The importance of rituals, public signs reminding people about their obligations to perform salaat, daily Muslim prayers.
Two road side signs asking passers-by whether they have performed salaat (or sholat, salat, shalat), or the five times daily Muslim prayers, saying “Have you prayed (today)?”.
The first sign could simply be seen as a form of advertising for the Islamic foundation/mosque that put it up, while the second appears on a freeway and has the appearance of being an official traffic type sign.
Appearance can be deceiving. 😀
I agree with Lairedion on this one.
lol Lairedion.
Personally I like these friendly reminders. I like how piety is not so concealed in Indonesia like it tends to be in the US. That was one of my favorite aspects of my visit, actually. Prayer is a beautiful thing.
That being said, there are similar things in the US, especially in parts of the Midwest and South. This guy we call “touchdown Jesus”. It’s right next to the highway about 1/2 hour from my house:
I prefer Bentoel (indonesia banget)
Can’t forget LA Lights “Enjoy Aja” or “Pacar posesif?” signs 😀
It’s only a matter of time before this post is hijacked by the islamophobes.. let’s enjoy the lighthearted tone while it lasts.
Jamu cap Portret
Nyonya Meneer
tetap lebih unggul
yup. my fav has to be dimana, ngapain, sama siapa?
Maan.. I don’t remember any of the signs.. no wait, I remember sampoerna’s “how low can you go”..
I guess, the govt and radicals has shown us the answer. very low.
I don’t really know where the muslims got the idea about five daily prayers and solaat jumaat. (friday prayers).
And I don’t know why muslims treat religious scholars like they are god.That is why it is so easy to lead muslims astray and turn them into human bombs and do destardly suicide mission targeting civilian targets.
The koran states that we will all be judged by our deeds. And the best person in the sight of God, are the righteous.
Praying doesn not make a person righteous. Ask the christian priests who sexually abused their young believers.
Peter Said:
It’s only a matter of time before this post is hijacked by the islamophobes..
Peter be careful on what you wish …………… it’s just started. 😀
Oops. Should be
Sudahkah anda sholat?
Personally I suspect the signs originally said ‘coklat’ but were hijacked by the islamophiles.
“Praying doesn not make a person righteous. “
Praying is like working out. Some fail, even when they try so hard. Some succeed, even when they do it in modesty. Training using steroids is not suggested, as it gives good appearence but bad physiological effect. So is praying. Taking steroid-like methods only to make the appearance looks good, can be harmful. We have the example, btw.
Silly muslims needing reminders to sholat… Now why doesn’t the government make signs for Christians, or other faiths to reminds them to pray, or do their rituals?
It’s a much, much better reminder than reminding using loud speakers directing to all directions.
@ fmf
…but we do need that advertised.. due to increasing of HIV/AIDS.. whether we like it or not…
I am okay with that.. its reminding to use some protection, i think the place where the ad placed is to be concern in lokalisasi maybe? or along the intra province highway where theres alot warung remang where truck drivers spent their happy “hours” with some “fun girls”.
I’ve seen some of the ads on street btw…
@ Rama
The sign wasn’t made by government btw, its advertisement but some sarong company.. unless theres trend people went to church using sarong… well they might concern to made another one for christian.
The sign wasn’t made by government btw, its advertisement but some sarong company.. unless theres trend people went to church using sarong… well they might concern to made another one for christian.
Man wear Sarong attend Church Service could be problematic because man wear Sarong mostly without underwear to give chance his vital organ time to relax so far in Masjid , Man wear sarong is OK but in Church when the prayer place for women and men are not segregated and Man wear sarong could be very dangerous.
The Holy Quran
29:45 Recite that which hath been inspired in thee of the Scripture, and establish Salaah(Prayer). Lo! Salaah preserveth from lewdness and iniquity, but verily remembrance of Allah is more important. And Allah knoweth what ye do.
An interesting verse Elijah, it appears to state quite catagorically that ‘Rememberance of Allah’ is more important that ‘Salaah’, but just what is ‘Salaah’? Prayer as is proposed here in brackets or something else? Perhaps a deeper investigation is called for?
Try here:An understanding of salat from Al Quran
Or maybe here:Disproved once and for all: salat= prayer
Brother Muhammad Khafi
I am an Electrical Engineering student studying in Pakistan. I am not a scholar but a very passionate student of Quran and Sunnah.
Allah says:”So take what the Messenger assigns to you, and deny yourselves that which he withholds from you. And fear Allah. for Allah is strict in Punishment.”59:7
This is the verse which a learned companion of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood recited when a woman reasoned that the prohibition of plucking eyebrows is not mentioned in Quran.
Alah says:”Say: “If ye do love Allah, Follow me: Allah will love you and forgive you your sins: For Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” 3:31
Brother! let not anything take us away from remembering and loving Allah.
