for the insight into the Malaysian perspective (I assume you are Malaysian).

    Your comment is despicable.

  17. Brother Mouzone says:


    Anything related with islam+sex always end up in something juicy (or bloody) like this…

    Yes, always! The world’s 1.5 Billion Muslims just can’t bust a nut without violence, intrigue, torture, and legal battles. It’s a miracle the entire religion didn’t die out years ago.

  18. Suryo Perkoso says:

    Brother Mouzone Says:

    July 26th, 2009 at 9:23 pm

    She is just plain idiot whore….I don’t think it was a rape… she got married, so the rape is really felt good then…. if you know what I meant.

    Thanks for the insight into the Malaysian perspective (I assume you are Malaysian).

    Your comment is despicable.

    Well the first part of the statement is true, if nothing else.

    As for rape, perhaps it didn’t start that way, but maybe a cheque was returned from the bank – Refer to drawer, please represent – insufficient funds. She didn’t realsie she had been raped until the cheque bounced.

  19. Parvita says:

    I was wondering what this “Mbah Surip” and “Tak Gendong Kemana-Mana” hype is all about. You are right, it is a mildly annoying song that can ring in your ears for days. But the Manohara story is getting old. Her mom, her and now the ex-maid is not stars of the TV, showing their stupidity to public. Silly.

  20. Ross says:

    Patung suggested somewhere that I do a review of the cinetron, but the thing is, I only watch these if my resident cinetron expert is doing so. But the said r.c.e. won’t deign to watch Manohara! A normal Indonesian reaction, perhaps.

  21. David says:

    There are faaar too many of Manohara episodes on youtube, somebody/people is spending half their time videoing and uploading these things to youtube. Here’s a random choice, part 4 of episode 6

    Parvita, it’s my son who made me aware of Tak Gendong, he will just randomly start singing it, he also likes this which is just as annoying

    and Lucky Laki

    Even my two year old, she will barge into my room at any time of the day and start demanding to listen to ‘bapak ibu ibu’, she keeps repeating that, ‘bapak ibu ibu’, which I’ve learned refers to this song,

  22. Mike Oxblack says:

    Man O’Hara, is it just me or does she appear to have ladyboy qualities?

  23. dennis says:

    Hi all
    I had the misfortune to be in Indonesia during the DRAMA of Manohara. I was involved in one of the poorest Kampung in East Java. I know many girls there would gladly changes places with her.
    If you watched TV there was no escaping from this stupid attention seeking girl, and surprise surprise within weeks she has her own TV show. Talk about conspiracy theory!

  24. Dragonwall says:

    Usually cases involving royal family everything flies.

    Remember Princess Diana..Candles in the wind.

    I european countries you can charge the husband for rape, but worse still in Malatsia where conspiracy run in abundance, I doubt she could get it near the court. Because he calls himself a prince but actually he is a frog.

    She was fortunate to have the US assisting her and If she had gone to the doctor to have any injuries recorded then I guess being half French and half Indonesia she could seek the help of French Government to help her. Forget about getting the Indonesian Government to help her.

    If she had established a medical record and witnessed by officials from the American Embassy, there could be a case.

    Now Mahatir is aging, he needs to be screwed in the arse before he kicks the bucket. Hope that Anwar Ibrahim could pick himself together to make Malaysia less dispecable.

  25. molisan Tono says:

    quote: Says: July 25th, 2009 at 9:26 am
    Actually no not sure what you mean but the inference is unsettling to say the least..Are you saying that if a woman is married then her husband has the right to rape her?

    no i’m not. even in marriage rape happen. but 1st case 1st… she said she was rape and abused, she need to go back to Malaysian Law to prove it.

    i don’t really understand about Islam Law, but same way applies to Christian Law too that a wife submit only to her husband. and she is not the master of her own, but her husband.

    so when sex occur it has to be both side willing. if she can’t enjoy the sex and call it her own “rape” then who’s to blame? the husband? i don’t think so… such accusation must be proven.

  26. molisan Tono says:

    July 26th, 2009 at 10:45 pm
    Well the first part of the statement is true, if nothing else.
    As for rape, perhaps it didn’t start that way, but maybe a cheque was returned from the bank – Refer to drawer, please represent – insufficient funds. She didn’t realsie she had been raped until the cheque bounced.

    @Suryo Perkoso:
    the same way applied when (illustration) your son use too much of credit card. someday it bounces when you don’t pay the credit.

    i think Mano cheque bounces because her husband simply don’t put too much money for her to spend…. beside that, paying for sex? isn’t it simply a job of a whore?

  27. molisan Tono says:

    September 8th, 2009 at 1:23 am
    Usually cases involving royal family everything flies.

    “She was fortunate to have the US assisting her and If she had gone to the doctor to have any injuries recorded then I guess being half French and half Indonesia she could seek the help of French Government to help her. Forget about getting the Indonesian Government to help her”

    same apply when you run to america seeking for refugee, did they turn you off? sometimes… sometimes not, you’re welcome. there are laws about refusing to help those who looks for refugee…. you might want to study that before post such comment.

    US can not take her to doctor without being brought back to the prince “mansion”, US need to get her out from Malaysia. that’s why… then what? shit happen… what can US do? Nothing… it’s not their jurisdiction… and they don’t have anything interest their political view.

    so… Mano just need to find her way back how to cash the bouncing cheque!

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