Joanna Alexandra & Fla Priscilla

Jul 11th, 2006, in News, by

Two models, Joanna Alexandra and Fla Priscilla, who appeared in the second edition of Indonesian Playboy have been reported to the police.

Joanna Alexandra and Fla Priscilla were both reported to the police today by members of a hardline Muslim group, the Front Pembela Islam (FPI), Islamic Defenders Front, says Detik.

We reported the [publishers of the] second edition of Playboy and the models who posed in it. The editor we also reported.
(Kami melaporkan penerbitan Playboy II dan model-modelnya yang berpose di sini. Redaksinya juga kami laporkan.)

said the FPI’s lawyer, Jauhari Mubarak. He said they were reported under criminal code laws dealing with indecency.

Joanna Alexandra
Joanna Alexandra.

The FPI also requested that the editor of the magazine, Erwin Arnada, be detained by the police so as to prevent him from publishing any further editions of Playboy.

When asked why the FPI were targeting only Playboy, and not the other magazines on the market which are of a more risque nature, Jauhari said:

Playboy is [our] target because it is an American franchise. Playboy is the symbol of international pornography. If we let it become legitimate then pornography will become accepted.
(Playboy menjadi sasaran karena majalah ini adalah franchise dari Amerika. Playboy lambang porno internasiopnal. Apabila kita biarkan berarti melegitimasi porno menjadi budaya.)

Fla Priscilla
Fla Priscilla.

The move by the FPI constitutes another act in the continuing battle by hardline Muslim groups against Playboy, a magazine they view as one of the worst examples of western influence in Indonesia. Currently two models who appeared in the first edition, Andhara Early and Kartika Oktavina Gunawan are being prosecuted by police. Editor Erwin Arnada is also facing charges.

August 02

Today Fla Priscilla, who is a member of the “Tofu” pop group, will be making a visit to the police station.

She will be questioned today as a suspect.
(Dia diperiksa hari ini sebagai tersangka)

said Ahmad Rivai of the police.

19 Comments on “Joanna Alexandra & Fla Priscilla”

  1. Rockstar says:

    AHA gotcha,.. somebody from FPI DID read the playboy 🙂

    hehehe pervert 😛

  2. boby cool says:

    joanna, i very like you at peterpan’s videoclip, I’m fallin in love with you, but now… what wrong with you baby. why you give you’re beautyfull body to playboy only for money …you make me sad baby

  3. Rockstar says:

    is she naked? i dont think so.. if she knew that she had to go fully naked or even semi naked I bet she would refuse.

  4. miss-o says:

    I’m joanna’s friend and she wasnt posing in playboy just for f..king money!!she likes dare..and she did it!!

  5. K_M3R4D says:

    I think she is very beautiful girl, she act very well in Catatan Akhir Sekolah. just like baby cool said, what’s wrong with you, why did you pose for that magazine?

  6. doni says:

    joanna i love you……….!!!!
    I don’t care about them……..!!!!

  7. Chris says:

    Joan isn’t naked in playboy..
    i know her better. trust me..

  8. er_eka says:

    No problem, if she was naked because human rights.

  9. 1ndra says:

    Are you dare to naked?


    Well go anywhere and get naked, when police arrest you, just say, it’s my human rights. 😀

  10. bobby cool says:

    I think joanna still cute, cuzz….. i luv her very much…!!!! ….live on…Joanna….

  11. jack says:

    All of losers are always preaching about morality. See first then give comment, don’t just comment without any argument to back you up.
    people … please do get a live.

  12. rangga says:

    I want to make love with her

  13. Rhalp says:

    Joanna,i love you..You’re the best…

  14. Aluang anak Bayang says:

    What about Fla Priscilla? She is more of my type. 😛

  15. Ray says:

    Why is the picture of Joanna being blurred? She’s still wearing her f***ing bra for f**k sake. That ain’t pornography! And the whole thing of reporting those two hot chicks to the police sangat tidak masuk akal. F***ing ridiculous.

  16. Ramster says:

    Do you think barging into bars, restaurants, karaokes, and pubs are considered a decent thing to do? The FPI needs to go back to kindergarten and start learning some manners [ properly ] !!!

    Indonesians used to be very talented artists! Take a look at our temples, the borobudur, and many others.

    It’s only a f**king art!! for crying out loud.

  17. foolosophy says:

    AHA gotcha,.. somebody from FPI DID read the playboy 🙂

    hahaha spot on, FPI is maling teriak maling. hypocrites.

  18. alex says:

    Are you did’nt shy if you hang out with out dress?

  19. mayanaya says:

    just shut FPI down, they act like cops, think they have all the rights in the world to justify their belief. they should have taken a closer look at themselves first. Are they sure they never do wrong? and that picture isn’t a nude at all. if you see that and get horny, so you’re a pathetic loser who never goes to swimming pool at all. That’s called art (for your enlightenment). I admire Islam itself, but feel it’s ridiculed by FPI

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