Barry Soetoro

Nov 6th, 2008, in Opinion, by

Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama’s Indonesian connection.

Former Menteng student now US President

Obama Barack has been democratically elected President of the US.

Quite an about face for the best democracy money can buy, in view of the Bush presidential se-lection.

But of course, corruption, collusion and nepotism is the sole monopoly of the Third World – or so the deluded denizens of the West repeat to themselves as they hug their knees, rocking back and forth – reminding themselves of how they uphold human rights equally across the board, entirely devoid of double-standards and totally oblivious to race, creed or religion.

Barrak Hussein Obama II was born to a white American Ann Dunham and Kenyan Barrak Hussein Obama Snr, in Nyang’oma Kogelo now in Kenya.

Here the Indonesian link starts.

Ann Dunham married in 1967 Lolo Soetoro, a Javanese, whose own father, in 1946 was killed along with his eldest brother were killed, after which the Dutch army burned down the family’s home. Soetoro fled with his mother into the countryside to survive. Incidentally yet more proof of Dutch war crimes – delibrate destruction of civilian property outside the scope of battle.

Pak Lolo Soetoro was an army geologist then later a government relations consultant for Mobil Oil. Obama describes Soetoro as well-mannered, even-tempered, and easy with people.

Barry Soetoro in Indonesia with mother Ann Dunham, step-father Lolo Soetoro, baby-sister Maya Soetoro-Ng.

From age 6 to 10, Obama lived in Jakarta. Age six, Obama attended the Catholic Primary St Francis di Assisi. Much was made of the lie he was educated in a Madrassa – or more accurately a pesantren – this of course was totally untrue. Obama Jnr later attended Model Primary School, Menteng and was registered as a Muslim – as his father was Muslim.

In Obama’s own words:

In the Muslim school, the teacher wrote to tell my mother that I made faces during Koranic studies. My mother wasn’t overly concerned. ‘Be respectful,’ she’d say. In the Catholic school, when it came time to pray, I would close my eyes, then peek around the room. Nothing happened. No angels descended. Just a parched old nun and 30 brown children, muttering words.

One of “Berry’s” childhood friends was Adi who often visited “Berry’s” 16 Jalan Haji Ramli house. Speaking volumes of Dutch “development” at the time the road was of this established middle-class neighbourhood was a dirt lane where Obama used to wile away the hours kicking a soccer ball.

Adi recalled Obama and his friends wore plastic bags over their shoes to walk through the muddy street during the rainy seasons.

Neighborhood Muslims worshiped in a nearby house, which has since been replaced by a larger mosque. Sometimes, when the muezzin sounded the call to prayer, Lolo and Barry would walk to the makeshift mosque together, Adi said.

His mother often went to the church, but Barry was Muslim. He went to the mosque,” Adi said. “I remember him wearing a sarong.”

Obama spent most his spare time hanging out with Adi and other friends at the home of Yunaldi Askiar, a classmate. They used to play a kind of fencing game using sticks, kick a ball up and down the narrow dirt lanes or go swimming in the river behind the school, said Askiar, 42, a car mechanic.

Obama was taller and better dressed than most kids in classes where shoes and socks were still luxuries, so he stood out from the start. As an African American, and the only foreigner, he suffered racial taunts and teasing but never turned to violence.

“At first, everybody felt it was weird to have him here,” Israella Dharmawan, his first grade teacher said. “But also they were curious about him, so wherever he went, the kids were following him.”

His friends enjoyed playing tricks on Berry: Harmon ASki recalled,

“Sometimes we’d say, ‘Barry, do you want a chocolate?’ And we’d give him a chocolate. The next day we’d give him a chocolate again. The third time we’d give him terasi (fermented shrimp paste) wrapped up like chocolate. Obama didn’t get mad. He would laugh it off.”

Ann Soetoro moved to Yogyakarta, while Obama Jnr studied in Jakarta. She was inspired by Jogja village industries, which became the basis of her 1992 doctoral dissertation.