Allah says:” But after them there followed a posterity who missed Salaah and followed after lusts soon, then, will they face Destruction” 19:59
May Allah unite us brothers and sisters with his Messenger SAW in Paradise. Aameen
Brother Elijah,
To follow what Prophet Muhammed, has given us, means following what Allah has given him, and that is purely and simply Al Quran. Sunnah and Hadith are 90% fabrications and downright lies which have been used to subdjugate the Ummah.
As Allah says of Al Quran <em>”This is not a fabricated Hadith. It is a confirmation of previous scriptures, detailing everything, and a guide and mercy for those who believe.” (12:111)
Allah tells us that His Quran is complete perfect and fully detailed, why should we need more? Is your Lord not sufficient for you?
Thanks for the links, ‘Bang Khafi. I’d love to see any others you’ve compiled.
So I was wondering, “sarungnya sarung” translates into “the sarong of sarongs”, kan?
Brother Khafi
Assalamu Alaikum
Although I was very busy in studies I managed to read some references you gave in your article. In particular I liked your quoting of the verse 28 of Surah Fatir.
Personally, I am studying Sahih Bukhari along with the exegesis of Quran. I have plans to study Sahah Sitta The Six Sahihs, Muatta Imam Malik and Musnad Ahmad, the books which I hold in esteem.There are many points you raised to which I completely agree specially the urge to investigate.
I would like you to contact me on my email address
because sometimes I can’t manage to make a comprehesive post.
I am now leaving for ICs’ lecture.
For now I have a Hadith to share.
Sahih Bukhari
Volume 9, Book 93, Number 649:
Narrated Abu Musa:
The Prophet said, “The example of a believer who recites the Qur’an is that of a citron (a citrus fruit) which is good in taste and good in smell. And the believer who does not recite the Quran is like a date which has a good taste but no smell. And the example of an impious person who recites the Qur’an is that of Ar-Rihana (an aromatic plant) which smells good but is bitter in taste. And the example of an impious person who does not recite the Quran is that of a colocynth which is bitter in taste and has no smell.”
I read somewhere that Muhammad SAW used to say Salam before leaving as well.
Assalamu Alaikum
If you search for comments from me within the pages of Indonesia Matters you will find many links to interesting articles and sites, many more than I have time to list at the moment.
Brother Elijah,
Whilst I admire your kindly attitude and your interest in learning, I feel that you should be very circumspect of the Hadith collections.
When The Prophets last sermon, which was witness by thousands of his followers is reported in three different Sahih versions:
One version having the statement “I leave with you Qur’an and Sunnah.” The other version has the statement: “I leave with you Qur’an and Ahl al-bayt” (the family of Muhammad). The third version has the statement: “I leave for you the Qur’an, you shall uphold it.”
Which of the three versions of the statements in The Prophets last sermon is correct? Is it not strange that despite there being thousands of witnesses to this sermon, that there are still three Sahih versions of the sermon? This simply proves the unreliability of Hadith.
What hope is there for all the other so called Hadith which we are to believe were witnessed by only one or two people?
I will leave you with a verse from Al Quran:
“God cites the example of a man who deals with disputing partners, compared to a man who deals with only one man. Are they the same? Praise be to God; most of them do not know.” (39:29).
Asslam Mas Kafi dan Elijah..
Mas Kafi….you have made a great point of discrediting Hadith, which you have a right to, and I’m sure it’s useful to a certain extent in encouraging a critical look at Hadith. However you should acknowledge that the Hadiths have proved a huge source of inspiration and cause for meaningful dialogue for generations of mystics and scholars and cannot be so easily dismissed.
If your objection to the hadith is lack of certainty and fixed meaning, then you can apply that very easily to the quran itself, and then you create a whole set of problems for yourself in establishing what methodology to use for establishing god’s message!
You seem to apply a kind of rationalism in determining what the Quran or Allah says, however rationalism alone leads to all sorts of other absurdities and is the very basis for most forms of Atheism!
The Ayats you quoted in a previous post to support your views about the evils of hadith from the quran, are obviously your reading of them in an indonesian or english translation, as any one with a basic grasp of Classical Quranic arabic would not in any way be lead to think they were referring to the Hadith literature that was to come.
You have to remember the original semitic alphabet shared by both arabic AND HEBREW HAD NO WRITTEN VOWELS! Only the stops, not the breathing. The reader thus had to actively choose the appropriate breath, sound and vowels. The traditional text overtly demanded the readers conscious participation it was never ever complete in itself! It had to be actively engaged in by the reader, so there was never any single definitive meaning to the quran in the first place!
With the alphabet coagulated,the meaning is fixed on the literal canonical text, the breadth of Allah animating all things becomes merely air as a result! The flattening of words, to a certain degree blocks spaces in which the words can move.
The semantic field of Classical Arabic words is still so much wider than english that even in the coagulated form, the diversity of interpretation is huge.
So a rational and literal approach to the Holy cripture of any language, belies a complete misunderstanding about there basic nature and naturually cannot lead to anything like a real intepreation.
