SBY Will Be Judged

Jul 9th, 2006, in News, by

Abu Bakar Ba’asyir says the leaders of the country put their souls at risk by not applying Islamic sharia law.

The state must ensure that citizens perform their religious duties, he says:

The way of applying Islam has to be organised by the state. Muhammad and his friends gave the example. So, for example there are many Muslims who fail to pray regularly because there is no law requiring them to do so. It is not only they who sin, but also SBY [president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and [vice president] Jusuf Kalla will be held responsible on Judgement Day.
(Cara mengamalkan Islam itu harus diorganisir oleh negara. Itu contohnya Rasulullah yang diikuti oleh para sahabatnya. Jadi, misalnya orang Islam banyak yang melanggar salat karena nggak ada undang-undangnya, bukan dia saja yang dosa, tapi SBY dan Jusuf Kalla juga ikut nanggung dosanya di Hari Kiamat.)

Abu Bakar Ba’asyir said this to a group of people who had come to his Al Mukmin boarding school in Sukoharjo, Central Java, to explain to him their concerns about radical groups and violence done in the name of religion.

Ba’asyir said minorities had nothing to fear from sharia as its stipulations did not apply to them. So long as they did not disturb the practise of Islam they would receive protection, he said.

Meanwhile, in more from the mouth of Ba’asyir, reports say that he has asked the government to review the cases of Amrozi, Imam Samudra, and Muchlas, the men convicted of the Bali bombings in 2002 in which over 200 people died. Ba’asyir claims that the bombs were of American origin.

Their execution would be unfair, he says, and adds:

They aren’t terrorists, they are holy warriors, their struggle and their sacrifice were good, they just took the wrong path.
(Mereka bukan teroris, tetapi mujahid, karena perjuangan dan pengorbanannya baik, hanya langkahnya yang keliru.)

8 Comments on “SBY Will Be Judged”

  1. Andrew says:


  2. Delta Force says:

    what abubakar ba’asyir all of them bullsh*t, sharia would give hard impact and also more terorism action will be in protection of sharia law. Fact that after ambon there’s no man in jihad law had been arrested, many of them making action that against the law, recorded on camera seen by many people and government, there’s nothing happend. they still free walking and making a teror.
    There’s one Islamic schollar says that every part that against Islam ( even not disturb Islam but the way not Islam) must be eleminate from the world, that Islam must conquer the earth with all cost.

    that’s why many of terorism action have relation with Islam

  3. Hassan says:

    that’s an interesting fairy tale Delta Force dude. ambon were started by the red faction (Christians), the bloodshet started with the ied ul fitri masacre. In the Muslim holyday, the red faction attacked Muslims as they left to do their ied prayer. hundreds died. law enforcement officers failed to control the situation, and the killings continue. the jihadists left java to try to protect their brethren from being slaughtered, as the the police were unable to guarantee safety for the ambon Muslims. the jihadists were defenders, not aggressors. the red faction were armed with machine guns and other firearms, the ambon Muslims got nothing.

    btw, can you name that Islamic scholar you mentioned? without a name, your claim is just an Islamophobic rumour, a propaganda. how about if i say that there’s a religious westerner that said that there are wmd in some Arab country.

    that’s why so many slaughters occured in the name of democracy.

  4. O. Bule says:

    This is just another example of the nut-job Islamic fanatics trying to turn Indonesia into a tropical version of Afaganistan.

    O. Bule

  5. Ram says:

    Dear Sirs,
    I read this article, very interesting.
    Can you provide me with E-mail id of:
    Mr. Abu Bakar Ba’asyir
    Mr. Susilo B Yudhoyono
    Mr. Jusuf Kalla
    I wish to correspond with such men.

  6. Dragonwall says:

    Everyone knows half of the world’s terrorist were trained in the US.

    Meanwhile, in more from the mouth of Ba’asyir, reports say that he has asked the government to review the cases of Amrozi, Imam Samudra, and Muchlas, the men convicted of the Bali bombings in 2002 in which over 200 people died. Ba’asyir claims that the bombs were of American origin.

    I thought this sh*t was convicted and sentence to what 2 or 5 years in holiday camp and he is asking for the release of his comrades? What a joke.

    You were fortunate, so fortunate, because all the zombies were exerting pressure and making reprisal threats to the gornment that is why you got of with a light sentence.
    In countries besides Indonesia, just name it in any Islamic countries, you are already buried like the name so say ‘O same been laiden’. He will suffer the same fate as his name spelt of.

    Abu Bakar Ba’asyir says the leaders of the country put their souls at risk by not applying Islamic sharia law

    All those country that applies the sharia in fact put their soul at risks, like Saddam Hussein.

    Abu Bakar Ba’asyir said this to a group of people who had come to his Al Mukmin boarding school in Sukoharjo, Central Java, to explain to him their concerns about radical groups and violence done in the name of religion.

    Arn’t you and your comrades among one of those radical groups doing violence in the name of religion?

    Ba’asyir said minorities had nothing to fear from sharia as its stipulations did not apply to them. So long as they did not disturb the practise of Islam they would receive protection, he said.

    So how come always when it comes the time of Ramadhan your comrades go around sweeping the floor? Disturbing business that has nothing to do with your religion? Attacking churches etc?

    Your academic qualifications being a cleric comparing to SBY and you got balls to judge!

    In the Muslim holyday, the red faction attacked Muslims as they left to do their ied prayer. hundreds died. law enforcement officers failed to control the situation, and the killings continue. the jihadists left java to try to protect their brethren from being slaughtered, as the the police were unable to guarantee safety for the ambon Muslims. the jihadists were defenders, not aggressors. the red faction were armed with machine guns and other firearms, the ambon Muslims got nothing

    Are you sure the Ambonese started that first? Or who started that first. Honestly speaking, have you been bias in your statements? Or is it just to protect your religion.

  7. will says:

    It is unfortunate that some preachers are allowed to make a living by spreading division amongs people. I wonder what evil they follow that makes them think it is holy to preach violence?

  8. donny says:

    a very nice comment by Mr ABB

    Translations of the Qur’an, Surah 9:

    YUSUFALI: But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

    PICKTHAL: Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

    SHAKIR: So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

    Ba’asyir said minorities had nothing to fear from sharia as its stipulations did not apply to them. So long as they did not disturb the practise of Islam they would receive protection, he said.

    Before conquering Mekka, Prophet Muhammad and the Muslims also captured the abodes and properties of a few Jew Clans around Medina, namely those of Bani Nadheer and Bani Khoraiza. As for the Bani Nadheer clan, the entire population of that clan was evicted followed by occupying their homes and properties forth-with. For the Bani Khoraiza clan once defeated, the entire grown-up men population, numbering 600-900, were most cruelly slaughtered in which Prophet Muhammad himself had participated which was followed by immediate capturing of their homes and properties whilst taking their woman and children as slaves. The localities (villages), these two Jew clans used to live in, must have had temples-synagogues for their religious exercise. Where is the evidence in support of the claims that after capturing those Jew villages, Muhammad and the Muslims preserved the places of Jew worship? These temples of Jew worship were not located inside Ka’ba and indeed were located far from Mekka. Why did then Allah wished to have those Jew temples destroyed when He asked Muhammad to protect non-Muslim religious institutions in the Holy Koran?

    writers :
    read the same in History of God by Karen Armstrong

    Minorities getting protection ?? only if THEY PAYS JIZYA or whatever … that still make them second / third class human, isn’t it ?? if they did not do it … you know what will happen next

    come on … stop hiding behind the sweet words, just say it …

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