“She loved living in Java,” said Dr. Dewey, who recalled accompanying Ms. Soetoro to a metalworking village. “People said: ‘Hi! How are you?’ She said: ‘How’s your wife? Did your daughter have the baby?’ They were friends. Then she’d whip out her notebook and she’d say: ‘How many of you have electricity? Are you having trouble getting iron?’ ”

Dunham-Soetoro became a consultant for the United States Agency for International Development on setting up a village credit program, then a Ford Foundation program officer in Jakarta specializing in women’s work. Later, she was a consultant in Pakistan, then joined Indonesia’s oldest bank to work on what is described as the world’s largest sustainable microfinance program, creating services like credit and savings for the poor.

Obama in Hawaii with Maya and Ann and maternal grand-father, shortly after leaving Indonesia.

In his tellingly-titled Memoir, Dreams from My Father, Obama describes his Indonesian interlude as “one long adventure, the bounty of a young boy’s life”. But he also recalls being troubled by the poverty around him: “the empty look on the faces of farmers the year the rains never came,” and the desperation of the disabled beggars who came to the family’s door.

“The world was violent, I was learning, unpredictable and often cruel,” he writes. Obama and his mother thus we were very well acquainted with the harsh realities of indigenous Indonesians.

Fermina Katarina Sinaga, recalled yojhng Obama in her class: in the common task of class to write an essay titled “My dream: What I want to be in the future.” Obama “wrote ‘I want to be a president,’ ” she said. During a later writing assignment on family, he wrote, “My father is my idol.

The Indonesian connection for Obama and all that shaped him proving once again all things Javanese and indigenous Indonesian the bedrock for the towering monuments built on the foundations of a great civilisation.

1,046 Comments on “Barry Soetoro”

  1. Arie Brand says:

    Two low-intensity conflicts

    Think again. Both these conflicts have lasted longer than the Korean War and the American Vietnamese War and almost twice as long as the Second World War.

    And perhaps it was low intensity in terms of American casualties but not in the number of deaths (not to speak of the wounded) on the other side. The American war with the highest death toll was the Civil War. That was a horrific war and nobody would call it a ‘low intensity conflict’. On a then US population of 31,443,000 there was a death toll of 625,000.

    Let me confine myself to the war in Iraq. As it so happens the Iraqi population is also slightly above 30 million. And what about the number of Iraqi victims? The various counts and estimates at different periods during the war vary from about one hundred thousand to over one million. Personally I believe that the figure a team from the well known British medical journal The Lancet came up with after a conscientious inquiry is the most credible: around 650,000 – thus very similar to the number of fatal casualties in the most bloody conflict the American forces have ever fought at a time it had the same total population as Iraq has now.

    To quote George Orwell,
    “People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”

    Orwell is often quoted inappropriately but rarely more so than now. It is generally agreed that, in spite of initial insinuations from the American side, pre-war Iraq had nothing to do with Al Quaeda (Saddam Husein was in fact hostile to it) and nothing with 9/11. I think it is also fairly generally agreed that after the disruption through the war the country is now far more open to infiltration by terrorist networks. It also looks as if in Afghanistan the Taliban will be coming back. In both countries there is now a higher level of anti-American c.q. anti-Western feeling. I think we have far less reason to ‘sleep peaceably’ in our beds now than we had before.

    Oh and Oigal I don’t see why we should refrain from critical comments on American actions because some future hegemon might be behaving worse. Doesn’t make sense to me.

    And about my “cheap shot” – regard it as fair exchange for your repetitive “it is the joos”, 72 virgins and that beach house prepared by Allah. Fair enough?

  2. Oigal says:

    Actually Ari the lancet figure has pretty much discounted as the vast majority of deaths are caused by bombs or explosives with wounded to death ratio of something to the order of 6 to 10 to 1 ….there are therefore several million missing wounded. Of course, while it may be argued that the US is an enabler of sorts it’s not really very honest to suggest that US is responsible for all or even most of the casualties.

