
May 11th, 2006, in News, by

Escaped mental patient and president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, visited Jakarta today and was warmly received by the leader of moderate Islam, president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia.

There was some amount of hugging and kissing between the two which, as Greg Sheridan noted, can do SBY’s image no good.

The Iranian leader wants to wipe Israel off the map, says the Holocaust never occurred, has just sent a rambling 18-page letter to US President George W. Bush and is believed by virtually every national government to be intent on clandestinely and illegally developing nuclear weapons…..he’s also the strongest state sponsor of terrorism in the world.

Yet he receives a warm welcome from the government of Indonesia. Sheridan says SBY’s main motives in this are keeping on good trading terms with Iran and ensuring Iran doesn’t finance militant groups in Indonesia.

Meanwhile the Jakarta Post reports on the comical scene at the two leaders’ joint press conference. Talkaholic Ahmadinejad, who is not welcomed in most capitals, was not going to miss an opportunity like this to hold forth on the state of the world:

In the joint press conference with Yudhoyono on Thursday, Ahmadinejad spent nearly 30 minutes replying to a question from a local reporter about the current nuclear standoff between Iran and the United States.

Yudhoyono was visibly put out at this upstaging.

The reply appeared to bother Yudhoyono.

The conference, which was supposed to be held to announce the outcome of the meeting between the two leaders, sounded more like a pitch by Ahmadinejad for international support for Iran’s nuclear program, which he claims is solely for peaceful purposes.

Indonesian officials made valiant but hopeless attempts to wrap things up:

Presidential spokesman Dino Patti Djalal…..tried to end the conference after the second question, posed by an Iranian reporter, was replied to promptly by Yudhoyono, but to no avail as Ahmadinejad remained where he was, determined to allow a local journalist ask another question, even though Yudhoyono appeared set to leave the podium.

Confusion later reigned:

The situation later became somewhat confused, with Yudhoyono, Dino and a Farsi-language translator conferring with Ahmadinejad to inquire whether he wanted more time to continue with the press briefing.

And on it went:

The briefing then continued with Yudhoyono again forced to stand idly by on the podium……..As the briefing wore on, Ahmadinejad seemed to be in no hurry to bring things to a close.

One wonders if Islamic codes of ethics cover matters of courtesy to hosts or not, as they seem to cover letter writing protocol.

5 Comments on “Ahmadinejad”

  1. Rockstar says:

    ahmad ahmad, i pity you fool.. never thought that such an idiot did exist before.. but hey you proved me worng. SBY should have told him to zip his mouth.

  2. Jakartass says:

    What really worries me is that Indonesia also professes to want to develop nuclear power for peaceful uses.

    When is the USA going to bracket Indonesia along with Iran as part of the ‘axis of evil’? (Bear in mind that the USA owns the patent rights to the technology ~ as it does to much of the oil industry.)

    And which country can you trust not to go the Chernobyl route?

    I can’t really be bothered to comment on the windbag’s lengthy ramblings. Have you ever heard an interesting poiltical speech?

  3. Ahmadinejad feels the love at University Indonesia – The Jakarta Post,


    “Does your Excellency get inspiration from the martyrdom of Imam Hussein during Assyura?” she asked, referring to the death of Prophet Muhammad’s grandson Hussein, commemorated in Shiite tradition. “That is an interesting subject and she (the student) deserves a scholarship. The rector should apply to the Iranian Embassy for a scholarship for this student,” Ahmadinejad said to apeopleause.”

    ‘Another Student Rizki’s enthusiastic support for Iran’s nuclear program… “I personally support Iran’s nuclear program. Will Iran accept Indonesians who want to study nuclear technology?” RizkI asked.’
    ‘A group of students raised banners reading “Iran in My Heart” and “Nuclear for Peace” after the lecture ended.’

    “Our leaders should follow him and speak out against (international) tyranny,” said Dipo, a computer technology student.

    Of course there is no such thing as Arab (Islamic) tyranny and if there was and you spoke up you would end up in jail…

  4. Cool Guy says:

    If you all guys are democrate just like what you thought yourself is so far, Please do Not bother the good relationship to one another. Do Not Prejudice to other people as no body will disturb you. Just take a look at yourself, whether yuo are right or wrong. If you are still human I am sure you are all understand this.

  5. Karlira Kanakahuko says:

    I’m sure that Indonesia will be the Axis country in coming World War III.

Comment on “Ahmadinejad”.

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