Agnes Monica & Allah Peduli

Mar 16th, 2009, in Celebrities, News, by

Agnes Monica & Allah PeduliAgnes Monica annoys Malaysians for unusual reasons, with her new hit song Allah Peduli.

The province of Selangor in Malaysia has banned pop singer Agnes Monica’s latest tune “Allah Peduli” (God Cares) because of its use of the term “Allah” to refer to the Christian God, possibly including Jesus Christ/Jesus of Nazareth/the prophet Isa.

Mohamad Adzib Mohd Isa, the head of the Religious Court in Selangor, says the song must not be played or sung anywhere in the province. Non-Muslims who say “Allah” to refer to their god(s) are subject to a 1,000 ringgit (about $300) penalty, he says. antara

Agnes Monica
Our Agnes

There has been a long-running dispute in Malaysia as to whether non-Muslims, particularly Christians, are permitted to say “Allah” for “God”. The dispute began when authorities objected to the Catholic daily the Herald using the word, with this case currently going through the courts.

Meanwhile, the offensive song, Allah Peduli by Agnes Monica:

255 Comments on “Agnes Monica & Allah Peduli”

  1. Burung Koel says:

    The theological question here isn’t really about whether the Abrahamic religions all worship the same supreme being or not.

    It’s whether the God who inspired Bach and Mozart is the same one who inspired Agnes Monica.

    I have my doubts.

  2. ET says:

    From Wikipedia – Freedom of religion in Malaysia.

    On December 10, 2007, Malaysian authorities banned the Malay-language section of a Catholic weekly newspaper, The Catholic Herald due to its use of the word Allah. Their reasoning is that the word Allah by Christians would confuse Malay Muslims. The Herald meanwhile, filed suit at the beginning of December following warnings that its permit could be revoked if it did not cease use of the word “Allah” in the Malay language section of its newspaper.Countering the Herald’s suit, the Malaysian security authorities on December 30, warned its printing permit would not be renewed if it continued using the word “Allah,” which the government continued to say can only be used by Muslims.

    The Catholic Church began its challenge of the government gag order prohibiting it from using the word “Allah” in its Herald-The Catholic Weekly- through a judicial review. The government had earlier argued that the church’s application is frivolous and had urged the court to throw it out but Madam Justice Lau Bee Lan disagreed and allowed the application by the Titular Roman Catholic Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, Datuk Murphy Pakiam, for leave to sue the government regarding the use of the word “Allah” to proceed. Three points that were raised in the lawsuit. The first is for the court to declare that the government’s action in prohibiting The Herald from using the word “Allah” is illegal and null and void. The second is for a court declaration that the Archbishop as publisher of The Herald is entitled to use the word “Allah” and lastly, that the court should declare that the word “Allah” is not exclusive to the religion of Islam.

  3. schmerly says:

    More Islamic spew, why don’t these god bothering crackpots get a life, they always find something to whinge about, non Islamic Etc., Etc., It never ends, what’s the problem with Moslem’s ?

  4. schmerly says:

    Yeah I read that ET..

    Their reasoning is that the word Allah by Christians would confuse Malay Muslims.

    WTF!!! What are these morons talking about, two year old children??? there’s always this stupid sort of talk from Moslem’s why is this??? It’s all a load of old b******s, and it’s the same in every Islamic country.

  5. Brother Mouzone says:

    It just goes to show, you can’t be too careful!

  6. Brother Mouzone says:

    “what’s the problem with Moslem’s”

    I think they are pi$$ed about the infidel’s insistence on adding unnecessary apostrophes to the plural form of their name.

  7. schmerly says:

    @ Brother Mouzone.. What a bright answer, duh!

  8. Irene says:

    wow. they patent words!

  9. PH Chin says:

    In a way that we don’t understand, ‘Allah Peduli’ will be a big hit in the making. In Indonesia and even in Malaysia.

    God is with Agnes Monica. God is great and greatly to be praised !

  10. dhea says:

    As far as I know the word “Allah” also known used by Catholic and Christian even before Islam. Ignorances,Intolerances and Racisms are just amused me ( sarcasm ).

  11. hary says:

    Silly Malaysian Muslims are at it again. ( They banned yoga b4 we did!!!)
    Heaven only knows why they think Muslims have a copyright on an Arabic word that sinply means G-D.
    Arab Christians routinely use the terms All?h al-?ab (???? ????meaning God the father, All?h al-ibn (???? ?????) meaning God the son, and All?h al-r?? al-quds (???? ????? ?????) meaning God the Holy Spirit.
    In fact the Kaaba was for the ritual worship of Allah long before the birth of Mohammad (saw).

    Lets not forget that Malaysians also tried to patent batik and the song Burung Kakak Tua as their own. It is not surprising that these ill educated people would have their own view of what is and what is not!!!

  12. hary says:

    Sorry, my Arab text doesn’t seem to be displayed.

  13. Brother Mouzone says:

    In a way that we don’t understand, ‘Allah Peduli’ will be a big hit in the making.

    I see what you mean… I don’t understand how Agnes Monica has any hits either…

  14. DumadiSatrio says:

    Personally, I highly doubt God cares………………….about this

  15. Oigal says:

    I think they are pi$$ed about the infidel’s insistence on adding unnecessary apostrophes to the plural form of their name.

    Well I thought it was funny..

    They do embarass themsleves tho..

  16. Dman says:

    Yeah I read that ET..

    Their reasoning is that the word Allah by Christians would confuse Malay Muslims.

