Poll: SBY-Boediono, Mega-Bowo, JK-Win

May 28th, 2009, in News, by

PollDoubts raised over president Yudhoyono’s ability to win re-election,.. and an IM voter poll.

While the pairing of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono-Boediono (SBY-Boediono or SBY Berboedi) of Partai Demokrat is considered a strong favourite against rivals Jusuf Kalla-Wiranto (JK-Win) and Megawati Soekarnoputri-Prabowo Subianto (Megabowo or Megapro) some within Demokrat’s main coalition partner the Justice Party/Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) are having doubts over SBY’s re-electability.

[poll id=”4″]


Party Deputy Secretary, the ever talkative Zulkieflimansyah, says:

If you look at recent surveys the three pairs are close together, the difference between first and third is only 10%.

Zulkieflimansyah did not mention what surveys he was referring to but likely it was internal PKS polling.


Nevertheless the SBY-Boediono ticket remained the most popular, and this he said was the primary reason that the PKS had chosen to join in coalition with Partai Demokrat, because SBY had the best chance of winning. kompas

76 Comments on “Poll: SBY-Boediono, Mega-Bowo, JK-Win”

  1. Odinius says:

    Voted for the incumbents (in this poll, of course!). The more I read about Mega-Prabowo, the more idiotic they sound.

  2. Rambutan says:

    An internal PKS poll has of course no relevance at all. We have to wait for the first LSI surveys to get a clearer picture. My educated guess is that SBY will win the first round with approx 55%. JK will poll 15-20%, Mega 25-30%. Should there be a 2nd round it would likely be SBY vs. Mega. The majority of JK supporters will likely vote for SBY, so he should win a 2nd round with 65%.

  3. madrotter says:

    well, being a bule i’m not voting but i wouldn’t vote if i could, much rather be a “sinner” than waste my time and vote on any of these cretins…

    sby probably will win which is “better” (less bad) than those other two teams that represent corruption, murder and abduction of students, mass murder and incompetence

    never saw what was so good about sby/kala either. sidoarjo comes to mind, or the fact that deforestation is now breaking all the records. i can only speak from a living in bandung perspective, i haven’t seen a road repaired in years but i see horrific accidents all the time because of the neglect, i read about how well the economy is doing but all i see is that the hardships of the common people are just getting worse and worse. i’ve had good friends murdered, tortured and raped by the police, even been present at the death of a dear friend because of these pigs and i see no changes there either…

    i might start believing when i see some new faces who actually have a chance to get elected, something that won’t be happening for quiet a while, not as long as all the scumbags from the past retain their power….


  4. Ricky says:

    Sby-budiyono paling pas!!!

  5. bung tobing says:

    I will undoubtedly cast my vote for SBY-Budiono.

    Anyway, you said:

    Zulkieflimansyah did not mention what surveys he was referring to but likely it was internal PKS polling.

    Yes, you’re right, it was internal PKS polling. I read it somewhere yesterday. The result is pretty similar with polling conducted by Universitas Indonesia.

    However, LSN’s most recent survey showed much different results, with SBY-Budiono polled 71%, Mega-Pro 25%, JK-Win 2%.

  6. Chris Komari says:

    THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS, when it comes to SBY presidency and his 5 years accomplishments.

    1. For the last 5 years, he has never balanced his budget (APBN), not even a single year.

    2. For the last 5 years, Indonesia’s debts are getting bigger, where domestic debts are catching up and now bigger than foreign debts. Prior to 1997, Indonesia domestic debts are virtually Zero or, very small.

    3. SBY claims to have paying off debts $7.6 billion with IMF, which is true. But in doing so, he created over $17 billion new domestic debts in BONDS or, known as SUN (Surat Utang Negara). He was not robbing Paul to Peter; he was like robbing ACHONG-ACHONG in Indonesia to pay Peter. He robbed much bigger in value about 2.5 times than the amount he paid off.

