Protests against the Israel attacks in the Gaza Strip mirror those over the 2006 Israeli invasion of Lebanon.
A video of a recent Justice Party/Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) march through Jakarta over the Israeli attacks on the Gaza strip:
Some stories from this site about Indonesian reactions to the 2006 Israeli invasion of southern Lebanon:
By changing the dates, and some of the names – “Lebanon” to “Palestine” or “Gaza”, “Hezbollah” to “Hamas” or the “Palestinians” – , the stories then are essentially the same as those now, – stories of mass demonstrations, calls to send troops, (basically fake) efforts to recruit volunteers, official calls for calm and the sending of humanitarian aid only, fund-raising, condemnations, etc.
To Chris of the Future Indonesia Party
Perhaps a “Future Indonesia Party” should be more concerned with thousands homeless in Java, children dying on weekly basis from malnutrition in the most resource rich country in the world, women being trafficked as whores due to greed and corrupt law enforcement. Those are the issues that will deterime Indonesia’ future not some half baked analysis of a complex situation on the other side of the world.
I am presenting historical facts.
No Chris what you are presenting is lower grade school factual hate filled nonsense
Your first point that that Israel and the USA is one united country is just silly other than the fact they are relatively prosperous democracies as opposed to the vast majority of Middle East Nations (that should tell you something for a start). They are no more one country than is Malaysia and Indonesia (and they at least share a religion to a large degree)
as long as members of US Congress are filled by Israelis descent.
Not surprisingly, you seem to have gotten the Israel migration backward. Although there is very strong Jewish/Israel lobby in the USA, this is well countered by a very strong pro-Palestine lobby. Perhaps in your deep and through research you have come across data describing where the majority of aid and funds have come from for the Palestine people (Do be careful as you will be embarrassed to find your Middle Eastern Brothers have welched on every major promise of aid and support in the last ten years).
Congress election and Presidential election in the US, the world media, the world Banks and top 500 Corporations.
Dearie me, Chris where do you get this stuff. I think G Bush would disagree the world press supported his time as C in C and McCain would definitely bit a miffed miffed. Top 500 corperations? You obviously have not been watching the news as 16 of the top 25 companies are no longer American and the results get worse (better?) as you travel down the list, hardly the kind of companies looking to do the USA any favours. Perhaps you book you are reading was published in 60’s sometime (perhaps you should consider a more recent edition?)
As long as the United States of America (USA) is the only superpower in the world, the Israel and US Government will ignore the International laws. This condition is very detrimental to the world peace and security
Ah yes, we can all long forward to the time when countries like China and Russia rise to take their rightful place and we can rest in peace based on their history of relevance Unless of course you happen to be a African Muslim in Dafur or a Muslim living in Serbia they may be less than happy. Do tell tho, how are the protests in support of the Dafur going after all the death toll of Muslims there outweighs the current toll in Palistine by a factor of 100. Perhaps you may also be able to help us out how many Muslims did Hamas kill last year in thier power struggle as compared to the current death toll?
Every time there is a proposed peace deal or agreement between Israel and Palestinian brokered by the US, the concessions are always from the Palestinian side to give up this and that.
This and that..why don’t you enlighten us all and list the concessions from both sides they people could judge for themselves..again be careful when you get to the Camp David Accords.
The UN needs to be dismantled and form another world body that are just and fair
Full agree, more than over due for the real democracies of the world to form a workable organisation, of course that would mean the others would have to learn to stand on their own two feet instead of blaming the west for their murderous and inhuman antics time and again. Still perhaps an appeal to China or North Korea would do the trick/
This does not suggest that I am anti Israel or anti Semitic in anyway
embraced by majority Muslims worldwide that someday the Jewish people faith will turn from being the hunters to the be hunted ones.
Greed, power grab and land grab have been historical nature of the Jewish people.
What would be interesting to know is just how many Jews have you ever really met and talked to? One, two…none?
I could go on but really cannot be bothered responding any more to this kind of absolute nonsense.
@Chris Komari 9) All Muslims believe in this very well-known Prophecy. …”time will pass when a Jew is hiding behind a mountain, the mountain will speak up, hey…there is a Jew behind me, go get him! When a Jew is hiding behind a tree, the tree will speak up, hey…there is a Jew behind me, go get him!” This prophecy is well understood and embraced by majority Muslims worldwide that someday the Jewish people faith will turn from being the hunters to the be hunted ones.
So what you worry about if Israel and Gaza and all that is just Inshallah?
(NFN, but…this prophecy sounds a bit self fulfilling…)
Indonesian and other opinions are not wanted but if we tell the bules their opinions on Indonesia are not welcome either one can predict how those bules with high moral authority react
Ah spoken like a true Xenophobe L, I can’t recall where anyone said the Chris’s opinion were not welcome, however like us all if the opinion is light on facts and heavy on nonsense then one should be prepared to be taken to task. I do admit to having a lot of trouble understanding the preoccupation of Indonesians and Malaysians with the region at the expense of more pressing issues closer to home.
