Whether teenagers know how to put on a condom, free condom distribution to prostitutes, and condoms in schools.
Knowhow – How to Put on a Condom
A study by the government planned parenthood body, Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN), has found that only about 27% of teenagers know how to use a condom, with 1% of these youngsters admitting to have put this knowledge to practical use.
Considering that 20-30% of teenagers in the big cities have engaged in pre marital sex, this condom ignorance was very worrying, said Sugiri Syarief of BKKBN at the Jakarta Youth Fiesta 2008 in early November.
1 in 5 Indonesians was teenaged, he went on, and if condom ignorance combined with promiscuity continued the rate of illegitimate births, abortions, disease, and unbridled population growth would get worse, he said. republika
Condom Distribution
In Medan, North Sumatra, the provincial government distributes free condoms to prostitutes in red light districts.
The parliamentary faction of the Justice Party/Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) however is not happy about it, with PKS spokesman Zulkarnain saying the distribution of, so far, 2,880 condoms was not a good way of dealing with HIV/AIDS, since contraception was intended to prevent pregnancy, not to stop spread of disease.
Zulkarnain hoped new governor Syamsul Arifin would stop the policy and instead focus on helping prostitutes to reform themselves and find other work. beritasore
Wallet Find
Meanwhile in Palembang, South Sumatra on 17th November a 50 man strong troop of public order officials raided a high school, looking for narcotics.
The official who led the raid said later:
We didn’t find any drugs, just a condom.
A 17 year old student was found to have a condom in his wallet, but he swore he was just minding it for a friend. kompas
Oh the shame.
– Many drugstores in Jogja do not want to sell condoms to teenagers. If you don’t look married you don’t get the rubber.
– When I lived in Jakarta. in a year time at least 3 young people died from AIDS in my kompleks. Well actually their friends suspected it was AIDS (kayaknya AIDS sihhh…). But the word AIDS had never been pronounced. And they never get any treatment for that. They was just sick and they dead at 20-25 y.o. (you actually never die from AIDS, that’s true). I suspect tens of thousands of people are dying yearly that way in Indonesia.
Well everybody knows AIDS and pedophilia are pure bule’s diseases, aren’t they?
Having condom in their wallet doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ll use it. Some people just put it there to show off that they do pre-marital sex (yes, there are lot of idiots like this), some just put it in their friends’ wallets and some just want to make balloon out of it in break time. Well, I have to admit that some do use it too. At least, that’s what I learn when I was in high school before. π
Bas, is that really true? Not entirely surprising, though.
The PSK – oops I mean PKS response to the distribution of condoms in Medan is flawed, but not completely off color. Actually a combination of both methods should be applied – helping to train prostitutes for other future work while providing them with condoms to protect themselves from disease in the meantime.
In the picture it sort of looks like the cop is teasing the kid for having the condom. It should never have been confiscated in the first place.
Instead of inspecting teenagers’ wallets for condoms and drugs, why not do it to corrupt government officials who spend their money hiring hookers left right and centre? I bet the police will have a much more interesting investigation.
Halo Full Moonflower Yth,
I think a much greater danger to your daughters is the SEKSINESSof red-blooded pribumi men such as ACHMAD SUDARSONO, who has the power to make anyone feel like a real woman, even men.
You know I speak The Truth.
minding for a friend. Typical stupid and guilty teenager. Has that line ever worked?
What is your point. Your friends chose to have unsafe sex- condom is available- they obviously not try hard enough to obtain- maybe try one warung before too horny to stop.
According to Head of Immunolgy for RS PI, Head of Immunology for RS Medistra and RS Cipto Mangunkusmo – HIV in Indonesia is primarily spred through intravenous drug use and accidental contamination- occasionally from blood, occasionally from unknown source- possible consumption/inhalation of blood vapour.
It is a TOTAL MYTH HIV/AIDS is ONLY spread by unsafe sex.
So- being the case where bulk of non Irian Indonesian HIV/AIDS is majority intravenous drug user- it sounds like your “friends” are drug abusing loser.
Actually I disagree.
There are several factor which prevent a girl from indulging in risky and immoral/culturally unacceptable sexual behaviours.