    4. During the last 5 years, there is an average of Rp. 255 trillion Rupiah surplus in export every year. If we multiply that in 5 years, Indonesia shall have at least Rp. 1,275 trillion Rupiah reserved-funds or, Bank Devisa Negara. Recently, BI (Bank Indonesia) stated that Indonesia had only Rp. 501 trillion Rupiah sisa devisa negara. Where did the other Rp.774 trillion Rupiah go? This happened during SBY and Boediono watch.

    5. For the last 5 years, SBY administration spent average of 70% the entire national budget or APBN to pay for the central government operation cost. The rest, which was only 30% was given or spent for the 33 provincial governments. Now, how much do you think the municipality government at CITY and DISTRICT level will receive these remaining funds? It must be very small. That is why the road in Bandung just like bule madrotter said: has been neglected because the lack of funds. I was in Bandung last April 2009. Di Bandung bukan hanya banyak lubang berjalan, tapi juga banyak lubang di jalan! That is one of President SBY’s legacies.

    6. For the last 5 years, SBY did not lead. He just reacted and followed the market.

    Look at how he reacted in response to rise of fuel price. He raised domestic fuel price concurrently in his anticipation to compensate his potentially monstrous budget deficit (APBN). Then when the fuel price went down, he re-acted it again to lower the domestic fuel price to calm down his people. So, his policy is again within the scope of following and re-acting the market. To me, that is not a true and great leader. A true leader will make a policy and execute the policy to LEAD the market, to influence the market and not to follow or re-act the market. For the last 5 years, that is how I saw President SBY did. He carefully took his time to react and followed the market.

    The list goes on….

    One good news for SBY though, the majority of Indonesia people do not care with the details. Secondly, there are continuing efforts by SBY and his Presidential team members to conceal these facts from public discussion. That is very helpful for SBY and enhances his chance to win the next Presidential election unless….

    Re-electing SBY is at best maintaining status quo. I don’t know about you, but I want to see a change, significant change in Indonesia. For the last 5 years, SBY hasn’t yet delivered any significant change! What makes you think that he will do differently for the next 5 years?

  7. Rambutan says:

    Re-electing SBY is at best maintaining status quo. I don’t know about you, but I want to see a change, significant change in Indonesia.

    Change? The other two pairs only offer the possibility of change for the worse.

  8. Mr. Os says:

    Well chris…. I don’t know why you’re being so critical of SBY. Considering the other choices available…

  9. orgindo says:

    To me, that is not a true and great leader. A true leader will make a policy and execute the policy to LEAD the market, to influence the market and not to follow or re-act the market.

    Who are we? USA? We are Indonesia, my friend. We can’t even balance ourselves to respond to the market, let alone LEAD the market. We need to walk first, before we can run. SBY is not a superman, neither do other candidates, so, throw out your dream. It is not a magic show, everything needs process.

    THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS, when it comes to SBY presidency and his 5 years accomplishments.

    Any mention about his success dealing with some of the worst disasters we have ever had in years?

    For the last 5 years, he has never balanced his budget (APBN), not even a single year.

    Can you mention some of the presidents that did?

    During the last 5 years, there is an average of Rp. 255 trillion Rupiah surplus in export every year. If we multiply that in 5 years, Indonesia shall have at least Rp. 1,275 trillion Rupiah reserved-funds or, Bank Devisa Negara. Recently, BI (Bank Indonesia) stated that Indonesia had only Rp. 501 trillion Rupiah sisa devisa negara. Where did the other Rp.774 trillion Rupiah go? This happened during SBY and Boediono watch.

    I believe that I read it somewhere that we have the largest reserve now for our history.

    Now, how much do you think the municipality government at CITY and DISTRICT level will receive these remaining funds? It must be very small. That is why the road in Bandung just like bule madrotter said: has been neglected because the lack of funds.

    I bet they have received more funding that they did in previous era (OrBa). Btw, that is the price of central system, if you want to solve that problem, then create a federal system. Will you vote for that?

    For the last 5 years, SBY did not lead. He just reacted and followed the market.

    That is the price of democracy. We are not Venezuela. But I have faith in his economy team.

  10. Mr. OS says:

    I think Chris is nitpicking on details, while failing to realise the positive aspects of SBY presidency.


    You cant expect to make everyone happy.

