Wailing and gnashing of teeth in Aceh over the shameless Putri Indonesia 2009.
The winner of Miss Indonesia 2009 (Putri Indonesia), representing Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, 18 year old Qory Sandioriva has caused a storm in the province of Aceh for her lack of head covering.
Qory Sandioriva
In reaction to her victory on October 10th the leader of the Himpunan Ulama Dayah Aceh (HUDA), Tgk. Faisal Aly, said:
She is not representative of Acehnese women. She has no right to act in the name of the people of Aceh, this is really bad.
She can take part in Putri Indonesia, that’s her right, but not as a representative of Aceh, because she doesn’t embody the Islamic ideals and values of Aceh.
And likely as a sign of things to come, in Banda Aceh on October 11th dozens of students belonging to the Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia (KAMMI) staged a demonstration against Qory and demanded that Governor Irwandi Yusuf disown her and revoke her permission to represent the province.
Qory, who will represent Indonesia at Miss Universe 2010, narrowly bested the ‘sentimental favourite’ Zukhriatul Hafizah from West Sumatra (2nd) and Isti Ayu Pratiwi from North Maluku (3rd), and was crowned by reigning Miss Universe Stefania Fernandez of Venezuela. She takes over from Zivanna Letisha Siregar.
Lookalike competition, the top 3 finalists.
She was born in Jakarta, and grew up there, with her only real connection to Aceh being her Acehnese mother. She currently studies French Literature at University of Indonesia, Depok.
Since 2003 Acehnese contestants in Putri Indonesia have worn the Islamic headscarf, in line with sharia law in the province, and as part of the competition Qory Sandrioriva was asked by presenters Charles Bonar Sirait and Dian Khrisna:
Contestants from Aceh usually wear jilbab, but not now?
Qory replied that head hair was a part of a woman’s beauty and there was no problem in showing it off. Later, after the contest, she explained that she did not normally wear jilbab, and that she had received special permission from the government of Aceh to represent the province, without wearing the scarf.
Donny, donny, donny, title that we put on you is not my made or muslims’, Holy Quran mentioned it and no matter what we brought to people like you YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE, even if an angel is coming down as a proof.
We are very tolerance to other’s believe but people like you are the ones who’s very allergic if we brought up our faith and believes and always try to defy, as proof of our tolerance, something like in Serbia and Croatia never happened here and other muslim countries.
Who’s that fellow Muslim writer? A JIL activist? LOL
They whom said yang “Engkaulah yang Kami inginkan … kami tidak menginginkan lainnya” Where they go? u didn’t mention?
Are you saying just by WANTING ALLAH, without practicing the 5 pillars of Islam and ALLAH will still accept you?
LOL, that’s is very pervert..sooooooo pervert..That’s the ultimate perversion. in this country they called PENGANUT KEPERCAYAAN TERHADAP TUHAN YANG MAHA ESA.
In shariah Law, if u were a moslem indeed ur blood is halal,but since this country doesn’t apply Shariah Law and I didn’t know ur basic religion I can’t say ur blood is halal.
Man, ISLAM is about TAWAKAL, berserah diri, believe throughly. If one or you can’t do that, I will not care at all, that’s why I write in the end of my last comment; ENJOY!!.
In shariah Law, if u were a moslem indeed ur blood is halal,but since this country doesn’t apply Shariah Law and I didn’t know ur basic religion I can’t say ur blood is halal.
What if it does ? will you kill me ?? but I appreciate your honesty =D
Man, ISLAM is about TAWAKAL, berserah diri, believe throughly
dont forget the aces … “and kills whoever disagree with Islam” (only apply when Islam rule)
back to topic … about Qory … wish her well =D
Jizya was applied during the prophetic era. The message it brought was FAIRNESS among people since muslim had to pay zakat back than and non-muslim didn’t, while they live in the some country. So jizya can be considered as a tax to the country. But again, if after the prophetic era jizya is applied for the purpose of other than fairness, it is not the religion to be blamed (nowadays, there is no such country as an islamic country anyway)
dont forget the aces … “and kills whoever disagree with Islam” (only apply when Islam rule)
Muslims is the majority in this country, did someone ever tried to kill u? Or your other MURTAD friends? In smaller scope in Aceh, that applied Shariah Law, u heard abt killing(s) of Non Muslim(s) there? In fact what I know is it happened in Uighur-China, a stabbing of a Muslim woman in Germany followed by the shooting of her husband at the trial court, and that i mentioned in Serbia and Croatia, and its happening in Iraq and Afghanistan by the Americans.
