Qory Sandioriva, Putri Indonesia

Oct 12th, 2009, in Celebrities, News, by

Wailing and gnashing of teeth in Aceh over the shameless Putri Indonesia 2009.

The winner of Miss Indonesia 2009 (Putri Indonesia), representing Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, 18 year old Qory Sandioriva has caused a storm in the province of Aceh for her lack of head covering.

Qory Sandioriva
Qory Sandioriva

In reaction to her victory on October 10th the leader of the Himpunan Ulama Dayah Aceh (HUDA), Tgk. Faisal Aly, said:

She is not representative of Acehnese women. She has no right to act in the name of the people of Aceh, this is really bad.


She can take part in Putri Indonesia, that’s her right, but not as a representative of Aceh, because she doesn’t embody the Islamic ideals and values of Aceh.

And likely as a sign of things to come, in Banda Aceh on October 11th dozens of students belonging to the Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia (KAMMI) staged a demonstration against Qory and demanded that Governor Irwandi Yusuf disown her and revoke her permission to represent the province.

Qory, who will represent Indonesia at Miss Universe 2010, narrowly bested the ‘sentimental favourite’ Zukhriatul Hafizah from West Sumatra (2nd) and Isti Ayu Pratiwi from North Maluku (3rd), and was crowned by reigning Miss Universe Stefania Fernandez of Venezuela. She takes over from Zivanna Letisha Siregar.

Lookalike competition, the top 3 finalists.

She was born in Jakarta, and grew up there, with her only real connection to Aceh being her Acehnese mother. She currently studies French Literature at University of Indonesia, Depok.

Since 2003 Acehnese contestants in Putri Indonesia have worn the Islamic headscarf, in line with sharia law in the province, and as part of the competition Qory Sandrioriva was asked by presenters Charles Bonar Sirait and Dian Khrisna:

Contestants from Aceh usually wear jilbab, but not now?

Qory replied that head hair was a part of a woman’s beauty and there was no problem in showing it off. Later, after the contest, she explained that she did not normally wear jilbab, and that she had received special permission from the government of Aceh to represent the province, without wearing the scarf.

112 Comments on “Qory Sandioriva, Putri Indonesia”

  1. Oigal says:


    Did you miss PJ’s post? Aceh ring a bell? perhaps 1965? More recent? Try some poor bugger security guards or did you miss that as well.

    Especially in Jerusalem, but not after the crusade army began to claim that Jerusalem was their own righteous and holy land.

    Yet again incorrect, the history of battles for dominance over Jerusalem goes back much further than the crusades. Once again learn some basic history rather than dogma. That once again should be easy for you because it’s contained (in a fashion) in the Koran..Check your time lines

    Quran did mentioned and it was glorious isn’t it to defeat biggest at that time army like the Romans?

    Impressive is the word I would have used but you denied any such thing ever happened a few posts ago….sheesh.

    majority of the people are still Muslims, aren’t they? Why? ‘coz they accept it peacefully,

    “Elephants don’t eat snow therefore there are no elephants in Greenland”
    Strawman points are no substitue for rational reasoning and debate (and we won’t even go into whats the penatly for wanting to leave Islam or conversion by the sword shall we).

    What this website is about, perhaps you should address that to the site owner not me. Although its fair to say that the Indonesian Islam was much more inclusive of the local culture until recently.

    World War 2 was not a religious war my history challenged debater. Your statement was no Muslim country had ever invaded another or did we forget.

    As much you like to huff n puff the fact remains that people claiming to be Muslims have killed far more Muslims than all others combined over the last 100 years. I know it doesn’t fit the ranting and raves of the haters but any quick research will easily prove that. You may wish to argue that occupation, outside influences, tribal influences, social influences, various sects impact on the issue but the essential fact remains, as ugly as you may find it.

    PPT, You like so many others seem to get so defensive about history. No one is attacking you or Islam just suggesting there is more to History both recent and past than the dogma kings would have you believe.

    Despite this being a post about a pretty girl and intolerant ranters, I am happy to continue to debate with you but for your part you need to do some research on the basic history of Islam first, otherwise its just another boring rant with no grounding in fact or reason.

  2. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    Hi Oigs,

    A bit off the topic, but I’m having an identity crisis…I quite the people on IM now and have lost the urge to insult the world…!!

  3. Lairedion says:

    The dire state of the Religion of Peace. Still arguing about headscarves and other trivial stuff.

    Rarely you will see a genuine desire to improve the lives of all people, groups, societies, animals and nature.

  4. Oigal says:

    I quite the people on IM now

    and lost the ability to communicate..oh my Assmad another victim of the beetlenut? 🙂

  5. Oigal says:

    Awww bugger!!