    Its like saying… oh mother Theresa is a saint.. but at 19/05/1998…. when she accidentally slipped on a banana skin, she swore..!!! BLASPHEMY!!!

    SHE’S EVIL!!!!

    I suspect Chris Komari works for Prabowo, Wiranto… or one of the other stooges/wannabes ….

    He’s here to spread propaganda

  11. Odinius says:

    Yeah, agree with Mr. OS.

    SBY may have his faults, but Megawati was better?!

  12. madrotter says:

    well i sure don’t even want to think about another mega presidency!!! just thinking about the first one aiaiaiai, her wanting to projectile vomit (her own words) because she saw a student stamping on her picture, i wonder if that poor student is still in jail, her bogor birthday party for 5000 guest and her daughter going to a f4 concert with 60 friends at 2,5 jt a ticket while the country was falling apart…

    also, in all fairness, i do remember sby saying angry words some time back about bandung and all the funds (trillions is what the JP reported) that were in the bank but not being used, they’re probably getting crazy interest, i guess that’s where bandung’s mayor recent trip to texas was paid with (75.000$ for a one week trip)…

  13. Maman says:

    IMHO, it is correct for sby to pick Boediono as the intention is to avoid conflict of interest. with JK as president, i’m sure that he also want to use his power to fertilized his business and can therefore resulting in conflict of interest.

    while Mega and prabowo; they looked so unconvincing when the press asked them in the interview about indonesian economy. even when the question was about very basic economy questions such as globalisation etc… their answers are not very credible.

    I’m not saying that SBY is perfect, i’m sure he’s also have skeletons in his closet. but i think he’s better than the other two candidates

  14. Odinius says:

    Madrotter said:

    well i sure don’t even want to think about another mega presidency!!! just thinking about the first one aiaiaiai, her wanting to projectile vomit (her own words) because she saw a student stamping on her picture, i wonder if that poor student is still in jail, her bogor birthday party for 5000 guest and her daughter going to a f4 concert with 60 friends at 2,5 jt a ticket while the country was falling apart…

    Yeah, she wanted to play queen rather than govern. What a colossal disappointment.

    Maman said:

    while Mega and prabowo; they looked so unconvincing when the press asked them in the interview about indonesian economy. even when the question was about very basic economy questions such as globalisation etc… their answers are not very credible.

    Well, before even going to their “views” on the economy, I would love for Prabowo and Mega to clear up a few open questions pertaining to his roles in East Timor and the May 1998 riots–where he is widely believed to have kidnapped and otherwise harassed PDI supporters.

    The fact that Mega is okay with this, but still miffed at SBY for legally running against her in a peaceful election, speaks volumes.

  15. madrotter says:

    i read she’s got muchdi on her team too!!!

    makes me think about the time when gus dur was president and she was his “sister” meanwhile getting ready to do a little backstabbing, you can read all about that in wimar witoelar’s book “no regrets”… also makes me think about the time when she and her fine husband tried to swindle millions out of a russian helicopter deal…

    wouldn’t it be something to put all these people in a “can’t get rid of ’em” theme park?

  16. Abdul Khalid al Jumhuri says:

    To Chris Komari:
    Unfortunately Chris, even if you run to compete you will not be even close. The fact is SBY provides stability. Nobody could take that from him. Win, lose, or draw SBY is still the best tested person for the next five years.

  17. Chris Komari says:

    Rob was right in many ways.

    The biggest impediment for any revolutionary change to happen in Indonesia is the fact that you guys are too personality, style and character oriented. The cult of personality approach is too strong as you have shown through these interchanges. Many of you guys are fine with tiny insignificant changes; many of you guys are too easy to conclude and stuck with past history when it comes to judging future leaders.

    I have stated many times; a broken record on my own that it is NOT critical who is going to be the next President of Indonesia whomever he/she might be but it is critical that the next President of Indonesia is knowledgeable enough and ready with his/her comprehensive plan to address the many critical issues that I pointed it out previously.

    No leader is a perfect leader at any stretch of imagination without any shortcomings and mistakes. But the one who comes at the right time addressing the right issue facing the nation is a better leader than those who have personality, style and character but lack of substance. You shall not judge any future leader who has not performed and given ample and equal opportunity.

