World Bank Director Ani

May 6th, 2010, in Business & Economy, by

Sri Mulyani about to leave for Washington as a Managing Director of the World Bank Group.

47 year old now ex-Finance minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has been appointed as one of the three Managing Directors of the World Bank, replacing Juan Jose Daboub who completes his four year term as Managing Director on June 30th. The two other remaining Directors are Graeme Wheeler from New Zealand and Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala of Nigeria.

She will function as a top adviser to World Bank President Robert Zoellick, and will take responsibility for three World Bank regions: Latin America and Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa, and East Asia and Pacific, as well as overseeing the Information Systems Group.


A press release from the World Bank has Robert Zoellick saying

I am delighted to announce the appointment of Sri Mulyani Indrawati. She has been an outstanding Finance Minister with in-depth knowledge of both development issues and the role of the World Bank Group. As a member of the Senior Team she will play a key role in helping to lead the Bank as we move to strengthen client support, implement our reform program, and anticipate future challenges.


Ms. Indrawati brings a unique set of skills and experience to the World Bank Group, from the vantage point of an advancing Middle-Income country that still faces significant challenges of poverty. She has received global recognition for her success in combating corruption and strengthening good governance. She has been a leader in the developing world on climate change, and active in the international arena through the G-20, APEC, ASEAN and other groups.

The lady herself:

It is a great honour for me and also for my country to have this opportunity to contribute to the very important mission of the Bank in changing the world.

Indrawati earned a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Illinois and a BA in Economics from the University of Indonesia. She has received many accolades including Euromoney Magazine’s Global Finance Minister of the Year, and Emerging Markets’ Best Finance Minister in Asia. She has also been regularly on Forbes’ List of the 100 Most Powerful Women. worldbank

World Bank
Soon to be on the team

Meanwhile the reaction at home was a mixture of glumness and pride. Said Democrat Party politician Meilizar Latif

We lose because she is one of the nation’s best assets. Even President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono called her one of the nation’s “finest daughters”.

North Sumatra University lecturer Warjo MA was one of the cheerers: antara

This proves that Indonesia also possesses top human resources.

Anti Corruption Commission/Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) head Bibit Samad Riyanto said the new appointment would not hinder the ongoing investigation into the Bank Century bailout scandal, and that the KPK had experience of questioning people whose work took them to Washington DC. antara

72 Comments on “World Bank Director Ani”

  1. deta says:

    We lose because she is one of the nation’s best assets. Even President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono called her one of the nation’s “finest daughters”.

    Yea… you never know what you’ve got till it’s gone, right?

  2. I ever think we need to think about Indonesia. Ibu ‘Ani’ was a minister and approved by Pancasila government, but the way she talk is not in line with ‘KeIbuan’. Indonesian woman should be ‘halus’ refined and not always accusing, accusing.

    What about reputation of Mr. Bakrie and the Customs Officials whose jobs she ever threatened, just like that ? Hey, c’mon, also the DPR member — they are elected by people, so we have to respect what they say, especially the Bule have to respect.

    Indonesia democracy is not like Western, we have consensus. Accusing, accusing, hey c’mon, don’t be like that ! Please don’t try to force break-up of Indonesia.

  3. deta says:

    What do you mean by ‘halus’, Pak Dikki? Makhluk halus? 🙂

    And hang on, I read this in Antara News:

    The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry welcomed Sri Mulyani`s appointment to a World Bank directorship as the best solution to the country`s problem so far.

    If this is the way they see it, no wonder lots of scandals (other than century) remain unsolved because leaving the country, instead of facing the court, is considered as the best solution to the country’s problem.

  4. Deta,

    I mean, hey c’mon don’t be like that. We have an ‘Indonesian way’ for Indonesian women, c’mon Ibu Ani, don’t be like Margaret Thatcher or Hilary Clinton ! Please follow our custom.

    Is Oke ?

  5. deta says:

    Oke, Pak Dikki, her personality is not for me to judge, but sometimes the style comes along with the job.

  6. diego says:

    Honestly I’m a bit worried now…. She’s been a great finance minister (from what I read, from a common people perspective). I don’t care what some people say about her (e.g.: neoliberal, etc., etc.). The fact is she has managed to put indonesia back on the track in the last couple of years. And most importantly, she has the guts to kick Aburizal Bakrie’s ass, that f*cking disgusting guy.

  7. dedekusn says:

    Mudah2an kepergiannya ke bank dunia tidak membawa asalah baru bagi negeri ini.

  8. venna says:

    It’s okay…. soon after she leaves, there will be some “makhluk halus” aka “lelembut” aka “makhluk keibuan” that are ready to replace her. They are guaranteed to be obedient, never accusing, never kicking, never do anything….. bu, bu, bangun bu. kantornya udah mau tutup.

  9. madrotter says:


    there must be a lotta people very happy here with this, not in the least that blood-sucking swine bakrie…

  10. Venna,

    What you say is the Indonesian away. Is it so hard for Ibu Ani to be manis and do like u said ? We ever have institution called ‘Dharma Wanita’ which teach to be like that. Are you Indonesian ? Maybe u ever need ‘penataran’ from Dharma wanita. ok ?