Still won’t tell me the other MURTAD writer whom his fairy tale you quoted? Or its just one of you and your kind’s PERVERSION IDEA. And then, where ALLAH put you guys since you don’t want heaven neither hell? Put you all in jars or some kind as souvenirs or hang you in the walls? LOL.
Wish Qory well too and realize that she made a big mistake. And for you-again- ENJOY YOUR PERVERTION!
Lahir di jakarta, besar di jakarta, kok bisa ngewakilin aceh ya?
hegemoni jakarta ebegitu kuatnya kah? hingga orang yang ga ada hubungan langusng denan aceh bisa ngewakilin aceh?
btw cuma mamanya doang yang orang aceh… itu pun dari kecil uda di jakarta. So again, kok bisa ngewakili aceh?
The truth ross? Did ANY of ahmadiyah got killed?
I dont disown it. And whats ur problem? Its the law, they are derailed and wont b just like that simple 2 punish them. Then ur answer wld be; its their rights 2 choose what they believe!
Wld u stand 4 the muslims if we are the victims? I’m not sure, u’ll be clapping hands and enjoy the scene.
Did ANY ahmadiyah killed Ross? Answer that!
If you mean, have any Ahmaddiyah been killed, I don’t think so,
Thanks Ross for the TRUTH.
These r my answers: while some people just screaming KILL,KILL,KILL! ‘ YOUR KIND already did and still doing the killings, dropped bombs, invade countries for sake of lies, killing thousand including innocent children and women, and you think it’s nothing compares to what happened in Lombok? or what about what happened in Ambon or Poso when Muslims got attacked and became the victims? You count them too?
Syeh Puji made his mistakes, and he got punished socially and by the law, but i still think that what he did nothing to compares what YOUR PASTORS n FATHERS did inside the churches molesting and screwing BOYS.
Ross, you are truely a ISLAMOPHOBIST, I wonder,does your proud-about muslim friends know what you’ve been writing here about Islam n Muslims? If they knew and still be friends with you, I assume that they are JIL or Pluralist activists, which means one of your kind also; who always try give Islam bad names by blowing out frictions between religions in Muslim world and generalize one Muslim or someone that called him/her self a muslim’s mistake as if it ‘s one of Islam’s teaching, and stand behind those who defy Islam. Don’t waste your time hating Islam and Muslims buddy, Islam won’t be like christian that had so much Plastic Surgery from time to time. the teaching will last forever and remains the same, the MUSLIMS will always listen and obey what’s written in Quran and teached in Hadists.
Poor you, I am enjoying the modern world while my faith is still intact, while you too busy looking to be a modernist by throwing out your faith.
Just because you are loosing your faith,doesn’t mean everybody is too. Have a nice weekend BuGil!
…. it’s a beauty pageant for F**k sake….
what is wrong with you people. if u expecting the contestants to wear burqa or hijab u might want to make a new contest. “Miss Indonesian Moslem” for example??
Or for u moralist out there may consider to change Puteri Indonesia contest into Cerdas Cermat tingkat Nasional. How bout that? wakakaka…
Beauty Is a Curse In The World…
Despite all your posturings PPT you should try and get out more and learn something outside the ignorant ramblings of the haters.
Ambon or Poso when Muslims got attacked and became the victims?
Are you serious???
As for murder of innocents, Muslims (or so called anyway, they are disgrace to mankind let alone Islam) have killed sorry murdered far more of their own than anything anyone else has done. View Indonesia over the past few years as an example.
Muslim have killed far more their own than anyone? Really? Tell me when n where!
U didnt count the world wars? Who was killing who back then?I dont recall HITLER &MUSSOLINI was muslims. Older:the blood feud between catholics n protestants at the midlle age u 4get that too?
Mention the examples u said happened here in the last few years!
We disgrace mankind? U shld watch the news often bud,skip the sinetrons!
GW Bush and the Israel PMs must ve been ur role models and whatever they do must be in ur eyes are the acts of love.LOL.
Gosh, so many funny perverts here.
Puji is a cleric? Since he wears robe,add syeh b4 his name,and owned a pesantren? He is not ,read again! Hes just a businesman and he never claim himself as an ulama.
Sorry mate,as u said that ur churchmen r damaged and our ulamas r too? Those who encourage ppl 2 blow bombs are damage indeed,but not who remind muslim 2 stay at their path and stay away from sins, i.e.g Qory’s case.