    At the very least, these future leaders of Indonesia shall be confronted to publicly and openly make statements on the record about their plans and action plans with measurable bench-marks indicator on how to resolve those critical issues. We need to create some kind of public accountability.

    Let me take on one issue.

    There are many ways to improve the value of (currency) Rupiah. But all I heard this far was an acceptability of tiny record that the value of currency Rupiah is stable within Rp.10.000 equal to $1 (USD). If we look back from the 80’s till today, that currency value indicates that the overall Indonesian economy compared to US economy is still 10 times worse. In the 80’s, $1 USD is equal to Rp. 850 Rupiah. That is not stable. This is the kind of stability notion entertained in Indonesian government that puzzles me. What stability?

    To improve currency Rupiah, one must first understand what cause a currency of any given country to go up and down. There are many things can trigger this phenomenon. Market Capitalization and Domestic Equity Market are two of those phenomenons. All public and banking policies shall be directed toward the improvement of these two sectors. Unfortunately, SBY Administration has done nothing significant for the last 5 years to make a change in these two sectors.

    Banking policy in Indonesia sucks and only caters and friendly to the rich and wealthy people. There is not even a single banking policy that provides a gradual opportunity or access for ordinary poor people to slowly and gradually lift up their ability to get a loan from Indonesian banks. There was no banking policy or plan to make such a leap for millions poor Indonesian people even during Sri Mulyani and Prof. Dr. Boediono. Poor people will remain poor or worse for lack of ability to get loan from Indonesian banks, and the richer can get richer because of their access and ability to get loan from the Indonesian banks instantly. SBY administration did nothing to change these unwise banking policies despite so many outcries from many of us that we continue to fight for.

    There are many other notions entertained the same way making SBY the man of the century in Indonesia. Is he really? Leadership is to lead and not to wait and see and then react and follow the market. There are many ways that SBY can do to lead the market domestically, but he did not do that for whatever reasons. There are many ways for SBY to cut central spending, but he did not do that for whatever reasons. Any notion to suggest that that is the price of central government and the price of democracy is simply lack of governing experience. Lack of a better word!

    United States of America has GDP about 12 times bigger than Indonesia and territorial wise is about 9 times bigger than Indonesia. Now look at how many members of US Congress USA has? Only 535 members, which are 100 Senators and 435 congressmen/women. That is USA being a country has also having monstrous market capitalization in the world and humongous domestic equity market.

    Now look at how many members of DPR/MPR and DPD? I think it was 560 total members of the Parliament and another 123 member of DPD. That is over about 148 members than US Congress. On top of this, Indonesia is the only country on Earth that has so many Menteri, Assistant Menteri, Dirjen, Irjen, Assistant Dirjen and Irjen, KPU, KPK all across the nation from top central government down to the local municipality at city, district and sub-district level and plus additional members what’s so called: Tenaga Ahli? Is that what you call it the price of central government? Is that what you call it the price of Democracy? Or, was it simply wasteful spending that you hesitate to admit.

    In terms of personnel, Indonesia is having the largest and biggest government on Earth. Is this what you call the price of central government? Is this what you call the price of Democracy? That is an insane, buddy!

    Do you know how much the salary for each of those Parliament members plus tunjangan and gaji kehormatan, etc? Gaji kehormatan? That was a real crack up when we discover that in our research. What came up with this idea?

    Nitpicking? No, only to point it out that the devil is in the details. Those are just few details. You have not seen yet if I have to be nitpicking.

    SBY is a better President but his accomplishments are too insignificant to make a change the millions life of ordinary people who are now still living under poverty. Look at the massive unemployment; look at the many broken economic and social infrastructures that are left untouched.

    Meanwhile during the last 5 years, SBY spent average 70% of APBN funds to pay the central government. 5 years is a long enough to make a change if he wanted to. But he did not do that. He continued to spend average of 70% total APBN funds during his administration. What makes you think that he will do differently for the next 5 years?

    Can we do better? Yes, we can!