  11. venna says:

    Aduuh… pak Dikki, hahahahahaha!! 😀

  12. No one takes me seriously any more. 😛

  13. deta says:

    Venna, actually I know the ‘manis’ way to kick someone. It’s called kicking me softly. Usually goes like this:

    “Pak, do you mind if I kick you?”
    “Hardly or softly?”
    “Softly, Pak, but only if it’s okay with you”
    “Okay, in which part of my body?”
    “It’s up to you, Pak, you pick the one that’s convenient for you”
    “Umm.. can we have lunch to settle all of this?”
    “Ah, Bapak…..”
    etc… etc…

  14. hary says:

    A huge dose of pride for Indonesians but a big loss to the economy. Watch who replaces her. It might send FDIs running for cover. The good times will be over if the President picks an unqualified crony.

  15. Heh, Mr. Hary,

    Please deh. Aburizal Bakrie will make great finance minister.

  16. Odinius says:

    Hopefully this is a stepping stone to higher office in Indonesia.

    Indonesia needs smart, young, capable leaders like this.

  17. sputjam says:

    Economic sabotage?
    just like offering doctors from poorer nations a nice paying job in the west?

  18. Odinius says:

    She left her position because of the vendetta against her from Golkar and PKS. You can thank those parties’ leaders when the Indonesian economy is in less capable hands.

  19. hosea says:

    Oh man… I’m not defending anyone… but do you know the Century scandal?
    Weew… I feel terrible to see the fact that my country still facing the corruption problem!
    Maybe, Sri Mulyani is a competent for the Economic… But…..

    Before you read trough my comment, please answer one question here: “IS CENTURY BANK BAILOUT DECISION IS A VERY IMPORTANT DECISION?”

    Don’t forget that she is one of some decision maker of the bailout policy! BPK Says that the bailout policy is actually a wrong decision! And JK as a leader (replacing SBY as a president which in US) of that time doesn’t know about the meeting to decide is Century have to get bailed out or not!

    And do you know that Indonesian economic is growth because of debts?

    Btw, please check on the y**t*be:
    * JK vs Sri Mulyani & Boediono
    * JK : Saya Tak Baca Laporan SMS Sri Mulyani 1- 3

    Why they should attend meeting late at night?
    Why they don’t tell the Vice President about the meeting and reporting immediately to the Vice President about the decision?
    If they says that they have already report to president via SMS. Why an important decision reported via SMS?
    Why the bailout budget suddenly raised multiple times? (6.32 Billion to 6.7 Trillion Rupiahs)

    And last question, why a closed century account can be transferred with money? -> I can’t find this video, but it is displayed on local Indonesian television! Someone that has already closed the account, suddenly transferred with some big amount of money (and they don’t know until BPK – or KPK I forget – find and tell them), and after the BPK (or KPK i forget), trace the money current from Century to some account, they found that they cannot find the address!

    Please refer to:
    * Hasil Audit Bank Century
    * Ada Aroma Korupsi untuk Talangi Bank Century

    Not because someone is working with the International Organizations, he/she will have to adored! Sri Mulyani still have to prove that she is not guilty on Big Conspiracy that make Indonesia suffer a high loss!

  20. Odinius says:

    You typically have to prove someone is guilty, not the other way around. The Bank Century “scandal” was a hatchet job used by political opportunists to pursue their narrow political interests against the interests of the country.

  21. IndoDude says:

    A Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Illinois?
    Well her loyalties are with the Jews who control the world.

  22. @ Odinius,

    Please, the DPR members are elected by the Rakyat of Indonesia, who are ever too smart to elect bad people. They fight against Neoliberal who try to force break up of Indonesia so foreigner can control our natural resource.

  23. diego says:

    Mr. Dikki,

    Your sarcasm is way too evident….

  24. deta says:

    Ya, and appointing Aburizal Bakrie as the finance minister will be a great effort to protect our natural resources from being sold out to foreigner. Please deh, jangan lebay.

  25. Bobotoh Keukeuh says:

    This is an attempt from the neo-liberal group, Robert B. Zoellick to rescue Sri Mulyani before DPR find she is part of Berkeley mafia and guilty on Bank Century scandals.

  26. Rambutan says:

    Oh great, the only capable Minister is leaving. Corrupt businessmen and bureaucrats and their loyalists in Senayan are surely delighted by this news. And again, major disappointment from SBY. He will be remembered by history as the President who could have but didn’t dare…

    I feel depressed….