    Sorry not fair enough really, as you are avoiding the basic question. To pretend a country like a nuclear capable Iran presents the same or lessor danger that Israel or any western nation defies logic. As fundamentally flawed as it may be Mutually Assured Destruction kept a lid on the use of those weapons for decades, the reality is a nation with a significant number of religious loons awaiting their glowing virgins may and is most likely not that concerned about MAD hence the verandah awaits.

    Nor have you pointed out where Israel denies Irans right to exist yet as recently as last Saturday Iran was on the barrel. Now unlike some I have not spent a lifetime worrying about a bunch of loons in the middle of an oil soaked desert but it seems to me that if I was Israel I would tend to be somewhat paraniod and aggressive.

  3. Arie Brand says:

    Actually Ari the lancet figure has pretty much discounted as the vast majority of deaths are caused by bombs or explosives with wounded to death ratio of something to the order of 6 to 10 to 1 ….

    I don’t know where you get these numbers from. I assume that with the “deaths caused by bombs or explosives” you mean those caused by suicide bombers. Well, first of all it is not unreasonable to regard these deaths too as caused by the war situation. But even if we don’t figures available today seem to suggest that they don’t make much difference to the overall number.

    Iraq suicide bomb toll revealed

    Sarah Boseley
    The Guardian, Friday 2 September 2011

    Suicide bombers in Iraq have killed 12,000 civilians and 200 coalition soldiers since war began, study finds

    Iraq has seen countless suicide bomb attacks like this one in Baghdad in 2010, which have cost thousands of civilians their lives. Photograph: Mohammed Jalil/EPA
    Suicide bombers in Iraq have killed at least 12,000 civilians and 200 coalition soldiers, according to a study.
    The research paper, by Dr Madelyn Hsiao-Rei Hicks of King’s College London, the London-based Iraq Body Count and others, describes suicide bombs in Iraq as “a major public health problem”, killing significantly more civilians than soldiers. It is published as part of a Lancet series on the health consequences of 9/11.

    The first Lancet figures appeared right in the middle of an election campaign with predictable results. Hawks from both sides hastened to either endorse or deny, generally on the basis of a in the circumstances convenient ignorance of statistics. More informed judgment did not “discount”:

    Lila Guterman, after writing a long article[12] in January 2005 in The Chronicle of Higher Education, wrote a short article in the Columbia Journalism Review that stated: “I called about ten biostatisticians and mortality experts. Not one of them took issue with the study’s methods or its conclusions. If anything, the scientists told me, the authors had been cautious in their estimates. With a quick call to a statistician, reporters would have found that the probability forms a bell curve — the likelihood is very small that the number of deaths fell at either extreme of the range. It was very likely to fall near the middle.”[13]

    You seem to be very concerned about the “religious loons” in Teheran. We know in fact very little about them. From time to time some incendiary statement or other is held up by the Western media as a fair indication of their intentions. You might remember the controversy about the statement that Israel “would be wiped off the map”. There is a Wahington based institute, MEMRI, co-founded by Yigal Carmon, a former colonel of Israeli military intelligence, that purports to study the middle eastern media but specializes in gathering this kind of material.

    Fact is that Iran is a very old country in which rhetoric (or that what we are told of it) is not matched by deeds. The caution in this conflict has been on their side – the overt aggression has mainly come from the American/Israeli side – to wit the murder of thus far five Iranian nuclear scientists, the cyber warfare, the very suspicious massive explosion at that Iranian air base now three months ago and probably much else we never hear about.

  4. Oigal says:

    Yes indeed Ari, In fact Iran/Iraq war was a very model of rhetoric versus action. Might remember the controversy? Well seeing how it was just repeated yet again on Saturday by Iran’s most senior cleric (“The cancer that is Israel must be removed”) bit hard to forget. Let’s what else do we know about them, storming of Embassies (again recently), mass detention and murder of protestors (Far more than Israel has in detention, but hey that buggers the narrative doesn’t it).

    Why do you think the rest of the Arab world (ya Iran is not Arab) is so silent about sanctions. Iran is a major exporter of trouble within the region and it is curious that you are quick to blame the US for all the casualties and yet where are the majority of roadside devices coming from?

