Quick counts for the 2009 national parliamentary general election have Demokrat leading the way.
These are the official vote counts, final version:
# | Party | Votes | % | Seats | % |
1 | Demokrat | 21.703.137 | 20,85% | 150 | 26.8% |
2 | Golkar | 15.037.757 | 14,45% | 107 | 19.1% |
3 | PDIP | 14.600.091 | 14,03% | 95 | 17% |
4 | PKS | 8.206.955 | 7,88% | 57 | 10.2% |
5 | PAN | 6.254.580 | 6,01% | 43 | 7.7% |
6 | PPP | 5.533.214 | 5,32% | 37 | 6.6% |
7 | PKB | 5.146.122 | 4,94% | 27 | 4.8% |
8 | Gerindra | 4.646.406 | 4,46% | 26 | 4.6% |
9 | Hanura | 3.922.870 | 3,77% | 18 | 3.2% |
10 | PBB | 1.864.752 | 1,79% | 0 | 0 |
Dem: Partai Demokrat, president Yudhoyono
PDIP: PDI Perjuangan, Megawati
Golkar: Golongan Karya
PKS: Partai Keadilan Sejahtera/Prosperous Justice Party
PKB: Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa
PAN: Partai Amanat Nasional
PPP: Partai Persatuan Pembangunan
Gerindra: Gerakan Indonesia Raya, Prabowo
Hanura: Partai Hati Nurani Rakyat, Wiranto
PBB: Partai Bulan Bintang
These were the ‘quick count’ estimates from various survey-polling groups.
# | Survey Body | |||||||
LSI (1) | LSN | LSI (2) | CIRUS | |||||
1 | Dem | 20,46% | Dem | 20,22% | Dem | 20,34% | Dem | 20,61% |
2 | PDIP | 14,41% | Golkar | 14,79% | Golkar | 14,85% | Golkar | 14,57% |
3 | Golkar | 13,98% | PDIP | 13,98% | PDIP | 14,07% | PDIP | 14,26% |
4 | PKS | 7,84% | PKS | 7,37% | PKS | 7,82% | PKS | 7,45% |
5 | PAN | 5,74% | Gerindra | 6,51% | PAN | 6,07% | PAN | 5,8% |
6 | PPP | 5,23% | PPP | 5,33% | PPP | 5,29% | PKB | 5,63% |
7 | PKB | 5,18% | PAN | 4,97% | PKB | 5,20% | PPP | 5,31% |
8 | Gerindra | 4,59% | PKB | 4,62% | Gerindra | 4,20% | Gerindra | 4,27% |
9 | Hanura | 3,72% | Hanura | 3,43% | Hanura | 3,49% | Hanura | 3,5% |
10 | PKNU | 1,45% | PKNU | 1,85% | PBB | 1,65% | PBB | 1,87% |
LSI (1): Lembaga Survei Indonesia
LSN : Lembaga Survei Nasional
LSI (2) : Lingkaran Survei Indonesia
CIRUS : CIRUS Surveyors Group
General election 2009 has no accountable political parties to vote for. Indonesians’ votings were made based on strong personality behind the party, I guess. I can’t blame people who were being Golput but being Golput won’t change anything anyway.
Golkar was a failure by letting his minister in SBY-JK cabinet did nothing in his power to solve the issue of Lapindo Mudflow. I am not yet mentioning horrific JK’s statements over many social issue things such as contractual “prostitution” marriage or he will follow Suharto’s idealism. PDI-P was simply lost without any clear programs. Prabowo has dark past that (I think) majority people of my generation won’t easily forget. Gerindra should promote his brother Hashim Djojohadikusumo instead of him. PKS and PBB or any political parties that carrying religions as their flag have always the same voters. Personally I have no sympathy over these religious based politicians. Forget Hanura, does anyone want Wiranto with his dark past to lead this nation? So, it looks like Partai Demokrat with SBY personality is more reasonable.
I am not sure whether I should be glad or even more pessimistic if Democrats wins. I am afraid that Democrats might have coalition with PKS and small religious political parties in the parliament..ugh..
So technically, Lairdion, that makes you a foreigner, right ? You didn’t change your passport back, though you could have ? So how much more Indonesian now are you than the various Bule who choose to live here, when you haven’t chosen to switch back ?
Hi Lairedion,
Yup, hopefully Democrats could learn from PvDA in Balkenende IV cabinet when has to dealt with religious based parties coalition if there is no other options for Democrats. Personally I wish there is Indonesian political parties like PvDA or Democraten 66..hehe..I guess my wish goes too far..
Veel plezier met Pasen lang weekend!
You’re the one who gets offended by “bule clowns” commenting excessively…
Translation ?
Prime, prime! where are you??
It’s time, it’s time! Sri Mulyani for Vice presidency!
You’re an IT guy right? make blogs or group or something.
