Seven Protestant and Catholic political parties will merge.
The seven parties are Partai Kristen Indonesia 1945 (Parkindo 1945), Partai Katolik Demokrasi Indonesia, (PKD Indonesia), Partai Pewarta Damai Kasih Bangsa (PPDKB), Partai Anugerah Demokrat (PAD), Partai Demokrasi Kasih Bangsa Indonesia (PDKBI), Partai Amanat Kasih dan Partai Demokrat Kristen, Gatra reports.
Importantly the main Christian party, the Partai Damai Sejahtera (PDS), is not included in the merger. Of the 237 political parties registered with the government 14 are Christian based. There are also five others that were formed in 2005 and 2006 but which are not registered yet.
Sources in the coalition of seven Christian parties said that the PDS had been invited to join but had not signaled any intention to take part in talks. The secretary of the Parkindo 1945, Max Nikijuluw, said that he hoped more Christian parties would join the coalition later.
In order to gain full party status in the parliament any party must gather at least 3.5% of the vote in the 2009 elections and given that the new coalition may be competing with the PDS it is likely that the Christian vote in the country will simply be split and neither will reach the threshold of 3.5%.
I need the names of head of those seven Christian party with their E-mail id to communicate.
Assalamualaikum. Shalom. In my point of view the idea of religion based political parties is obsolete. The ultimate goal of religion based political parties is to govern the society within a close and narrow minded religious rethoric. It might not be theocracy in a full sense, but it has the same passion. To dominate the society with primordial issues. I think it is better for us to rely more on universal value and virtue. I belive that religions share many common universal values that will enable us to share this crowded political landscape within harmony. As a Muslim I have to remind my fellow men that even Rasullulah Himself are not in the idea of theocracy. His governance obviously embrace Islam values but didn’t put it as a rigid boundaries. And for my Christian brothers may I reminds you that within the history of Israel — as written in The Old Testament — we can see how theocracy colapsed. Isa Al-Masih Himself walk not in the political path but rather on the moral path. Both Rasullulah and Isa Al-Masih are very inclusive. I hope we can learn more from them.
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As an observer of Indonesia politics I have no idea what the name of the party can be signified. Its policy and mandate are of more importance. The name of the party can be Christian, Catholic. Islam, Hindu or whatever, it has no meaning. I have an experience in Thailand that people’s participation in every level of administration is the best way to develop democracy of the country.
But the diversity of political party can be one form of people’s participation in national level if that party has make mandate to solve poverty and make an equal opportunity for every group in the country to be able to access natural resources and national budget.