Many studies prove beyond question lowest socio-economic groups, who as a rule have low sex education because
*cultural religious primitivism/backwardness which prevent or feel shame (like idiot pembantu class) sex education
* encourage early marriage/pregnancy (again idiot pembantu class) is the worst offending group- with highest rates of teenage and unplanned/unwanted pregnancies.
No exception.
Also- I wil write this in post shortly- according to UNWHO data- the highest rates of teen pregnancy, non marital children, unwanted fertility etc in Indonesia are in the most religious areas LOWEST in Jakarta, Bali and Jogjakarta- the developed and progress areas
In the very backward place also the most religious- they are worst offender! Statistically proven.
So, as rational adult- we must say- religious sex shame is actually CAUSE of premature and risky sex activity.
For girls:
Sex Education- she must be aware of all objective facts and consequences of her actions. She should be allowed private consultation with family doctor (best if female) or ob-gyn or even friend of mother who is very “cool” so she may ask freely without shame.
Girls MUST be allowed to be fully informed of ALL sexl health issues.
Then the girl needs stable loving male-female parental model at home. With:
*upright female role model who does not use easy sex for attaining male attention and guides and monitors child activity
*stable and good male role model who treat female with respect and love and very relevant to good male role model- is freedom from sexual abuse.
We all chose our life partner based on our own parent. Thus if girl is programmed that only a man who treats me so well as Father to mother and me is good enough for me
THEN she will understand that sex only AFTER proven love and respect.
We can only do our very best to prevent pre-marital sex- but in the end- it is all her choice- we cannot surveillance them 24/7- however useful that would be!
Yes- it is disgusting how such a turd of humanity exist as this pimp.
But which is worse- the pimp or the one who actually does sexual favour of their own will.
It is the hooker who agrees to be employee using sex to earn money.
Pimp DOES NOT tempt or force or put gun to head for girl to open her legs- NO! that is the personal choice of the girl.
Only weak and stupid people who surrender personal responsibility blame external temptations for their poor behaviour.
So place the blame to who most deserve- slutty girls- they are cause of their own problems.
How can you explain it?
…. ablutions before prayer
…. halal preparation of food
…. obligations for the well being of family
…. etc, etc,etc….
But get horny, and he’ll quite happily stick his bare dick into a bacterial soup.
Ironic isn’t it…he’ll blame the woman, even tho he insisted on bareback sex.
Real men protect their families and loved ones.
PS. without a raincoat, youβre as clean as the man before you.
Look again at this picture! I cannot imagine a more shameful photo for Indonesia: A student who is so incredibly embarassed, it’s almost painful to watch him. Embarassed for having a condom in his pcket! A high police officer who proudly puts this poor chap to shame. The jerk forces the helpless student to lose face in front ot the cameras. Look at his smile! How utterly disgusting! And then the cameras! What does it say about the state of journalism in Indonesia? And what does it say about this socety?
It’s not this poor student who should be ashamed. This pictures puts an entire society to shame. I find it hard just to watch at it.
PN said:
We all chose our life partner based on our own parent. Thus if girl is programmed that only a man who treats me so well as Father to mother and me is good enough for me
THEN she will understand that sex only AFTER proven love and respect.
and then:
Only weak and stupid people who surrender personal responsibility blame external temptations for their poor behaviour.
So place the blame to who most deserve- slutty girls- they are cause of their own problems.
Wait so which one is it?
Ibu Full Moon Flower Yth,
Um, more generally I meant the daughters of Indonesia, the ones above the age of consent.
But you have to admit from my photo that I am SEKSI.
For girls:
Sex Education- she must be aware of all objective facts and consequences of her actions. She should be allowed private consultation with family doctor (best if female) or ob-gyn or even friend of mother who is very βcoolβ so she may ask freely without shame.Girls MUST be allowed to be fully informed of ALL sexl health issues.
Then the girl needs stable loving male-female parental model at home. With:
*upright female role model who does not use easy sex for attaining male attention and guides and monitors child activity*stable and good male role model who treat female with respect and love and very relevant to good male role model- is freedom from sexual abuse.
We all chose our life partner based on our own parent. Thus if girl is programmed that only a man who treats me so well as Father to mother and me is good enough for me
THEN she will understand that sex only AFTER proven love and respect.
PN, I think sex education should be extended to boys as well. Everyone has the right to know the consequences of their actions.
I’ll leave the part on choosing life partners to the adults themselves. They’ll know best.
