Sin Reduction in Jakarta

Apr 28th, 2006, in News, by

The Indonesian Ulema Council is in the process of creating an anti-sin ordinance for Jakarta.

The chairman of the MUI in Jakarta, Hamdan Rasyid said it would be along the lines of similar laws in Tangerang but more comprehensive, covering all sorts of sinful activities that Jakartans are prone to indulging in. These include prostitution, gambling, pornography, and drinking.

The rules we are proposing are more comprehensive.
(Aturan yang kami usulkan lebih komprehensif.)

All forms of immorality, not just prostitution and liquor.
(Segala bentuk kemaksiatan, tak hanya pelacuran dan miras.)

said Hamdan Rasyid.

Another leader of the MUI in Jakarta, Munzir Tamam, said the draft regulations would be based on those of Tangerang, specifically Perda No 8/2005, but would not be exactly the same.

Meanwhile the head of the Fatwa commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council said that the new regulations need to take into account that Jakarta is a large, cosmopolitan city.

Every place is different.
(Konteks tiap daerah berbeda-beda.)

said Kholil Nafits. Specifically the rules regarding sexual matters would likely be less restrictive than in Tangerang. The “spirit” of the Tangerang regulations would be adopted but not necessarily the details.

He added that the MUI had already liased with the Jakarta police and the local government over the creation of the new laws-in-waiting. He would not reveal the police’s attitude but said that the Jakarta administration agreed that the example of Tangerang should be followed in broad terms.

He advised, finally,

We/they want it to happen as quickly as possible but it’s more important that the public will understand the new laws. There needs to be a long period of dialogue and public discussion.
(Inginnya secepatnya, tapi yang lebih penting bisa dipahami publik nantinya, karena itu perlu komunikasi dan diskusi publik yang panjang.)

4 Comments on “Sin Reduction in Jakarta”

  1. Salaam Alaikum:
    How sad that such restrictive measures are always first on the minds of the Ulema Council and their ilk. In a large city like Jakarta, such laws only create an even more booming underground market for illicit services and products. If only they would work with the prostitutes and try to get them off the street, educated and free from their owners, if only they had services and counseling for alcoholics, if only they didn’t try to make every weakness a legal sin, they would be much more respected. Allah is the only moral authority.
    Allah alone knows the hearts of His creatures. He alone is their judge.

  2. buras says:

    everybody is talking about immorality and playboy etc as against religion, but MUI never issue any fatwa against corruption. they have to bear in mind that corruption or any means of theft is also against religion.
    it shows the basic feudal trappings such as being afraid of authorities, showing respect to powerful/rich (& corrupt) people. are we imitating india or what?

  3. Ulf says:

    Politicians do not like becoming heroes for heroes die young and poor. Politicians know the way of becoming of age and powerful lies in serving useless causes and neglecting to face the actual dangers to society.

  4. Dragonwall says:

    By pushing the anti sin law it will put more money in their pocket, otherwise where will they find money. Of course bilking from the businessmans who are in these business, the juice is there.

    I suppose this is also one of the way they thought of closing the rich and poor gap, like what the idiot Aburizal Bakrie says. “Ini adalah saatnya untuk membagi harta orang cina”.

    Tell these people to consult their Qur as someone said, prostitution is allowed according to the Qur.

    What will these religious zombies think of next.

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