    Curiously you seem to make my point for me

    describes suicide bombs in Iraq as “a major public health problem”, killing significantly more civilians than soldiers.

    So soldiers aren’t the problem?

    Are you suggesting that the information that Iran is a major enabler in the technology and training is false or does this fact just not sit well with its all the joows and US’s fault.

    Personally, I think the US would be far better off never having set foot in the region and spend all that money on how to use radioactive oil safely (being snide ok) and let the whole region do as you will. However, this absolution of Iran and others involved seems just a bit much.

    Lastly, guess it just human nature but I figure it some nutcase country is ranting that my country has no right to exist and then goes about seeking to acquire nuclear capability then perhaps its just me but I would have no moral issues at all with preemptive actions.

  5. berlian biru says:

    I have found it a good rule of thumb in internet discussions about Iraq that if a poster cites the utterly discredited Lancet death toll you can usually treat any other “fact” he mentions as equally suspect.

  6. Arie Brand says:

    Yes indeed Ari, In fact Iran/Iraq war was a very model of rhetoric versus action.

    Just for the record: it was Iraq that invaded Iran (without any formal warning) and not the reverse.

    Might remember the controversy? Well seeing how it was just repeated yet again on Saturday by Iran’s most senior cleric (“The cancer that is Israel must be removed”) bit hard to forget.

    No, what you seem to remember is that apocryphal statement, not the controversy which was about either a deliberate mistranslation or one caused by ignorance. Since then I look with the appropriate scepticism at all those titbits, often issuing from MEMRI.
    Incidentally, there has been no shortage of threats on the Israeli side and they seem to be far more substantial than this populist rhetoric.


    what else do we know about them, storming of Embassies (again recently), mass detention and murder of protestors (Far more than Israel has in detention, but hey that buggers the narrative doesn’t it).

    You don’t know, have never known, do not want to know, about the countless cases that “bugger your narratve”.However, In the unlikely case that you do want to be seriously informed about Israeli war crimes and human rights violations I suggest you consult the reports of Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, B’tselem (the Israeli human rights organization) etc.

    Why do you think the rest of the Arab world (ya Iran is not Arab) is so silent about sanctions.

    They would rather have sanctions than an Israeli attack that would have negative ramifications, to put it mildly, for the whole region. I assume that the general Arab attitude to this conflict can be described as “a pox on both your houses” To interpret that as somehow an endorsement of the Western stance is pretty delusional.

    Iran is a major exporter of trouble within the region and it is curious that you are quick to blame the US for all the casualties and yet where are the majority of roadside devices coming from?

    Tell me.

    Curiously you seem to make my point for me
    describes suicide bombs in Iraq as “a major public health problem”, killing significantly more civilians than soldiers.
    So soldiers aren’t the problem?

    You seem to have forgotten your point. You claimed that the victims of suicide bombs constituted the “vast majority” of cases covered by the Lancet figure. I indicated that the number was barely 2 percent of that figure. So even if the term “war deaths” exclusively referred to soldiers (which it doesn’t) then the information that the majority of these 2 percent are civilians hardly affects the overall figure.

    Are you suggesting that the information that Iran is a major enabler in the technology and training

    Technology and training in what, of what?

    is false or does this fact just not sit well with its all the joows and US’s fault.

    Hey, another straw man floored. I believe that “reductio ad absurdum” is the technical name for ascribing extreme views to your opponent.
    If you have nothing else on offer I will knock off, with your permission.

  7. Oigal says:

    Indeed you may Ari as shall I.. Hopefully back to BO now…

  8. stevo says:

    We are living in a golden age of peace and prosperity for the masses. Measured against things like, infant mortality and life expectancy, life is easier now than it’s ever been. Of course a great many people do not have this standard of living, but that should not distract us from the successes. In days gone by, only the elite enjoyed the wonderful benefits that many naïve people romanticise over, when contemplating ancient cultures.

    In the modern era the US has done much to raise the standard of living around the world. They have also done much to popularise human rights issues and social justice.