As for the Xenphobic comment tho, from my understanding of his website you will have fine company in Chris as he seems (although suitably vaguely) advocating for pribumi legisation and has a lot of trouble understanding that people of non direct Javanese descent are as much Indonesian as he is (Willing to stand correct if that is not the intent).
Trouble is guys, the world is on the move and your quaint little tribalism is just that a quaint, dangerous and backward.
Well said Oigal. I was about to pen a long reply to Chris’s dribble but you beat me to it. Chris, the conflict is too hazy and complicated.
Concentrate on our problems at home. We have substandard education, infrastructure, massive unemployment, and inadequate public medical facilities.
Don’t simply join the bandwagon, hooting for Israeli blood, in a conflict too remote and removed from the every day lives of unemployed, undereducated, poverty stricken Indonesians.
Leave the hollow war cries to the deranged PKS and FPI. Concentrate on improving the lot of your constituents; now. Immediately. Indonesians deserve better.
Apparently the local extremists have struck a blow for palestine by sealing the only synagogue in Indonesia. Sweeping operations are scheduled to start soon thereafter. Way to go guys! This action will surely make the Israelis stop in their tracks!
“First, majority of those richest men in Indonesia from 2006, 2007 and 2008 adopted Javanese-names. But in reality, those guys are not Javanese descent. Majority of those richest men listed are Chinese descent wrapped themselves around with Javanese names to blend in. This does not suggest that I am a racist person in any stretch of imagination”… sound bite from Pak Komari from his website. With non racists of his ilk, who needs the KKK. Hahaha…
“demonstrators moved to KFC and McDonald outlets at the nearby Plaza Surabaya where they called for a boycott of US products. “
These people are so stupid.
1) A KFC in Surabaya is owned by ….. Indonesian People.
Do people think anymore? No, they just react.
2)“They held a free speech forum there which ended with……. the sealing of the synagogue. “
If Irony was gold, they would be like Midus
3) “organize a mass effort to drive American citizens of Jewish descent out of the city”
Both of them?
I was wondering if people understand what is history?
IOf they do then what is the squabbling about? Is it because the Palestinians are Muslims?
Now why not we turn the table around and put Israelis in the position of Palestinians and the Palestinians in the shoes of Israelis.
Do we see any difference?
People tends to want to know because they are small and was thought to have been bullied so every start supporting them.
Why not people just use their heads and think for a moment whether the support is for a good cause or supporting terrorism.
\”Islam does not allow you to think, it demands you to submit and blindly follow, exactly those morons are doing.\”
While Islam means \” to submit\”, this submission means to submit to the belief that there is only one G-D. It does not mean to blindly follow as you suggest. You forget that the Koran exhorts education and an inquiring mind.
Islam has produced philosophers, astronomers and mathematicians during its golden age. Western Europe was a kampung when Algebra was being formulated by Al- Jabr.Islamic Universities like Al-Azhar were founded before Cambridge or Harvard.
The Koran dealt with four general areas of study, namely geometry and math, logic( philosophy), theology, and lastly the natural sciences ( biology and medicine specifically).
I only wish to make he point that Islam has nothing to do with blindly following. Having said that, I agree that these guys were morons.Absolutely Unislamic.
PKS, FPI and the like will pray: “Alhamdullillah Israel attacked Hamas! Allahbuakbar!” Now we have all the reason to demonstrate and looks heroic. Who knows, it will get them more votes the desperately need. Corruption? Poverty? Stupidity? How should we care?
That good news I suppose. What happenned then because I did read the article in the JP? Is it just a case of a few people talking with their emotions?
Jeez and I was so full of righteous indignation too.
Diego, I wanted to comment to your response on the Jan 5th….
it must be remembered this war is not one of just religion, but cultural religion brought forth by nationalism and history of ones country. these people aren’t fighting because they are muslim or jewish but because of where they have lived is under attack, and what history they have been taught tells them to fight back. In no way what so ever do i agree with any type of this violence, but what I am trying to state is that this is not a war to be generalized for all muslims or jews.
I mention this because I am a American Muslim myself. Do i understand the true motives or gaining Palestine? No, my mind cannot relate to their motives because I do not live there. However, what I can understand is what I have been taught in Islam and in the Quran- That saving one life, means saving all of humanity. ( I do not know the exact surah, it can be found in there). This shows that what they have been taught is based off of their nationalism, and not what true Islam is and I am sure the same is for Jews. It is not fair to attack the religion of these people, when the war is about something engraved in their nations history
I know you may initially simply mean middle eastern semites- but I ask that we all be careful in how we generalize this war. Grouping all muslims and jews together could only leave traces of hatred in our own countries. Personally, I have had many jewish friends myself and such ridiculous divisions mean nothing to me.
more over, they are still people. who can tell me that every jew in the middle east, hates every muslim inthe middle east? (vice versa) No one can prove that- and no one can say that they deserve to die because it would make us racist our self. In order to actually effectively analyze what’s going on we cannot stereotype or bash the people that live there, but realizing that it is their cultural divisions that seperate them
I’ve been repeatedly saying semite (jews + arabs) is the most disgusting race on earth. Well, my motive for saying that is to remind ourselves (esp. asians) to take some distance (at least for a while) from those people. Not to hate them, really. I mean, it’s a conditional. It’s like saying: fix your problem first, and then we can be friend again (sorry, we’re also busy with our homework). Until they (semite people) can break their circle of hate, there’s no point for us, asians, to be closely involved in their issues.
