Doing video interviews with interesting people in Indonesia.
I’m going to do some extended video interviews with interesting/moderately well-known people, I have a few names in mind (a journalist, and a writer….) but would like suggestions for other people to approach.
Need to be realistic, I’d like to interview all sorts of people but some will be impossible to get hold of or won’t give their permission to be interviewed by a small website….
Also they need to have at least fairly good English. Suggestions please.
Should be Indonesians or foreigners who has interests on Indonesia? I guess you can use webcam if the person is living overseas.
How about…
Max Lane with his newest book “UNFINISHED NATION: Indonesia before and after Suharto”
This person is probably unrealistic to be interviewed:
Nicholas Jouwe
Saiful Mujani from LSI on the elections!
Koh Patung, Just to let you know I am always available for an live interview.
Ok, I will be in Kalimantan on Tuesday, then to Yogya and Solo Tuesday week. I am multi-linguistic – fluent in Bahasa, Boso Jovo, most SE Chinese dialects (Mandarin, Hokkien, Cantonese, Foo Chow), and a bit of Arabic and Viet.
AAB, what the hell is Boso Jovo? And what is Bahasa? Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Arab, Bahasa Bulan, Bahasa Klingon or what? ๐
For Patung:
yes, Ayu utami seems to be very interesting and maybe some other writer.
Someone knows her homepage?
I heard that Patung typically conducts his interviews in a customized patois of Vietnamese and Foo Chow, so you are in luck. But I’ve also heard that, given the right mood, he’ll throw in a few sentences of Mendalam Kayan, so make sure to brush up on that when you in Kalimantan…
You guys are trying to act stupid.
I am responding to another fellow Indonesian (Patung) and if he don’t understand what I meant by bahasa, then he is not Indonesian.
Bahasa Klingon
Constructed by 20th century Klingon nationalists from “pasar klingayu” and Dienstklingeisch.
I always found and find it very idiotic if a tourist or any expert saying ‘bahasa’ instead of bahasa Indonesia.
My wife is also a german anthropologist but she always says, correctly, ‘bahasa Indonesia’.
Her teacher was and is very excellent, it is me .. ๐
Thanks Lairedion for showing the link. Very interesting!
@ Toma,
Saying BAHASA INDONESIA is a mouthful, and typing it out is a burden. It is awkward if you should say or type out the whole words to another fellow Indonesian or someone who has been in the nusantara for a while.
What do Indon refer to Indonesian then, smarty pant?
many Indonesian say also ‘bahasa’ nowadays. Because it is in, it gives someone a cosmopolitical touch and myabe they feel a little bit more blonde or white. ๐
I don’t mind what the other do. If something is wrong, I’ll try to correct it or to avoid to do the same.
Like Lairedion, if someone (whitey, blacky, greeny, yellowy, redy or bluey, tourist or expert) ask me about ‘bahasa’, I always answer: Which bahasa do you mean?
An exception is in Javanese. If someone ask you:”Saget basa, Mas?” It is correct, he/she means the ‘krama’.
Back to topic:
>Kwik Kian Gie, maybe with the topic: The rolle of chinese Indonesian in the current politic in Indonesia? How does he see the relationship of chinese descendants and ‘pribumis’? etc
>Bondan Winarno, maybe with the topic: “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in diversity). Food as a part of cultural concept and as an instrument to convey tolerance and understanding.”
@ Toma,
Thanks to L’s marvelous detective work. I am now exposed. His detective works also unravel sheikh Cuk at the same time. He was the one to address Patung as ‘Koh’ Patung which I then assumed Patung to be an Indon-Chinese.
Someone here simply do not understand the concept of making the sentence ‘brief and understandable’ for all readers, Indon and non-Indon alike. Oops, I used that bule reference again.
@ Lairedon,
More detective works to keep you busy.
These are words that I used interchangeably.
Koran and Quran
Moslem and Muslim
Asshole and Arsehole
Neighbor and neighbour
Sopir and Sophir
Anxious to know what nationality I am. ๐
you are ‘el cosmopolita’ ๐
To adress Patung as ‘Koh’ is I think a little bit disrespectful, because we all know the background idea. ;(
Thank God Patung stays above such things. Hm, Patung?
Some ‘Tole’s are simply not enough educated in respecting other cultures and another persons. ๐
‘Koh’ means brother in Chinese. It is an Asians’ exchange of civilities. In Indonesia, it is disrespectful to just address anyone by their name. If I am not mistaken, you mentioned you are part Javanese-Chinese; so you should know better.
Nobody here cares or have the time to read every single post. Sheikh Cuk must have assumed Patung to be an Indon-Chinese. Same as me.
Yeah, if a ‘pribumi’ (I don’t like this word in a context with indonesian multiculturalism) adress a chinese with ‘koh’ it is often disrespectful. But I’m sure Cukurungan as an educated didn’t mean so.
Yes, Aluang, I know it very well. I know the literal meaning of this word, likewise of ‘amoy’, ‘cik’ etc. usually these are normal terms, but in some situations you can feel and see exclusionary undertone: “You don’t belong to us. Go to hell.”
As an asian (Javo-chinese ๐ ) living in Europe, I am very sensitized in such things. Sorry, don’t want to beat the biggest drum in this case in this blog/topic.
Bit confused here, fellas. ‘Koh,’ as I understand it, is a Chinese-Indonesian term of respect. The only people I know who have a problem with being called ‘koh’ are so-called ‘pribumi’ people who don’t like the Chinese.
As for ‘Bahasa,’ yeah the only people I’ve ever heard call the language that are non-Indonesians, but hey…this is a blog where a lot of the people are not Indonesian, and people tend to quickly pick up shorthand terms in any discourse, so using that term is not a smoking gun for anything.
@ Odinius
I wonder if Toma has any Asian-ness left in him. I addressed my Indon-Chinese business partners as ‘Koh’ out of respect. It is a civility, for f**k sake, not out of spite.
Re 2nd paragraph – Thanks for pointing that out. I am bewildered yet again by Toma’s cosmopolita comment. Well, we live with all sort of weirdos around us.
@ Lairedion
I think you are doing a great detective job for Patung. Now you have exposed AS, PN, Cuk and me. If I am not mistaken, FMF also addressed Patung as ‘Koh’. You should have a close up check on FMF, Diego and Raden. I suspect they are all fakes.
Go fot it, Sherlock!
don’t need to worry about my Indonesian-ness (not Asian-ness). I still have so many Indonesian-ness in my soul and body I eat alot of sambal, rawon and cakar and kepala ayam . ๐
As I mentioned, it depends on the context, the situation and the person adressing the ‘koh’.
I didn’t say that ‘koh’ generally is negative.
As a “Javo-Chinese” and with experience of the pre-democratic-pre-transition era my ears and my feeling are sensitized to such things. It is maybe badly to understand for people living out of the time, so that sounds like ‘weirdos’ talking .. ๐
But let it be, for Patung it seems ok.
I hear frequently also Indonesian talking about ‘bahasa’ and not only Non-Indonesian.
Btw: has your ‘name’ something to do with Odin?
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How about:
Warwick Purser – an Australian who has lived in Indonesian for 30 years, sells handicrafts to Harrods and recently became an Indonesian citizen.
Erlinawati and her Mr Bule – authors of “How to get Mr Bule”, one of the top 10 most commented articles on the site. However, they are not always in the country.