Muslimah Gothess

Jul 18th, 2006, in Society, by

As globalization advances strange and interesting mixes of cultures, East and West, are produced.

Muslimah Gothess
Muslimah Gothess.

Picture in the profile of a young online social butterfly at, who calls herself “Dee Gothess” and hails from Jakarta. We only wish she had chosen a happier aspect of western culture than the god-awful Goth sub-culture.

113 Comments on “Muslimah Gothess”

  1. Enda says:

    Gothess is Goth Goddess, meaning female, so *Muslimah* which refers to the person as female too, seems redundant 😀

  2. Rockstar says:

    amateur.. KISS is a PURE ROCK AND ROLL band.. go and listen to some punks!!

    you lame.. for Rockstar has spoken!

  3. Oskar Syahbana says:

    I have to agree with Rockstar… KISS isn’t a goth-like band (in this case, punks).

  4. Dee says:

    wow, I’m famous. heheh. wow, guys, you sure are a bunch of nosy people trying to interfere with other people’s lives. You think you know me that well, eh? do you even know urselves? get a life, seriously.

    and 1 thing, doesn’t mean that if i say im goth, then I have to stick with one type of music. i listen and appreciate random kinds of music. why don’t you visit my page and then judge me with a broader mind and not just giving some narrow prejudice from my appearance. be smart, guys, don’t be shallow.

    and bravo to the one who made this. thank’s, I’m becoming famous coz of you. a-hole.


  5. bee says:


    my sweet sis…

    so black but so religious…

    she mixed it up becomes something bloody cool…

    she always reminds me to never stop to pray…

    thanks dee…

    love you my sweet sis…

  6. Rockstar says:

    huehuehue my appology dear dee 🙂

  7. Bradlymail says:

    this is not ‘Muslim code dress’ this is Arab cultural dress..

  8. Tomaculum says:

    Interesting picture! If this reflects your attitude and your way to think, then I just really congratulate you!!

    Watch the TV in Indonesia (I was there last August for a Holiday): women in Jilbab dancing on Dangdut music, Combination of Jilbab and close fitting jeans, women in jilbab discussing in the TV about allowance of anal sex in marriage (it was last year).

    My great respect for the self confidence of the Indonesian women (apropos: since the ancient ages) to show their confess and in the same time to live the real live.

    Don’t let anybody take it away!!!!

  9. Tomaculum says:

    Some one knows the definition of aurat? Some one has reflected about the difference of the definition of aurat for male and female?
    Below is a readable link:

  10. Goddess says:

    There’s nothing wrong w/ Muslimah being a goth..As long as she/he feels comfort w/ it & doesn’t annoy one’s life. If she doesn’t bother ur life, why should u bother hers? I’m also a gothic Muslimah and I’m proud of it coz I live mylife as i wish to..Not becoz of what people told me to..

  11. Kylie says:

    What in the world? Kiss isn’t even a Goth band. There is no *goth* bands. I’m a Muslim and I feel offended by this picture. What is with the caption. She isn’t a goth. This is just embarassing.

  12. Dee says:


    this is so going to nowhere. i feel so abused by this, I’m forced to be subscribed to this post and getting really sick in reading the replies. you guys don’t know me, and does a goth need to only like goth music? i shall be dead in shallow water if I am like that. I chose to listen to all kinds of music, being a goth to me is much more than just looking like one. It’s much more than just wearing black outfit all the time. It’s what is inside.

    and just because I’m a Muslim, am I blacklisted for having such an option? how ridiculous. I have my belief and faith in Allah, and I never mix it up with my likings, including my interest in gothism. I never think of my religion as selfish. I always think I can go with this just because I know that it won’t affect the quality of me living my life as a Muslim.

    you think I’m embarrasing? you should be, for being prejudice. you think you know, but you actually have no idea about me and my life. you think you’re cool just by having your myspace with all your so-called cool taste? you’re just the same like everybody else. wait till someone does this to your life, you’ll know how it feels.

    oh, you feel offended? then how about me.

  13. gothix says:

    do you really know what gothic is?
    the life style and the music?
    may be you already know about the music. what about the lifestyle? the feelings, the emotions?.
    or maybe you just don’t understand your own religion.
    real Muslimah don’t wear jilbab like that.
    in fact they don’t wear clothes like that. Muslimah don’t show their body shapes.
    just because you cover your entire body with your clothes & that kind of jilbab you are wearing, doesn’t make you a Muslimah.
    you’re one of them who make others think wrong about Islam.

  14. ucok bah says:

    It’s a damned thing to see that an ideal Muslimah women should be like this..