Mmmm… try Iraq and Iran..Try Indonesia over last few years (examples? are you kidding), Try Pakistan over the last week, Try Iran yesterday. Do you really want to talk the Middle East role in World War 2 (save yourself some embarrassment and do a modicum of research first). Not to mention the fact are you suggesting that World War 2 should not have been fought?
Middle Ages? Again where did you study history? The Muslim World was not shy on a few slaughters and invasion as were the Christian nations, it was a time of religious blood-fests. Fortunately most of the world has moved on since then, unfortunately there still remains those who cannot accept the world has moved on without them
We disgrace mankind? U shld watch the news often bud,skip the sinetrons!
Who is we?? Who do you claim to be speaking for now? It’s amusing how some feel the need to claim the right to speak for all when trying to justify a position of intolerance. My statement was directed those who cloak themselves in religion to justify violence towards others as beneath contempt. That fortunately is limited to a very few who are increasing out of touch with mainstream believers and humanity in general.
As for Bush, not really a supporter and although it is possible to say the conditions there are a result of what has happened over the past few years, reality is Muslim violence upon Muslim in that country accounts for far more deaths than any causes. I use the term “Muslim” loosely here as such groups are regularly disowned by the Muslim community at large. At the risk of disappearing on a tangent if someone is so against the current intervention although does that mean you are supporter of the previous regimes excesses and their slaughter of say the Kurdish Muslims?
Now none of these things are as black and white as people like you would like to paint them. The Ambon issue is a history of government mismanagement particularly in regard to social policy and transmigration, however armed thugs of any stripes attacking innocents is to be condemned by ALL rational human beings. Do you really wish to go into the history and record of the two main Laskars and how they were funded/trained? Plenty of information out there for you to see and no one is disputing that there was plenty of fault on both sides . Do try Yayasan Salawaku (1999), “Kronologis Kerusuhan Maluku (Ambon)”, September 1999 at http://fica.org/hr/ambon/idKronologisKerusuhanAmbonSept1999.html. for start then get back to us.
Oh and do try and act a little mature when someone disagrees with your myopic view of the world. Name calling is something school kids do when they are losing an agreement and to be honest you would be out of your league in the insult stakes
@ PPT…
I did not realize that this post was a pissing contest to see whose religion has more pedophiles or which religion has killed more people in the name of their respective Gods.
I thought this was a post about a girl representing a province that apparently does not conform to some ideal about what constitutes a real Muslim woman in the eyes of some clerics. The whole idea of a beauty pageant would run counter to Islamic teaching, wouldn’t it?
But, as a previous commenter asked, is the veil an Acehnese tradition? More so, do the Suras in the Al-Quran or the writings in the Hadiths state unequivocally that the veil is compulsory? Or do they simply refer to and discuss modesty?
@ Rima…
So, you’re not Belgian?
It is an interesting argument though, the idea that she is not “real” Acehnese. Is it, or would it be a similar argument to you cannot be a real Muslim unless you speak Arabic? Or the one where if you convert to Islam you are a Muslim, but not a real Muslim because you were not born as a Muslim?
The girl, to my mind is sufficiently Acehnese, and just because she chooses to show a little bit of hair does not magically stop her from being Acehnese. Sounds to me that they have been smoking (and eating — Lairedion reliably informed us once that it is a staple in the food of that part of the world) a little bit too much of that local weed up there.
What happened in iraq,afghanistan n pakistan is after the US n NATO invade those nations. They dont want 2 get their hands dirty 2 kill civilians directly of course,devide et impera is applied.they reducing their enemies from within.
Where was again that killing muslim by muslim in this country?(im not kidding),i use world wars n mid age as example that the christian murder their own the most. Muslim didnt took part at those wars,did we?
Islam was spread by peace, while christianity used 3Gs and invasions,and still using it till now(softly). if muslim didnt came in peace,we it wldnt be accepted worldwide,wld it?
Christian wld dominate this nation if the invaders(dutch,brit.etc) came 2 this nation nicely,dont u think so?
At the risk of getting off topic was there not a war in Aceh between the Indonesian Army and GAM over a period of some 30 years? Or how about the Darul Islam movent in West Java that was crushed by Sukarno in the early 60’s. Could not these conflicts be construed as muslims killing muslims in Indonesia? Or was it some sort of Zionist plot? Perhaps PPT should start a seperate posting as I’m sure there are lots of people who would like to debate these kinds of topics. I don’t see how any of this has to do with Qory winning a beauty pagaent.