  18. diego says:

    Here’s my lengthy speech as someone who cares a lot about indonesia (and the people, of course):

    Blah… blurb… blah… blah…. blip… blurb.

    Yes, we can!

  19. a-matter-of-fact says:

    Chris, When you say

    Rupiah is stable within Rp.10.000 equal to $1 (USD). If we look back from the 80’s till today, that currency value indicates that the overall Indonesian economy compared to US economy is still 10 times worse. In the 80’s, $1 USD is equal to Rp. 850 Rupiah. That is not stable. This is the kind of stability notion entertained in Indonesian government that puzzles me. What stability?

    You can’t turn the clock back. In some way the stability is not there but when compare note, the cost of x then and the cost of x now is different. Stability comes in many form of measurement.

    To improve currency Rupiah, one must first understand what cause a currency of any given country to go up and down. There are many things can trigger this phenomenon. Market Capitalization and Domestic Equity Market are two of those phenomenons. All public and banking policies shall be directed toward the improvement of these two sectors. Unfortunately, SBY Administration has done nothing significant for the last 5 years to make a change in these two sectors.

    I agree nothing much have change even with Sri Mulyani, but to many she does wonder. Anyway Market Capitalization and Domestic Market Equity does not match by any standard in Indonesia.

    Banking policy in Indonesia sucks and only caters and friendly to the rich and wealthy people. There is not even a single banking policy that provides a gradual opportunity or access for ordinary poor people to slowly and gradually lift up their ability to get a loan from Indonesian banks. There was no banking policy or plan to make such a leap for millions poor Indonesian people even during Sri Mulyani and Prof. Dr. Boediono. Poor people will remain poor or worse for lack of ability to get loan from Indonesian banks, and the richer can get richer because of their access and ability to get loan from the Indonesian banks instantly. SBY administration did nothing to change these unwise banking policies despite so many outcries from many of us that we continue to fight for.

    I guessyou are quite wrong about this. Most people who approach the bank for a loan on business are bound to be from the rich no doubts. But you show prejudice. There are people from midle under who approached the bank to obtain housing and car loan and they still get it. Does that means they are rich?

    There are many other notions entertained the same way making SBY the man of the century in Indonesia. Is he really? Leadership is to lead and not to wait and see and then react and follow the market. There are many ways that SBY can do to lead the market domestically, but he did not do that for whatever reasons. There are many ways for SBY to cut central spending, but he did not do that for whatever reasons. Any notion to suggest that that is the price of central government and the price of democracy is simply lack of governing experience. Lack of a better word!

    Sorry Chris I think you have got the wrong notion. If there is a person that can lead Indonesia, then he is SBY and no one else at this moment. If you were being place in the shoes of SBY then you wuld have felt the same. Example: A Good for nothing vice president who is suppose to assist the President had instead tried to be outspoken and thinking that he will bethe President. Executive Presidntial Office doesn’t work that way. Notice the small p and the big P, I aexpressing that the small p is not worth talking about. Being in the seat of a President, one needs support from his closest aide. If that Japanese looking guy knows how to work things out, Indonesia would have been very much today and who knows he might be the vp for another 5 years.
    But well you know greeds see no bright future.

    Or, was it simply wasteful spending that you hesitate to admit.

    By comparing the congress to DPR/MPR is something not quite in line. In Indonesia if you can’t win you merge and be given a seat to keep you mouth shut and be given perks at the expense of the general public. In the US it is different way my men. Though they get high pay, they work things in favor of certain proposition that pave way to correct political revamp. What does Indonesian politician do? Count money. And thatis what Wiranto and Prabowo is working hard on that without blinking an eye on their past. And yet they dare say they are goin to serve the people!

    SBY is a better President but his accomplishments are too insignificant to make a change the millions life of ordinary people who are now still living under poverty. Look at the massive unemployment; look at the many broken economic and social infrastructures that are left untouched.

    If you spend too uch time in the kitchen, then you won’t be ready for work. Just as imple as that.

    Meanwhile during the last 5 years, SBY spent average 70% of APBN funds to pay the central government. 5 years is a long enough to make a change if he wanted to. But he did not do that. He continued to spend average of 70% total APBN funds during his administration. What makes you think that he will do differently for the next 5 years?
    Can we do better? Yes, we can!

