April 2009 General Election – Quick Count

Apr 9th, 2009, in News, by

Quick counts for the 2009 national parliamentary general election have Demokrat leading the way.

These are the official vote counts, final version:

# Party Votes % Seats %
1 Demokrat 21.703.137 20,85% 150 26.8%
2 Golkar 15.037.757 14,45% 107 19.1%
3 PDIP 14.600.091 14,03% 95 17%
4 PKS 8.206.955 7,88% 57 10.2%
5 PAN 6.254.580 6,01% 43 7.7%
6 PPP 5.533.214 5,32% 37 6.6%
7 PKB 5.146.122 4,94% 27 4.8%
8 Gerindra 4.646.406 4,46% 26 4.6%
9 Hanura 3.922.870 3,77% 18 3.2%
10 PBB 1.864.752 1,79% 0 0

Dem: Partai Demokrat, president Yudhoyono
PDIP: PDI Perjuangan, Megawati
Golkar: Golongan Karya
PKS: Partai Keadilan Sejahtera/Prosperous Justice Party
PKB: Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa
PAN: Partai Amanat Nasional
PPP: Partai Persatuan Pembangunan
Gerindra: Gerakan Indonesia Raya, Prabowo
Hanura: Partai Hati Nurani Rakyat, Wiranto
PBB: Partai Bulan Bintang

These were the ‘quick count’ estimates from various survey-polling groups.

# Survey Body
1  Dem  20,46%  Dem  20,22%  Dem  20,34%  Dem  20,61%
2  PDIP  14,41%  Golkar  14,79%  Golkar  14,85%  Golkar  14,57%
3  Golkar  13,98%  PDIP  13,98%  PDIP  14,07%  PDIP 14,26%
4  PKS  7,84%  PKS  7,37%  PKS  7,82%  PKS  7,45%
5  PAN  5,74% Gerindra  6,51%  PAN  6,07%  PAN  5,8%
6  PPP  5,23%  PPP  5,33%  PPP  5,29%  PKB  5,63%
7  PKB  5,18%  PAN  4,97%  PKB  5,20%  PPP  5,31%
8  Gerindra  4,59%  PKB  4,62%  Gerindra  4,20%  Gerindra  4,27%
9  Hanura  3,72%  Hanura  3,43% Hanura  3,49%  Hanura  3,5%
10  PKNU  1,45%  PKNU  1,85%  PBB  1,65%  PBB  1,87%

LSI (1): Lembaga Survei Indonesia
LSN : Lembaga Survei Nasional
LSI (2) : Lingkaran Survei Indonesia
CIRUS : CIRUS Surveyors Group

78 Comments on “April 2009 General Election – Quick Count”

  1. fullmoonflower says:

    hmmmm….. πŸ™„

    Partai Demokrat 19,64%
    Partai Golkar 16,52%
    PDIP 16,43%
    PKS 8,16%

    and………………. GOLPUT is 46%….. πŸ˜†

    Golput is still THE WINNER…. yaaaayyyyyy!!!!!! πŸ˜€

  2. fullmoonflower says:

    let them calculate …

    I just want to calculate how many people will be registered to Mental Hospital starting by next week… πŸ™‚

    There was a caleg‘s wife had been a mental hospital patient in Lampung last week…. so, who will be the next? πŸ˜‰

  3. David says:

    Did you see this, Achmad, I mean Sumanto is going to accompany the stressed caleg:

    But the counting I like….it all seems to be aligning now, for a while CIRUS was way out on its own, but the order of the top four parties looks about the same for all the four survey groups.

  4. Mr Tic Tac Toe says:

    Ok, now demoKrat is leading.

    All we need now, Partai RepubliK for 2014, and “military industrial KompleKs”.

  5. Lairedion says:

    If 46 % is golput we can safely say Indonesia is becoming a mature democracy… πŸ™‚

  6. Lairedion says:

    I meant 46 % is ignoring a fatwa. Good.

  7. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    Seksi Mr. Patoengs,

    I am very happys for the festival of demokasi, but am sad sedikit because the Partai Patriotis not the winning partai.

