Schoolgirl Beheading Case

May 9th, 2006, in News, by

Indonesian police appear to have made a breakthrough in the infamous and appalling case of the beheading murders of three Christian schoolgirls in Poso, Sulawesi last year.

Police are reported mediaindo to have captured two men, Taufik alias Opik, whose attempted arrest previously had turned into a debacle, and one Hasanudin. Both men are thought to have been involved in the grisly murders of the girls as they walked to school in October 2005, as well as in the murder of Helmy Tobiling, a soldier’s wife, in July 2004. bbc

Taufik alias Opik was arrested in Poso, while Hasanudin was picked up in nearby Palu, central Sulawesi.

Additionally the five men arrested a few days ago are also suspected of involvement in the crimes, and another crime, the murder of a Hindu man, I Wayan Sumaryase.

The results of the police investigation show enough evidence against them [the seven men] in the cases of the murder of Helmy and the murders of the three Poso high school students.
(Hasil penyidikan Polri sudah cukup bukti terhadap mereka atas kasus pembunuhan Helmy dan mutilasi tiga siswi SMU Poso.)

said Makbul Padmanagara of the police.

He also admitted the difficulties faced by police in investigating cases such as these, ie cases that were associated with sectarian issues:

Every potential witness is afraid of being killed. So they don’t want to talk. That’s one factor why there are so many cases in Poso that haven’t been settled.
(Setiap saksi yang akan melapor ketakutan dibunuh. Jadi mereka tidak mau ngomong. Itu salah satu fakta, kenapa sejumlah kasus di Poso belum terungkap.)

He also pledged to be firm and fair in the pursuit of sectarian related murder cases.

We don’t look to see whether the criminal is a policeman or not, whoever it is will be dealt with by the law.
(Kita tidak melihat apakah pelaku itu anggota polisi atau bukan, siapa pun akan diproses secara hukum.)

He then made a plea to Poso residents not to be provoked into conflict over reasons of religious affiliation.

There are people who keep trying to dress up violence in Poso with religion.
(Karena ada orang yang coba-coba mengemas aksi kerusuhan Poso dengan agama.)

Assuming he is entirely sincere – if Indonesia is to survive as a united country it is going to rely on men such as Makbul Padmanagara.

10th May

The Jakarta Post says that the seven men have confessed to beheading the three Christian schoolgirls, police said today.

The seven detained suspects confessed under questioning that they planned and carried out the Oct. 29 beheadings in the Central Sulawesi town of Poso, police chief Adj. Sr. Comr. Rudi Sufahriadi said.

Two of the suspects also say they have ties to Noordin Top, regarded as a key leader of the al-Qaeda-linked group Jamaah Islamiyah (JI), according to Central Sulawesi police chief Brigadier General Oegroseno.

November 8th

The trial of Hasanuddin has begun. Prosecutors alleged that Hasanuddin wanted to avenge the deaths of Muslims by Christian mobs during sectarian fighting between 1999 and 2002 and left a handwritten note with the girls’ heads vowing more beheadings, on which was written:

We still need another 100 heads.

Hasanuddin dtk

Hasanuddin is alleged to have been the ringleader of the attack, and, while he was present during it he did not actually wield a machete himself. Prosecutors allege that he gave money to the other attackers to buy machetes and plastic bags to put the girls heads in. The heads were later dumped close to a church and police station. iht

Two other men are also being tried separately, Lilik Purnomo alias Haris and Irwanto Irano. Meanwhile three other suspects in the case have yet to be captured, they being Papa Yusran alias Isran, Agus Jenggot, and Basri. mediaindo

A more complete account of the trial is here.

A UK television report on the beheadings.

11 Comments on “Schoolgirl Beheading Case”

  1. Andrew says:

    May justice be served.
    May God forgive them.

  2. Matthew (Peter) Burgess says:

    What a shame! These murdering fools not only have an unbelievably shallow understanding of their religion, but they also have no understanding of tolerance and what it will take for a diverse place like Indonesia to stay together. A result of ‘transmigrasi’ and putting ill-educated people into a completely different place and culture, and with no training and no warnings they must adapt to the locals (and not the locals to them) expecting all will get along together.

  3. Czeslaw says:

    It seems like this is the same behavior like most of other terror criminals.

    In UK, Spain, France, Holland Denmark, and Germany the mUSLIMS too, work this same way around. They act peacefully, normal, till they blow up a train stations, jets in the air and at the end they kill each other like is happening in Iraq.

    The only people who know what is about to happen, in addition to these criminals, are Muslim clerics, mullahs and ayatollahs, form the masques these criminals attended.

    These criminals are getting education of hate and terror tactics in their masques, which supposed to be the house of prayer.