    The dire state of the Religion of Peace. Still arguing about headscarves and other trivial stuff.

    Rarely you will see a genuine desire to improve the lives of all people, groups, societies, animals and nature

    Two sentences sums up what of I have been rabbiting on about for 1/2 dozen posts..

  6. Deta says:

    The dire state of the Religion of Peace. Still arguing about headscarves and other trivial stuff.

    Big stuffs start from the trivial ones

  7. donny says:

    Hello, Deta
    how are you ? I hope you’re in superb condition today =D

    back to discussion

    Jilbab is not only covering your head but symbolically also covering your heart from negative thinking toward others (su’udzon), so if one who wears jilbab thinks the way you said above, I would say that she’s probably still undergoing the process of understanding the essence of Islam (very normal for a human being, I guess). At least I will put appreciation since she is willing to show her identity as a muslim, not hiding it in the name of modernization. I had experience living in a western country and know how hard it is to be treated normally as others while you put on some Islamic symbols in your appearance.

    I’m agree with you that it is symbolically covering your heart from negative thinking towards others … HOWEVER … you missed the point here, that it is the freedom to choose to wear or not to wear is what I’m discussing here …

    what’s the point of putting head scarves if in reality you don’t like it, but fear of punishment ? what the use it is if you don’t know the meaning of it ? What good will it be if you wear it but still doing things forbidden by your religion … how can you let people told you what to do while you did not know the benefit of your action ? … say … I told you to wear your shoes in your head … will you do it ? of course not … because you know shoes is for your foot … and sure you do have the rights to ask why I asked you to do so … same with jilbab here …

    good education is needed, then it’s up to anyone whether they wanted to do it or not
    it’s should be free for anyone to choose, especially it is not against the law not to wear jilbab for women

    regarding Qory … I think in some point she do violate and hurt some people’s feeling … but hey, if you want total support and ALL audience’s approval … you’ll die in vain, right … ??

    anyhow, she’s (and every contestant) aiming to be Putri Indonesia, right ?? and become putri Indonesia means you represent Indonesia … and judged by representative of Indonesian people (with many background and culture), thus anyone wants to win should be able to take all of the judges’s heart … this means going neutral is safer … =D

    Donny, seems that you know a lot about Islam, sadly……anyway, it’s your choice. Wish you luck.

    thank you, for your praise … I spend couple of years learning about Islam from one of my best friend – he’s a devout muslim and a Haji … he taught me about Islam very thoroughly and very objective. This is how I know Islam and its beauty …

    about dark sides in Islam … every religion has it, also … and why do we concentrate on the weaknesses, the dark sides … while all religion teaches human being to be better =D

    and don’t be sad for me please, I’m happy with what I am now … able to help, to hug, to smile, without thinking who and who, without thinking about races, color, or religion

    come to my house and I will serve you drinks, I will welcome you … no matter who you are=D

    This is peace … and if my Beloved wants to put me in Hell … go ahead … my love is sincere, did not need reward or fear of punishment to work =D

    it’s like your love towards your husband or wife … you did many things, many crazy and stupid things because you love him/her … and avoid all bad thing … not because you fear she/he may get angry … but rather you don’t want to make him/her sad …

    and I love The Almighty more than a lover … =D

  8. Ross says:

    So the jilbab is not only covering your head but also your heart? If so, why do men not have to wear it? Are we blokes all nice, clean-living fellows, whereas the girls are the baddies? Come on, grow up!
    Girls can be wicked and sneaky, but so can men. As to who is the more immoral, or prone to immorality, there would be no hookers if nobody hired them.
    Fact is, if you sit down and talk to these girls in a bar, which is not difficult to do, you’ll find that they are trying to get by in a poor country with the only resources available to them. Sure, some of them enjoy honky-tonking, but that hardly makes them any worse than those with whom they do so.
    The jilbab remains a badge of inferiority, until such time as guys are obliged to don similarly ‘protective’ clothing.

  9. Deta says:

    Hi, Don, nice to have a discussion with cool head and sober manner …

    you missed the point here, that it is the freedom to choose to wear or not to wear is what I’m discussing here …

    what’s the point of putting head scarves if in reality you don’t like it, but fear of punishment ? what the use it is if you don’t know the meaning of it ? What good will it be if you wear it but still doing things forbidden by your religion … how can you let people told you what to do while you did not know the benefit of your action ?

