Herbal & Natural Viagra Products

Feb 13th, 2009, in Products, by

For the gentleman who needs a little extra oomph, herbal remedies vs. factory produced stimulants, strong man medicine.

Recently the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) semi-banned 22 fairly common, supposedly ‘herbal’ (jamu) men’s energy booster supplements, because they contained artificial chemicals, mainly sildenafil citrate (Viagra), and tadalafil (Cialis), both of which can have serious side effects.

The products, variously made in either China or locally, some with evocative names: pom

  • Blue Moon
  • Caligula Capsul
  • Cobra-X Kapsul
  • Hwang Di Shen Dan
  • Kuat Tahan Lama Serbuk
  • Lak Gao 69
  • Lavaria
  • Maca Gold
  • Manovel
  • Okura
  • Otot Madu
  • Rama Stamin
  • Sanomale
  • Sari Madu Kapsul
  • Stanson
  • Sunny Zang Wang Xiong Ying Kapsul
  • Teraza
  • Top One Kapsul
  • Tripoten
  • Urat Perkasa Kapsul
  • Zu-Mex

BPOM maintain a distinction between obat kuat, factory produced artificial medicines to improve men’s sexual performance, like Viagra, and jamu (kuat), natural or herbal remedies for men’s ‘vitality’, whereas it appeared the 22 proscribed products blurred this line in a dishonest way.

Obat Kuat Macho
You too can be macho, if only briefly.

Vera, a seller of these medicines in Central Jakarta, says that these days men prefer the quick fix of the factory made products.

People now just want things instantly, they just think of their health now, and not about their health in five year’s time.

Herbal jamu medicine, which contains natural ingredients like ginseng extract and pasak bumi (eurycoma longifolia or tongkat ali/long jack), is not only to satisfy transitory passions, she says, but also has a more long term effect in maintaining general stamina and well-being. detik

Jamu takes longer to have an effect because it has to be taken regularly over time according to the condition of the patient, whereas obat kuat is fast acting because it speeds up blood flow.

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12 Comments on “Herbal & Natural Viagra Products”

  1. Burung Koel says:

    Sunny Zang Wang Xiong Ying Kapsul

    I must admit, the juvenile in me found the third word in that brand name funny as well as appropriate.

  2. Burung Koel says:

    And just in time for Valentine’s Day, it seems that the problems of sorting out the sheep’s scrotum from the goat’s weed isn’t just confined to Indonesia:


  3. TheWrathOfGrapes says:

    Burung Koel, didn’t I tell you that I can heal the sick, but resurrect the dead?


  4. sputjam says:

    I think males do not require any assistant on the sex front. It is the female species that is lacking in urge. Unfortunately, it seems the pharmaceutical companies have neglected them.

  5. schmerly says:

    @ BK..Thanks for the link I had a real laugh, it lightened my day up.

  6. schmerly says:

    @ sputjam..

    I think males do not require any assistant on the sex front. It is the female species that is lacking in urge.

    If that’s true it’s the males fault not the female.

  7. boy says:

    Top One Kapsul??! No wonder it is banned..sounds like an oil engine brand :))

  8. boy says:

    not oil engine, but engine oil..

  9. NOTYET says:

    Ha ha ha schmerly it takes effort on both sides.
    Same as an argument both parties need to participate .

    Boy – if the engines broke no amount of oil of any type is going to fix it.

  10. Rob says:

    So, did BPOM say what the serious side effects were of Viagra and Cialis?

    I mean aren’t doctors still prescribing these erectile dysfunction drugs to the masses?

  11. Jacob Koshy says:

    This is Jacob Koshy 39 years old and my problem is i don’t have children, the problem is because my sperm count is very very less and i like to know weather you have any medicine to increase the count and also when i checked i have this puss cells more. i like to know do you have any medicine for this also. Please do replay for my mail as soon has possible.

    Thanking You,

    Jacob Koshy.

  12. Lairedion says:

    you are being mean here, david and i like it 😆

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