Really, I think it’s difficult not to become emotionally affected after seeing the atrocities that’s been going on in the middle east. I have to remind myself, everytime after I watch some news reports on youtube, that this conflict has been going on for centuries. The hate between jews and arabs, it’s like tit-for-that, let say first jews were in power, then they killed arabs. Then arabs got into the power, they killed jews, and so on. I hope that way, I can bring myself back to center, non-aligned. Though I have to admit, my sympathy these days are more toward the palestinians. I see a strong sense of arrogance on the jews’ side. Just watch this video for instance, and also this one.
Look what I just found on youtube: How jewish settlers treat palestinians. Look at the face of the fat jewish woman while harrasing the palestinian woman behind the cage: sharmudaaa…. (whoree), sharmudaaa…. (whore).
This comment is by no mean anti-jews, it’s just to spread a bigger picture. I really despise some evangelical christians here (like dragonwall, who is also a racist chinese), who stand on the jews’ side just because jews hate muslims. I mean, it’s like: enemy of my enemy is my friend stuff.
Why can’t we just side with humanity?
Allright, enough talking, it’s time to start building world peace. In my attempt to educate people to love people no matter what their religion is, I decided to change the name my two dogs. Now one of them is named “Goyim”, and the other one is named “Kafir”, and I love them both. Hope this will inspire people to love. Peace.
Lairedion, I’m guessing I’m slightly pro-Israel, because when I was watching those videos I was thinking what the soldiers would have done if they were Hamas men … or does that mean I’m only anti-Hamas?
Those videos are bad, yes, but there are worse ones, like how Israel limit water and electricity supplies to Palestinians.
Actually, that last line made me think about the state of poor Indonesians who do not even have proper supply of electricity and water — or so I believe, based on the numerous blackouts and that one TV ad by the bottled water company about supplying water to remote areas.
Sorry not really concerned about your orgins as such (my fault perhaps attempting to respond to you and Chris in same post). I happen to think that stupid, intolerant is not race based (not you btw ..just as general rule)
I agree with you that resource rich Indonesia is being ripped off but it gets so tiresome blaming on the Bule or the West..Sooner or later people need to demand more from their own leaders not falling for the usual ..the evil outsider.
If I may …
I’m not xenophobic, I’m only critical towards the Anglo-Saxon (US, British, Australian) policy of world dominance, globalization and growing gap between rich and poor..
just for fun lets change a couple of words and see if the statement still holds..
I’m not xenophobic, I’m only critical towards the Jakarta policy of national dominance, nationalisation and growing gap between rich and poor..
I’m not xenophobic, I’m only critical towards the Chinese policy of world dominance, globalization and growing gap between rich and poor..
I’m not xenophobic, I’m only critical towards the Islamic policy of world dominance (Caliphate), globalization and growing gap between rich and poor..
yup still works
Dear Israel. Don’t ever think that Indonesian people are stupid, so that you can inform us with your propaganda. we had enough to see your propaganda through CNN and any other media that you own.
We had been following your history not from 1917, but since 35 century ago, since the propeth of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad SAW until now.
We know all of your tricky thing. You are the most genius people on earth as being promised by the Qur’an nor the Bible. But because of your greedy, un-trusted manners and destroying everything you can to achieve your goals, God hate you and thats why you CANNOT have even a country nor a piece of land on this earth.
You promise not to bomb the medical team, but you bomb it
You promise not to bomb the UN School but you bomb it.
You promise not to kill the civilian, but you kill them.
You promise not to occupied Gaza, but you will do it this time.
How can we trust you?
You even bomb the Mosque and Church in there, its a holy place, how could you????
If you want to check or even clean the place from the bomb, you can search itu by your land troops, not bombing itu..STUPID.
You are using the Uranium bomb (no other country should use this way, but you the only one use this kind of bomb).
No other country using the Cluster bomb, but you dare to use it.
You are very scared aren’t u? paranoid.
I hope you can realise what you had done and you fix this as soon as possible if you want everything changes.
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Anyone with the slightest real understanding of US politics would know that (with the honourable exception of Alan Dershowitz) most prominent Jews in the US politcal and academic establishments are left wing *and* would sell Israel out in a heart beat. Dershowitz is a rare one who is intellectually honest enough to not have a death wish, whilst still being ‘progressive’. The Noam Chomsky types are (unfortunately) much more prevalent.
This magical thinking that the Jews control everything and all pull in the same direction is a sure sign of a feeble mind.
Another nutcase anti-Semite. Please reproduce as rapidly as possible. The more Indonesians there are who obsess about ‘The Joos’ the more certain the rest of us can be that you will never amount to anything in this world. You just go on worrying about the Jews, and the Israelis will go on worrying about building more Technions and designing Intel processors. Let’s see who will be having the last laugh 2000 years hence.