Presidential Election Quick Count Results

Jul 8th, 2009, in News, by

YudhoyonoPresident Yudhoyono cruises to a first round victory and a second term.

Early quick count results from six polling organisations for the July 8th presidential elections:






LSI (1) 60,82% 12,61% 26,57%
LSI (2) 60,14% 12,57% 27,29%
LP3ES 59,82% 12,56% 27,62%
PUSKAPTIS 57,40% 14,50% 28,10%
CIRRUS 60,18% 12,32% 27,50%
Johans Polling 60,27% 12,35% 27,38%

Official Results

July 22nd 2009

Tip – use zoom.

19 Comments on “Presidential Election Quick Count Results”

  1. bon2201 says:

    I think the analysis written by political analyst Dwipayana on quick count results is worth reading

  2. namo says:

    I am very glad SBY and Boediono are leading the polls! However, I’m very surprised Mega Prabowo are 2nd place. After watching the so called “Presidential Debate” on youtube, I really find it hard to believe Mega can still be so popular. Is it because she’s Soekarno’s daughter? Does no one in this country forgot about Prabowo’s dark past? Can someone elaborate and explain that to me? Txs.

  3. Odinius says:

    Now that’s what I call a smackdown! Good result.

  4. Astrajingga says:

    Does no one in this country forgot about Prabowo’s dark past?

    It doesn’t explain why this country remember about Wiranto’s dark past.

    Prabowo’s and Wiranto’s dark past has been completely forgotten by the voters. It’s the competition between SBY, Mega, and JK. IMHO.

  5. Shadowz says:

    U r missing one more quick count result from The Institute Indonesia Development Monitoring (IDM). According to IDM, Mega-Pro top the poll with 38.83% while SBY got the bottom rank with 30.35%. The survey was said to be conducted from 3,000 TPS all over Indonesia using the stratified-cluster random sampling system.

    Any comment on this??

    well i quess the IDM officers are the preman from PDIP.

  6. Odinius says:

    Shadowz said:

    U r missing one more quick count result from The Institute Indonesia Development Monitoring (IDM). According to IDM, Mega-Pro top the poll with 38.83% while SBY got the bottom rank with 30.35%. The survey was said to be conducted from 3,000 TPS all over Indonesia using the stratified-cluster random sampling system.

    Any comment on this??

    well i quess the IDM officers are the preman from PDIP.

    I believe they are called satgas now.

    Seriously, what is this organization and, if not an outright propaganda outfit, how reliable is their sampling? LSI and LP3ES are known for their sampling competency.

  7. David says:

    Nothing suprising here but nevertheless… from Lembaga Survei Indonesia (LSI), who supported each pairing by ethnicity, based on exit poll:

    • SBY: Minang 86 persen, Bugis 28 persen, Sunda 65 persen, Jawa 64 persen, Melayu 62 persen.
    • Megawati Soekarnoputri (Mega)-Prabowo: Jawa 32 persen, Melayu 28 persen, Sunda 27 persen, Minang 6 persen, Bugis 2 persen.
    • Jusuf Kalla (JK)-Wiranto: Bugis 70 persen, Melayu 14 persen, Minang 9 persen, Sunda 8 persen, Jawa 7 persen.

    By religion

    • SBY: Islam 62 persen, Kristen 52 persen, Katolik 48 persen, Hindu 46 persen.
    • Mega: Hindu 53 persen, Katolik 46 persen, Kristen 42 persen, Islam 24 persen.
    • JK: Islam 13 persen, Kristen 6 persen, Katolik and Hindu 1 persen each.
  8. dejavu says:

    um..politics…disgusts me

  9. Odinius says:


    Interesting breakdown there! Find the ethnic voting more interesting than the religious voting, because of Kalla’s support among his co-ethnics. Might this herald more ethnopolitics in Indonesia? Or is it an abberation?

  10. adinug01 says:

    I really find it hard to believe Mega can still be so popular. Is it because she’s Soekarno’s daughter?

    according to KOMPAS’s poll, the people who choose megawati is for her honesty & pluralism. reason that she’s Soekarnos’s daughter & gender is nuber 4 & 5.

  11. Parvita says:

    I still wonder why lots of people are protesting for the results. Whether it is a quick count or slow count the results should be the same: SBY-Boediono wins.

    I really find it hard to believe Mega can still be so popular. Is it because she’s Soekarno’s daughter?

    I was surprised as well.

  12. Odinius says:

    Political parties are often clientalist networks. That’s how GOLKAR, PDI-P and PPP are constructed. Doesn’t surprise me that Mega can still call in a lot of votes.

  13. diego says:

    Now, let the other fight starts:

    Incited by PKS, with their “worries” below:

    Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, Partai Keadilan Sejahtera mengaku khawatir jika nantinya Partai Golkar akan mengganggu quota Kabinet SBY. “Golkar jangan sampai mengganggu kuota partai-partai koalisi,” ucap Ketua Fraksi PKS Mahfudz Siddiq di Gedung DPR, Senayan, Jakarta, Jumat 10 Juli 2009.

  14. diego says:

    Here’s the other link with a mention about their “worries”:

  15. ET says:

    Odinius said

    Interesting breakdown there! Find the ethnic voting more interesting than the religious voting, because of Kalla’s support among his co-ethnics. Might this herald more ethnopolitics in Indonesia? Or is it an abberation?

    Has it ever been different? Also now Megawati leads in Bali only because her grandmother was Balinese. In the penultimate elections when Gus Dur was made president instead of Megawati they even tore half of Denpasar down out of tribalistic frustration.

    It makes one doubt if Indonesia will ever become a real nation instead of an amalgam artificially bound together by the same colonial past.

  16. For BY-Boediono : You must commit to tackle racial and religious hate crime fuelled by bigots. I hope you have out-of-the-box thinking …

  17. Odinius says:

    Well, I think it’s been (mostly) confined to the Javanese on the national scale. But most societies that are similar to Indonesia in terms of development have more extensive systems of ethnic politics. I have a difficult time seeing that happening to the degree that it does in, say, Malaysia or Kenya. But I could see sukuisme becoming even more of a force in politics on the local and regional level.

  18. djaka says:

    But I could see sukuisme becoming even more of a force in politics on the local and regional level.

    There will come time where it disappears too. Trust me, as long as this country going as it is now.

  19. Rambutan says:

    It makes one doubt if Indonesia will ever become a real nation instead of an amalgam artificially bound together by the same colonial past.

    The 2009 elections show that Indonesians do NOT base their vote on ethnic and religious sentiments and considerations. People vote for who they think is the best candidate. Kalla was endorsed by NU and Muhammadiyah leadership but voters just ignored this. I think this is a very positive development. So, with regard to your earlier posting: Indonesia is already there. It is a ‘real’ nation (as real as ‘imagined communities’ can be).

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