    This acknowledgement, of the USA’s contribution, does not blind me to the fact that the invasions of the Middle East have done nothing to improve the lives of anyone. They have in fact undermined the very things America claims to stand for and they have lost global credibility as a result.

    I wished the Yanks all the best going in. I hoped they really would make the world safer and life better for the people of the countries they were invading. I hoped my predictions, of failure, were wrong. I now see they were not.

    What concerns me most about the current US administration, are its supporters. The media love affair with Obama may have waned a little, but his policies, both domestic and international, do not receive the degree of critical analysis they should in the pop media. Obama and his crew are a bunch of war mongers and the main stream media are too willing to distort the reality of that in order to maintain his popularity.

    This is a dangerous situation and I fear the golden age of peace may be drawing to a close. (not just because of the US, of course)

  9. DanFromMo says:

    Here is his Birth Certificate.

    Now the real question is who really is his Daddy!

  10. Oigal says:

    Thanks for bringing that to our attention Dan,

    It is always a joy to watch the gullible and ignorant in action 🙂 and the fact they are willing to put it into writing. They do the US proud in the international forums.

    Of course, any of us who have spent more tens minutes in Indonesia would know that claim that BO’s father could just wander in and get citizenship for a foreign child is beyond laughable (even after year’s of lobbying and legistation changes it is still a major issue and prior to that just a nonsense).

    Mind you would think a web site called catholic book com would be more worried about the condoned and sanctioned practice of catholic parishes and churches declaring bankruptcy to avoid payouts to the victims of serial kiddie fiddlers hidden and protected by various parts of the church.

  11. Oigal says:

    Laugh but wait there’s more. If you got to the front page of catholic book .com BO is a communist and an atheist :-).

    Do these idiots know nothing of history…:-), so BO came to Indonesia, became an Indonesian, also a Muslim Communist Atheist Indonesian at that ( coz that works so well in Indonesia).

    I do love these guys, no wonder the US is slipping down the pages of history.

  12. Jack Cornn says:

    A small group of the ultra rich formed a club with the intention of accomplishing the
    impossible. They held regular meetings to discuss impossible tasks, once selected, plans were discussed as to the accomplishment of each operation. Each task became more and more difficult as their successes continued. After years of success they held
    a “Most Impossible” contest where each member was to submit a proposal for the next task. The proposal winner would receive prizes totaling up to ten billion dollars providing
    it was accomplished. The plan that won was “Buying the US Presidency”and was initiated in the early sixties.

  13. ET says:

    I guess they use Tom Cruise as an operative.

  14. Oigal says:

    The proposal winner would receive prizes totaling up to ten billion dollars providing
    it was accomplished. The plan that won was “Buying the US Presidency”

    And after all that they got George Bush and Rick Santorum?? I would want my money back!

    On a more bizarre note, can anyone really believe that in this day and age a burning question for Republicans is if women may have access to contraception. Or even more bizarre the proposed Virginian law that any woman even considering an abortion must consent to be vaginally probed by an ultrasound device first. Sounds like legalized digital rape to me. To fair the proposal has been struck down at the moment but for it even to be considered shows just how fast the US is retreating into the 1950s.

  15. jeanivie says:

    he is a phony.

  16. timdog says:

    When the world simply seems too grim, Steve Bell’s cartoons always cheer me up:

  17. stevo says:

    Yeah well those who think of themselves as “liberals” are easily amused Timdog, though they tend to get confused and hostile when presented with facts.

  18. timdog says:

    What’s a “liberal” stevo? It seems to me to be another of those words that gets bandied around rather a lot, without anyone actually stopping to ask what it means.
    And, sh*t, while you’re at it, what the hell is a left-liberal?

  19. stevo says:

    Timdog, that is just the sort of reply I would expect from an atheist, fag enabling, Jewish, Freemason joining communist, beholden to his NWO masters. Just confess and we can end all this chatter now….. Oh and say hi to the lizard people, who are overseeing this un-godly mess.

  20. Oigal says:

    Ah well I am glad we have cleared that up…for a moment I thought it was me.