    Drs. A. Sudarsono.

  8. David says:

    Partai Patriot – am a bit surprised they didn’t do better, at least where I am they were very visible, they seemed to have put a lot of effort into campaigning, unlike most of the small parties who were, well, invisible, like where my brother-in-law’s calon istri lives Patriot people (and also PKS) put up street lights or something to try to woo the locals…most of their candidates looked like thugs though, or wanna be thugs.

    My mother in law voted Gandalf….

  9. Lairedion says:

    My wife voted Gerindra (she’s never shy of opportunism), my parents-in-law Golkar, most of my wife’s relatives probably PKS, my own relatives are split evenly between PDI-P, Demokrat and Golkar with a few PDS.

    Me, I cannot vote anymore. When I was still eligible it was Soeharto’s era so voting was useless back then.

  10. PendekaRakyat says:

    Partai Demokrat has been behind the de-registration of registered votoers known to have tendency for Golkar and PDI-P, NU, PKS and other parties.
    This dishonest campaign spread all the way to the top tiers of Indonesian society wit sons of former Suharto Cabinet Minister complaining they had mysteriously been removed from the vote registration despite legitimately voting in the past two elections.
    Yet another of SBY dirty tricks to remain in power.
    The final campaign celebration of PDI-P was deliberate;ly sabotage by {Partai Demokrat- 1000 buses ordered were threatened by violence not to attend and food boxes (40 parcels per dus) were filled with either rotten food or flyers with 50,000 Rp notes attached requesting the “box opener” to vote Partai Demokrat or their home area “unsafe and unlivable due to protests they did not vote Partai Demokrat).
    Partai Demokrat has been distributing CRT 15” televisions to villagers in the outer provinces.

    Finally the West sees how it’s desk-soldier smiling, Lego-hair darling is as corrupt and incorrigible as the maligned Suharto, especially proven by his wife: holder of the largest diamond and diamond mine collection in Indonesia.
    Idiotic Westerners should investigate the Holding Trusts, sorry- Yayasans (charities) started by SBY. Funny too, the West ignores the SBY sacking of pro-Golkar/pro PDI-P combat generals with his own darling desk warrior brigades of Yes men.

    The ABRI/TNI and Badan Intel Negara predict major public disquiet following the election and I suggest it will be entirely due to Partai Demokrat’s dirty tricks and the Rakyat will violently revolt at having their choice not recognized
    Partai Demokrat’s Western pin-up desk-warrior’s total failure to society- the number of below poverty line- rising astronomically from 45 million post Megwawati to over 100 million in 2009.
    This horrific figure makes SBY exactly more ruinous than Saddam under the oil embargos

    Senior Gadjah Mada, and Universitas Indonesia political analysts and political party pollsters have all predicted a grass-roots PDI-P upsurge and the likelihood of a GOlkar-PDI-P or GerIndra-PDI-P grand coalition.
    If the Rakyat-despised dessk-warrior wins, Jogja, Solo, Surabaya, Bali, Medan and Jakarta will likely be the centre of the most severe riots= being the most historically politically sophisticated and involved regions.
    BIN predicts little danger to the Chinese populations- seen also to have been badly effected by SBY incompetence (record middle-class bankruptcies), as the likely riots will be about political choice ignored, rather than social injustice.

  11. Lucky Luke says:

    Like father like son ..
    Democrat in america win, obama win,
    Democrat in indonesia win, just a fans of obama win ..
    What a pleasure, to see the democracy fail to perform the people conscience.
    Democracy is the best choice from the worse …
    Congratulation “the fall of civilization begin ..”

  12. diego says:


    Me, I cannot vote anymore. When I was still eligible it was Soeharto’s era so voting was useless back then.

    What crime have you committed?

  13. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    PendekaRakyat Yth.,

    Perhaps you could give the Westerners a start by elaborating what you know. If you’re worried about BIN or intelligence or whatever, perhaps from a warnet.

    * Corruption ?
    * Your own political ties ?
    * Business interests of his wife ?
    * SBY yayasans ?

