Naked Royal Ambition

Feb 19th, 2009, in News, by

Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X of Yogyakarta goes online to launch his bid for the presidency.

Sri Sultan Hameng Kubuwono of Yogyakarta stated recently okezone at the launching of his own political campaign website, “HB for RI: A New Hope for Indonesia”, that he had no interest in being a vice-presidential candidate but considered himself to be president material only.

The Sultan is a member of Golkar and is competing with vice-president Jusuf Kalla for the party’s nomination as presidential candidate, assuming the party chooses to part ways with president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Whether Golkar chooses me or Jusuf Kalla I will still be a member of Golkar, if they choose JK then that is just democracy.

A supporter’s video.

Sultan Hamengkubuwono says he is unconcerned about opinion surveys which put him very low in the presidential popularity stakes and says

Everyone has to know when to step forward and when to retire, now is my time to step forward.

Meanwhile Wimar Witoelar suggests the Sultan is wasting his efforts, and that the only interest in the 2009 elections is who will be the running mate of president Yudhoyono, since SBY is almost a sure thing to win again. He doesn’t mention the Sultan as a possible VP candidate:

17 Comments on “Naked Royal Ambition”

  1. Hadi Setyono says:

    I thought thas sri sultan HB X need to take rest since it is not his year. This year would be a gratification event for Indonesia, and Indonesia would face a beautiful event in election this year. PKS is one of the taught partij that would come forward eliminate other partij. sri sultan HB X should know that time of God would come and will perish his kingdom. What we know about satrio piningit or ratu adil is a reality in Indonesia. He will com to manage Indonesia and establish kingdom of God in Indonesia, including Jogjakarta. This year is the year of satrio piningit and Sri sultan HB X should surrender to God.


  2. ET says:

    @ Hadi Setyono

    The people of Indonesia are asked to keep supporting the PKS party and its offshoot the FPI. If not then we [the Indonesian people] can be considered as insulting God, his prophet, and Muslims.
    The time of God has come. Repent, surrender and vote PKS. Allahu akbar!

  3. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    Elingo : awake dewe wong Jowo, urip lan ambegan neng tanah Jowo.. Wong-wonge dewe, negarane dewe kudu luwih didhisikke mbangane agama.

  4. diego says:

    Hi Hadi,

    So you are the satrio piningit? Wow.

  5. TONI says:

    Maybe I’m naive but, Who/What is a satrio piningit? Is it a electoral candidate?

    Anyway, HB can be very popular, but his chances are short and the harder infights in Golkar are to come

  6. Cukurungan says:

    What we know about satrio piningit or ratu adil is a reality in Indonesia. He will com to manage Indonesia and establish kingdom of God in Indonesia, including Jogjakarta. This year is the year of satrio piningit and Sri sultan HB X should surrender to God.

    Satrio Piningit is only ultimate delusion of some Javanese who patiently waiting that one day suddenly God obliterate our misery and assign a very ideal King (Leader) for us in which actually never going to happen because Nature Law doest not change that the outcome of the corrupt society will be only the corrupt leader.

  7. Chris says:

    The thing I don’t understand is why HB, a member of Yogya’s royal family, is currently seen on posters for the REPUBLICAN Party. In most countries, republicans are people who prefer having presidents to kings/sultans. It seems either a little hypocritical, unusual or self-destructive (i.e. putting himself out of a job).

    Can anyone explain this?

  8. Rama Treiz says:

    Silly Hadi Setyono you think a party like PKS and such will eliminate Indonesia problems. When we allow PKS to rule Indonesia then say goodbye to pancasila and hello to arab styled sharia. I bet you think it will be great and all, but just wait until you are getting canned in public for something stupid like missing sholat time or something. Anyways what is the sultan’s political views? It would be interesting having a sultan being a president.

  9. schmerly says:

    @ Rama Treiz.. Sorry but if you have a sultan then you won’t have a president!! You either have a Ratu/Raja, then I think you can’t have a president, Indonesia is a republic yea? I maybe wrong.

  10. Pengamat_Satria says:

    Hi Hadi Setyono, good to see your comment again. But I’m surprised that you are now claiming yourself as satrio piningit. There are many people who claim themselves to be satria piningit right now. But, as I believe that Satrio Piningit is the representation of Christ, I remember what is written in the bible, “Many will claim to be me, but don’t believe them. Because the coming of The Son of Man will be like thunder that is seen from east to west.” I invite those who ever heard about Satria Piningit but live outside Indonesia to give their comments about this.

  11. Rama Treiz says:

    What I ment by my earlier comment is that I would rather have a sultan as president rather than some wahhabist lap dog ‘president’ assist arab funded zealots in further ravaging indonesia society. 🙂

  12. Suryo Perkoso says:

    Ayunan Anak Payung jaran ” awake dewe wong Jowo, urip lan ambegan neng tanah Jowo.. Wong-wonge dewe, negarane dewe kudu luwih didhisikke mbangane agama.”

    Nggak tenan Mas “urip lan ambegan neng tanah jowo”

    Sing terhomat HBX asal saking Cricklewood.

  13. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    @ Suryo Kontho

    which Ndeso your boso jowo come from? Cricklewood or Krakal Beach? Aku kawit mau moco ping bola bali kok tetep ora mudheng maksudmu kuwi opo?

    Sir Aluang Anak Bayang

  14. eko sw says:

    This is a global schizophrenic phenomenon in Indonesia : claiming themself as Satrio Piningit. This is a delusion. None of it real.

    As such, Hadi is a victim of this delusion. Be careful hadi, because you’ll face trouble in your life by claiming it…

  15. Mr Tic Tac Toe says:

    This is a global schizophrenic phenomenon in Indonesia : claiming themself as Satrio Piningit. This is a delusion. None of it real.

    As such, Hadi is a victim of this delusion. Be careful hadi, because you’ll face trouble in your life by claiming it…

    Hadi is not satrio piningit, he is satrio pinandito.

    I still think either AAB or AS is the REAL satrio piningit.

  16. Hadi Setyono says:

    Pengamat_Satria Says:
    February 24th, 2009 at 9:17 pm
    Hi Hadi Setyono, good to see your comment again. But I’m surprised that you are now claiming yourself as satrio piningit. There are many people who claim themselves to be satria piningit right now. But, as I believe that Satrio Piningit is the representation of Christ, I remember what is written in the bible, “Many will claim to be me, but don’t believe them. Because the coming of The Son of Man will be like thunder that is seen from east to west.” I invite those who ever heard about Satria Piningit but live outside Indonesia to give their comments about this.
    Hi, Mr Pengamat Satria,

    Nice to meet you here and with your tought. I bet that you don’t understand the reality of son of Man. It is real and I know well since I happen and there. Son of man is the event that prophet isa or jesus treat as the son of this man. you know about the man? the reality of man that make proud God or you called Father is the man that near to virgin but it is man, not virgin mary.

    That’s what i called you should know the reality, not only text books.


    Hadi Setyono.

  17. alvatarz says:

    salam kasih.
    Satrio piningit and ratu adil is a reality. They are not only king and queen in indonesia, also for all the world.
    They are not only in the hinduisme, islamisme, but in the bible, lukas 16, yesus talk about them.

    I belive in about next two years or less, they will come and make the world in one united with one god, in one religi.

    But in the time before and when they come , all over the world will be punish and destroy by the power of heaven kingdom.

    We will se together what religius who realy from heaven kingdom, and wich one from lucifer (that the rabbi is the people number 666)

    wellcome the jugedman day. I love you.

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