A drive-by shooting, the anti-corruption chief accused of murder, and a beautiful golf caddy.
Nasrudin Zulkarnain, the director of the company PT Putra Rajawali Banjaran (PRB), a pharmaceutical company and subsidiary of the state owned PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia (RNI), was shot twice in the head by a man on a Yamaha Scorpio motorcycle on 14th March 2009, as he was leaving the Modernland golf course, Tangerang, in his car.
Nasrudin Zulkarnaen.
A total of nine men have been arrested for the crime so far, they being:
Heri Santosa (driver) & Daniel Daen (gunman) soon gave themselves up to police, apparently out of fear for their own lives. The mens’ lawyers claim they carried out the act because they were persuaded to view Zulkarnaen as an enemy of the state, because he was said to be plotting to ruin the 2009 national elections.
Of the nine four are from Flores.
Antasari Azhar
On May 4th Antasari Azhar, as the head of the national Corruption Eradication Commission (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK)) the most famous among the nine, was questioned by police and named afterwards as the prime suspect in the organising of the killing.
Antasari Azhar.
He first came under suspicion when police found a text message on Zulkarnaen’s mobile phone from Azhar saying:
You know the risk.
There are two versions as to why Antasari Azhar may have been moved to order a “hit” on Nasruddin:
In this version Antasari did the bidding of those he was supposed to be investigating and prosecuting, to protect them, and Golkar.
It is said that Antasari became infatuated with Rani and that Zulkarnaen had threatened to expose the relationship to the gossip press. This is the theory that police seem to be working on.
Rani Juliani, caddy.
Meanwhile Antasari Azhar denies the charges. His defenders say that he is being framed, probably by sources in the Attorney General’s office, because Antasari led several aggressive investigations into corruption at the AGO.
The Attorney General’s Office had named Antasari as a suspect on May 1st, while police at the time only classified him as an “interested party” or witness. However on May 4th police questioned him for 7 hours and later detained him.
Antasari Azhar was a political appointment to the KPK, heavily supported by Golkar, and PDI-P. Sigid Haryo Wibisono, one of his co-defendants in the case, did much lobbying work among parliament members to garner support for Antasari’s nomination as KPK head. Antasari Azhar is not close to president Yudhoyono.
This matter most disgrace that at indonesian history grand stand.
There’s also a third possibility…he didn’t do it but there isn’t a conspiracy to frame him.
Not sure if anyone follows the US press, but the name Chandra Levy should ring a bell if you do.
A few years ago Ms. Levi disappeared. Suspicion fell on her boss, a Republican congressman who lied about an affair they were having. No evidence emerged but he was basically convicted by the media. Recently another man was arrested and charged with her murder, and apparently the case is quite strong. Had nothing to do with the congressman.
I don’t know enough about this case to say this is happening again, but it’s entirely possible. Scandal sells papers and excites rumor. If you hear and read about something in enough places, you might end up believing it. Doesn’t have to be deliberate, either.
I don’t believed it. That all lier. I supported Antasari. He is not mistake.
You sound very sure about that, does he owe you money?
Pssssst keep silence everybody,
let’s observe that indian movie scenario like story
and…..the story roll !
What’s your source on the following:
Antasari Azhar was a political appointment to the KPK, heavily supported by Golkar, and PDI-P. Sigid Haryo Wibisono, one of his co-defendants in the case, did much lobbying work among parliament members to garner support for Antasari’s nomination as KPK head. Antasari Azhar is not close to president Yudhoyono.
The source may be important but the fact below will tell you more clearly :
Akan tetapi, KPK bukan tanpa catatan. Aktor yang dijerat masih belum menyentuh jantung kekuatan koruptif. Kendati KPK sudah masuk pada sektor Legislatif yang dianggap “sakti” di tahun-tahun sebelumnya, enggannya Komisi menjerat anggota DPR dari fraksi PDIP menjadi pertanyaan penting terkait dugaan politisasi penanganan kasus korupsi. Pengakuan dan Laporan Agus Chondro, misalnya.
Kasus yang terang benderang ini, justru ditanggapi Ketua KPK, Antasari Azhar sebagai perkara yang tidak cukup bukti untuk ditingkatkan ke Penyidikan. Padahal, publik menjadi saksi, Agus Chondro sudah mendatangi KPK berkali-kali, memberikan sejumlah bukti dan keterangan terkait dugaan gratifikasi dalam pemilihan Deputi Gubernur BI, Miranda Gultom. Beberapa anggota DPR lainnya yang menerima, juga telah mengembalikan uang gratifikasi tersebut pada KPK. Bahkan, lembaga intelijen keuangan yang berkwenangan penuh melihat arus uang dan transaksi perbankan bermasalah seperti PPATK (Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan) sudah menyatakan, ada sejumlah temuan aliran uang dari BII pada sejumlah anggota DPR saat itu.Tapi, bagaimana mungkin KPK menyatakan tidak cukup bukti?
