The controversy over a politician-cleric’s marriage to an underage girl in Semarang.
43 year old Pujiono Cahyo Widayanto/Widianto, aka Syech/Syekh Puji, the head of an Islamic boarding school (Ponpes Miftahul Jannah) in Bedono, Jambu, Semarang, Central Java, in August 2008 informally married (nikah siri) Lutfiana Ulfa, 11 years and 10 months old, who had just begun studies at a local junior high school, but has now taken up wifely duties at home.
Ulfa & Pujiono Cahyo Widianto
Sheikh Puji is a very wealthy man, being the owner of PT Sinar Lendoh Terang (Silenter), a handicrafts exporter, and appeared in the news in August for distributing 1.3 billion rupiah (about $130,000) in zakat or charity to the poor. His first wife is 26 years old. In 2005 he was a candidate for the Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) in a regency election but withdrew from the race at the last moment, and has long been involved in local politics. suaramerdeka
It’s a deal
He also intends to marry two other girls, aged 9 and 7. Of these latter two, Syech Puji says that neither has begun menstruating, so he will refrain from interfering with them, while Ulfa has already entered puberty.
Syech Puji believes his actions have a legitimate basis in Islam, considering that the prophet Muhammad married the 7 year old Aisha.
I’m not just doing what I like, it’s based in religion. It’s in accordance with the prophet’s teaching. You can marry a 7 year old if you like but you can’t have relations with her until she starts menstruating.
Clerics’ Council/Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) leader Umar Shihab condemned the marriage to Ulfa:
Men should marry adults, there are a lot of other prospective brides around. Why has he married a 12 year old? The poor girl.
His actions have been mostly condemned in other quarters, with some saying that he has broken the Marriage Law, and is liable to criminal prosecution. lampungpost detik
One supporting voice is that of politician Hilman Rosyad Syihab from the Islamist Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS), who says that marrying young girls is allowed within Islam provided the marriages are not consummated until the girl has begun menstruating. dutamasyarakat
On November 24th 2010 Syech Puji was sentenced to 4 years jail, and a 60 million rupiah fine, for marrying an underage girl. Both his wives, Lutviana Ulfa and first wife Ummi Hani, wept at the news. antara
I called them sand niggers to show my irreverence and a display of humour, not to appease the pseudo Javanese here, who I spend most of my time trying to annoy. I do not need acceptance as you say in any case, …
Alright, so it was a bad joke said at the wrong place at the wrong time. So did Allah subhana wa ta’ala decide to use sand niggers’ spoken language to pass on his divine book for mankind? You are confusing me.
.. I have been fortunate enough to study under wise men who are true Javanese not slogan flag waving ones.
Islam from sand nigger to Kejawen from Javanese wisemen. You better make up your mind. You can’t have eat and drink at the same time. As a Bule, I think you should stick with christianity.
Yes and by that logic you should go back to being a serf in the Kraton of Yogja and …
Mojopahit was never a serfdom state. You are clueless re Indonesia pasts.
.. stop trying to out English the English in sarcasm, irony and general spiritual cluelessness.
The words ‘England and English’ is now redundant, a relic of a once proud nation who through her own stupidity now self-destruct. Heir apparent Prince Charles is a closet moslem.
My main concern in this forum is Islam, not appeasing or getting respect from the PC mob.
It is also a conduit to halal children private parts.
Wrong and unjavanese again, you have to pretend you see to like your enemy and then suddenly one day when he is least expecting it you run amok and cut his head off with a Keris.
Learn something from another wise Javanese man. It is called Javanese takiya which we learn from the Arabs.
dragonwall Says:
November 10th, 2008 at 12:53 am
All you need to do is to say‘talak’,
‘tak lah’ and
‘ta da’and you are free to go…wise man. I suppose it is in the Javanese Koran not the original version.
We should all do that so that you won’t be attacked by anyone being a pedophile and underage sex abuse.
Posting for the sake of posting?
Ha.ha..ha.. A mirror will reflect oneself, so take a look before posting comments.
By reciting 3 times and a person is free and will not be prosecuted for his action being a pedophile and on top of that he is considered to be a respected muslim cleric.? I think my version is even more effective. No wonder you have that much respect for these people like chicken legs?
You are confusing me.
That is my intention..glad to see its working!
