The controversy over a politician-cleric’s marriage to an underage girl in Semarang.
43 year old Pujiono Cahyo Widayanto/Widianto, aka Syech/Syekh Puji, the head of an Islamic boarding school (Ponpes Miftahul Jannah) in Bedono, Jambu, Semarang, Central Java, in August 2008 informally married (nikah siri) Lutfiana Ulfa, 11 years and 10 months old, who had just begun studies at a local junior high school, but has now taken up wifely duties at home.
Ulfa & Pujiono Cahyo Widianto
Sheikh Puji is a very wealthy man, being the owner of PT Sinar Lendoh Terang (Silenter), a handicrafts exporter, and appeared in the news in August for distributing 1.3 billion rupiah (about $130,000) in zakat or charity to the poor. His first wife is 26 years old. In 2005 he was a candidate for the Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) in a regency election but withdrew from the race at the last moment, and has long been involved in local politics. suaramerdeka
It’s a deal
He also intends to marry two other girls, aged 9 and 7. Of these latter two, Syech Puji says that neither has begun menstruating, so he will refrain from interfering with them, while Ulfa has already entered puberty.
Syech Puji believes his actions have a legitimate basis in Islam, considering that the prophet Muhammad married the 7 year old Aisha.
I’m not just doing what I like, it’s based in religion. It’s in accordance with the prophet’s teaching. You can marry a 7 year old if you like but you can’t have relations with her until she starts menstruating.
Clerics’ Council/Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) leader Umar Shihab condemned the marriage to Ulfa:
Men should marry adults, there are a lot of other prospective brides around. Why has he married a 12 year old? The poor girl.
His actions have been mostly condemned in other quarters, with some saying that he has broken the Marriage Law, and is liable to criminal prosecution. lampungpost detik
One supporting voice is that of politician Hilman Rosyad Syihab from the Islamist Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS), who says that marrying young girls is allowed within Islam provided the marriages are not consummated until the girl has begun menstruating. dutamasyarakat
On November 24th 2010 Syech Puji was sentenced to 4 years jail, and a 60 million rupiah fine, for marrying an underage girl. Both his wives, Lutviana Ulfa and first wife Ummi Hani, wept at the news. antara
Suryo Perkoso
“Anyone for broiled swan?”
But did you mean, or want to say, “Any one for a wife still in diapers?
“THere is just so much I’d like to say…”
Suryo, whatever you was able conceive to communicate you did. Great job pal. If that is all to it, you are showing that Indonesia is a terrible place to be. I feel sorry for you, I really do.
Probably if you could afford the trip, you would leave Indonesia ASAP
Second: sine the child sex sadism thrives in open in Indonesia, I would be afraid to take any child with me to Indonesia. I would be afraid that the child may be kidnaped and just be sold for the sacral prostitution in Indonesia in the name of “allah akbarrrrrrr….” whatever.
Mr Czeslaw,
You damn right to the point, now the child sex sadism in our country in on high tide especially after big influx of the white pedo predator who bored to have sex with Cambodia and Thailand children now they try to other prey such our exotic Balinese Kidsl, therefore, if someday you visit our country and accidently your kid is missing …please do not blame us because 99% possibility your kid under special treatment from Pak Schmerly and his friend as below
I am not try to say or hide the fact that there are no child predators in Europe, US, Canada, Australia etc.. Definitively they are in those countries as well. And you can bet your last paycheck, that there are child predators in Poland as well.
However, even in Thailand these type of criminals are arrested and persecuted. Thank you for providing the link. In Poland you might get 15-25 years prison term if convicted. Similar in other EU countries.
What makes Indonesian pedophiles and child predators so special in Indonesia, that they parade in the open day broad light and carry their child pedophile and child sex abuse as a badge of honor, and nothing happens to them?
And what puzzles me, that people like you and suryo are taking side and are defending the sex child abusers in Indonesia?
Cukurungan, is your wife 3 or 7 years old as well?
Is that because you’re a muslim in muslim country that give you a right to sexually abuse children?
Is that the point you are trying to make?
Suryo, pal…
If you could afford to attended any primary school in your town, to about 5th or 6th grade, you would learn that Poznan is not in Russia, and that Boris is a Russian name, and not Polish name.
What you say shows that you are lack of some basic education and some basic common sense, which you try to cover with racial hate. That tells a lot about your self and your up bringing by your parents.
I am glad to hear that you could afford a fare to Jogja. I bet it was nice, pleasant and long trip.
And where I am right now, you will never afford the price to come.
First, since I don’t look like Indonesian I could be an easy target for some morons riding their half dead donkey after me with machete drawn out, and yelling “allah akbar” and waving his machete over my head, because I am not a muslim. I don’t like to much attention given to my humble person.
Second: sine the child sex sadism thrives in open in Indonesia, I would be afraid to take any child with me to Indonesia. I would be afraid that the child may be kidnaped and just be sold for the sacral prostitution in Indonesia in the name of “allah akbarrrrrrr….” whatever.
Hard to believe that much ignorance and prejudice in could be crammed into two paragraphs, perhaps better you worry about sex expoitation issues in Eastern Europe rather than worry about an Indonesia that ony exists in your fanasty universe.
Schmerers.. I know you have your issues with Muslims and others but seriously you really want to side with people like Cze?
It’s one thing to be critical and offer opinions but anyone who has spent ten minutes in Indonesia would know disregard these kind rants as bordering on paraniod delusional.
Water off a duck’s back! I am still a frequent reader of IM and will remain so. Some days I drop by just to take my daily medicine as laughing is supposed to be very good for the soul.
Anyone that has spent anytime in Indonesia surely knows that the generalizations that get cast about here are as far from reality as one can get. It works both ways though, as those that seek to defend Indonesia from those foreigners who seek to ridicule her tend to adopt equally bigoted positions in response.