  15. Ryan says:

    then don’t called you self a goth, girl! I even could know what kind of girl you are by reading your reply and talked about her ‘myspace’ blog.

  16. drake says:

    In the end, let Allah Swt, Jesus, Judah, or whoever anyone of you so-called righteous people call God make the final judgment.. Or if you’re agnostic or don’t believe in a God, go shut yourself up, hit a bar, get drunk, and enjoy whatever sh*t you’re doing..

    And by the way, one of the most prominent influential figures for current gothic culture, Peter Murphy of Bauhaus is also Islamic..

  17. mina says:

    what can I say??? hmmmm well i guess the author shouldn’t haven’t been so judgmental.. why do you have to criticize other peoples life?.. There is nothing wrong with being a Goth..does the scripture in Quran says that Goth is forbidden?? If there is then can you give me the verse..? C’mon we are living in modern era its natural that somethings change but apart from these you still have to follow the Islamic laws.. wearing that kind of cloth doesnt make her a non-Muslim, its a self expression so accept it people..RESPECT is what we need, I don’t see any negative insight about being a gothic Muslimah…

    @ Patung: god-awful Goth sub-culture=> pls. don’t generalize, you can hurt some people with these description

    @ Rockstar: amateur.. KISS is a PURE ROCK AND ROLL band.. go and listen to some punks!!
    you lame.. for Rockstar has spoken! => dude watch your what if its KISS? a Goth has the right to listen to other form or type of music.. 🙂 they can be diverse. The problem with you is that you focus on one thing.. Quit being one sided..

    @Kylie: What in the world? Kiss isn’t even a Goth band. There is no *goth* bands. I’m a Muslim and I feel offended by this picture. What is with the caption. She isn’t a goth. This is just embarassing.=> what made you say she’s not a goth? are there any qualification of bein a goth, can you tell me? Its in the heart that makes a person a goth. You don’t actually see it but rather you have to feel it.. Well I’m a Muslim and I’m proud of her 🙂

    @gothix:real Muslimah don’t wear jilbab like that.
    in fact they don’t wear clothes like that. Muslimah don’t show their body shapes.
    just because you cover your entire body with your clothes & that kind of jilbab you are wearing, doesn’t make you a Muslimah.
    you’re one of them who make others think wrong about Islam.=> again I dont see anything wrong with that.. we are living in the MODERN COMMUNITY, a bit of change would really come and besides what still count in the end is the faith..I know of some people who wear the so called prescribe Muslim clothes but boy they are driving me nuts with their attitude..

    @ucok bah: It’s a damned thing to see that an ideal Muslimah women should be like this..=> well if thats the case then my advise is that you have to be broad.. go beyond of what you see.. don’t limit yourself being on the surface.. you have to dig deeper..

    @ryan: then don’t called you self a goth, girl! I even could know what kind of girl you are by reading your reply and talked about her ‘myspace’ blog.=>reading her profile or her blog is not enough dude.. don’t be judgmental, you don’t know her from inside out…

    @drake:In the end, let Allah Swt, Jesus, Judah, or whoever anyone of you so-called righteous people call God make the final judgment.. Or if you’re agnostic or don’t believe in a God, go shut yourself up, hit a bar, get drunk, and enjoy whatever sh*t you’re doing..=> very well said.. i agree.. its Allahuta’Allah who has the right to judge us.. 🙂 no more no less.

    And by the way, one of the most prominent influential figures for current gothic culture, Peter Murphy of Bauhaus is also Islamic.. => thats cool.. I heard also a band name Melliae who is also an Arabian Muslim.

    The bottom line here is you have to understand, accept, and most of all respect other people way of living… Life has so many things to offer and its up to us on how are we gonna deal with it… Goth doesn’t talk about religion all the time, you can be one even if you’re in other sect of religion.. And for being a Muslimah, one has to establish their belief first which is the Belief in One Supreme God and basically following the Islamic rules..your faith counts a lot.

    whew so much for that..have a blessed day!


  18. Abdul Latif says:

    The Problem is no with the sister, but with Muslims that think they can dictate how others live. Who want to say who is Muslim and who is no. Isn’t that the root of the problem in Iraq? In our ummah? I we want to talk about unbelivers and who isn’t practicing Islam right, let’s look at those who disobey Allah by dividing themselves into secs calling themselves sunni, shia, salafi etc. first.

    Wearing black and being non conformist isn’t a sin in and of itself. Seems to me sisters that wear the outer cloak are doing the same thing. Like music it is the content and no the concept that can be haram. So only Allah knows what is in her heart and she only has to answer to the most high. Not a bunch of self rightoues hypocrites. Look at and worry about your own sins first.