You better make up your mind your confused world can be balanced once again?
You are clueless re Indonesia pasts.
Did I mention majapahit? I just mentioned the kraton, which is still active today, so you must be clueless of the present!
The words ‘England and English’ is now redundant
Yes I would agree…so is Javanese and stop hankering after the good old days of majapahit and true javanesesness and get with the islam program..
It is called Javanese takiya..
Yes wise one…I am aware of your case you are taking it too seriously by applying takiya to your true muslim self.
It is also a conduit to halal children private parts.
Hmmm.. psychologist would have lot to say about your obsession with private parts of is a rather disturbing recurring trend..
Alright, so it was a bad joke said at the wrong place at the wrong time.
yes that all it was..and i alreayd tobat…
So did Allah subhana wa ta’ala decide to use sand niggers’ spoken language
Actually no Pak …it is an arabic that the Bedouin of today can barely understand unless he is very smart..may I ask what divine book did Allah swt reveal in javanese and to which prophet of java? Surely if you land is great and so spiritually enlightened that it does not need al quran, Allah won’t have forgotten you?
Poverty breeds poverty, nothing else.
Why people down there keep producing kids knowing they will have no means of providing for them, and their future such as schooling and helping with the job as a starter after some college graduation.
It is the omen, repeating this same mistakes for the ages, producing poverty, and expecting different results.
Say, like here in Europa, or States, Japan etc., average family has 1-2 children. Mother and father usually have good education. Similar is here in Poland.
What you can say about Indonesia?
Why this child’s parents didn’t do all they can to send her to school, help her though the college so her life would be a meaningful to her, and great satisfaction to her parents?
You say she have poor parents? So, why producing children without any thought, and bringing them into misery and poverty?
So, so some pimp with money could pay for her privet parts?
But, this pimp is in his 40s(?), she is 11. In 25 years his sx drive will be not enough for then 35 years old woman. Guess what then…..all of his wives will find a dependable source of enjoyment and not this old shaky and stinky fart for that purpous.
In the middle east Muslim countries the man are setting them selves up in no way to win by taking and abusing young girls. At the end of the stick, a pedofile will be left with pants down for his old ages, denying reality, that his wives are still faithful to him and in fact they found already and enjoying normal sx life out of his sight.
Here you have it….and I have a Farsi friends who told me how this work in the Muslim countries as it’s work in Persia (today Islamic Iran).
Andy said….
Nationalism is so dangerous, it is killing your sense of humour and not making you look at all classy in front of anyone particularly your own people.
Andy….. you can say that again….. but while you’re looking in the mirror next time..
You could run for US presidency and you could win with talk like this. Hey, Obama did the trick. So could you. I think there would be many in the U.S. who would vote even for you.
why? what did I say? About the US….. I am not American… so no… it doesn’t matter what I say, I’ll never be an American Politician.
But what did I say?
Iman, not to many peaple heard or know what Obama was saying, and they voted for him becasue in US they were tired of Bush and all that came with the package.
Here in Europa, especially in Poland, we don’t know almost anything what Obama was telling US public, and our media kept flattering him, and no one know for what….
You earlier statement went same way.
And please correct me if I am wrong, byt your muslim blinds separate you from seeing other things. And when I say “muslim blinds” I don’t mean to make any drogatory remarks against your religion. Far from it.
Actually, I am happy as a Catholic, and that I am able to meet with others of diferent religions and diferent political groups and diferent ethnicities.
That makes my life vigor and worthwhile living.
I just wish, that major Islam Counsils openly condem the “Islam Terror Groups”
Sadenly, if they don’t opose it, dont voice their oposition to the terror and murders commited by this Islamist criminals, they Islamic Counsils are supporting it.
Am I right with that thinking?
Any one take on it?
Sorry Iman, my last message was for Janma, but I would be happy to hear your point of view on the topic as well.
First you said…
And please correct me if I am wrong, byt your muslim blinds separate you from seeing other things. And when I say “muslim blinds” I don’t mean to make any drogatory remarks against your religion. Far from it.
and then you said…
Sorry Iman, my last message was for Janma
I don’t get it? I’m not a muslim and all I was wondering was how you came to the conclusion that I could run to be US president and what I said to deserve such a fate? I think you have me mixed up with someone else…
@ janma
I don’t get it? I’m not a muslim and all I was wondering was how you came to the conclusion that I could run to be US president and what I said to deserve such a fate? I think you have me mixed up with someone else…
This can be explained easily. It is the arab worms taking hold. Can be cured with a healthy dose of pancasila.,21985,24638931-2862,00.html
You know we all seem to be blaming the muslim menfolk here. Look at this story and see how there are also muslim women abusing the young. Let’s not have double standards.