    Agree with you on this. That’s why muslim women (at least the majority that I know) do not put jilbab instantly. There is a period of learning and understanding the meaning and benefit of wearing it (I don’t have to explain more about this, let ulama take my part). And they put on jilbab on their own wish. To this part, family, neighborhood, and the way of upbringing have a very big role.

    Is there any freedom to choose to wear or not to wear jilbab? The question will be the same as: Is there any freedom to not performing shalat or puasa if you’re a muslim? If you choose Islam as your religion, sorry, all Islamic rules then bind you. However, there is no such thing as forcing others in Islam. Reminding, yes, punishing, no. Who are you to think that you can punish others for not obeying the religion rules? What I know in Islam, if you do good deeds by force, not generated from your own willingness (not ikhlas, we call) it wouldn’t be counted anyway.

    Please don’t refer (again) to Arab countries to debate this. I am not an Arabian, and as I said earlier there is no country such as an Islamic country, not even Arab Saudi.

    I spend couple of years learning about Islam from one of my best friend – he’s a devout muslim and a Haji … he taught me about Islam very thoroughly and very objective. This is how I know Islam and its beauty …

    Thanks to your friend, then I guess there is no point in me arguing with you about Islam. You know it already.

    @ Ross
    Why don’t men have to wear protective clothing? Hei, jilbab is not the only protective tool in Islam. Some tools appear physically, some others don’t. But do you care to know my personal opinion about why don’t men have to wear protective clothing? I think it is because just by looking at a naked man will not turn a woman on….(kidding!)

  10. David says:

    Yeah Ross, I find your ‘feminism’ and anti-sexism kind of odd for a conservative….

  11. Oigal says:

    HOY!..I feel offended now Patung 🙂

  12. Lairedion says:


    I may write odd or perhaps outrageous comments on this blog from time to time but I also believe this was one of my better postings. 😉


    1400+ years and still bragging about headscarves? I’m still waiting for the Big Stuff. My guess is you didn’t vote for SBY because his wife is not “jilbabed”. If you did then why are you so preoccupied with Miss Aceh?

  13. Leon says:

    Oh my..
    I am not a fan of the beauty contest as Miss Indonesia, or Miss Universe.
    But I’m interested in our Miss Indonesia 2009, Qory, because this news.
    To be honest, I got upset with him because of his different statements when he was on stage and off stage, about his use of the hijab.
    Moreover, he represents the majority of Acehnese who are Muslim.
    Even so, I still liked by his words that, hair is a crown. That’s nice .. ^ ^

    Because of that, I became curious about what people said about this, and I was interested to find a forum about the pros and cons of Qory.
    And, I’d be disappointed.

    Why were the pros and cons to criticize each other interfaith, (as happened here), it was very embarrassing.
    I am a Christian myself, but I respect Islam.
    Throw mud at each other makes me sick, and I thought to be mutual respect among Indonesian.

    You are here fighting with each other in the name of religion, you think, our God, will be happy with the fight?

    And for Qory, I support you.
    I really liked your comment about the hair is beautiful. ^ ^.
    Good luck sister … God Bless

    and God Bless You All.. (^.^)v

  14. Deta says:

    Nah, I am not preoccupied with anyone or anything. Have better things to do than bugging in someone’s life. I did address Miss Aceh on my first post, but on the rests I just felt like sharing my opinion about stuffs in general, no matter how trivial they are…..

    And, oh, I tried to find the sign of “Big Stuff Only” or “Big Mouth Only” or “Big Moron Only” kind of sign on this website but couldn’t find any……..that’s when I decided to join…..

  15. Ross says:

    Patung, I remain one of the most conservative people on the planet, in terms of western values (as was!) but I like women and treat them with respect and see nothing niconsistent in that outlook. And my political pantheon includes Mrs. Thatcher, Sarah Palin, Phyllis Schafly, and Senator Ann Cools of Canada. (who also happens to be a black lady)

    Conservatives do not hold a person’s sex or race or colour against them, though they do recognise the God-given differences between the two sexes. And Vive la Difference, for sure. It’s nice to light a lady’s cigarette and hold doors open for them.

    Conservative women are the truly best examples of their sex, as the vicious hatred they evoke among the feminazi/lesbian groups indicates.

    Deta, I know many Muslim women who doubt that wearing a headscarf is an obligation. They are more concerned with spiritual things, like being good and kind and honest, than childish clothing obsessions legislated by overwhelmingly male bigots.

  16. mad about books says:

    Shouldn’t it be her decision whether or not she wants to wear the headscarf? She’s an adult, she can decide for herself what she wants to do..