  27. Elsa117 says:

    Congratulation ma’am, you have great salary now :p
    Lets finish your ‘unfinished bussines’ with Indonesian’s court first, then you may leave this country

  28. Sheilla Ayu says:

    Régime en Indonésie, en particulier après Yudhoyono est devenu politiquement régie sale mais ne sont pas visibles. SBY à diriger le pays avec un faux avec tromper le public.
    Parce que SBY indécise et faible, tous les agents de la bureaucratie indonésienne jouer les uns les autres. Ils deviennent moins peur du peuple et cela provoquera une révolte populaire, c’est une question de temps. Jusqu’à présent, la plupart des gens indonésiennes demeurent pauvres et la plupart n’ont pas un emploi. En Indonésie, les pauvres ont augmenté en nombre au milieu des riches trop. écart de manière significative.
    Président SBY est un mensonge très rusé et intelligent est bien incapable de prendre la juste et ne pas faire le peuple prospère, parce que SBY n’est pas en mesure d’inviter des investisseurs pour de nombreux emplois pour de nombreux travailleurs et les chômeurs. Sri Mulyani de retourner à la Banque mondiale pour le Sri Mulyani colère qui n’est pas défendable SBY. Avec Sri Mulyani aller ensuite le corrupteur et SBY heureux. Mafia criminels n’ont pas peur de SBY. Mais Sri Mulyani avec Boediono a également fait une grosse erreur lors de la renflouement est trop grand pour Century Bank 6,7 trillions où la plupart de l’argent aurait été pour l’attribution du SBY que l’élection présidentielle en 2009.
    Non seulement détruit l’économie en Indonésie. Le système d’éducation ont également été détruits. SBY gouvernement ne fournit pas les livres de cours principal (l’Indonésie, mathématiques, anglais) est gratuit pour les étudiants dans toutes les écoles de l’Indonésie. Mais le ministre de l’éducation du gouvernement de SBY créer et mettre en œuvre un examen national. Pour les personnes dans le ministère de ce projet de grande corruption et rentable bureaucrates éducation poche ministère. examen national a fait de nombreuses victimes n’ont pas de diplôme et certains étudiants se sont suicidés. Mais le gouvernement de l’Indonésie sous SBY ne fait toujours pas les manuels qui sont importantes pour de nombreux étudiants diplômés.
    Les enseignants sont toujours blâmé et réputé ne pas avoir la qualité et non pas banyak.Guru considéré comme une faiblesse. En effet, si les manuels standard sont disponibles pour les étudiants de toute l’Indonésie, le problème des enseignants n’est pas un problème. Tout le monde sait que derrière toutes les catastrophes dans l’éducation de l’Indonésie est à SBY et ministre de l’éducation n’avait pas connaissance de la façon de mener un système éducatif qui est prêt, juste et équitable pour le succès de l’Indonésie, mais ils pensaient que c’était seulement de l’argent, l’argent, l’argent, les possibilités de corruption, ainsi que de nombreux moyens.
    Ministre de l’Éducation Noé entra dans l’examen ansional fixe. Il est ministre de fou. Noah n’avait jamais fait une erreur interdisant à des personnes a déclaré librement leurs opinions, la liberté d’opinion, sur l’Internet. Noé se serait arrêté dès maintenant. Noah ne mérite pas tout ce que les ministres. En tant que ministre de l’Information anciens, Noah a fait une erreur. Strange est ensuite devenu ministre de l’éducation aujourd’hui. Noé et SBY devrait avoir à annuler ou de reporter un examen national avant la principale leçon livres sont disponibles gratuitement par le gouvernement et distribué à toutes les écoles dans toute l’Indonésie. Combien de suicide étudiants indonésiens vont commettre par crainte de ne pas terminer et ne pas terminer en raison de la mauvaise politique et menetri stupide et le gouvernement de SBY? Cette histoire est appelé l’Etat indonésien courir vers de nombreux plus que les nouveaux voisins indépendants tels que la Malaisie, Singapour, le Vietnam et même construire un pays avec les normes interansional et pas seulement à éradiquer la corruption. Indonésie sous SBY plus dévastées parce qu’ils n’ont pas une bonne connaissance de la construction d’un pays qui existe déjà dans la Constitution en 1945. En raison de la lutte contre la corruption et SBY menagakkan juridiques oublient même de construire l’infrastructure et les étudiants et le public général. SBY seulement construire pour les riches. SBY américaine de marionnettes?
    Nous les enfants de pays en Indonésie a demandé aux pays développés d’arrêt en tant que président Yudhoyono. Sans votre aide, nous sommes les enfants de l’Indonésie n’ont pas d’espoir pour l’avenir. Retour de notre pays sur la voie de développement pour le peuple dans la Constitution et à une éducation équitable pour les enfants folk. Nous vous demandons de nous aider. Je vous remercie à l’avance. Nous sommes les enfants indonésiens qui ne prennent pas parti, sauf dans l’espoir de la justice et l’espoir de la prospérité que nous n’avons jamais et beaucoup de nos parents et nos grands-parents de profiter de l’Indonésie a déclaré depuis l’indépendance en 1945.

  29. William says:

    I don’t think this will be the last of Mulyani. She is only 47. She has another 20-25 years. I would not be surprised if she returns in the future.

  30. Sheila:

    Speaka-de-English !

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