President Yudhoyono cruises to a first round victory and a second term.
Early quick count results from six polling organisations for the July 8th presidential elections:
Body |
Yudhoyono-Boediono |
Kalla-Wiranto |
Megawati-Prabowo |
LSI (1) | 60,82% | 12,61% | 26,57% |
LSI (2) | 60,14% | 12,57% | 27,29% |
LP3ES | 59,82% | 12,56% | 27,62% |
PUSKAPTIS | 57,40% | 14,50% | 28,10% |
CIRRUS | 60,18% | 12,32% | 27,50% |
Johans Polling | 60,27% | 12,35% | 27,38% |
Official Results
July 22nd 2009
Tip – use zoom.
U r missing one more quick count result from The Institute Indonesia Development Monitoring (IDM). According to IDM, Mega-Pro top the poll with 38.83% while SBY got the bottom rank with 30.35%. The survey was said to be conducted from 3,000 TPS all over Indonesia using the stratified-cluster random sampling system.
Any comment on this??
well i quess the IDM officers are the preman from PDIP.
I really find it hard to believe Mega can still be so popular. Is it because she’s Soekarno’s daughter?
according to KOMPAS’s poll, the people who choose megawati is for her honesty & pluralism. reason that she’s Soekarnos’s daughter & gender is nuber 4 & 5.
But I could see sukuisme becoming even more of a force in politics on the local and regional level.
There will come time where it disappears too. Trust me, as long as this country going as it is now.
It makes one doubt if Indonesia will ever become a real nation instead of an amalgam artificially bound together by the same colonial past.
The 2009 elections show that Indonesians do NOT base their vote on ethnic and religious sentiments and considerations. People vote for who they think is the best candidate. Kalla was endorsed by NU and Muhammadiyah leadership but voters just ignored this. I think this is a very positive development. So, with regard to your earlier posting: Indonesia is already there. It is a ‘real’ nation (as real as ‘imagined communities’ can be).
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I think the analysis written by political analyst Dwipayana on quick count results is worth reading