Achmad and his ukulele, its strings, what it is made of, various other interesting facts.
Seksi Ibu Janma Yth,
I use a special bodyshop hempwood Ukuele. The bushes had a good life and died in the service of art. It could’ve been for welfare-scamming Philosophy students in Sydney’s Newtown, so they should be grateful.
Did you like my song ?
Ibu Fullmoonflower Yth,
Strings were made from a kucing garong, so it’s ok.
We should all join the Green and save the planet and ourselves.
Seksi Ibu Fullmoonflower Yth,
Given the hobbies of Kucing Garong, I don’t think there’ll be a shortage in the future. ; p
Va Va Voom !
Ibu Fullmoonflower,
(Pretty name, btw),
Achmad is a lover and a fighter. Like Soekarno, he loves all the women of Indonesia, (even the Babu, in fact especially the Babu!). But like Soekarno, there is no reason to be selfish, Achmad must share – himself – with as many daughters of Indonesia as possible.
But to save the Green and Tree, he will use protection, be it just serenading them, or the traditional kind — Catholic Roullete !
But back to saving the Green and Tree.
mas achmad,
wongkampong found pre-owned ukulele in my neighbour’s dust-bin, it is not glossy since it was dump by the owner. I applied some guitar polish & bought 1 set of new uku strings (La Bella), but I hv no idea how to tune this little guitarlele ?
Do u mind to teach in this forum :
1. The uku pitch tuning (4 strings)
2. The chords in uku for singing our national heroic ‘maju tak gentar’ song ?
I want to play with it in my kelurahan old & new year eve party.
Tengkyu … pareng
Halo Seksi Friends !
Pak Wongkampung Yth,
To play the Ukulele – hold it to your heart, visualize the Garuda Pancasila, and then use “feeling” (piling), to play.
Pasti, the lagu u want will come out.
Merdeka and Horasbah !
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by the way…. how many baby bushes were clubbed to death to make that ukelele?