    WTF!!! What are these morons talking about, two year old children??? there’s always this stupid sort of talk from Moslem’s why is this??? It’s all a load of old b******s, and it’s the same in every Islamic country.

    Stop being a bigot schmerly
    You think every one who was raised Moslem follows the fatwa’s of these zealot imam’s. Don’t all lump us together. I don’t agree with them (the religious Malaysian authorities). Let Agnes Monica do her thing. I know she is Christian. There are knuckleheads in every race, ethnic, religions and cultures.

  17. andrey says:

    the only reason malay/indonesian christian want to use Allah for the word God is to misguide muslims.
    Allah is not an indonesian/malaysian word.. we have Tuhan for that. So if their reason is to have a local language translation, they should have used “Tuhan”.
    So what if Arab Christians use the word Allah for “God”. They are arabs, it is only natural that they use the arabic word for God to say “God”. Are these indonesian/malaysian christians writing an Arabic bible or an Indonesian bible? In Indonesian language, like in English language, Allah is the word for Islamic God.
    We never hear any Christians from a non Muslim majority country call their god “Allah”.. why? because in those places they have no agenda to make their christian messages more palatable to the muslim masses.

    This is actually a well known missionary strategy of indigenization, where they try to present their religion in a more localized way to try to reduce the barrier for crossing over. In effect, they try to show impressionable people that their message does not differ much from what the people originally believed on, make them lower their guard, and slowly try to lure them to the other side. In commerce, we call this incorrect advertisement, trademark infringement, etc, and some one can go to jail for it, so why should we let the missionaries get away with it?
    The fact that previous missionaries have done this and succeed without government/community intervention does not mean we have to continue to be complacent.

  18. joao says:

    Years ago, there’s a polemical discussion among some Christians groups in Indonesia whether or not they should use the Hebrew word Elohim instead of Allah in Indonesian Bible to denote YHWH. They said it’s not biblical to use the word Allah in the Bible since Allah is not the same God as Elohim. Indonesian Christian bigots did it first actually…

  19. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    Sister Andrey

    Moslem believe in both Moses and Jesus, so why can’t Allah be used? Are you suggesting that they are 2 Allahs – Christian Allah and Moslem Allah?


  20. Andrew says:

    andrey said:

    the only reason malay/indonesian christian want to use Allah for the word God is to misguide muslims.

    HAHA – of course, everything we do is directed towards misguiding Muslims.

    Seriously dude, get out of your shell.

  21. diego says:

    Malaysia… truly asia…. nooooottt.

  22. diego says:

    So, when will Agnes Monica be banned in Indonesia? for the same reason….

    Very soon, I believe, once Partai Komunis Sejahtera, oops…, I mean Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) infiltrate more into the government institutions.

  23. sputjam says:

    Looks like the contreversial decision to ban the “Allah” word for non-muslims in Malaysia has just gone international.
    When the govenrment rescind the order recently and allowed the christians to publish the word “Allah” in Malaysia, the muslim NGO’s went berserk and the very next day, it was decided that the courts will decide. But until then, the word is banned for non-muslim usage.

  24. Yanto says:

    Agnes Monica, most possibly referring to the erroneous bible translation by LAI in Indonesia, would use “Allah” to mean God, other than “Tuhan”, though that “Allah” word refers to Christian God. I personally believe that the use of “Allah” in Christian terms is very much misleading, and LAI (Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia – Indonesian Bible Society) should actually remove the word and use more appropriate name. Christians’ God is YHWH, not Allah!
    Therefore, such word will gradually be eliminated from Christian songs, as well.

    Malaysian authorities were right, I believe.

  25. Suryo Perkoso says:

    Mas, in a tolerant world that we shold all be living in, I’m not sure it really matters do you? I’m sure Allah/Tuhan, doesn’t really mind if we make the effort to just get along, and not argue in his name (what if God was a lady? get to heaven and find the place stuffed full of knitting patterns and crochet poodle toilet roll covers – which leads me to ask if there are toilets in heaven?)

    Oh dear, i’m very worried now, instead of paradise, I could be welding the exhaust back on the wife’s Ford Escort until the end of time.

  26. Rob says:


    Seems you have read Ross’ latest posting on the PKS 😉


    I thought that God, Tuhan, Allah in the Abrahamic faiths was all the same omnipotent and omnipresent entity. I guess I was wrong, and thanks for pointing out that this is all some huge Christian missionary conspiracy to confuse Muslims.

    I would have thought that Malaysia has more pressing concerns than whether Agnes Monica sings a song making reference to Allah. Just goes to show that when you cannot get a handle on more serious issues a good diversionary tactic is always worth a shot.

  27. Yanto says:

    Well.. I personally believe, that my God is YHWH, He is my Father (or Mother if you like.. – I do agree with that.. :)). And I and my family would avoid using the name “Allah” anywhere in our prayers and songs. Allah is really a different entity. The Moslems know it, too. Try google yourself and find in wikipedia on “Allah” and “YHWH”. See also (indonesian version only).

  28. andrey says:

    Well.. I personally believe, that my God is YHWH, He is my Father

    What is the difference between that claim of yours, and the same claim supposedly by Jesus in the bible that so commonly used by christians to argue that Jesus claimed to be God.
    So if you are also a son of God, just as Jesus, why are you not God?

    “I would have thought that Malaysia has more pressing concerns than xxxx”

    This is the most used line when someone see something done by the government that they do not agree with.
    As if the government is just a one person institution run from a basement.
    I dont think it is an intelligent think to say.

  29. Burung Koel says:

    As if the government is just a one person institution run from a basement.

    ^^^^Kim Jong Il would like to have a word with you.^^^^

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