  17. TheWrathOfGrapes says:

    Deta Says:
    October 14th, 2009 at 8:38 am
    Every tribe has its own culture, it can’t be learn instantly, and it’s not for others to judge, otherwise you can jump to wrong, silly conclusions as you two mentioned above. Let Aceh be Aceh as it is now, which stands strong against the western cultures (negative ones, of course). Indonesia needs this as a filter for not letting our nation carried away by other countries’ culture.

    That is not culture. That is form and not substance. That is blindly copying the desert tribes. Malaysia and Indonesia used to be quite “normal” where Muslims are quite happy to hang around with other races and eat in the same restaurants. It was only in the last few decades that the practices and wardrobe of the Arabs began to take root. And those blind copying were learned quite instantly. In Malaysia’s case, it was due to politics – UMNO trying to out-Islam PAS, and the result is the gradual talibanizing of Malaysia.

  18. Odinius says:

    I’ll file this article under the category:

    “Protesters from _________ need to get laid and find something better to do with their time.”

  19. Odinius says:

    And my political pantheon includes Mrs. Thatcher, Sarah Palin, Phyllis Schafly, and Senator Ann Cools of Canada. (who also happens to be a black lady)

    Very progressive of you, Ross 🙂

    mad about books said:

    Shouldn’t it be her decision whether or not she wants to wear the headscarf? She’s an adult, she can decide for herself what she wants to do..


  20. molceonly says:

    All i wanna say is… all those moslem and its party who has offended to what Qory has done especially those from Aceh. STAY IN ACEH and please don’t come out to Jakarta or other place around the world. stay there or immigrate to Arab… please do so!

    Qory don’t do jilbab or what ever you name it, because she was not into it too much like “islam” commanded. that’s my opinion….

    islam lately has become a religion with many conflicts interest. before manage people why don’t all of those clerics fix their system first? lets take example in pakistan. women without hijab is crime too, but yet the system around parties is killing each other.

    my thought was insider system is not balance, why bother try to fix other while own system is totally chaos?

    once again, it’s my thoughts…….

  21. Cargam says:

    Short sighted minds who want to reduce the freedom of woman. Rules like that are not made by a god but by Men.. Every woman is allowed to show her beauty as long as it is not provocative! In a tiny bikini she would even look better i guess 😉 Go Qory Go!!

  22. Paus Pembunuh (Orca orca) says:

    Assalamu’alaykum warrahmatullah Nona Qory,

    Umurku21 tahun dan kampus kita dahulunya satu, tapi terpisah dan melahirkan budayanya yang berbeda. Kemungkinan aku lebih bodoh dari Anda dan dari teman-teman yang mengomentari semua hal ini.

    Banyak kontrovesi yang memaksa Anda untuk terus maju dan sebagian juga mengingatkan Anda. Anda pastinya memiliki jalan pikiran dan untung ruginya dalam memilih semua tindakan yang Anda lakukan. Ada 2 kemungkinan
    1. Pilihan Anda benar masyarakat yang mengingatkan Anda tidak salah.
    2. Pilihan Anda tidak salah, tetapi masyarakat yang mencoba mengingatkan Anda itu benar.

    Wallahuallam bishawab, biarlah kelak Allah yang akan memberikan pengadilan bagi kita semua dengan seadil-adilnya kelak.

    Terlepas dari itu semua, mungkin saya yang baru belajar agama ini hanya bisa jadi pengingat seperti yang Allah perintahkan kepada umatnya “Kamu hanyalah pengingat, bukan pengawas dari orang-orang kafir itu” . Momentum Anda dalam mengikuti Miss Universe adalah 24 Agustus atau bertepatan dengan 14 Ramadhan. Nah dalam bulan yang penuh berkah ini saya hanya mengingatkan jangan sampai Anda tertinggal puasa wajib, betapapun sibuknya aktivitas Anda. Karena wanita sudah disayangi Allah untuk beberapa hari tidak berpuasa selama bulan Ramadhan agar menyucikan dirinya terus hingga bersih.

    Saya meyakini bahwa Rasullah ketika diakhir hidupnya menyuruh agar umatnya berpegang kepada Al-quran dan As-sunah. Sesungguhnya Alquran memiliki kedudukan yang tinggi di sisi Allah. Orang-orang yang membacanya serta mempelajarinya akan Allah tuntun dan tinggikan derajatnya. Doakan hamba Allah yang lemah ini untuk selalu membaca Al-quran karena itulah tuntunan hidup saya. Saya tidak memiliki doa yang berada dalam nama Anda seindah nama Anda, Qory.

    Your fans (boleh ga ya menulis kata ini dalam syariah) kalau ga boleh
    Orang yang tidak dikenal dan tidak akan berkenalan denganmu,

    Hamba Allah

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