    You really think fve years and 250 million is long time then I think you under estmate that.

    There are peopl who sabotage because they did’nt win the pilpres therefore whoever take the No 1 seat will have thumb tacks covered waiting for him to feel the pinch in the arse.

    Yes Indonesia can do better from a person who take on Indonesia with an iron hand and not without.

  20. maman says:

    you argues that banks only loan money to rich businessman. but you ignoring the fact that in indo the chance for businesses to be success is much lower compared to many other countries such as US, australia, etc… i saw the statistic that compared the business risks in many countries and it shows that in indo the business risks are much, much higher compared to many countries (including thailand). and so there is a big probability that small business might fail. the idea of giving loans to rich business man is to leveraged their business so they can provide more work opportunities and can decrease the unemployment rates. that’s why in indo mortgages are not as popular as in US or many developed countries. coz if there is a big chance that their investments failed and they lose their houses and properties. and you cannot compared indo to US as the political economy is much differ in both countries.

  21. Abu Ismail says:

    Well, doing a poll on Indonesia Matters, will not matter.

    The sample population here is not even a near representation of the Indonesian voters. But the comments are quire interesting. Keep posting them.


  22. sputjam says:

    Then bring down interest rates to encourage business expansion.
    Currency volatility discourage business development, but good for forex traders and speculators.
    Hence reason why Exxon and shell invested heavily in singapore for their huge petrochemical complex, using gas from Natuna field, as singapore have the location and stability financially to impress long term investors, while indonesia attracts the short term ones who are attracted to the interest rates, but will short the currency once they smell blood for even more gains.

    Fuel usage should be taxed or sold at market prices and not subsidised as those who can afford a vehicle are considered well off. Money saved from this should be channeled into public transportation. Besides, subsidies encourages smuggling and the tax payers end up losers.

    On the number of ministers, a small country like Singapore has two deputy prime ministers, albeit ones that are well educated and the top 30 most highly paid politicians on this planet are all from Singapore, according to the Times of London.

    No matter what you do, the rupiahs eventually end up in singapore or hong kong. Indonesians are the biggest investors in singapore property market and the returns are good as IDR keeps devaluing. And nobody have any solution to stop the outflow yet.

  23. hary says:

    Chris komari should declare that he is a member of a little known and , in my opinion, rather unsuccessful poltical party with his own agenda. His comments should be read in that light.

    SBY has faults. They all do. At least our economy is growing, FDI is up, reserves have grown and the press liberated.

    One only needs to read the latest spiel of MegaPro to realise that their anti Western/foreign sentiments will lead to Indonesia becoming isolated, insular and poorer.
    I was pro Prabowo until he started spewing anti business/ foreign rubbish.
    With Boe, at least we will finally have an economist at the helm.

    Go go SBY.

  24. boy says:

    I agree with most of the people here. So far SBY is the best among those candidates. He’s not a superman and yes, he made some faults. Nobody’s perfect and I don’t think 5 years is a long time…indeed it’s damn short.

    Don’t think Chris gives correct perspectives, despite he spell out some facts.

    By the way, I think SBY is promoting meritocracy by choosing Boediono as his running mate, not some political assholes like the guys from PKS and PAN. He’s doing the right thing and I appreciate it.

  25. Odinius says:

    To be fair, hary, he usually signs off with his party affiliation.

    Yeah, you are right about the dangers of the Mega-Prabowo duet. But why were you pro-Pra before? Weren’t you turned off by the man’s sordid history?

  26. a-matter-of-fact says:

    I have been browsing thruu and many of your comments were your staunch backing for the rupiahs to be pegged to the Singapore dollar. Wonder why.

    Fuel usage should be taxed or sold at market prices and not subsidised as those who can afford a vehicle are considered well off. Money saved from this should be channeled into public transportation. Besides, subsidies encourages smuggling and the tax payers end up losers.