I aqree.
But culturally, for Asians and also Muslims, for some reason there is stupid village peasant idea (also present in West) that if a woman know about sex health she will be promiscuous.
UNWHO data clearly prove woman with higher sex education far less promiscuous, have less social problem (unwanted pregnancy/unattended childbirth, pregnancy out of wedlock) lower rate of STD/ HIV AIDS.
Also- WOMEN suffer from cervical cancer and all manner of terrible affliction caused by STD- not men.
Yes, of course- obvious- Men should be included- BUT it is WOMEN like my own daughter who will be the most effected one.
It is the WOMEN who will INSIST on safe sex.
Men are very tricky- and women very naive about how tricky men can be to get inside their ‘flower’- hence protective fathers.
I told my boy if he get a girl pregnant- and refuse to marry I will make sure I drag him to the service by his whatevers.
I told my girl- I will make sure whoever impregnate her will disappear never to resurface and she go to Muslim convent (sorry I just forget the term) – where no boys.
Child must understand without any doubt poor choice have very weighty and serious consequence.
If they know the simple and heavy consequence- maybe (and against all odds) they think before act.
what happens if a turtle were to eat a used condom thinking it was a jellyfish?
The Japanese consider sperm from the minki whale a delicacy.
These are the noble savages that whitey loves so much. If it were not for us Javanese hundred of years ago- the Melanesian would still be eating their own premature babies.
But- NGO (LSM) cleverly disregard such convenient truth as it hurt their separatist agenda.
Much like Irian common use of rape as tribal punishment, buying and selling wives for pigs, and rampant extramarital sodomy, male rape and inter-family incest- hence their HIV spread like wildfire.
HIV initially arrived in Irian from Western mine workers who had gone on their beloved sex escapade in Pattaya in Thailand and some returned to Irian with their some infected sluts keen to earn from a captive market.
Another very real UNWHO fact NGO hates so much- whitey is totally responsible for AIDS among their noble savage.
See- if whitey has his ‘help’ rejected- it ruins his ego- as he has carefully constructed an image of himself as all-wise noble selfless saviour.
Hence whitey resents us rebellious independent Javanese/Batak- it hurts his fragile poor ego that we refuse to bow to our lessers or equals.
For whitey- race equality solely that favourable to whitey- all men are born equal and whitey sees himself born more equal than others.
Regarding disgusting foods- just because some idiot consider it a delicacy- does not mean it is. It remain disgusting.
Like monkey sate – that is disgusting (rumour of some Javanese eating it – and also Balinese and proven Sulawesi/Ternate/Manado/North Sumateran food)
British love pig blood sausage and French also eat poached cow anus “rosette” and Guangzhou/Cantonese/Fujianese to quote their own phrase: “will eat anything with its back turned to the sun”.
Sound more like hungry idiots unafraid of sore stomach.
What about sperm sashimi? There’s millions of devotees – well at least 69.
@ PN:
So you hold that it is the manifest destiny of the Javanese to colonise various neighbouring lesser breeds without the law and drag them kicking and screaming to the light?
If you can be a man and call it by its name, colonisation, I’m quite likely to say ‘go for it: better the fuzzy wuzzies learn to smoke out their wives’ nether regions with aromatic woods and spices than eat their newborn babies’… but you gotta call a spade a spade.
Or is it only colonisation when whitey does it?
Albeit totally different.
Javanese historically traded with the islanders. We offer our culture for them to take or not without our forceful imposition.
US-British, Dutch and plunder and steal vast quanta of natural resources with smug moral superiority.
Apartheid, segregation, “Martial races”, “noble savage”, “oriental other” are all the vile racist inventions of white society that have no equal anywhere else.
Nice try- but there is no such thing as Javanese colonialism- it’s all clever NGO doublespeak appealing to the mentally lazy and easily duped.
Kinch pull up your trousers and put that NGO material away.
PN said :-
Javanese historically traded with the islanders. We offer our culture for them to take or not without our forceful imposition.
Free the papuans. Or the very minimum, let them have a local parliament to decide their fate whilst under the protection of Indonesia, until they feel confident enough to be able to fend for themselves.
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He shouldn’t be embarrassed, he should be proud that he is doing the right thing. The officials should have praised him and encouraged the others to practice safe sex.