    One thing though; drop the goddess thing. it is kind of a shirk. there is only one God!!!
    Allah HAfiz

  19. 1ndra says:

    It’s your choice, dee sister, as long as your take your religious act, deed and faith seriously heartly, no probs at all.
    I just dont like hypocrite people who hate religious person (who like metal or hard musical else) but they are far from religious acts.
    I listen many song from oldies like Cat Steven’s Morning has broken to his now Yusuf Islam’s A is for Allah and many other genre like Blind Guardian’s epic metal, Hammefall’s power metal, Dream Theaher’s progressive metal, Rammstein’s industrial metal, some doom metal and sure the best genre for me from The Big Four of Thrash, Metallica, Megadeth, Metallica, Slayer and Anthrax, thrash metal.

    But still I go to mosque and pray everyday.

    Music is music, way of life is way of life. Just dont take black metal in your life.
    Live your life sister, and dont forget to do shalat everyday and be nice person!
    That separated you from other bad people.

    Oh yeah, be sure to listen some gothic metal band like Lacuna Coil, they have female on vocal too.

  20. Kylie says:

    I unwillingly get labelled a “goth” by society, yet I do not wear a hijab or a perdasaw. My mum is also a Submitter and she encourages me to dress artistically and however I like. I admire the Gothic culture, but I don’t think you should label yourself “goth”. it’s pigeon-holed.. Yes, there is nothing wrong with Goth, it’s a beautiful culture, just don’assocaite it with stereotypes and the cliches you’ve read about or watched on tv.

    When you label something, you don’t grow as a person.

    You’re basically thinking the way non-believers do to our religion. Some of them think we are suicide bombing, osama-bin-laden worshipping “towel”-headed freaks. But we all know that real Muslims are kind, honest, loving people.

    But just a note aside, there is no “goth” music. There is gothic rock, punk, metal, etc, etc. Just ’cause you wear black or call yourself Goth doesn’t mean you have to listen to metal music or any other music associated with Goth. A real Goth would listen to whatever music made her happy.

    Don’t be a stereotype.

  21. Nikki Sixxx says:

    She is damn pretty!
    Hey Dee, you look good on that Kiss shirt… try other black shirt and you don’t have to listen a bunch of brainless people that try to attack you by what you wear… They’ll shut their hole in their face when they see you wearing nothing…. stunning like a bunch of cows.
    Gothic is gothic… Moslem is Moslem… You are what you wear… No one has the right to judge what you wear based on THEIR opinion by what THEY think its right for THEM.
    You don’t have to choose between walk the gothic or walk the Moslem way… Just walk as you are… COME AS YOU ARE!
    Satan Bless Us after all…

  22. oceanmelody says:

    1. la illah illah la Muhammadan rasouAllah

    sister, the way you’re dressed is acceptable in islam, number 1.

    Number 2: a piece of advice from someone who became Muslim 10 years ago, don’t let western influences take you away from your practice of islam. Muhammad sat with his companions one day and drew a line in the dust. He explained that if you go too far one way you loose your deen, if you go too far another way (too strict) then you loose your deen. But if you stick to the straight path you will always be guided!

    Make sure that your practice of Islam and gothic influences do not collide with your faith. A sister in Islam shouldn’t swear at people rather she should invite them to the way of Allah swt. with honey on their tongues and peace in the heart.

    I applaud you for your choice of hijab, keep up the good work and I pray you will find my advice helpful.

    oceanmelody revert 🙂

  23. Storm says:

    Nothing wrong with being a Muslim and Goth at the same time because they do not interfere with each other. Islam is a religion and Goth is a sub-culture (and an Art) so open up your minds or keep quiet. And you can’t judge a person just by reading her profile, Ryan. It’s also almost impossible to get to know a some people by talking to them face to face. Goth is also not only a kind of music and clothing, but you have to have that special way of thinking.

    And the problem is people associate Goths with corpse paint wearing people with black cloaks and play Black Metal and are usually Satanist. That’s not even Goth.

    And Muslims are associated with suicide bombers, violence and terror. Umm, that’s not true! Muslim extremists are not Muslim anymore once they kill people. Islam is Peace.
    Ok, that’s all I have to say.
    -Salaam. 🙂

  24. Shadra says:

    Hey, If the girl wants to do what she wants to do, more power to her. As for what is goth and not, its the ability to recognize the darker and lighter sides of ourselves and accepting that YES we have that darker side. Its absorbing and acknowledging our whole self. If she can accept her anger and her pain as well as her joy and love then…BRAVO! My best friend is gothic and you would NEVER know it to look at her. So how we live and how we are is more important to the goths at heart than outward appearances.