    Now we all know what is happening and what they teach in Muslim masques

  4. I found a very disturbing video of POSO killing in Indonesia, I wonder why people do these things. The video is very disturbing dunno why it’s on you tube and its not being tagged. Actually you can type POSO on youtube and the first result this be this one. And it doesn’t even have an agelock. You don’t even have to log in to youtube viewing this particular morbid scenes. Be advised this is very disturbing.

  5. Yenika Arisetiyani says:

    There are only people who know what is about to happen, in addition to these criminals, are Muslim clerics, mullahs and ayatollahs, form the masques these criminals attended.

    These criminals are getting education of hate and terror tactics in their masques, which supposed to be the house of prayer.

    Now we all know what is happening and what they teach in Muslim masques

  6. Tim Jones says:

    When are people going to realize that this is exactly what islam teaches. How many more people have to die before you open the quran and read surah 9:5, 8:12, 2:191 and all the other verses that mandate violence on non-muslims.
    Stop living in denial. Islam is a filthy ideology and must be combated with knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
    Good, moderate muslims are NOT following the orders of the quran and most muslims have NEVER READ THE QURAN and only quote from a few verses that they think are peaceful…

  7. Czeslaw says:

    Welcome to the crowd here. As I remember the initial amount of interests and views posted right and after these crimes were committed, the list of bloggers was pretty large, and now there are few left on one page.

    Someone is censoring this blog and is cutting things off for one reason or the others.

    Tim, what you say about the Islam teaching is to the point and you’re correct. In mid 90’s I spent about 4 years studying major religions of our planet, and Islam was a big part of my privet endeavors.

    But what huge majority of the Muslims can’t realize is that there is not a direct link (time-wise) with Mr. Mohammed, “the founder” of this religion. The two oldest written versions of koran are respectively 250-300 years after the death of Mr. Mohammed. One of the copies is in Russia and the other younger one 250 years after Mr. Mohammed’s death is in Turkey. This are actual historical facts, and I am not in any way try to debase anyone here.

    With the additions to the suras and suras them self into the koran is another story, not complicated but rather time consuming and mind provoking activity.

    Just imagine the time gap between the death of Mr. Mohammed and the first written version of the book. If you will go to the extra-scriptural way to look at it, it looks like the book was written as a manual, after the death of Mr. Mohammed, on which the control of conquered lands’ populous should behave and how it must be controlled.

    The bowing toward the Mekkah, has nothing to do with any honoring on any gods, or Mr. Mohammed him self. This sacral ritual is nothing more than just part of the respect and tribute to the Arab King who currently rules the Muslim world.

    Tim, I agree with you that majority of muslims never read koran, and few read selective verses of it. Perhaps that is why the violence is relatively mild and low to what it supposed to be, if all of them would read and do what is written in that book which pushes its readers to commit murders on a larger scale.

    Ayatollahs do understand and know what I am talking abut here. If I will be telling this in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. I will be short by my head, so to speak.

    I do sympathize with a person who believes in his/her Allah. That is that person’s individual choice, if not born into it, or not forced to be a subject to it as it happened to North African countries and Persia. The whole ideology of the religion of submission is based on totalitarian submition of conquered lands and people therein. Nothing to do with any form of spiritual or ethical teachings. Summarizing the koran’s message you have three options:

    1. Convert to Islam,
    2. Pay tribute to current Arab King,
    3. Be killed.

    It is all written down in koran about these three basic premisses of Islam.

    The latest implementation of these three doctrines on the islamic scale took place between 1915-1917 when Young Turks slaughter about 1.5 millions of Ormian people based on these three premises. These historical facts can be verified independently with the Armenian embassy in any country. Or just simply type in the browser Ormian genocide and it will take you to many places where you can find information that all ayatollahs and imams will deny, downplay, or just ignore the historical facts.

    I will not comment that Islam is good or bad. That is individual choice.

    Peace and love to all, that’s the way it should be.

  8. David says:

    Welcome to the crowd here. As I remember the initial amount of interests and views posted right and after these crimes were committed, the list of bloggers was pretty large, and now there are few left on one page.

    Someone is censoring this blog and is cutting things off for one reason or the others.

    No, you’re thinking of a different post –

  9. Czeslaw says:

    Hello Patung!
    Maybe you’re right.

    But I recall to see on that blog the picture of one girl who survived this assault. It was a picture of her face with a long scar across her chick.
    And there were a lot of posts following that picture.

    A pretty young darling girl.

    Any one knows what is the current status of the case(s) and those involved in the murders?

  10. David says:

    Like I said –, the post on that girl – Noviana Malewa, I think she is still living in her hometown, haven’t heard any news about her for a long time.

    Here is a video of her

  11. Czeslaw says:

    How I to say Thank you from my heart, in Indonesian?

    This what I am saying to you right now in Polish: Dziekuje serdecznie!

    Interesting interview.

    Missy Noviana is a pretty and a brave girl. Indonesia can be proud of her.

    I’ll catch you guys next time around.

    A lot of peace and love to all of you Indonesians!!!

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