A provincial police chief on Java requires policemen to improve their image by being seen as religiously observant.
The police chief of East Java, Brigadier General Anton Bachrul Alam, has issued an instruction to his Muslim officers that they should perform five daily prayers while on duty. Upon hearing the call to prayer policemen are instructed to leave their desks and head to the nearest mosque or musholla.
If they are dealing with a member of the public at the time and that person is a Muslim then he is to be invited along, while if he is non-Muslim he is to be asked to wait.
They are also expected to learn to read the Quran in off-duty time, to the point where they able to recite the 30 juz, or parts, which is what Muslims normally do during Ramadhan. Those who are already proficient at this are asked to read aloud the 30 juz in their offices after morning prayers.
If there is no mosque attached to a police station policemen are asked to go the nearest public mosque. Anton says this would be a good way of mixing with the people and building trust, and also that those who pray in a jamaah, or group, get 27 times more bonus points from God than those who pray alone.
It’s difficult to change the culture [in the police force] unless efforts are grounded in religion.
Police officers of other faiths are instructed to gather together and pray for ten minutes, presumably five times a day, or do whatever it is that non-Muslims do on such occasions. detik
Lets just hope that nobody decides to go on a crime spree at 16:20.
“If they are dealing with a member of the public at the time and that person is a Muslim then he is to be invited along, while if he is non-Muslim he is to be asked to wait.”
You’re a non-Muslim pick pocket you say? Well just wait here a tick, I’ll be back in twenty minutes…
“It’s difficult to change the culture [in the police force] unless efforts are grounded in religion.”
What? Laying down the law, threatening the population with punishment and wearing silly hats? Surely the cops and religion have so much in common already.
People, you seems to have difficulties grasping the idea that becoming secular and westernized is not necessarily an indispensable part in the evolutionary process of a nation.
I will try to run a red light the next time I hear a muezzin.If I am stopped and lectured, I will tell them I was rushing to sholat and invite them along to pray with me, as instructed by the Brig-Gen….
You conveniently forgot all those secular central american, african, and pasific countries.
I do not see a MUI in Chile or Argentina or Cuba, but that did not stop them from being 3rd world nation.
Secularism have nothing to do with prosperity, just as being Islamic has nothing to do with being developing country.
If you really try to find it, the more obvious common denominator of undeveloped countries is that they have or had a dictator who rule without control. Indonesia had Sukarno and Suharto, Egypt has Mubarak, Saudi has their King, Chile,Argentina had or have their share of dictators. All of these men other than the Saudi’s are staunch secularists, including Saddam Hussein, even US Government concede that.
And of course some people will point out that most of those dictators was installed or propped by these supposedly good, civilized and avcanced countries you glorify in your comment.
And some people will also point out that usually it is an Islamic Movement which is the main driving force pehind the push for change in these countries.
Indonesia got rid of our dictators, so now we can begin developing.
Secular western countries are leading militarily/economically only for the last few hundred years of a much longer human history. In the past there was a time when the Super Power nation was worshipping fire. I have no doubt that the ET of 2000 years a go think that worshipping fire was the sure way to prosperity.
Muslim has a proven history of leading the world while having sharia as the law of the land, so it is not easy to convince us that our religion impede prosperity. Look at the big picture: In the long history of 1500 years, a few hundred years of western hegemony is just a road bump.
Muslim has a proven history of leading the world while having sharia as the law of the land, so it is not easy to convince us that our religion impede prosperity. Look at the big picture: In the long history of 1500 years, a few hundred years of western hegemony is just a road bump.
What utter nonsense. Islam has led the world in nothing in it’s 1500 years, quite the opposite…it’s condemned it’s adherents to a life of poverty, ignorance and oppression and you are pushing for more of the same in Indonesia where hundreds of years of Islam has given the people nothing more than a little solace in their depressed and oppressed poverty. Who are the globally hailed thinkers and scientists from this, the 4th largest nation in the world, and the biggest Moslem nation on the planet. I can’t think of one.
The age of enlightenment came when science moved into the secular world and tossed away the binds of religion. Not one major scientific discovery or advancement has come from the Islamic world in the past 1000 years. Any major advancements from the Arab world date from a time before Islam. It’s because of secular science that you are able to read this on the internet and drive a car (using, as schmerly says) a fuel extracted and processed by secular science and industry, or watch your cinetron or fly in an aircraft.
Cuba is significantly more advanced than any Islamic nation, as are Argentina and Chile. Most Pacific island nations are more developed and slowly parts of Africa are beginning to crawl ahead of much of the Islamic world. Really Andrey if you don’t understand these things it’s better not to comment.
if you read carefully, I put saudi arabia (and all those arabic kingdoms) in the undeveloped club.
having hereditary leaders who are above the law is not my idea of good islamic government.
there are whole faculties in well known western universities devoted for studying islamic golden ages, where many people much smarter than you spend their life time debated about it and eventually come to the same conclusion as me. so I\’ll not waste my time to convince you on this.
as for western scientific advances,
I am not really impressed. The only reason Isaac Newton could have so much time to study Physics instead of planting corn is because there was an Indian or Indonesian farmer somewhere who took his place planting corn under gun point. What you see now is built on 200+ years of hundreds of millions of such colonized indian or indonesian farmer\’s sweat. Given the same privilliges, I\’m sure some Joko or Bambang could find time to study Physhics in the 16th century, eventually came to the same conclusions, and we\’ll call it Joko\’s Law instead of Newton\’s.
now that we no longer need to plant corn for you, we can finally begin concentrating on science.
of course, we might take a little longer to catch up, as we don\’t have the habit of forcing other people to plant our rice.