The comments here are interesting and shows how many non-thinking judgmental people there are in this country, as we tend to judge others based on our own morals which have changed throughout time, and are still constantly changing. If you chase back in our own history you can see that marriages to 12 year old girls was considered proper, and if a girl was mush older she was considered an old maid. Many countries around the world have been the same way, such as the Jewish who have parties when children reach adulthood at ages 12 and 13. Today we set an arbitrary age of 18 as the proper age for adulthood, though that age changes depending on whether is is for driving, voting, drinking, marriage etc. It is as if we are only responsible adults for different things at different times. It is easy to say in our past there were reasons for having a lower age, or that people in the past were not as smart as we are today. But if that is true, maybe in the future they will say the people in their past were stupid as we change the age of consent to maybe 30. In my opinion I have seen many 40 year old women with less understanding than some 12 year olds who I know. The only real issue is that you obey the laws of the country that you are in, or move to a country that is more in tune with you views. And no country has the right to impose their morals on another.
Everyone is just too close minded, you took examples, bad examples, but they’re only one or two among a million.
That bad example doesn’t prove everyone in that race or color is doing that, so don’t pull discriminating conclusion from that.
I just want to remind everyone, that when you have a discussion fight the topic, not the person who is making the writings, at least that’s the first thing I learn from debate class.
Well I never expect these kind of discussion from educated people, some of it are just rude and discriminating, some people are just to sensitive.
If you defend your religious so much why don’t you put it into practice, isn’t that all religions taught its follower to love, well at least in Christianity that’s what I learn, I believe even gandhi practice the method of fighting the power with gentleness, non violence actions.
Just a simple reminder.
Anyway about the topic of an old man marrying a 12 years old I simply say it’s wrong.
Someone said (or wrote)
“if I don’t want my daughter to marry an old man doesn’t mean its wrong and no one can do it”..
If you don’t want it to happen for the person you love, you simply know that it’s wrong, because everyone would absolutely does/wants the best/right thing for those who they love, that’s what i think.
So if you know that it’s wrong you should protect everyone from it.
Just an honest unpolished opinion from a child.
No hard feelings everyone.
This is where parents should have played their absolute authority! damn.. this news pissed me off!!
This youg girl is doom to poverty in a broader sense than financial. I just wonder why it is honest for the paretns to sell out own child to a whoredom at that age.
My thinking was that Islam is agains prositution and whoredom, but it looks to me that this is the basis of Islam.
The ethics and morals can’t even enter the picture in this case.
This news made me wonder “Where is Chris Hansen?!” from To Catch a Predator show back in the US! The law has been way too soft to this man (and God knows how many of his kinds out there), he should’ve been put to jail the first time this case made public. It disgusting me to the bone to hear him use religion to justify his phedophille acts.
Yeah, amazing situation. But, if you would go back into history of near east countries and that includes Arabs, this is a custom that the male even before old age dying time on the dead bed can buy or get as a “wife” a 5 – 10 year old girl.
I think it goes back to the shaman ruled cultures times of primitive socialites going back few thousands of year ago. Arabs, it seems to, never advanced from that stage till today. Also, it seems that they created the submission religion so that the male can completely control the female specie. Kind of advance animal kingdom.
I am sorry for all girls who were sold into the whoredom or sacral prostitution like this girl was sold by own what supposed to be loving “parents.” The only question no one asks here, how much did they get, and in what form?
Money? How much? (Probabaly not)
Few bushels of grain? How many?
A couple of pigeons? Perhaps…?
A suit of cloth? For how many people?
A donkey? Eh, that may be too much to aks
This guy is a sick phaedophil! An 11 year old is bad enough….and now he’s on to 7 and 9 year olds.
I wonder what’s on his mind!
Hello Carla
Yeah, it would be hard to disagree with you, on your point of view.
As you said, he is a pedo, or in other words, he is a predator for small and very young girls.
