Yudhoyono & Co, Indonesia Bisa

Apr 20th, 2009, in News, by

Indonesia BisaWho president Yudhoyono will choose as his running mate for the “Indonesia Bisa” campaign.

An exit poll by the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) at the April 9th general election on voters’ feelings towards the presidential election on July 8th found that when presented with 27 choices president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono led the field with just under 50% support.

When the field was narrowed down to six candidates potential voters gave these responses:

  • Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono – 53%
  • Megawati Sukarnoputri – 16%
  • Prabowo Subianto – 10%
  • Jusuf Kalla – 5%
  • Sultan Hamengkubowo – 3%
  • Wiranto – 2%

When presented with only three choices: lsi

  • Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono – 60%
  • Megawati Sukarnoputri – 19%
  • Jusuf Kalla – 8%

Given these figures it appears the main interest in the presidential election for now is the choice of running mate for SBY, who has chosen the phrase “Indonesia Bisa”/Indonesia Can, as his campaign theme.

Golkar have decided not to field a presidential candidate and will decide on April 23rd whether to renominate Jusuf Kalla for vice president, or another figure such as Agung Laksono, Sri Sultan Hamengkubowo X, Surya Paloh, Priyo Budi Santoso, Akbar Tandjung, or Aburizal Bakrie. Of these latter names Akbar Tanjung seems to have the most support.

Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) Secretary General Anis Matta threatened to pull out of the coalition with Partai Demokrat should the latter again choose Jusuf Kalla as SBY’s running mate, while ex-president of the PKS, Hidayat Nurwahid, later played down this possibility.

From the PKS itself names mentioned include Hidayat Nurwahid (although he is Javanese), current party president Tifatul Sembiring (not Javanese, from Sumatra, but not popular/well-known), and Anis Matta (from South Sulawesi).

The final decision rests with president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who is likely to favour a non-Javanese, non-military, from eastern Indonesia candidate, someone possibly with better Islamic ‘credentials’ than he. It is thought he is looking for more of a “helper” figure, rather than an almost equal partner, such as Jusuf Kalla has been.

From Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) Soetrisno Bachir (SB) has also been suggested as a running mate, by the party’s elder statesman Amien Rais.

Meanwhile, Barack Obama impersonator Ilham Anas, who fits none of the above criteria, has put himself forward regardless, but for the top job.

59 Comments on “Yudhoyono & Co, Indonesia Bisa”

  1. Odinius says:

    Sri Mulyani would be a very good choice IMO.

    The question is whether or not SBY has the political will to choose her. I’m not convinced he does…

  2. ronald says:

    I do not understand why Demokrat can have a coalition with PKS. Demokrat berazaskan Pancasila while PKS berazaskan Islam. They have completely different political ideology from each other. Logically they cannot have a coalition. I will vote for SBY if Sri Mulyani runs for VP.

  3. Pena Budaya says:

    Re. Odinious’ worries:

    yeah..bit scarry, isn’t it?


    In Indonesia case, NONE of these “Pancasila-is” parties like PD, Golkar or PDI-P were strong enough to block these religious political parties on current parliament. General election is a proof that majority Indonesians have tendencies for PLURALISM rather than religious based politics. I guess Indonesians learnt from horrible porno law. Religious based political parties should learn from this election especially those who would like to apply shariah in Indonesia. Indonesians are smarter enough not vote for such tiny mindset political parties.

    SBY will face a very challenging competition if Golkar & PDI-P (Not sure what is position of Hanura & Gerindra now) will form a coalition that showing Pluralism. I am not sure how they are going to share the power within the cabinet. Perhaps JK as President and Puan Maharani as Vice President (I think Mega will let her daughter go this time)?

    That is too bad that PD was unable to develop good relationship with other parties besides the religious based political parties.

  4. David says:

    Well Demokrat have narrowed the vp field down to 19 possible candidates, yep 19, but it’s a secret who they are, although one report had a party official saying among them were Hatta Radjasa and Soetrisno Bachir from PAN, Muhaimin Iskandar from PKB, and three no-names from PKS.

  5. Cukurungan says:

    I do not understand why Demokrat can have a coalition with PKS. Demokrat berazaskan Pancasila while PKS berazaskan Islam. They have completely different political ideology from each other. Logically they cannot have a coalition.

    It is not quite illogical because :

    Partial Demokrat declare them self as Nationalist Religious
    PKS declare them self as Religious Nationalist

  6. ronald says:

    That’s what they declare, but deep down in PKS’ heart they want to apply sharia in Indonesia. Religious does not mean applying sharia or any other religion’s law. The monks, pastors, NU clerics are religious, including my mother.

  7. Odinius says:

    The reason PD might ally with PKS is that they see eye-to-eye when it comes to fighting corruption. Beyond that I don’t think there is much common ground, but then it becomes a temporary alliance of convenience. PKS is too weak to do anything on its own, so it needs SBY’s sponsorship to have a greater voice than its vote tally. SBY needs allies, if Golkar and PDI-P are aligned against him.

