Feb 24th, 2009, in Asides, by Patung
For the scholar, Cornell Modern Indonesia Collection, wacked from their ‘browse’ page:
- Administration of Islam in Indonesia by Noer, Deliar (1978)
- American Reactions to Indonesia’s Role in the Belgrade Conference by Bunnell, Frederick Philip, 1933- (1964)
- An approach to Indonesian history : towards an open future / an address before the Seminar on Indonesian History, Gadjah Mada University, Jogjakarta, Dec. 14, 1957 [by] Soedjatmoko. by Soedjatmoko, 1922-1989 (1960)
- Aspects of Local Government in a Sumbawan Village by Goethals, Pete (1961)
- Bandung in the early revolution, 1945-1946; a study in the social history of the Indonesian revolution by Smail, John (1964)
- The beginnings of the Indonesian-Dutch negotiations and the Hoge Veluwe talks. by Djajadiningrat, Idrus Nasir, 1920 (1958)
- Breaking the chains of oppression of the Indonesian people : defense statement at his trial on charges of insulting the head of state, Bandung, June 7, 8, 9, 10, 1979 by Akhmadi, Heri (1981)
- The Calcutta Conference and the Southeast Asian uprisings. by McVey, Ruth Thomas (1958)
- The Chinese of Sukabumi: a study of social and cultural accommodation. by Tan, Mely G. (1963)
- The Communist uprisings of 1926-1927 in Indonesia : key documents / edited and with an introd. by Harry J. Benda and Ruth T. McVoy. by Benda, Harry J. Benda and Ruth T. McVoy (1960)
- Decentralization in Indonesia as a political problem. by Maryanov, Gerald (1958)
- Decentralization in Indonesia: legislative aspects. by Maryanov, Gerald (1957)
- The dynamics of community development in rural Central and West Java: a comparative report. by Selomardjan, Selo (1963)
- Dynamics of dissent in Indonesia : Sawito and the phantom coup by Bourchier, David (1984)
- The dynamics of the Western New Guinea (Irian Barat) problem. by Bone, Robert C. (1958)
- East Kalimantan : the decline of a commercial aristocracy by Magenda, Burhan Djabier (1991)
- Economic development as a cultural problem [by] Soedjatmoko. by Soedjatmoko, 1922-1989 (1958)
- The Eurasians of Indonesia; a political-historical bibliography. Compiled by Paul W. van der Veur. by Van der Veur, Paul William Johan, 1921 (1971)
- The foundation of the Partai Muslimin Indonesia by Ward, Ken, 1948 (1970)
- Golkar and the Indonesian elections of 1971. by Nishihara, Masashi (1972)
- The government, economy, and taxes of a central Javanese village [by] Widjojo Nitisastro and J. E. Ismael. [Translated by Norbert Ward] by Nitisastro, Widjojo and Ismael, J. E. (1959)
- A guide to Indonesian serials, 1945-1965, in the Cornell University Library, by Yvonne Thung and John M. Echols. by Thung, Yvonne (1966)
- Indonesia abandons confrontation; an inquiry into the functions of Indonesian foreign policy by Weinstein, Franklin B. (1969)
- Indonesia free : a political biography of Mohammad Hatta by Rose, Mavis (1987)
- The Indonesian elections of 1955. by Feith, Herbert (1957)
- Indonesian writing in translation. Compiled and edited with an introd. by John M. Echols. by Echols, John M. (1956)
- Intellectuals and nationalism in Indonesia : a study of the following recruited by Sutan Sjahrir in occupation Jakarta by Legge, J. D. (John David), 1921 (1988)
- Interpreting Indonesian politics : thirteen contributions to the debate edited by Benedict Anderson and Audrey Kahin by Anderson, Benedict and Kahin, Audrey (1982)
- A Japanese memoir of Sumatra, 1945-1946 : love and hatred in the liberation war by Fusayama, Takao, 1916 (1993)
- The Kenpeitai in Java and Sumatra : selections from The authentic history of the Kenpeitai (Nihon kenpei seishi) / by the National Federation of Kenpeitai Veterans’ Associations (Zenkoku Kenyukai Rengokai Hensan Iinkai) ; translated by Barbara Gifford Shimer and Guy Hobbs ; with an introduction by Theodore Friend. by Shimer, Barbara Gifford and Guy Hobbs (1986)
- Living conditions of plantation workers and peasants on Java in 1939-1940; final report. Translation by Robert Van Niel. by Van Niel, Robert (1956)
- Marhaen and proletarian; speech before the Indonesian Nationalist Party at the party’s thirtieth anniversary at Bandung, July 3rd 1957. [Translated by Claire Holt] by Soekarno, 1901-1970 (1960)
- The Minangkabau response to Dutch colonial rule in the nineteenth century by Graves, Elizabeth E. (1981)
- Mythology and the tolerance of the Javanese by Anderson, Benedict Richard O’Gorman, 1936 (1965)
- National Status of the Chinese in Indonesia by Willmott, Donald E. (1956)
- The national status of the Chinese in Indonesia, 1900-1958. by Willmott, Donald Earl, 1925 (1961)
- Nationalism, Islam, and Marxism by Soekarno, 1901-1970 (1970)
- The office of President in Indonesia as defined in the three constitutions, in theory and practice. by Pringgodigdo, Abdul Karim, raden mas, 1906 (1957)
- Old Javanese (Kawi) / by A.S. Teselkin ; translated and edited with a preface by John M. Echols. by Teselkin, A. S. (Avenir Stepanovich), 1930 (1972)