    Are you referring the subsidizing of petrol on motor use? Or Industrial use? Who uses most? So if the businesses are the ones that uses more of the petrol and gas and you suggested that the subsidy should be taken off? Which part of you is talking? Albeit your education, I smell that you are kinda prejudicial and possess the dislike of one driving, especially the Chinese or the rich?

    And coming to this

    On the number of ministers, a small country like Singapore has two deputy prime ministers, albeit ones that are well educated and the top 30 most highly paid politicians on this planet are all from Singapore, according to the Times of London.

    What is wrong when a country big or small that have 2 deputies? For me to choose I will prefer to have all deputies and no portfolio ministers. And wht is wrong when they pay them high? Or the highest paid politicians? In the world like what you said the TImes reported. To be paid and get the job done is much better than to be paid and have nothing done. This is what happened to Indonesia’s political circle. Why do they need so many of the in the DP and MPR? That is a waste of public’s money. S lets not compare them to the Singaore political circle. Simply no match. When brains talk and money walks is much better than no brain sitting on their own buttock.

    You seemed so much concern of money from Indonesia runningto Singapore. I see you could be having a grudge against them. Did they kick your butts? Well anyway money from Indonesia can flow anywhere not necessary Singapore so why single out Singapore just because they have the reputations? The political will to succeed because they have no natural resources? A country who have natural resources may not necessarily succeed like Iran, Irag, Afghanistan nd no the Midle east. Their oil are depleting in no time. FOrtunate for Indonesa there is still a new discovery. Bu what next?

    No matter what you do, the rupiahs eventually end up in singapore or hong kong. Indonesians are the biggest investors in singapore property market and the returns are good as IDR keeps devaluing. And nobody have any solution to stop the outflow yet.

    You can buy property in US, Australia and Canada, even Brazil an Honduras Lin America. The choice is individual and intelectually speaking Singapore is more or less a transit for everyone and I can really see that you quite dilike if Indonesians invested in Singapore so if that is the case why not personally launch something and tell Indonesians to refrain from investing in Singapore. Will that stop to bother you then? The answer is still no for sure.

    And for this

    I was pro Prabowo until he started spewing anti business/ foreign rubbish.
    With Boe, at least we will finally have an economist at the helm.

    I would say if anyone who for once offers support to Wiranto or Prabowo, then I would say thei thinking sucks.

    Prabowo and Wiranto were fighting one another for the top post even thinking of being a VP or a President.
    They fail to reflect themselves in the mirror and see what have they done.

    Honestly the Chief in Command should take the necessary actions to crucify those that were engage in the ethnic nd minority cleansings, Tim Tim, Aceh, Jakarta, etc etc.
    Instead there are people like Safrie Syamsuddin and many others who were involves gets promoted, I just failed to understand why.

    Mega is not the choice of Indonesian politic, so is wiranto. Though Boediono may not behave like the short Japanese mock up, he is still not the best choice. There are no more quality people like Sudharmono, Try and Moerdani, Panggabean. None.

    So for Indonesia to enter into the next era I doubted very little in progress.

  27. Lairedion says:

    My favourite VP always has been Umar Wirahadikusumah.

  28. hary says:

    Significant that Chris chose not to sign off with his party affiliation here. Thanks.

  29. Pena Budaya says:

    Sincerely I don’t know who will I vote. I don’t like SBY’s indomie commercial at all. It doesn’t make SBY looklike a clever candidate. And I have no clue what these candidates’ program or policies plans. I wish KPU develop candidates’ profiles questionaires to help clueless voters like me. I mean this could be like EU profiler – http://euprofiler.eu/ for EU election..

  30. Astrajingga says:

    Will the KPU profiler mention something like: “somewhat responsible to students kidnapping”? Or “somewhat involved in human rights abuse in Indonesia and East Timor”? “Once as president signed a regulation allowing contract-labour, a new cool name for slavery”? Or my favorite, “Fully support neo-liberalism economy.”

    KPU’s candidate profiler won’t help most of Indonesian peoples. I think even people like you, if KPU makes the profiler, won’t help much either. It would only create more confusion and protest.

    Galeano’s Upside Down will give you more clue than any candidate profiler, IMHO, it’s a primer for the looking-glass world.

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