I suppose that there could be an Inner Beauty Pagent. But who would have such an absurd program?
Oh ya. The Saudis would.
Should keep Tantowi Yahya off the airwaves.
Religion is really about you and The Almighty. Therefore you have no right to LABEL PEOPLE, or GROUP, or NATION based on the religion. (That’s why I said earlier about Acehnese culture, not Acehnese religion, even if the culture itself rooted from the religion majority held by Acehnese).You can wear Islamic clothes from head to toe, you can go to church everyday, you can declare and swear to death that you’re a follower of a religion, but still it is only The Almighty that can judge who you are.
We have the right though, to tell others if what they do is wrong based on the value we believe, that means we CARE. But if you can’t accept that with an open mind and instantly get flooded by immense hatred and prejudice when you hear the word Islam then it’s up to you (As far as I know it is not a muslim who first brought the topic about KILLING and BLOOD here, if you care to read again)
As for me, I am a true follower of Islam (but wouldn’t dare enough to say that I am a representative of Islam), Islam that brings peace to the world, and I’m sure it is what the religion is all about. So if there is a shift from the actual message of Islam (or any religion) like killing innocent people, pedophilia, and other un-reasonable things (Islam is for those who can THINK), remember that this is the HUMAN, not the religion who does that.
remember that this is the HUMAN, not the religion who does that.
agree with you on this one, Deta …
however, I’m disagree with you about
Jizya was applied during the prophetic era. The message it brought was FAIRNESS among people since muslim had to pay zakat back than and non-muslim didn’t, while they live in the some country. So jizya can be considered as a tax to the country. But again, if after the prophetic era jizya is applied for the purpose of other than fairness, it is not the religion to be blamed (nowadays, there is no such country as an islamic country anyway)
nah … it is not clearly stated that it is not the country who ask for taxes …
and your comment is not objective … say, I think you know a bit about christian … if christian pays 10% of their income and muslim pays 2.5% of their income for the sake of alms, etc, does it is not fair if your charge another tax to another religion based on that reason ?
still this is some kind of force … radically, it is like you put a gun in someone’s head and ask him to do something, while saying … “relax … nobody is forcing you doing this … but I will put the gun away if you convert ” …
In my knowledge … Jizya means non-muslim taxes … to be paid to the muslims, and ONLY can be avoided if you’re converting … about later life, whether he will pay zakat or not afterwards … who knows ?
but I really appreciate your open-mind and respect toward other people …
back to the topic about Qory …
I myself thinks that jilbab or not should not be enforced … if one wants to be a good muslimah and willingly wants to use jilbab … it’s good, because it’s coming from her heart … AND SHOULD BE SUPPORTED
anyhow, if you force someone to wear jilbab while she does not want it – it is the same with violence against free will … and what good it is for, as she will throw it away at the first chance =D
if someone in Indonesia declares that jilbab should be prohibited, I WILL also stand up and defend the right to wear it
the wrong thing (according to me) is : if one wears jilbab and then thinks that she’s better, holier, cleaner than other who did not … as only Allah / Tuhan really knows about the heart … and the heart is all that matter
in this case, it’s back to the viewer … Qory did not wear jilbab … yet she’s beautiful, smart, graceful and shows to many of us that Acehnese many excellent qualities Aceh woman can be (I see past the skin and beauty) … and she’s quite polite and wears appropriate dress, I think
@ PPT … cool your head down, pal … =D
wish you well
PPT, I think PJ has answered you quite clearly and has a good point about a seperate post. Just one quickie on the way out to the real world.
Islam was spread by peace
So the great battles and Muslim military victories mentioned both the Koran and later by all recognised Military Historians never happened? Must be a suprise and disappointment to true students of Islamic History. Islam’s clashes with the Roman Empire perhaps a quick read on “The Battle of Yarmuk” is recommended as a beginning for you.
“By the year 640 the Muslim forces had conquered all of present day Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, and were invading Egypt. By the year 700 Islam would be permanently established in the Middle East, North Africa, Persia, and would be poised to invade Spain” and they didn’t get there on a Con Tikki tour bus.
Tell me when n where!
Of course, interesting that you should mention Iraq again, although you neglected to mention their invasion of Kuwait under the previous regime.
History is a bitch like that, just keeps coming back to bite you on the arse.
Now personally, I don’t have lot of time for religious zealots of any kind and all have had their share of bloodletting but please at least have a nodding aquaintance with history before trotting out the dogma.
