The importance of rituals, public signs reminding people about their obligations to perform salaat, daily Muslim prayers.
Two road side signs asking passers-by whether they have performed salaat (or sholat, salat, shalat), or the five times daily Muslim prayers, saying “Have you prayed (today)?”.
The first sign could simply be seen as a form of advertising for the Islamic foundation/mosque that put it up, while the second appears on a freeway and has the appearance of being an official traffic type sign.
Assalamu Alaikum
Brother AAB
I love to read your posts. You make others smile. I have a brother like you at home whose full-time job is to crack jokes and make others laugh.
Assalamu Alaikum Brother Elijah,
In what Hadith, after this, will they believe? 77:50
Can they not see the Dominion of the heavens and the earth and what Allah has created? Does it ever occur to them that the end of their own life may be near? What HADITH besides the Qur’an, are they going to believe after him? 7:185
Allah! There is no god but He. He will summon all of you on the Day of Resurrection about the advent of which there is no doubt. Who can tell you a more reliable HADITH than Allah? 4:87
And is it not enough for them that we have sent down to thee the Book which is rehearsed to them? Verily, in it is Mercy and a Reminder to those who believe. 29:51
Is the word of Allah really so insufficient for you that you need to quote Hadith?
It is clear to me that some Sahih Hadith are contrary to Al Quran, denigrate The Prophet, and are just simply contrary to common sense. If the Science of Hadith is worthy of being called a science, why have these Hadith survived to be called Sahih?
Why, when Allah calls his book complete, perfect and fully detailed do you need to follow teachings which suggest that it is not?
Assalamu Alaikum
Brother Khafi
You quoted:
Allah! There is no god but He. He will summon all of you on the Day of Resurrection about the advent of which there is no doubt. Who can tell you a more reliable HADITH than Allah? 4:87
This verse like many others you quoted cannot form the basis of an argument regarding the reliability of a Hadith. Because here the word ‘hadith’ is not remotely meant to refer to what we now understand by the word Hadith. Rasoolullah saaws never taught this meaning to Sahaaba raa and Sahaaba raa never understood such a meaning as suggested by you.
For example, the word ‘madina’ is used many times in Quran but it dosen’t always refer to what we now understand by the word Madina.One of such verses is as follows.
Qala firAAawnu amantum bihi qabla an athana lakum inna hatha lamakrun makartumoohu fee almadeenati litukhrijoo minha ahlaha fasawfa taAAlamoona
7:123 Said Pharaoh: “Believe ye in Him before I give you permission? Surely this is a trick which ye have planned in the city to drive out its people: but soon shall ye know (the consequences).
So, as you said previously that some Ahaadith might be the true words of Rasoolullah saaws, so you must consider the following.
Man qaala fil quraani bi ghairi ilmin falyatabawwa maqadahu min naar
Ibn Abbas (RA) narrated that Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said, “He who speaks on the Qur’an without possessing knowledge must assume his seat in the Fire.”
Sunan Tirmizi 2959
Musnad Ahmad 2069
Man qaala fil quraani bi ra’yihi fa asaaba faqad akhta’a
Sayyidina Jundub ibn Abdullah (RA) reported that Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said, “If any one speaks on the Qur’an giving his own opinion and even if he is correct, he has done wrong.”
Sunan Tirmizi 2961
Sunan Abu Dawood 3652
I don’t want to hide anything from you. So the additinal information is that Allama Albani on the basis of his argumentation- about which I don’t know much, has labelled the above two narrations as Daeef.
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Assalamu Alaikum
Brother sputjam
I didn’t read your post previously.
I agree with you 200% on this.
The most important thing is al-Amal: the actions and at-Taa’ah: the obedience. Because, to deserve to enter al-Jannah: The Paradise we need al-Imaan as well as-Saalihat, as Allah says:
Surah at-Tin [95:6]
Illa allatheena amanoo waAAamiloo alssalihati falahum ajrun ghayru mamnoonin
excepting only those who have faith and do good works: and theirs shall be a reward unending!