I have always thought about adopting an Indonesian persona so that I can give a little bit in the defence of Indonesia. However, I can do that as a white bloke from Australia too, and I will just have to live with the “you can never really understand Indonesia because you are white” arguments.
Such is life…better things to do 😀
Schmerers.. I know you have your issues with Muslims and others but seriously you really want to side with people like Cze?
Hah, then we can call them “Smelly Coleslaw”. 😀
First of all, Jak s? wy? Mam nadziej? wy by? dobrze.
Then please read these:
Child pornography and trafficking people for prostituion
More and more data show that a certain number of children are transported in the former members of eastern Europe and an important role is played, above all, by foreigners and the members of the healthcare sector. The states often mentioned in connection with that are Poland, the Checz Republic, Russia and Romania. Most governments across the world consider the level of “development” of sex tourism to be an indicator of their economic growth. It is linked to consumers and spensing, and even labelled as a luxury service without being aware (or shuting one’s eyes to the truth) that consequently it causes an increase in child abuse.
Travel advice for Poland from the Australian government:
Human trafficking in Poland:,NGO_launches_anti-human_trafficking_campaign,id,312545.htm
Now, after reading all of the above quote and links can I use all the comments that you have used to describe Indonesia before but change the words “Indonesia” to “Poland and “Indonesian and Moslem” to “Polish”?
Would that be fair for someone who never visit the country to say? Although, not like you I’ve been to Poland for the cheap pleasure of course. 😀
Think about it.
And if you do not want to visit Indonesia, that’s fine with us too and you can tell all your friends and family not to come too.
Probably but sometimes lunacy is like catnip to us poor mugs..I can’t really sympathise with you on the white thing tho, us malayu have our own standards
In Defence of Indonesian Parents
I am proudly Indonesian with 4 daughters aged 4, 12, 14 and 15.
Have no doubt, I will be the machete wielding rabid brown man chasing after anyone trying to touch them before they are 21.
Csezaw, some of your flippant comments are mildly irritating.
Better that you stay at home than visit us… you might have to eat too many of your words.
The good Shaikh does not represent the vast majority ; just as I don’t think Catholics have an unusual appetite for altar boy cherries.
Good to see that Puji and his father in law were both hauled off to the lock up and are going to be prosecuted.
thanks for your comment and the links you provided.
I am not sure if you read the information from the links you threw my way, or I am not sure of your comprehension of the English tongue.
I am not sure if you understand, that human trafficking for any reason is illegal in Poland, and entire Europa. Yes, there is organize crime which conducts this criminal activities. AS you may read, if you did, that in Poland you could get a sentence of up to 15 years if convicted of human trafficking and child sex exploitation.
I never denied that these crimes don’t occur in Poland, Europe, Australia, US etc.. Please ready my previous posts on IM for refreshing your memory.
In addition, we call these things crimes and we prosecute those who committed these crimes, and that includes child sex exploitation. Polish people don’t accept these crimes as a way of life in Poland, we never did.
On the other hand, it seems that it is a badge of honor to Indonesian man to walk his wife to a preschool or kindergarten.
Child sex exploitation is a crime in Poland for a Polish men, and this same child sex exploitation situation is a badge of honor in Indonesian for Indonesian men and it is not a crime in Indonesia.
I don’t intend to irritate anyone.
I am glad to hear that at least on Indonesian parent, you, stated that you will not allow this to happen to you girls, your daughters. We are in accord on this same issue.
But soryo and oigal are just opposite of what you say.
It seems that 2 out of 3 Indonesians are as this Syech Puji is.
And please don’t worry, we don’t have plans to visit Indonesia. I would rather take kids to see again Japan, Cambodia or India. Much safer, much friendlier places.
I wish you the best in taking care of your daughters, and I mean it in my heart.
On the other hand, it seems that it is a badge of honor to Indonesian man to walk his wife to a preschool or kindergarten.
My God, you really dont know Indonesia, man. If it was a badge of honour like you said, it wouldnt be such a controversy here. Look at that syech puji, he is going to be prosecuted, its a criminal act here too, you know.
Its like saying: i dont think i will ever go to austria cause hitler was born there, austrians are bad… or never go to US, coz everyday people are drunk there, and cowboys shooting indians on the streets.
its oversimplification, you know, the kind of reality for overly simple people. And youre not.
Mr Tic Tac Toe
I have to give you credit of confidence for your point of view.
Definitely, I do a lot of business in Germany and Austria. Definitively both countries are very safe and friendly people. I lived in East Berlin for a while as well those years.
Today there is no difference where you are in the Europe.
Also I need to make something clear, I don’t intend to insult anyone. IM is a open public blog, and all are invited to share their point of view rather their opinion is right or wrong.
You are the 3rd Indonesian person on par in the discussion, and the other fellow is from Australia.
Good to hear your point of view, and as I said, I am giving you a credit of confidence in what you pointed out to me.
But I wonder why these wacoes suryo, oigal and Lairedion went on attacking me.
I have some Farsi friends, and with some of them I do good size business. They are telling me that Persia never was and never will be Islamic state. They are occupied my Muslims against their will. They told me that homosexuality in the religious order is very high, and that the imams and ayatollahs are the first ones to count. I will not go into the detail what I am hearing from Farsi people, but you can just imagine. Pointing sex scandals in the Catholic church by these three wacoes is out of the scope of this blog that is why I brought the homosexuality in the Muslim word to balance the negativity of both religions. Neither is right nor correct behavior.
Again, glad to hear your point of view. Thanks.
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Anyone for broiled swan? THere is just so much I’d like to say, but having experienced the manifold joys of your country i’ll desist.
You should contact BullshitBob from Bali, you two would get on like a house on fire.