    Although on a more serious note, I chuckled when I saw some Democrats held a RS for challenger rally 🙂 now that was funny and he is “out there”

  21. stevo says:


  22. TRACEY says:

    YOU are the one who sounds like your smoking crack. What gives you the right to talk to anyone like that? GO WATCH SOME fox NEWS AND GET BRAINWASHED SOME MORE.
    Self righteous self entitled right wing Rush Limbaugh(asshole like you)
    You are to smug for your own good..You make yourself sound like an ignorant jerk off.
    To bad your smarts were stunted by CLOSED MINDEDNESS and narrow thinking..!!
    OBAMA 2012!!
    Americans against the tea party.
    ..and for anyone else GRASPING at this straw. Wake up and get a life. Barack Obama is our president. He has been for the last 4 years and he will be the nxt 4 as well because your republican ticket is DISGRACEFULLY STUPID. peace out~

  23. TRACEY says:

    stevo Says:
    March 7th, 2012 at 12:50 pm
    Timdog, that is just the sort of reply I would expect from an atheist, fag enabling, Jewish, Freemason joining communist, beholden to his NWO masters. Just confess and we can end all this chatter now….. Oh and say hi to the lizard people, who are overseeing this un-godly mess.


  24. stevo says:

    Wow Tracy, great sense of humour. You really are a “liberal” with such an intolerant self-rightous humourless approach.

    Anyway, I am getting to like that nice young man Obama after reading this !

    Internet pornography could conceivably become a thing of the past if Rick Santorum is elected president…Santorum says in a statement posted to his website, “The Obama Administration has turned a blind eye to those who wish to preserve our culture from the scourge of pornography and has refused to enforce obscenity laws.”

    If elected, he promises to “vigorously” enforce laws that “prohibit distribution of hardcore (obscene) pornography on the Internet, on cable/satellite TV, on hotel/motel TV, in retail shops and through the mail or by common carrier.”

    Read more:

    It looks like he has considerable common ground with the Taleban. Nothing like focusing on the big issues that matter to a struggling America.

  25. Lane says:

    The truth shall set us free… Michelle made a comment “all this for a damn flag” a lip reading specialist confirmed this. see for yourself. Michelle tries desperatley to convince people she is just a down home girl from the South side of Chicago–not- Her husband changed his name from Barry , friends from college called him Barry when they smoked together. All this confuses the American voter to no end. I cannot believe their teenager went to Mexico or is going—with 25 body guards, and where is Reggie Love?

  26. Oigal says:

    Ah cool…they’re baaaaaccckk

  27. CaraGia says:

    It matters not one iota where he was born. The bottom line is that Barry’s father WAS NOT an American citizen and under the terms spelled out in the Constitution, both parents must be US citizens. Therefore, Barry would NOT be eligible. At the time of Barry’s birth, his father was a British citizen, as Kenya was a British Colony at that time in history.

    All this talk of WHERE he was born is irrelevant. The birth certificate clearly spells out the citizenship of the father, making Barry ineligible! PERIOD!

  28. Oigal says:

    Dear Cara,

    Thomas Jefferson would be most distressed to learn that you believe that he was not fit to be President and that he did not understand the law and the under-lying intent of the Constitution.

    Do you think we should rename the Hoover Dam as well?

    6 previous US Presidents had foreign born parents. Andrew Jackson (1829-1837) is the only president born of two immigrants, both Irish. Presidents with one immigrant parent are Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809), whose mother was born in England, James Buchanan (1857-1861) and Chester Arthur (1881-1885), both of whom had Irish fathers, and Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) and Herbert Hoover (1929-1933), whose mothers were born respectively in England and Canada.

  29. ada hassan says:

    americans are stupid lol

  30. Patrick says:

    Here we go again! Arizona sherrif of Maricopa County, has concluded during a press conference today that President Obama’s birth certificate and selective service cards are likely fraudelent. Apparently, he had volunteer investigators doing field interviews who came to this conclusion. One was with a 95 year old woman who signed Obama’s birth certificate and who claimed that coded information concerning his father were left blank though the current long form has now been filled in electronically, according to the investigators.

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