Bomb Threats in West Timor

Dec 29th, 2005, in News, by

Sms text messages sent to a radio station in Kupang, capital of East Nusa Tenggara province, in West Timor, threatened to bomb thirty-one churches in the city on New Year’s Eve.

The message was sent to the Suara Timor (Voice of Timor) station by a person claiming to be a leader of the Jamaah Islamiyah terrorist network. An official at the station, Silvester Sega, immediately reported the threat to the police.

One Comment on “Bomb Threats in West Timor”

  1. mingo says:

    Sms text messages sent to a radio station in Kupang, capital of East Nusa Tenggara province, in West Timor, threatened to bomb thirty-one churches in the city on New Year’s Eve.

    The message was sent to the Suara Timor (Voice of Timor) station by a person claiming to be a leader of the Jamaah Islamiyah terrorist network. An official at the station, Silvester Sega, immediately reported the threat to the police.

    AND LET ME GUESS, Nothing was done about it.

Comment on “Bomb Threats in West Timor”.

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