Let’s move! 🙂
Seksi Mr. Patoengs Yth.,
Congrats on the little ‘uns. How old are they ?
x o
Tn. Diego, Yth:
Do you happen to know those two guys? Did you just say this simply because you were involved in some kind of conflict with them? Or is it your vulcanicaly-objective view?
Yeah. You’re right. I am not logical or objective on them. Cannot tell you the reason, but i am indeed biased.
I retract my statement on pius and budiman.
Tn. Patung, Yth:
Prabowo’s mother was from Manado, Dora Marie Sigar Sumitro, she died not long ago, so that explains some of his attraction there. PDS (Christian) were lining up to support him for president a few months back as I remember.
Soemitro was a PSI. Back then, indonesia was still very secular, soemitro along some others socialists is very close to the concept of atheism. It only makes sense if his wife was also a bit inclined to his ideology.
Prabowo, on the other hand, has always been very different, in terms of ideology, from his family, be it soemitro or soeharto.
Only recently he went back to his father’s ideology. How the heck he could suddenly get that HKTI chairman, is beyond me.
He is already a soldier from his teenage years.
Being soeharto’s in law he was discriminated by Moerdani. Although, being power-hungry could be a reason too. So he was naturally attracted to green faction.
He is a very complex character, difficult to judge his character.
But we can always judge his actions in the past, especially in the 98. He himself admitted that the kidnappings were his orders, and felt no remorse about it.
Congrats, Pak Patoeng, if I’d known, I wouldn’t have made such offensive, racially loaded comments in fear of them being misinterpreted. I guess you live and learn. But much happiness to you and your family. x o.
Almost 2, and 6, cute but naughty.
Are they not on the advertising casting circuit yet Patung?
My wife has me driven half to distraction; every freakin’ ad for milk products or biscuits or baby soaps or whatever she turns up to like the stage mother from hell. Instead of spending quiet afternoons hunched over a cold beer and a newspaper as I would prefer, I’m navigating through the streets of south Jakarta trying to find some grubby little TV production house so I can encourage my lads to smile “cheese!” and sing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” for some bored cameraman who must have seen a thousand such delightful products of happy miscegenation that day.
Worst of course are the other bule fathers (it’s always a local mother/western father situation) who like me try to stand invisible in the background, self consciously attempting to look uninterested and avoiding eye contact with the other blokes.
It has to stop I tell you, can we not get some righteous rants going here from the Indonesian nationalists on this forum about banning ‘fruit salad’ kids from TV advertising? It would make my life a lot easier.
PS Thanks for the ‘preview’ function.
Lairedion Says:
April 10th, 2009 at 1:30 pm
Hey, has Purba Negoro returned?Patung Says:
April 10th, 2009 at 1:45 pm
Hahaha .. I was about to ask the same question.
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Oigal- with all due respect you’re not Indoneisa, so your opinion, which appears emotively based and uneducated at best, is not worth considering.
You superimpose your Western culture on a society you seem to be unable to understand.
For Indonesians, it is better to die on one’s feet that live on one’s knees- n matter the cause- death before dishonour and failure. We are not afraid of death unlike the immature West.
You have no idea of the suffering of the Rakyat under this Western-beloved desk-warrior SBY.
SBY is love by the West for one good reason: LOANS.
The value of 32 years of debt under Suharto have DOUBLED under SBY’s reign according to Kompas- print edition April 8 2009.
Partai Demokrat have been tailing the Gerindra and PDI-P campaigners in particular, infiltrating rallies and taking note of attendants. Attendants have reported being bribed at the last minute to vote for Partai Demokrat.
In the very poorest areas of Jakarta- Partai Demokrat has been instructing voters to vote ONCE PER PAGE- resulting in VOID votes.
The poor would likely vote for PDI-P and lesser extent PKS, Gerindra, NU and others- but unlikely Golkar or Partai Demokrat
Bakrie, Prabowo and Megawati are loved by the people- they share the views of the Rakyat- no matter what the elites and Western SBY sycophants may like o believe.
Anti Chinese may be a western taboo- but in Indonesia it is historically and currently justifiable and patriotic. The 80 economic criminals hiding in Singapore are all Chinese- ask Pak Menteri Sudarsono.
Furthermore- if a Jakarta based party gathers more than 5-10% of NATIONAL votes ahead of Gerindra, PDI-P, PKS, NU and so forth-= it is very obvious Partai Demokrat has committed serious electoral fraud.
Partai Demokrat is considerate an “elite” party like Golkar- unpopular with the rural and urban poor.
Why would a poor person vote the leader who has made their life the measurably worst yet?
Removal of Oil subsidy? Rice subsidy and distribution failures? Price of Rice rising?
This will force the Rakyat to riot at their political choice being ignored by Western imposition of a weak yes-man who cannot say no to US loans.
IF the Rakyat riot- target of their anger will not be based on race or religion- but solely on political choice ignored