Model Tiara Lestari is in some demand, or her photos are.
One photo of Tiara, said to be of an artistic nature, rather than the more customary Playboy-type nudes that Tiara is famous for, was sold for about $200.00 recently at a charity auction for the victims of the Yogyakarta earthquake.
Tiara Lestari.
Music promoter Adrie Subono was the keen fan who picked up the photo.
Pretty women, I like you so much.
I think you are being deceived. What you are doing is down from the pit of hell.
I think may be you had a bad childhood and you are paying it off by trying to get attention.
On the outside you look very fresh and happy. But when no one is around and u are in your privacy, you feel so empty inside and you may even have attemped suicide or if not you may be considering.
I believe you need help. You need someone to really love. No human love can satisfy you. I think by now you know it. all the celebrities have never been able to fulfill that love.
I think Fred has been dropped on his head a few to many times. If there was a Jesus he would want to see you naked as well. You are beautiful.
Whatever she’s doing, that’s hers. Not everybody else matter and not even yours just leave her alone silence and enjoy what she has.
WOw guys please protect our Indonesian Culture and Morale. PLease do not encourage such preposterous images. Listen to Fred, please ask for forgiveness for her to your god according to your religion.
Between Fred and David and whoever else has any opinion on this matter, let me just say that Adam and Eve were both naked when they were first created!!
It was their sin in disobeying God by eating the forbidden fruit that they finally realised they were naked !!
So for all you people out there who saw nude pic’s of Tiara and jerk off to your heart’s content and THEN have the guts to say that she should wake up and repent, why don’t you ask yourself, what is it that you’re REALLY thinking of when you see her naked?? Did you secretlly wish in the night that she’s in your bedroom with you instead of your love one? Has that temptation made you hate the fact that she could get into your supposedly holy mind so easily?? COME ON!!!!! IS HER FAULT THAT SHE GOT INTO YOUR MIND???
It is NOT what you see that made you sin!! Its what you THINK and INTEND to do with WHAT YOU SEE, that finally put you down the road to sin city!!
Remember, GOD didn’t ask us to judge others and put them on trial!!!! It is the humane responsibility, even as believers to love and to appreciate people for who they are… can one judge and comment on another so harshly and then offers friendship???? What the f*^k is that???
Personally, when I see her, I see her beauty and I appreciate her courage and I think she deserves to be credited for bringing Indonesia to the world stage of nude modelling and should be apeopleauded for it!
But If I wanna engage in any sexual thoughts, its my wife that I truly think of!!!!
When one cannot separate their own logic and emotion, that’s when they’re f*%ked in the brain!!
Tiara I really like you.
Tiara, you do the right thing!
Good for Tiara. it’s a good job you have done for yourself. Make more nice pictures and it’s a beautiful peaces in every pictures. You have the right thing to do , Tiara..!!!! ^_^
…..Yep can just see her grabbing for the email.
very artistics picture… I find no phornograpic like people said. good job tiara!
Dear Tiara,
You are success now… I remember, back on 1999, I met you at SCTI for the first time. You had a Warung Ayam Bakar. We exchanged our hp number, then you invite me to your Appartment. I came and we met… But I was so nervous at that time… you was so beutifull… I was so speachless… then I went to melbourne to 3 months… but went I get back… your Warung wasn’t there any more… I forgot you Appartment room number and I couldn’t see you any more….
Until you showed up on man’s megazine, I look at your birthday, and you are from Solo… Our birthday is very close enough… that what you said and I remember…
Well, good luck my friend… I don’t know how to get intouch.. only this I can do….
Tiara Lestari
Is your body real? Can I touch and feel it? Just like drink the fresh pure water in the middle of the heat of a dessert. Please satisfy me.
The religious bigots (like Fred) should go back to their monastery or madrasa and weld the doors shut behind them – we dont need their fundamentalism, or sheer ignorance. Thats why in the Muslim world women are treated as lower than dog excrement by the mullahs and the mutawas. If the good prophet (Peace be upon him) were to come back today he would find his honourable religion had been hijacked by assholes who think suicide bombing of women and children is an honourable death, they care nothing for their ‘enemies’ (anyone not as bigoted as them) or of the wrong sect or the wrong nationality or the wrong religion.
Fred – go boil what is left of your miniscule brain!
Ignore all of these idiots and take care of my best friend. Sincerely and with love.
Dear Tiara good luck tiara, no matter what they said, show must go on, don’t worry about it.
You’re very beautiful, please send me your another photograph.
lagur says:
WOw guys please protect our Indonesian Culture and Morale. PLease do not encourage such preposterous images. Listen to Fred, please ask for forgiveness for her to your god according to your religion.
I won’t ask for forgiveness, looking at her picture she seems already very blessed. If you have problems with these pictures, don’t watch them in the first place. Just stick to Bible or Quran, and only visit Church or Mosque, then you won’t be troubled anymore by these ‘preposterous’ images.
What is scary is that one photo of a pretty lady can make the Testosterone level go sky-high, like it is the first time someone sees a woman. The scarriest thing is that there are people out there (like Fred) who first condemn her like she was sent from hell, and then present themselves as the good ‘sheperd’ who will give the necessary ‘satisfaction and fulfilment’. One wonders what their parents and religious teachers did to them.
Knock it off people.. why can’t you all just see the picture in silence, shut up and enjoy.. or weep if you want..
btw, Rio, better luck next time (man, what a lost!)
Wow, I think act like that is dreadful. Message for Tiara Lestari: “you have to come back to your family”, kamu mesti tobat euy!
I think Tiara is a very rare person. She is lovely and iI see now wrong, Full credit to her.
Tiara is as cheap as Anna Nicole Smith with none of her decorum.
Dear Tiara,
I don’t want to judge you weather you do the right or wrong thing like other people comment on you in the site. But please remember life is very short and we do not know what’s going to happen in 1 hour time, tomorrow or next year. You should ask yourself if you have done the right thing towards God’s eyes? I am not perfect either but I just care about you. While you are here in this world you still have time to repent and ask God for forgiveness, so He will forgive all of our sin like a piece of white paper no matter awful our sins are. You have such a lot of talent, you can sing, model, drama, etc. You can use that talent that God has given. God bless you gal!!
Hi,, you have a same name with me..
but, I’ll never do that you do, because I’m still have feel of shy.
Tiara, don’t let negative input bother your destiny. As long as you stand on the right ground which means you don’t do any sinful things, just keep on going , reach the top sky.
Modelling is a great job, and you are very good at it. If anyone has problem seeing your picture, it is none of your problem, but it is he or she that has a perverted mind. I believe you have inspired many people to do more work-out in the gym so that they can have a healthy and fit body like you have. Keep up the good work, Tiara.
Pornography is not necessarily a good thing. It rips apart marragies and is a terrible addiction. I do agree that it is her choice and she can do it if she wants to, but the one who talked about the Islamic faith as if it were some terrible hing where everyone is a bombing terrorist, you’re wrong, the moslems are very good people and we shoudln’t blame them that a few extremists have gone crazy, and I am not saying this because I am moslem (which I am not), but because I’d like to defend religion. I do applaud her for being courageous and trying to show Indonesians about other cultures but stick to just modeling and no nude stuff.
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I think she is a beautyful and she look an angels
Her breast is big and her nipeoplee is hot
And someone can pick up her