Videos of Balinese life in early 20th century: fields, ceremonies, cockfighting, and bare breasted women.
Four documentary type videos of Bali in the early 20th century:
Very, nice, Patung. I want to know who the asshole is who made them cover up. Can you imagine the boost to tourism if they went back ?
All very well I suppose but I prefer the gritty authentic social realism of Bob Hope, Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour in “Road to Bali”.
By the way the one marked “1932” starts off by saying that Bali had only recently been liberated from Japanese occupation so I think you might have the date wrong.
Oh geez… ET thanks. I’ll insert those “picturesque pictures” in my upcoming book on voice over ip (boring dreaded topic).
Isn’t it funny how times and attitudes change?
Whilst we’re happy to deride Islamists for being so uptight about matters of the flesh and condemn them for trying to enforce their own sexual morality on others it is worth pointing out that if an American magazine today published pictures of half naked and bare breasted pubescent girls like the ones shown above from 1928, there would be moral outrage and the editors would end up doing serious hard time in the sex offenders wing of a federal penitentiary.
Times and morality have changed and not just in the Muslim world.
Don’t think there’d be a problem with the images above. Clearly not a pornographic or warped sexual intent….
Art and nudity should be separated, indeed. It depends how we look at those pictures.
“Don’t think there’d be a problem with the images above. Clearly not a pornographic or warped sexual intent….”
Oh I agree Achmad but here’s a suggestion; go to one of those southern European beaches in the Mediterranean during the summer and take innocent candid pictures of the topless or nudist beach-goers that you see there, concentrating, as the photographer above did, on young underage females and then post them on an American (or for that matter British or even Australian) website with your name and address.
Then wait to see what interesting results occur.
It ain’t just the Muzzies who have a hair up their arse about nudity.
These are not photos from a lost era, at least not in Kalimantan. In the 70s and 80s, it is common to see semi-claded Dayaks in the wet market. Now you still see them but in remote area and only if you are locals. If they see someone unfamiliar eg. a bule, they will hide.
Funny thing is in Jakarta you can see a fully naked woman walk through a bus station or down a busy street and not get any attention whatsoever but a bule fully clothed minding his / her own business gets an array of catcalls and snide remarks for simply being well bule. A nation badly in need of growing up.
Seksi Mr. Berlian Yth,
I like to take nude photographs of…
And hand them out to the Italian ladies!
Vrrrr…..Va Va Voom !
We can thank the hypocrite and hysterical God-freaks of any direction with their twisted beliefs for tabooing every single issue vaguely or strongly related to nudity.
Well, at least as far as the desert cults that originated in the Middle East are concerned. But if one visits some temples in India like Khajuraho and Konarak a totally different vision emerges in which nudity and sexuality are not considered something to be ashamed of. Also closer to home we have remnants from the past like Permandian Belahan (East-Java), Arca Prajnyaparamitha also known as Kendedes and the bathing place from Candi Penataran (East-Java) to name a few, which don’t leave much to the imagination. Even Indonesia’s national pride Borobudur has on its lower level sceneries of the flesh and its related carnal pleasures, but fortunately for the prudish hypocrites these parts remain unexcavated.
Although it is quite understandable that running naked in the desert sun has its drawbacks, the desert dwellers and their religious adherents are politely but strongly requested to refrain from imposing their views and habits onto the rest of the world.
I suppose things would have been similar during the good old days of mojopohit era.
Patung if like me you grew up in the seventies and eighties listening to crap heavy metal LP’s or just browsing them in the record store then you might recall an album by the band Scorpions called “Virgin Killer” from 1976, I vaguely remember the cover but as Scorpion were not a band I was into (I never liked German rock bands, they just tried to hard) I never gave it much thought.
Good thing I never bought it as I might now be facing child pornography charges if the peelers ever decided to go through my dusty old record collection. The album cover in question has led to Wikipedia being censored in the UK.
Ancient German rockers in high tech 21st Century censorship scandal
diego asked
was wondering why cockfighting is very popular in bali? Could it be their way of channeling their homosexual desires
no, it’s just gambling….. same as everywhere else in the world.
diego asked: was wondering why cockfighting is very popular in bali? Could it be their way of channeling their homosexual desires
Janma answered: no, it’s just gambling….. same as everywhere else in the world.
So…, then, how do they channel their homosexual desire?
Seksi Ibu Janma Yth.,
Is there any way we could get the Balinese women to go back to the old ways !?
It would truly be…
Schmerlying again ?
Ha ha. Yes, really smart. A poofter gag.
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I was wondering why cockfighting is very popular in bali? Could it be their way of channeling their homosexual desires?