  8. Brother Mouzone says:

    Not sure why, but old Kalla always brings to mind another diminutive comedian…

  9. Lairedion says:

    I would love to see Sri Mulyani as cawapres but I agree with Odinius I don’t think SBY has the guts to do so. I would be pleasantly surprised if he chooses her.

    I also read somewhere PDI-P is contemplating a Prabowo-Puan ticket and PDI-P is gaining confidence because they’re leading Demokrat in the manual count.

    Found a funny picture to share with you:


  10. Lairedion says:

    JK is teaming up with Wiranto. Golkar has completely lost it…

  11. David says:

    Yes, so it’ll be a three horse race at least with probably two rounds, JK-Wiranto, Mega-Prabowo or Prabowo-Puan, Sby-?. Interesting to see which pair gets through to second round with Sby.

    JK Wiranto

  12. David says:

    Kalla says SBY basically pushed him out, set unreasonable conditions for another coalition with Golkar.

    On whether there are some people in Golkar who don’t like him running for president

    Certain elements in the party claiming to represent Golkar`s 320 district branches are against my bid. But when I checked, they only proved to represent themselves, somebody paid them. I ordered the police to arrest those people who misused the party`s name

    I hope something was lost in the translation there. antara

  13. Odinius says:

    Don’t believe that SBY pushed Kalla out. Kalla has been open about his presidential ambitions for a long time…while he was Wapres.

    I have a feeling that SBY picks a Golkar dissident…not sure who yet, hopefully not Akbar Tanjung.

  14. Astrajingga says:

    Indonesia bisa!

    One way to see it:

    Bisa rubuh.

    Bisa runtuh.

    Bisa korupsi.

    Bisa apa aja.

    Other way to see it:

    Indonesia bisa.

    Yes, indonesia is bisa: venom.

    Yes we can!

    Yes, we are venomous!


    If Sri Mulyani becomes VP, who gonna run Indonesian economy?

  15. Lairedion says:

    The Democratic Party is in talks with PDI-P.

    Is SBY afraid of a possible PDI-P-Gerindra (with Prabowo’s rising popularity) partnership and doesn’t want to take any chances? They have postponed the announcement of a “cawapres”.

  16. David says:

    The Democratic Party is in talks with PDI-P.

    Yes, and PKS look like they’re getting annoyed and might leave the coalition, not because of PDIP but mainly because SBY seems likely to choose BI governor Boediono for running mate. Boediono is rumoured to be a kejawenist, although not saying that is the reason they don’t like him…

  17. Astrajingga says:

    If Budiono becomes VP, who gonna run BI?

  18. Lairedion says:


    Picture says it all…

  19. Odinius says:

    Nice pic 🙂

    Lairedion said:

    The Democratic Party is in talks with PDI-P.

    Is SBY afraid of a possible PDI-P-Gerindra (with Prabowo’s rising popularity) partnership and doesn’t want to take any chances? They have postponed the announcement of a “cawapres”.

    Personally, I think this has less to do with fear of the Megawati-Prabowo coalition (really neither of them are much of a challenge for SBY) and more to do with a) philosophy; and 2) post-election coalition building in the DPR. PD and PDIP are not too different when it comes to governing ideology, while PD needs a lot of support to create a majority coalition. The prospect of an SBY administration beholden to a bunch of small, sectarian parties and facing an opposition that includes both GOLKAR and PDIP is daunting. Their choice is thus to create a grand coalition with one of these, or rely on parties like PKS, with whom PD doesn’t really share a lot of values (outside fighting corruption).

    Patung said:

    Yes, and PKS look like they’re getting annoyed and might leave the coalition, not because of PDIP but mainly because SBY seems likely to choose BI governor Boediono for running mate. Boediono is rumoured to be a kejawenist, although not saying that is the reason they don’t like him…

    Call me a cynic, but I don’t think it has much to do with religious differences, but rather being delegated to the back burners of the potential coalition. Did you know that Hidayat Nur Wahid went on a US speaking tour a couple years back, not only to USINDO but also to Republican think-tanks like the AEI? The transcripts of his talk have not been made public, as I’m aware, but I heard that the gist was basically “we’re going to be running the show in a few years, so let’s lay the groundwork for a working relationship, mmm-kay?”

    These guys really think they “deserve” to run Indonesia.

  20. David says:

    If Budiono becomes VP, who gonna run BI?


    Menteri koodinator perekonomian dan menteri keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati disebut-sebut telah dipersiapkan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono untuk menggantikan posisi Boediono sebagai gubernur Bank Indonesia selanjutnya.


    Call me a cynic, but I don’t think it has much to do with religious differences, but rather being delegated to the back burners of the potential coalition. Did you know that Hidayat Nur Wahid went on a US speaking tour a couple years back, not only to USINDO but also to Republican think-tanks like the AEI? The transcripts of his talk have not been made public, as I’m aware, but I heard that the gist was basically “we’re going to be running the show in a few years, so let’s lay the groundwork for a working relationship, mmm-kay?”

