Campaign Posters & Billboards

Apr 1st, 2009, in News, by

More of the 2009 “pesta demokrasi”, some of the weirder election posters and billboards.

2009 election posters, banners, and billboards seen around town.

Partai Damai Sejahtera
Shalom! The Donny Osmond of Indonesia.

Fruit, fingers pointing to the sky, and sultry Punky.


Scary Man
Be afraid.

Smart Guy
The star of the team.

Football Supporters
A whole team.

Empty Head
I look like this because my head is empty.

Priyo Budi Santoso
Hey there! Whoa!

Piggy back
Piggy-back on me.

Kaya - Satire

Obama and Osama
Damin & friends Obama and Osama.

The last is taken from, where there are a great deal more funny election billboards and banners.

31 Comments on “Campaign Posters & Billboards”

  1. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    Awesome stuff, Patoengs.

  2. David says:

    Thanks Achmad. So who are you voting for? Marhaenists?

  3. fullmoonflower says:

    Koh Patung…. there is a FUNNIEST billboard in Jakarta… a billboard of a caleg with SUPERMAN costume….

    he is from Golkar, his number is 5

    I forget his name… πŸ˜€

  4. fullmoonflower says:

    pakde Achmad… lets we choose them ALL…. πŸ˜†

    whether our card will be approved or not because we choose them ALL, I don’t care… but at least we come and use our duty .. hehehe πŸ˜€

  5. fullmoonflower says:

    hahahahahaha……. πŸ˜†

    what a funny billboard…. πŸ˜†

  6. Rob says:

    Hopefully, recycling will be the order of the day once the electoral season is over.

  7. indogrenade says:

    I’m voting for Gandalf…
    nuff sed

  8. Lairedion says:

    Those billboards are priceless…. thanks Patung

  9. PrimaryDrive says:

    What an exposition of childish democracy….

    I think I’m gonna just crawl to my corner and hide untill this is over…

  10. Mr Tic Tac Toe says:


    Please don’t.….

  11. PrimaryDrive says:

    Nice poem and good point T3 πŸ™‚

  12. bodrox says:

    Indonesian still learning for democracy. hope it will be better in next, and hope for peace 2009 election. i think it is better than other Asean countries.

  13. Irene says:

    i’m torn between gandalf and damin

  14. joao says:

    I’m all settled for Mr. H. Kalim. He’s got the look.

  15. Rambutan says:

    Damin itu indah is pure genius but nothing beats the power of creativity…

  16. trane says:

    I vote for Patung!

    Can I volunteer for your Tim Sukces?

  17. David says:

    I vote for Patung!

    Can I volunteer for your Tim Sukces?

    Thanks for the offer Trane, but I think the Partai Sekular is a non-starter. πŸ™‚

  18. hary says:

    Abdul Jalil doesn’t look like Gandalf…..he looks more like the headmaster of Hogwarths…wathisname???

  19. Mr Tic Tac Toe says:


  20. schmerly says:


    What an exposition of childish democracy….

    I think it’s an absolute disgrace, it makes Indonesian the laughing stock of the world, putting up stupid childish posters like these.

  21. schmerly says:

    One includes Gandalf

    That’s not Gandalf, it’s old Assmad S in drag!

  22. David says:

    Some things moved to the Numpty Club.

  23. DumadiSatrio says:

    Am I the only one who thinks H. Kalim may be distantly related to Vladimir Putin?

  24. trane says:

    “Thanks for the offer Trane, but I think the Partai Sekular is a non-starter. :)”

    Right, but how’s Partai Pluralisme Populer for starters? (PPP, oh shoot!)
    Partai Amanat Harapan? (PARAH!, dammit!)
    Partai Keadilan Pelawak? (hm..)

    This needs some work before the next election.

  25. David says:

    New controversial candidate in the race!!!

  26. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    Awesome… I am inspired…

  27. fullmoonflower says:


    if there is Denmas Aluang’s picture in the election card, maybe I’ll add his picture with long beard… πŸ˜€

  28. joao says:

    WOW! I dared not think of AAB in spandex, until now. πŸ˜€

  29. diego says:

    The line should’ve said: The power of kejawen.

  30. fullmoonflower says:

    today is the election day….. but I keep on my way….
    to be a GOLPUT πŸ˜‰

    I don’t care, whether Golput is haram or not… πŸ˜†

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