  14. fullmoonflower says:

    @ Kang Lairedion..

    Fatwa is Human’s creation, and we believe it was created under “pressure”….

    There is no correlation between the Heaven and Pemilu… That’s what we believe as GOLPUT member πŸ˜‰

  15. fullmoonflower says:

    This is my friend’s report, sent to my mailbox :

    ” Abis ngeliat penghitungan suara di TPSku. Urutannya, Golput 147, Cacat 43, Demokrat 97, PKS 45, PDIP 33, Gerindra 19, Hanura 18. Trus di papan tengah, Golkar, PPP, PAN, PBB, PDS, PKNU. Jadi, Demokrat terbang, PKS, PAN dan PKB anjlok, Gerindra dan Hanura lumayan. Yang stabil cuma PDIP dan Golkar…. ”

  16. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    btw, Seksi Mr. Patoengs Yth.,

    Are u really that surprised. How many ordinary Indonesians are fans of the preman who extort from them on a regular basis ? How many New Jersey denizens would vote for Tony Soprano ??

  17. Lairedion says:

    Mbakyu FMF,

    Golput is really a great name….

  18. David says:

    You keep calling me seksi, in bold, but I know you don’t mean it….anyway no I guess not, I’m just going on the principle, the more money that goes in the more it pays off, they had rented some colossal size ad billboards for example, and it looks like they went to a bit of an effort on the ground, but maybe I’m not giving enough credit to Fanny and Eko on the street.

  19. diego says:

    I really don’t understand how being GOLPUT is going to help.

    Two hours from voting here en mi ciudad, I’m still undecided between PDIP … or … Gerindra.

    I got mixed news about Prabowo, but do you think he’s nationalist enough (wouldn’t let shits like islamists take control)?

  20. Lairedion says:


    Didn’t you take the opportunity to vote by mail? My wife already voted last week on Monday.

    My wife believes Prabowo is Pancasilaist enough, she thinks he would never allowed the porn bill to happen and he would have curtailed the power of MUI.

    I’m not so sure about that. Allegedly he was part of the green “islamic” faction in TNI. But at the other hand Pius Lustrilanang is also Gerindra. Confusing indeed…

  21. fullmoonflower says:

    thank you, Kang Lairedion…

    I am appreciate it πŸ™‚

  22. Mr Tic Tac Toe says:

    Tn. Diego, Yth:

    Prabowo is an islamist.

    According to gen. kivlan zen, Prabowo was in the green faction of TNI along with Feisal Tandjung and R.Hartono.

    Read Gen. Sintong’s new book, to know the history from Merah-putih faction’s point of view.

    He is allegedly anti-chinese.

    He is so “nationalist”, that he wasnt doing “business” in Indonesia at the time of crisis.
    His programs were copied directly from his father’s long gone party, PSI.

    As for pius, he is almost the same as that budiman sudjatmiko guy: Opportunist as always.

  23. Mr Tic Tac Toe says:

    Tn. Diego, Yth:

    I really don’t understand how being GOLPUT is going to help.

    They are pretty convincing:


    Neah, just kidding.
    Political apathy wont help anybody other than the rising fundamentalists.

  24. David says:

    Prabowo’s mother was from Manado, Dora Marie Sigar Sumitro, she died not long ago, so that explains some of his attraction there. PDS (Christian) were lining up to support him for president a few months back as I remember.

  25. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    Seksi Patoengs,

    Why would I not mean it ? Your eye has especially…seksi of late. I liked the quick count and weird election slogans.

    For me, spotting the Sumanto willing to to “nemanin” caleg yng stress really made my week !

    Lucu !



  26. fullmoonflower says:

    Waiting for the President Election….

    Anyway, there is an anti-Megawati movement in internet… I think it’s a hot issue…
    Did anyone heard about a group named “Say No!!! To Megawati”? πŸ˜‰

    There were about 97.000’s members in that group, but the site owner blocked it and deleted it… but it was dissapeared for 1 day only…
    1 day later, the group was back by different name : “Say No To Megawati (Clean)”…
    Now it has about 40.000’s members….

    and I am one of both groups member…. πŸ˜‰

    Nice Job Buddy….. 😎

  27. diego says:

    Greeting TTT el vulcano…,

    Thanks for the info. Oops…, I voted for a caleg from Gerindra. I should’ve read IM before making my decision :D. Argh.