Now can we get back to beautiful Indonesian women as I would much prefer to talk about that than history 101.
“the wrong thing (according to me) is : if one wears jilbab and then thinks that she’s better, holier, cleaner than other who did not … as only Allah / Tuhan really knows about the heart … and the heart is all that matter”
@ Donny,
Jilbab is not only covering your head but symbolically also covering your heart from negative thinking toward others (su’udzon), so if one who wears jilbab thinks the way you said above, I would say that she’s probably still undergoing the process of understanding the essence of Islam (very normal for a human being, I guess). At least I will put appreciation since she is willing to show her identity as a muslim, not hiding it in the name of modernization. I had experience living in a western country and know how hard it is to be treated normally as others while you put on some Islamic symbols in your appearance.
Donny, seems that you know a lot about Islam, sadly……anyway, it’s your choice. Wish you luck.
@ Oigal:
Thnx alot 4 opening ur files abt history,but u u can’t mention the actual amount can’t you regarding ur word that Muslims are the most for killing of their own?
Where was again that killing muslim by muslim in this country?
(especially in recent years)
Forgot your glasses boss?
Tell me when n where!
Of course, interesting that you should mention Iraq again, although you neglected to mention their invasion of Kuwait under the previous regime.
Is the number of casualties way way much over the WW II?
Quran did mentioned and it was glorious isn’t it to defeat biggest at that time army like the Romans? In those countries u mentioned except Israel, majority of the people are still Muslims, aren’t they? Why? ‘coz they accept it peacefully, and some who still believed to their religion were let live. Especially in Jerusalem, but not after the crusade army began to claim that Jerusalem was their own righteous and holy land.
Btw, I just open this website’s about and i find out this:
What is Indonesia Matters (IM) about?
The site’s primary themes are politics, culture, religion and religious freedom issues, with a particular focus on what might be called Islamization, but sometimes stories fall into the category of globalization, westernization, or other. Additionally there are more light-hearted pieces on popular culture and current events.
Islamization? Funny how can an so called Islamization happen in the country that it’s majority already Muslims.
Is calling out the Muslims to be more faithful and to stay out of sins is including this web’s qualification of Islamization? What’s your plan regarding this ‘Islamization’? Really hoping somebody can answer this honestly.
Hi Don! Nice 2 read nice some words of you on ur last comment. Keep it up pal!
just wondering. what kinda islam do u hold? how would u react to people who have a different beliefs than you? better yet, if u meet a victim of 1998 riots, what would u say to him or her?
do u support terrorists by any chance?
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thus my blood is halal … right ?? go on … say it =D
sooo easy for you to condemn fellow human being … where is the tolerance that you boasting about ?? count your finger … is there 5 of em ?? same with me … take a pin and draw your blood … is it red as mine ?? what difference do we have so you easily condemn me and countless other people as heretic ?
once read this one in book written by fellow muslim :
sesungguhnya manusia dibagi menjadi 10 golongan
dari 10 golongan itu Kami (Allah) tunjukkan nikmat dunia
9 dari 10 golongan itu berpaling menuju nikmat dunia
sisa 1 golongan yang tidak berpaling … itu dibagi lagi menjadi 10 golongan
dari 10 golongan itu Kami (Allah) tunjukkan surga
9 dari 10 golongan itu berpaling menuju surga
sisa 1 golongan yang tidak berpaling … itu dibagi lagi menjadi 10 golongan
dari 10 golongan itu Kami (Allah) tunjukkan neraka
9 dari 10 golongan itu berpaling dari neraka
sisa 1 golongan …
kepada golongan itu Kami tanyakan … kalian menolak nikmat dunia, menolak surga dan tidak takut neraka … apa sebenarnya yang kalian inginkan ?
jawab mereka “Engkaulah yang Kami inginkan … kami tidak menginginkan lainnya”
and now … where are you including to the description above ?
whatever He wants me to do, wherever He want to put me … it’s none of your business … It’s my personal choice with Him … if He wants to put me in hell … let it be, He does not need reason to do it =D
I do not want paradise, where you can have orgy with countless houris
I do not fear hell
what I do, I do because I love =D
I respect you and your religion … if you choose not to respect me and my belief … or even declare my blood halal … it’s your choice =D
I still think you are a fellow human being, a brother … if you think I’m an infidel, a heretic and still want to kill me … it’s your choice =D
@ Deta
no force in choosing Islam ??
well … could you explain to me what “Jizya” means ?? without sugarcoating it, of course =D