I am not really impressed. The only reason Isaac Newton could have so much time to study Physics instead of planting corn is because there was an Indian or Indonesian farmer somewhere who took his place planting corn under gun point. What you see now is built on 200+ years of hundreds of millions of such colonized indian or indonesian farmer\’s sweat. Given the same privilliges, I\’m sure some Joko or Bambang could find time to study Physhics in the 16th century, eventually came to the same conclusions, and we\’ll call it Joko\’s Law instead of Newton\’s.
Well said, andrey. But some skull are so thick they refuse to handle truth. They rob to enrich themselves, and with their ill-gotten wealth blamed us for being poor.
“improve their image by BEING SEEN as religiously observant”??
even a person that was seen as kyai haji can be a rapist too. i mean being seen as a religious person is not a factor that can improve their image. the way they behave is a factor that can improve their image.
and the word ‘being seen’ on that sentence. religion is not something important to be seen. we don’t need to be seen as a religious person. terus pake sorban jadi doi religius gt? that is stupid! pernah liat bokep orang berjilbab ga lo pada? the way they behave is the thing that will show us are they religiously observant or not. not the look.
Dear all,
My one dinar say.
Islam HAD its golden Age. Western thought clearly lagged behind Islamic philosophy and science for the better part of the 1st millenium.
Then, the Islamic World, in its benign wisdom, decided that all questions had been answered and closed the door on ijtihad.
Thats when the West, with its logic, reasoning, innovation and inquiring spirit, came to dominate with science and technology.
The last 600 years is not a road bump. It is evidence that in the material world, any religion that values piety over industry and innovation is going to result in a materially poorer society.
Marx said it best when he called religion the opiate of the masses.
i am a deeply religious person but do hope sometimes, that my brethren would stop asking G_d for help without first trying to help themselves.
But surely we digress from the original article….
Pak Hary,
The Jews. Didn’t Allah swt warned us about them? The Jews were the causes of all thing evil. They steal the knowledge in the quran to enrich themselves only.
The answer is clear: A.
There’s always an exception in islam. For example: kafirs can be killed, _except_ if they give us money.
@ABB, you’ve got your historical timelines all wrong. The Torah precedes the Al Quran by 1500 years. It is Islam that borrowed all the Jewish prophets and ideas.
I suppose you will tell me that Nabi Yakob, Nabi Ibrahim, Nabi Musa, Nabi Harun, Nabi Ishak, Nabi Esa.. are all Muslims and not Jews!!!
Even the Kaaba, the most Holy and Iconic building in Islam is tied up with Jewish religion and tradition.
And where , pray tell, do you think he got the idea of one G-D ?
And where do you think the tradition of circumsicion came from?
And what about the prohibition of eating pork?
My dear AAB, I think you will find that much of Islam is based on the same ideas and philosophies, all borrowed from Talmudic tradition.
Men are the cause of all things evil. Not Jews.
Thats when the West, with its logic, reasoning, innovation and inquiring spirit, came to dominate with science and technology.
The last 600 years is not a road bump. It is evidence that in the material world, any religion that values piety over industry and innovation is going to result in a materially poorer society.
It is also evidence the material world has nothing to do with the humanity and the mankind welfare because the west material world without sacrifice billion other people in third world, it is only nothing, the anglo white will have nothing without disposal of disappearance the whole the native Indian American, the aussi white obese predator will be nothing without sacrifice of the aboriginal people, the most Europe will be nothing without hundred million African misery. As we speak, the west has trillion dollar to feed few obese people in the wall street but they have no money to feed starved hundred million people around the globe. Is that clear sir? That today is time for the white people to shut up their mouth and to listen what the brown man say.
The west has never using the science and technology invention for the mankind welfare instead of the west has using the science and technology for their own benefit to bully, robber, exploit the other billion less fortunate people around the globe as we spoke.
@ABB, you’ve got your historical timelines all wrong. The Torah precedes the Al Quran by 1500 years. It is Islam that borrowed all the Jewish prophets and ideas.
I suppose you will tell me that Nabi Yakob, Nabi Ibrahim, Nabi Musa, Nabi Harun, Nabi Ishak, Nabi Esa.. are all Muslims and not Jews!!!
Even the Kaaba, the most Holy and Iconic building in Islam is tied up with Jewish religion and tradition.
And where , pray tell, do you think he got the idea of one G-D ?
And where do you think the tradition of circumsicion came from?
And what about the prohibition of eating pork?
My dear AAB, I think you will find that much of Islam is based on the same ideas and philosophies, all borrowed from Talmudic tradition.
Men are the cause of all things evil. Not Jews.
From far way I can see that Mas ABB is laughing lot until he is not realizing that his urine is freely flowing.
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“When your neighbour quotes the Bible, count your sheep.”