Do you wonder what is on his mind?
What I say may sound out of this world, but just to make point, his next step could be going to the birthing rooms to search new born girls for his new brides and “wives” to be.
The parents of this innocent girl as guilty of this sacrificial whoredom as this pedo is. Where are the muslims with the stones in their hands? Where are the social services and child protection department of Indonesian government?
Are they all (Indonesian man) chasing little girls still in the diapers?
(No offense to normal Indonesian men, please)
Schmerly, but I just don’t comprehend where is the child welfare and child protection department of Indonesian government? Please en-light me on this secret!
Are all of the a pedos like this psycho-pedo mixer, are working for Indonesian government?
Are all of them sitting in the birth-rooms and looking into child diapers to check if this is a boy, or a girl he will decide to marry, still in the diapers? Friend, how worst can it get?
Are all other muslims as perverted as this pedo-predator is?
It seem like islam is not a “submition” to some divine power, but a submition of the females to a sacral whoredom and prostitution to satisfy some primitive and it seems perverted sex crimes.
Why Indonesian people are tolerating this type of perversion?
I think, that this situation would be a good material for some Hollywood crippy movie. But still, this is unbelievable what is happening down there in Indonesia in 2009.
Suryo Perkoso,
I am not sure that a poorly made sarcasm can justify the end to your means
It seems, that you too like this pedo-predator are choosing your wife(s) by looking into her diaper at the birth-room.
It’s not that one of us is good and the other is bad. We just have different preferences about the age, moral values, and child’s well being.
It looks, that the religious sacral whoredom, and child sax slavery exist today mostly in the muslim countries, and Indonesia is one of them. Thanks for providing the link.
It appears, that the islam is walking backwards from 7th century to the totemic and shamanic times, and not from the 700s to the year 2009.
Suroyo, if not that satanic West, you will not know what the radio or aspirin is till today. YOu still will be putting a camel’s dong on your wounds, tyring to heal it. You would still walk where you want to get. Or, if you be rich enough, you could afford a donkey and ride it. And perhaps, if you would father a few daughters, you could trade them for an older donkey. What a way to get a ride!
thanks for the link. What an awaking information I found when I clicked on the link you provided. Thank you very much.
But still, not singling any one out, or try to twist someone’s arm to change his way of life, my questions still is this same, where are the Indonesian parents and Indonesian people, and where is the Indonesian government, Indonesian Child protective services that this type of pervasiveness and sadism thrives in the open in Indonesia?
Hello, are there any honest and loving parents in Indonesia?
No, I haven’t been to Indonesia. Couple of reasons.
First, since I don’t look like Indonesian I could be an easy target for some morons riding their half dead donkey after me with machete drawn out, and yelling “allah akbar” and waving his machete over my head, because I am not a muslim. I don’t like to much attention given to my humble person.
Second: sine the child sex sadism thrives in open in Indonesia, I would be afraid to take any child with me to Indonesia. I would be afraid that the child may be kidnaped and just be sold for the sacral prostitution in Indonesia in the name of “allah akbarrrrrrr….” whatever.
We’ve been to Turky and Egypt several times, and it is relatively safe. But these are the only muslim countries I feel more or less safe.
Indonesia falls on my books in this same category as Pakistan, Sudan, Iran, and Afghanistan. So, if you wold like to earn a privilege to earn tourist money, you have to first earn that trust.
At this point in time, we are a long way apart in that regard.
The only real issue is that you obey the laws of the country that you are in, or move to a country that is more in tune with you views
The slogan on the tshirt of every pedo sex tourist in the world?
Equally offensive..
Hello, are there any honest and loving parents in Indonesia
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I called them sand niggers to show my irreverence and a display of humour, not to appease the pseudo Javanese here, who I spend most of my time trying to annoy. I do not need acceptance as you say in any case, I have been fortunate enough to study under wise men who are true Javanese not slogan flag waving ones.
Yes and by that logic you should go back to being a serf in the Kraton of Yogja and stop trying to out English the English in sarcasm, irony and general spiritual cluelessness.
My main concern in this forum is Islam, not appeasing or getting respect from the PC mob.
Wrong and unjavanese again, you have to pretend you see to like your enemy and then suddenly one day when he is least expecting it you run amok and cut his head off with a Keris.