Scholarly Journal Articles, Digital Books

Feb 24th, 2009, in Asides, by

For the scholar, Cornell Modern Indonesia Collection, wacked from their ‘browse’ page:

Hundreds of books and papers in Dutch, English, and Indonesian on Aceh topics, history, sociology, language, flora and fauna, all sorts of things. In PDF format, download, right click and ‘save file as’, don’t open in browser, some are very, very big.

Via the Royal Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV) in Leiden funded by Dutch Ministry of Education and helped by the Royal Library of the Netherlands in The Hague.

12 Comments on “Scholarly Journal Articles, Digital Books”

  1. Lairedion says:

    Thanks, P.

  2. David says:

    Well actually a lot of them are whole books not articles but anyway…

  3. Burung Koel says:

    Thanks Patung. Hopefully Capitalist Holocaust will log in and see the list, too.

  4. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    Whoa, Mr. Patoengs, that list is hard core obscure Asianist ! ; P (in a good way).

  5. enigmatic says:

    Hope this helps my research on the TNI…

  6. Hannah says:

    Thank youuuuuuuuu!

  7. Odinius says:

    I bet that 1992 election was competitive!

  8. kriya.sinudarsana says:

    wow… i missed this one… thanks a lot Mr. Patung… Anyone has another sites on free e-books? share with me please… i mostly use scribd and digitalvaults…

  9. kriya.sinudarsana says:

    uh, forget something, sorry… recommendations on digital-libraries, ebooks, etc besides the one in:

    please… especially on economic / philosophy…

  10. Odinius says:

    There’s a lot on the Indopubs website

  11. Astrajingga says:

    This is great. Thanks all.

  12. kriya.sinudarsana says:

    Thanks, Mr. Odinius…

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