Forty-two percent of people do not want those of other faiths to build houses of worship in their neighbourhoods, says a survey.
Detik reports that a survey carried out by the LSI found, among other things, that 42.3% of respondents would be bothered by another religion’s place of worship being built near them, while 38.1% have no such objections. In a related question the survey found that 87.6% of people did not have trust in others while only 7% did. 1200 people were surveyed in 33 provinces at the beginning of 2006.
LSI person, Iman Suherman, said in a discussion called “Media dan Keberagaman” at the Utan Kayu Theatre in Jakarta, that the low level of social trust revealed in the survey was a problem for good relations between groups in society. He added that although very many people were content to live side by side with those of other faiths the level of tolerance among Muslims for this was declining.
Musdah Mulia, a religious activist, advised that school text books on religion be revised so as to remove any hateful material.
The survey also polled respondents’ support for various religious organisations. 71.7% of people supported the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), 59.1% were favourable to the Ulema Council (MUI), while 16.9% were admirers of the Islam Defenders Front (FPI).
August 27th, 2006.
The pdf of this survey has become available.
87.6% of respondents were Muslim, 10.4% Christian, 1.5% Hindu, 0.5% Buddhist. 39.8% Javanese, 14% Sundanese, 3.4% Malay, 3.9% Madurese, 3.7% Minang, 3.8% Bugis, 2.2% Betawi, 29.8% other.
Are you bothered or not bothered if you live next to people who are…?
This question was only asked to non-Muslims: Do you feel that Muslims are tolerant of followers of your religion?
Very tolerant – 9.1%
Tolerant – 78.7%
Very intolerant – 0.6%
Don’t know – 11.6%
Do you mind or not mind if the followers of another religion hold a [one-off] religious event in your area?
36.7% Bothered
11.9% Depends
48% Don’t Mind
3.4% No answer
Do you mind or not mind if the followers of another religion build a place of worship in your area?
42.3% Bothered
15% Depends
38.1% Don’t Mind
4.6% No answer
In general can other people be trusted or do we need to be wary of placing trust in others?
Can trust others – 7%
Have to be careful – 87.6%
Don’t know – 5.4%
Do you agree with the aims of these groups?
Which of these groups of people do you like the least?
Can the group of people you chose above demonstrate for their rights?
Yes – 9.2%
No opinion – 8.4%
No – 63.4%
No answer – 19%.
Has western culture caused damage to the Muslim community in Indonesia?
Yes – 61.3%
No opinion – 5.6%
No – 22.4%
Don’t know – 10.7%
Do you agree that Muslims in the world are treated unjustly by other people?
Absolutely yes – 4.9%
Yes, – 32.5%
No – 38.8%
Not at all – 4.9%
Don’t know – 18.9%
hmz. I agree. For centuries people of different religions and views live happily next to each other in Indonesia (apart from some small regions). It is a shame this would disappear. I love Indonesia. As a non-believer (but not an atheist) I hope the respect people have for each other in Indonesia, even if the person has another belief will remain. Peace must be upheld, so must love for country, animals, nature, and, your neighbour.
So, the number of Indonesians who are Moslem who are willing to live next door to people of another faith is declining. That is very sad. What made Indonesia wonderful, and an example of what Islam could be, is fading away.
How do we know that it’s ‘declining’ or ‘fading away’?
Do we have former survey result?
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So, the number of Indonesians who are Moslem who are willing to live next door to people of another faith is declining. That is very sad. What made Indonesia wonderful, and an example of what Islam could be, is fading away.
O. Bule