Antasari sin is not on the nasarudin case but He made wrong movement by put on jail Aulian Pohan while letting Miranda Gultom untouch…and Antasari forget that there is still many Dalang and Dukun out there like my self has not enough job.
no.. sorry.. I don’t believe that all suspected did the shoot for Nasrudin. This case seems for me too fabulous.. too much stories..
There are so many corruptor ( in every field!) in Indonesia, also the suspected on this case.. they`re actually the victims from them (:p remember.. u can buy all with money in Indonesia.. even the justice! 😉
could someone give me stats of how much exactly did scandals on women and high rank official end up with somebody got killed?
Bill Clinton didn’t kill anybody, so does the DPR guys…
Can’t think about any reason why AA should kill… worse case (say, he had an affair yet decided not to kill anyone), he’d ended up (only) fired… better than risking your life for murder sentence, huh?
Cerita yang diungkapkan polisi di media, bagi saya terdengar seperti cerita-cerita hantu yang diceritakan nenek-nenek tua untuk menakuti cucunya agar tidak keluar rumah malam-malam. Terdengar absurd dan sangat tidak meyakinkan…. mereka seharusnya bisa mengarang cerita yang lebih cerdas dan misterius dari pada ini…. Antasari adalah salah satu dari sekelumit pemberani yang masih tersisa di negeri ini….. jangan sampai pemberani-pemberani yang lain juga dibungkam seperti ini…..
the thing I find hardest to believe is that it would cost half a billion rupiah to have two unemployed preman shoot someone in broad daylight in such an unprofessional manner! I don’t mean to comparative hit man shop…. but sheesh! you could get someone in jakarta to do that for 10 million easy!
also it seems funny that hundreds of other similar murders seemingly dumbfound police but they have built such a complete picture of this case, so unusual for them… think of Munir, think of countless others they can’t make head or tail of….. seems dodgy to me, the whole thing, the whole story…. and quite frankly Metro’s reporting is hardly above tabloid status these days… like bloody patroli or something. very disappointing… or maybe surya paloh just doesn’t want to report on Golkars new strategy of “jilat ludah sendiri”.
Rani…….Where are u now?Are u in the jail now?Come on….And give your opinion???
I do very much agree that the gay-bisexual love triangle is better and spicier than a simple ‘plain’ love triangle. It would be easier for Indonesian swallow rather than telling them to analize who’s doing what in a ‘corruptors fight back’ conspiracy theory.
But, can you also develop, somehow, Ryan of Jombang involvement in this one? I’m sure it would make a fine sinetron scenario. It would make a hit in national TV.
May be we can say that at first it was Ryan who was told to do the murder because he can do killing without creating suspicion. He won’t kill in a broad daylight, and can do it without gun. But Ryan has his own agenda, which is…. um, I don’t know. Can you help me on this?
Movie makers shall be considering making it into wide screen, please consider also the any individual characteristics, behavior and performance involved and they shall include any parties and people behind the curtain (the untouchables)…. it goes box office.
Hi Janma,
Are you suggesting that the plan was too simple and stupid to be true? Personally I think you are giving the Politicians and corrupt Elite way too much credit for intelligence. Wave a couple of Rupiah their noses and they behave like Pavlov’s Dogs (with due apologies to dogs) each and every time.
If the best the most protected and secretive organisation in the land could come up with was to murder a human rights champion on an international flight and think it would pass unnoticed..then why would anyone think the silly buggers are capable of something more clever.
I do agree the going rate is much much cheaper than the number quoted.
Rani your is PELACUR.
Actually a pretty clever exercise in framing an innocent man. Whether it is the AGO (who I believe were angling for more control of the KPK) or one of his many past or intended targets, somebody has put a lot of thought into this one…
1. They didn’t just assassinate him; which would have created a martyr for the KPK and probably increased the agency’s resolve.
2. The “stickiness” factor of the love triangle story – perfect cinetron-level story that will seem very believable to the majority of the population.
3. The complex nature of the conspiracy; with so many people involved in the chain an investigation would take FOR EVER. As long as Antasari is under investigation, he will not be able to return to the KPK. Job done – there is no real need for a trial, just make sure the investigation takes forever (Rani’s disappearance helps with this) and you’ve effectively castrated the agency.
Of course, anybody who takes a long hard look at the script will start to see holes; Rani herself looks like a nice enough girl but fairly typical of the caddies at any decent golf club so the likelihood that a wealthy and powerful Indonesian man (who, lets face it, is going to have a lot of other options) would be so devastated at losing her services that he would commit murder is pretty damn small…
On balance, it’s almost immaterial whether Antasari was involved in the murder or not, though I do tend to think he was framed and said so here.
But what is this about the vast sums of money being laundered by State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) to companies “especially those supporting the government”?