    Girl, do what you need to to be who you are and ignore everyone else’s opinions. They don’t know you or what your about.


  25. Robert says:

    We only wish she had chosen a happier aspect of western culture than the god-awful Goth sub-culture.

    After seen her site I think she is quite happy being a goth-fan. The qualifications happy and awful are relative and just exist in the eye and ear of the beholder.
    Is there a law that forbids goth-fans to wear Kiss-shirts? No. Does it collide with Islamic teachings? No.
    Apparently the combination of Goth-fan, Kiss-shirt and Jilbab is too much for some people. This “social butterfly” is too difficult catch. Dee, rock on!

  26. Tabzywabzy says:

    Salaam! I don’t even know where to begin really so um. I’ll just start with a simple woohoo! I’m not a goth, although on some days I have tended to dress like I am one. No, my random dressing-up days aside, I’m roud to say I’m a Muslim punk!

    Okay so punk and goth arent the same thing, but think we’d both have the same problems from other people.

    I wear a hijaab, I cover up my body, I try to pray 5 times a day etc, but yes, at the same time I’m a punk, and in my opinion, I’m completely free-punk swell, so depending on what I feel like being or doing that day, is what happens. Which is why some days iend up dressing gothy.
    being a Muslim punk works for me. Islam teaches that we should learn and better society, not follow like mindless sheep, we don’t need a sh*thole government to be telling us what to say or do, we don’t need the cheesy manufactured crap that comes out of nearly every RnB label, which seems to be the only music other South Asians/Muslims I know listen to. The only rules are your rules and my rules are based on islamic morals and ethics.

    Why SHOULDNT I wear shorts over my jeans? Why can’t I wear baggy trousers that look like a tent locked up with chains? Does it show off my body shape? Does it make me a morally corrupt person? No! Yeah okay so you can get some slutty punks but you can get some slutty preppy kids too. Just because I’m a punk doesn’t mean I have to live on the streets and do drugs and have sex. Yeah sure a lot of punk’s do it but there’s no “punk rule book” if there was, it wouldnt be very punk. 😛

    As far as I’m concerend, you should be who you wanna be. Okay so KISS aren’t a goth band. Who cares?! I listen to punk, heavy metal, pop punk, goth rock blah bla blah. So what? It doesn’t stop me from being a Muslim. I believe in Allah, and the beloved Prophet. I believe that I will be judged on my actions in my lifetime. That’s the basics. I dont drink, or do drugs or eat pork. I do my fair share of voluntary work. But I love piercings and wackjob haircuts. The mindset of my whole family the whole south asian culture has forced me to not get piercings. I had them once but I’ve had to take them out simply because I couldnt afford to get kicked out of the house. When I move out, the piercings will be back. I’ve got different coloured hair each month, it’s under my hijaab, but so what? I CHOSE to wear the hijaab. I’m one of the only females in my family (including extended family, 2nd cousins etc) that wears a hijaab. It’s not forced upon anyone in my family but I chose to wear it, knowing full well that my crazy hair was no longer gonna show my personality, but it’s okay because you find new ways. 😀
    Does it all stop me from being a Muslim? No!

    Oops, this is all about me, heh. Basically I wanted to back up my Muslim sister. I’m not saying all Muslims should be goths or punks or whatever. And I know a couple of “Muslim” kids who drink, do drugs etc and you know what, THEY know that it’s not allowed in their religion but if they chose to do it, well then, that’s what they’ve chosen to do it’s nothing to do with me. I’ll offer my best Muslim-punk-based advice when they need it, but other than that, everyone should be who THEY want to be. Muslim or not, if the girl choses to be a goth, it’s no-one else’s business!

  27. I think I understand exactly what you are trying to convey. You aren’t promoting the rock band KISS. You aren’t trying to say that you like the band KISS per se, I think you’re trying express yourself in a creative and artistic way.

    Freedom of expression is our right as humans. If we can’t express how we feel through what we wear, we are doomed.

    Please visit my yahoo 360. I would love to have you as a friend.–?cq=1

    “Midnight Corvid”

  28. Tuan says:

    Hey Dee,

    You keep doing what you’re doing and never mind the haters. I’m an Indonesian American Muslim (who doesn’t speak Malay) and I am all for self expression.

  29. Mohammed Khafi says:


    Just continue to be yourself, only Allah is allowed to judge us, only he sees what is in our hearts.


  30. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    :0 She is sexy, even with kerudung on.

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