Brother Barry Prima
Assalamu Alaikum
What Brother Khafi is suggesting is to be circumspect, which we must be, until it is actually proven that Prophet Muhammad SAW really said so.
When we are discussing about Hadith we should familiarise us with technical terms used by scholars of Hadith, which makes the discussion objective and academic For example, when brother Khafi says “fabricated” the technical term is Mauzoo .
The proper methodology to objectively analyze a Hadith is to determine whether the Raavi is Siqa or not. Personally, as I told Brother Khafi in my previous posts, I used to hold Six Sahihs, Muatta Imam Malik, Musnad Ahmad, as well as Mustadrak Al-Haakim, in esteem. But, after I heard about Allama Nasiruddin Albani who is the most strict and rigorous scholar of Hadith, as far as I know, who has done Takhreej- a process of classification of Hadith, I have decided to learn from his study.
But until now I consider myself like an ordinary person trying to make sense of the discussion of medical professionals discussing a a medical issue. Happy learning, brothers and sisters:-)
Assalamu Alaikum
Waalaikum Salaam Mas Barry,
You said:
However you should acknowledge that the Hadiths have proved a huge source of inspiration and cause for meaningful dialogue for generations of mystics and scholars and cannot be so easily dismissed.
The Hadith have also proved to be a great source of inspiration to those wishing to subdjugate women, the poor, and the weak, and to promote violence against those with different beliefs and ideas. They have proved to be a great distraction from the words of Allah in Al Quran and if scholarly work is needed it should be placed into a correct interpretation of the text of Al Quran rather than Hadith.
And thus We have made for every prophet an enemy – devils from mankind and jinn, inspiring to one another decorative speech in delusion. But if your Lord had willed, they would not have done it, so leave them and that which they invent.6:112
These are the Messages of Allah We convey to you with Truth. Then, in what Hadith, if not in Allah and His Verses, will they believe? 45:6
Recite what is revealed to you in the Book of your Lord. No one can change His Words. You shall find no refuge other than Him.18:27
Say, “Shall I seek for Judge and Ruler someone other than Allah? He it is Who has revealed this Book, well expounded in detail for you.” Those whom We have given the Book know that this is revealed in Truth from your Lord. Be not among those who argue for the sake of argument. 6:114
And the word of thy Lord has been accomplished truly and justly. There is none who can change His words; and He is the Hearer, the Knower6:115
Follow that which is sent down to you from your Lord and do not follow guardians other than Him; little do you remember. 7:3
You make understanding Al Quran seem so complicated, however Allah says:
And We have indeed made the Qur’an easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition? 54:32
Of course we cannot take the text of Al Quran as literal, it has to be placed into context, but there is sufficient historical data in the “Sira Rassul Allah” to do this without taking this historical information as religious injunctions as is done with Hadith.
To suggest that the message of Allah cannot be lived without an in depth understanding of Classsical Arabic is surely demeaning the power of Allah, it is after all, He, who places the meaning in our hearts.
Allah’s message is for all time and for all people:
“And We did not send any messenger but with the language of his people, so that he might explain to them clearly; then Allah makes whom He pleases err and He guides whom He pleases and He is the Mighty, the Wise.” 14:04
Brother Elijah,
Keep searching for the truth, always remembering that Allah has given us ears, eyes brains and hearts to figure it out for ourselves:
“Do not follow that of which you have no knowledge, for you will be questioned about the use of your ears, eyes and hearts” 17:36.
Allah warns us about following anybody else, he even warns us against following what our parents believed:
If they try to force you to consider things equal to Me, which you cannot justify, equal to Me, do not obey them. Maintain lawful relations with them in this world and follow the path of those who turn in repentance to Me. To Me you will all return and I shall tell you all that you have done.31:15
When it is said to them: “Follow what Allah hath revealed:” They say: “Nay! we shall follow the ways of our fathers.” What! even though their fathers Were void of wisdom and guidance2:170
Brother Khafi
Assalamu Alaikum
Everyone of us undergoes a different religious experience, and I am willing to learn from that of yours. In mine, Hadith has played role. For example,
I learned that Prophet SAW said that the reward of looking at one of our parents with a smile is like that of an pilgrimage.And it has contributed a lot to my daily life.
I learned that Prophet SAW said that the backbiting is worse than zina(fornication/adultery) and the companions enquired. Then he replied that when a zani(who commits adultery/fornication) repents, he is forgiven, but the repentance of the one who backbites is not accepted until the person who was backbited forgives him/her, and this has revoltuionised my life. I try to crictise people on face, and while appreciating someone, I try to do so behind them.
I would keep on listening to you, brother. Would you please send me your email address? Happy learning:-)
67:10 And they will add: “Had we but listened , or used our own reason, we would not be among those who are destined for the blazing flame!”
Waalaikum Salaam Brother Elijah,
But how sure are you that The Prophet actually said those things Brother Elijah?
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but is heavily under suspicion of being placed by Atlas sarung…