MUI On Problematic Local Laws

Jul 11th, 2006, in News, by

The Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) says there are no regional regulations that apply Islamic law.

In a joint statement with various Islamic social organisations the Ulema Councile said that it was a myth that certain city and provincial administrations had promulgated laws that could be said to be forms of sharia.

What they are are rules which have the spirit of sharia, they are for the good of society, and they have been agreed upon by many political parties who are the representatives of the people.
(Yang ada adalah peraturan yang di dalamnya terkandung nilai-nilai syariah, dan itu untuk kebaikan masyarakat, dan telah disetujui oleh banyak partai yang menjadi wakil rakyat.)

said Maruf Amin, the chairman of the MUI. The laws in question were simply anti-sin laws and what’s more they had proven to be effective in reducing the incidence of sinful behaviour in the areas in which they had been put into force, he added. There was also no conflict between the laws and the national criminal code or the constitution.

Maruf Amin went on to explain that the regional laws were simply a means to prevent the destruction of the nation from pornography and public indecency.

He also was moved to complain about the anti-“premanism” campaign claiming that it was an attempt by certain groups to put Islamic groups in conflict with the government. He hoped that the government wouldn’t take the bait and said that any attempt to rein in Islamic groups would harm the unity of the nation. But he hoped that the organisations in question would not resort to violent means to get their point across.

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