- The origins of the modern Chinese movement in Indonesia. Translated and edited by Lea E. Williams. by Kwee, Tek Hoay (1969)
- Our struggle [by] Sutan Sjahrir. Translated with an introd. by Benedict R. O’G. Anderson. by Sjahrir, Sutan, 1909-1966 (1968)
- Past and future, an address delivered upon receiving the degree of doctor honoris causa from Gadjah Mada University at Jogjakarta on November 27th, 1956. by Hatta, Mohammad, 1902 (1960)
- Peranakan Chinese Politics in Indonesia by Somers, Mary (1964)
- Permesta : half a rebellion by Harvey, Barbara Sillars, 1933 (1977)
- Persatuan Islam; Islamic reform in twentieth century Indonesia by Federspiel, Howard M. (1970)
- The Political Character of the Indonesian Trade Union Movement by Tedjasukmana, Iskandar, Raden, 1915- (1958)
- Popular Indonesian literature of the Qur’an by Federspiel, Howard M. (1994)
- A preliminary analysis of the October 1, 1965, coup in Indonesia [by] Benedict R. Anderson and Ruth T. McVey (with the assistance of Frederick P. Bunnell) by Anderson, Benedict Richard O’Gorman, 1936 (1971)
- Preliminary checklist of Indonesian imprints during the Japanese period (March 1942-August 1945) with annotations. by Echols, John M. (1963)
- Preliminary checklist of Indonesian imprints, 1945-1949, with Cornell University holdings by Echols, John M. (1965)
- Prisoners at Kota Cane / Leon Salim ; translated by Audrey R. Kahin. by Salim, Leon (1986)
- Problems of regional autonomy in contemporary Indonesia. by Legge, J. D. (John David), 1921 (1957)
- Problems of the Indonesian Inflation by Mackie, J.A.C. (1967)
- The provisional constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, with annotations and explanations on each article [by] R. Supomo. Translated by Garth N. Jones. by Su (1964)
- The Putera reports; problems in Indonesian-Japanese wartime cooperation. Translated, with an introd., by William H. Frederick. by Frederick, William H. (1971)
- Report from Banaran: experiences during the people’s war [by] T. B. Simatupang. Translated by Benedict Anderson and Elizabeth Graves. With an introd. by John R. W. Smail. by Simatupang, T. B. (Tahi Bonar), 1920 (1972)
- Republic of Indonesia Cabinets, 1945-1965 by Finch, Susan and Lev, Daniel S. (1965)
- The road to Madiun : the Indonesian Communist uprising of 1948 by Swift, Ann (1989)
- The roots of Acehnese rebellion, 1989-1992 by Kell, Tim (1995)
- Schools and politics: the Kaum Muda movement in West Sumatra (1927-1933). by Abdullah, Taufik (1971)
- Sickle and crescent : the Communist revolt of 1926 in Banten by Williams, Michael C. (Michael Charles), 1949 (1982)
- The Socio-economic basis of the Indonesian state : on the interpretation of paragraph 1, article 38 of the provisional Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia / [by] Mr. Wilopo and Widjojo Nitisastro ; translated by Alexander Brotherton. by No author (1959)
- Some aspects of Indonesian politics under the Japanese occupation, 1944-1945 / Benedict R. O’G. Anderson. by Anderson, Benedict Richard O’Gorman, 1936 (1961)
- Some factors related to autonomy and dependence in twelve Javanese villages. by Dohrenwend, Barbara Snell (1957)
- Some social-anthropological observations on gotong rojong practices in two villages of Central Java. Translated by Claire Holt. by Koentjaraningrat, 1923 (1961)
- The Soviet view of the Indonesian revolution; a study in the Russian attitude towards Asian nationalism. by McVey, Ruth Thomas (1957)
- State and statecraft in old Java; a study of the later Mataram period, 16th to 19th century. by Moertono, Soemarsaid, 1922 (1968)
- Structural changes in Javanese society : the village sphere : being Part I by Burger, D.H. (1957)
- Structural changes in Javanese society: the supra-village sphere; being Part III by Burger, D.H. (1956)
- Suharto and his generals : Indonesian military politics, 1975-1983 by Jenkins, David (1984)
- The Toba Batak, formerly and now / translated by Claire Holt. by Keuning, Johannes (1958)
- A tour of duty : changing patterns of military politics in Indonesia in the 1990s / Douglas Kammen and Siddharth Chandra. by Kammen, Douglas Anton (1999)
- The transition to guided democracy: Indonesian politics, 1957-1959 by Lev, Daniel S. (1966)
- “White book” on the 1992 general election in Indonesia / Body for the Protection of the People’s Political Rights Facing the 1992 General Election (BPHPR) ; translated with an introduction by Dwight Y. King. by King, Dwight Y. (1994)
- The Wilopo Cabinet, 1952-1953: a turning point in post-revolutionary Indonesia. by Feith, Herbert (1958)
Hundreds of books and papers in Dutch, English, and Indonesian on Aceh topics, history, sociology, language, flora and fauna, all sorts of things. In PDF format, download, right click and ‘save file as’, don’t open in browser, some are very, very big.
Via the Royal Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV) in Leiden funded by Dutch Ministry of Education and helped by the Royal Library of the Netherlands in The Hague.
Thanks, P.