Is it so strange that Nasarudin, president director of state owned company PT Putra Rajawali Banjaran (PRB), was considered to be not “fit and proper” to become a director of PRB’s parent company, pharmaceutical state-firm PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia (RNI). After all, he passed documents regarding the money laundering to Antasari regarding the money laundering.
Was he therefore murdered because he was a whistle blower? This could be why he is now being painted as an ambitious man (i.e. greedy). Of course, he may have been recklessly stupid.
Much like the 427 alleged corruption cases involving state losses of US$194 million reported today by the Attorney General – in the first four months of this year.
As has been said, this has all the makings of a fine film. For the cinetron, let’s just keep watching the media – and this space.
Who’s the creative team hired by the police force? I mean, they must be fired for the lousy, unconvicing love-story they came up with. I can create something better than that (still a love story though). I think it would be more interesting if you can make people to believe that those 2 guys are gays (one of them being bisexual)…, and that girl caused the 100% gay guy furious (jealous). This fits in with the current perception in indonesian people mind: gays are passionate, obsessive lovers, they’d kill for love. I guess that story would sell more, and more convincing.
lol 😀
ehm … that is kind of bring back memories about Anwar Ibrahim of our (beloved ???) neighbouring country … All things that the media and the police have brought so far in this case to us are just another version of that … just the old-same-boring story
Are you suggesting that the plan was too simple and stupid to be true?
No, I’m suggesting that it is too complicated and stupid to be true. Simple and stupid I’d probably still swallow, but this reaches the realms of fantasy. In order for police to connect antasari to this crime, say for example through the money, they’d have to make a direct connection from the the man to the money to the shooters. they quote 500 mil. which means they must have a connection or proof that those thugs were paid that amount of money…. and yet, those guys only learn to shoot 4 days before the murder, and somebody had to teach them… does that sound like professional killers to you? Plus it doesn’t sound like something someone would pay 500 million for…. as far as we know, there is no actual physical evidence (at least evidence the police are willing to release in a statement to the public..) they just say the money came from sih B at the request of Sih C on behalf of sih A and they never say, bank records prove, or money found on the persons of the shooters prove…. it’s only the say of the police. something is so definitely weird about this whole story, and the sensationalism of it is something a lot of the public love, causing them to overlook the glaring holes in the case. For example where is the girl? Why are the police keeping her hidden? If she is a witness in need of protection she should be in protective custody which is a separate body, not part of the general police force handling this case.
To me it sounds as though this Rani and Nasruddhin are agents for some other cause and were just puppets in a scenario arranged to bring Antasari down and throw the credibility of the KPK into question.
That’s just what I think though….
They both are close “friends”, but “AA” did not feel comfort after receiving such blackmailed from the victim, after being caught in a hotel room with ms “R”, who believes as the 3rd wife’s of the late “N”. The assasination occured , the love affair was just a trigger but would not be the real reason…there are many x factors to let this happened. I do believe “AA” was the mastermind behind all this case, he is to scary if “N” would really publish to public about his altitude as a public figure and the most important thing “AA’s” track record and it’s going to be a catastrophic to his career.
Rani your is PELACUR.
Arif..Women still scare you huh?
Janma and J’ass..I reckon you are ahem “on the money”
Why does it take so long to hear from Rani? Where has she been? Why couldn’t she deliver her spontaneous words like others. We’ve heard many things frm many respective sources, but not a word from Rani. Damned those who might be brainwashing her… Damn.. Damn..
Anyone.. Find her..
i really do believe antasari was framed. he is by far one of the best corruption watcher in the country. this whole thing is just a big conspiracy.
on a completely unrelated note, that girl is really not pretty.
That’s big conspiration against antasari. Really a foolish game…..hehe….
Where is Mr.Sidney Sheldon?
Incredible how long the (allegedly) corrupt police can hold this case open against a man who fights crime with all his heart. The end will be more than embarrassing for the (allegedly) conspiring police
All baggamon bullshit… Anthasari is innocence!
How stupid he would be kill nasrudin just because of sexual slack? Gee I don’t know anthasari was that low.
Police lack of job to do now? Sex opposition murder case…. OMFL!
Persons in authority like members of the KPK must lead clean personal lives. To have affairs with even unmarried women like Miss Rani Julianti is sure recipe for trouble and blackmail. To attack high level corruption is like exorcism. Only priests with clean lives could challenge Satan. It sppears to me, standards are low in Indonesia so far as public morals are concerned.
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Like most people who have come to this story at first glance my first reaction was “Oh what an idiot to get involved in all that stuff over some silly girl but hey that’s the way life is I suppose” but as one reads more and more I have to say there are a lot of pretty odd factors to this whole story and given the number of powerful enemies this man has made recently I am beginning to detect the faint whiff of ikan in my nostrils.
Maybe he dunnit, but right now there’s a whole heap of reasonable doubt hanging over this sad busines.