    As for pius, he is almost the same as that budiman sudjatmiko guy: Opportunist as always.

    Do you happen to know those two guys? Did you just say this simply because you were involved in some kind of conflict with them? Or is it your vulcanicaly-objective view?

    Anyway, what you said there simply reinforced the idea I’ve always had in my mind the last couple of years: the “leftists” are disgusting.

    I simply don’t see the value in their “fight”. I mean, at the end of the day I think people (including me) want: better job, better life. Part of that better life is freedom of expression, which in general leads to more creativity, which in turn leads to more interesting work-dynamics / entrepeneurial spirit, better job, better life. Ok, that’s ipse-dixistism, I’m too lazy to find articles on the web to support my conviction.

    Back those leftist, generally, whenever spot a blog of a left activist and have free time to waste, I would drop a message to tell him / her: “shudafagup. naive. stupid. useless. lazy. unindustrialized.”. Of course, I do it selectively. Some of them, I think, are reasonable. But many of them simply, in my view, are lazy ex-university students (drop out), with low IPK (academic score), and are too lazy to study, smoke pot and are sufffering from delussion of grandeur, identifying themselves with “heroic figures” like… che guevarra. Ha ha ha ha ha.

  28. fullmoonflower says:

    diego Says:
    April 10th, 2009 at 7:30 am

    shudafagup. naive. stupid. useless. lazy. unindustrialized.”. Of course, I do it selectively. Some of them, I think, are reasonable. But many of them simply, in my view, are lazy ex-university students (drop out), with low IPK (academic score), and are too lazy to study, smoke pot and are sufffering from delussion of grandeur, identifying themselves with β€œheroic figures” like… che guevarra.

    hahaha… πŸ˜†

    so, come and drop to the blog I told, Diego… it’s named “Say No To Megawati (Clean)”… and say what you’ve said here…

    and I’ll see what will be happened to your tax report, maybe some friends of mine will put your name to be their target for their tax investigation πŸ˜‰

    hehehe… πŸ˜€

  29. fullmoonflower says:

    btw : if you want to come, better you do it from internet shop…

    otherwise my friend who is working for a new directorate (Tax Intelligent Directorate) of Directorate General of Tax will trace your IP address and find you 😎 …

  30. Oigal says:

    “If the Rakyat-despised dessk-warrior wins, Jogja, Solo, Surabaya, Bali, Medan and Jakarta will likely be the centre of the most severe riots= being the most historically politically sophisticated and involved regions.”

    Mmmm Rakyat despised..certainly not in any region I have visited (and thats been a few of late). From the discussions I have had virtually almost 100% “suka dia” although more than few have suggested they might vote others due to disappointments overall with his govenment. Those disappointments have not however translated into hatred or “despised”

    As for “skull duggery” several of our staff have come back from the villages and describe any number of varying levels of intimidation both sutble and particularly nasty but dems didn’t seem to get a mention in any of the more nasty versions..so our new friend might want to be careful about “glass houses”

    Seems a pretty one sided almost threatening rant, I would agree with ASSMAD..perhaps us visitors could do with an education therefore

    Perhaps you could give the Westerners a start by elaborating what you know. If you’re worried about BIN or intelligence or whatever, perhaps from a warnet.

    * Corruption ?
    * Your own political ties ?
    * Business interests of his wife ?
    * SBY yayasans ?

    Personal disclaimer..I think Dems are the best of a bad lot although their loyalty to Bakrie is stunning to say the least (but then I don’t have vote so who cares). Never the less based on listening in to kin and friends if the dems didn’t swamp everyone in this region..mmmmm….

    It would also appear that the average guy is waking up to the idiots calling on them to create mayhem on behalf of the corrupt and evil..Not one of the parties is worth someone’s life and people are beginning to reject these calls to violence

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