    Yes L’s picture said it all, the source on that ‘kejawen’ thing was Permadi who is a bit of nutjob, he was claiming PKS didn’t like Boediono because of kejawenism…

    What PKS are saying is they want a nationalist-Islam combination, and Boediono doesn’t fit that.

    Tifatul Sembiring says

    Boediono tidak mewakili umat

  21. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    So does Tifatul Sembiring think he represents the umat ? How does he know how devout a man is or isn’t just because an economist who is a public official representing a secular state chooses not to wear his faith on his sleeve ?

  22. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    btw — this is news — got a source on this:

    he transcripts of his talk have not been made public, as I’m aware, but I heard that the gist was basically “we’re going to be running the show in a few years, so let’s lay the groundwork for a working relationship, mmm-kay?”

    These guys really think they “deserve” to run Indonesia.

  23. Astrajingga says:

    Not only that PKS holds monopoly on selling ticket to heaven, they also hold monopoly on representing umat.

    Phew I’m so glad that I’m not part of umat. I’m a binatang jalang from kumpulan yang terbuang.

  24. janma says:

    Is SBY afraid of a possible PDI-P-Gerindra (with Prabowo’s rising popularity) partnership and doesn’t want to take any chances?

    I’m not sure about “Prabowo’s rising popularity…” The most we’ve heard of his popularity is through his own kader2…. never heard anyone else say he was worth voting for….. korban iklan

  25. Odinius says:

    Patung said:

    Yes L’s picture said it all, the source on that ‘kejawen’ thing was Permadi who is a bit of nutjob, he was claiming PKS didn’t like Boediono because of kejawenism…

    What PKS are saying is they want a nationalist-Islam combination, and Boediono doesn’t fit that.

    I guess the question is, do they want a nationalist-Islam combination or do they want the wapres and key cabinet positions? Could be both too, but I wonder if they would be as upset if the kejawen-lovin’, non-Islamist cawapres was from a smaller party that wouldn’t get getting high-profile cabinet positions from PD as a result of its decision to join a coalition…


    I also doubt “Prabowo’s rising popularity.” His party did okay, but not at all great considering how much money they spent.

  26. BacKStbrZ says:

    Whats with Prabowo spending money? its his anyway… With the money 1000x more than SBY he could do anything with it…. Mega too is so uber Rich….. but she’s too old for my choice…


    Okay remember Mang Surya paloh??

    the fact that he actually pumped media activity upon SBY and JK (Golkar rite) on the last Presidency….

    now assume golkar has no chance winning (its probably a fact) what would a guy which so power hungry do???

    offcourse backup the one he can be something in….

    Did ya all still use the big black box called tv???

    well metro, did a massive media report on Mega and mangBowo rite???

    Actually a good declaration when you see Bheye’s, he did somethin “exclusive” while Mangbowo did something “lovable” by the “wong cilik” he’s gonna put love in the ricebox he gave when he declared yesterday…..

    Metro = Paloh…. this probably be hard for BY co & co….. for being his foe

    And for the time being, while they say they aren’t Neo liberals, the fact is they put Milk import with 0% of import fee to our country…..

    So, my point is BY = Confusing, Mangbowo = “provide promise….”

    Me no choose… Me scarreed…

  27. Janma says:

    Whats with Prabowo spending money? its his anyway…

    If he really was so focused on “poor farmers” how come he has never spent any money on doing anything for them? spend money to get power yes…. spend money for his constituent… i don’t think so….
    can’t stand the guy!

  28. Oigal says:

    Whats with Prabowo spending money? its his anyway

    Well its his now, I for one would love to know how you gather such wealth as a soldier. Perhaps he should write a book like “rich dad,poor dad” so we can all understand how to get so rich honestly and legally whilst earning such meager sums as we do.

  29. BacKStbrZ says:

    well… how did miss mega and mister sby gather those money as well?? dont u think “ALL” people in Indonesia who finds them self rich is absurd??

    the easiest thing if you’re local is, have a general lead your way to the nearest “JATI” forest and cut them down to make doors and windows….

    u know Rattan? my friends father got a company that sells rattan worldwide…

    about mangbowo, he sells oil while he was not in our homeland and dont you know that all his assets are untouchable (locked up in swiss, america etc) …. it ressembles soeharto, no wonder he’s looks so legit, anyway… i presume he got those thingy called “ambition” thats why he didnt give any to the poor… you can see that he got something big comin up….

    yea u cant choose that man…. if your scarred that his intention is negative…. but some people believe in him

    for mister Bheye… he lacks those thing called “Wibawa”… but at least u know that man did sumthin…

    everyone has their weakness, the only thing i fear is… this man called bowo has showed none either weakness or duty for the country… no one actually knows whats his deed….

    if we ask why did you run for presidency while you actually just came back from abroad? he will answer with that smile on his face…. a scary one for me…

    Soldiers rich….? no.. he looks rich….

    i think im goin loon if i keep thinkin about this so called country…. better to stay aphatetic as always T_T (im paranoid)

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