Kidnapping Cases

Oct 22nd, 2008, in News, by

Investigations into kidnapped and murdered activists of 1997/98, questioning of former generals like president Yudhoyono.

The parliamentary commission (Pansus Orang Hilang) into the disappearances and presumed murders of nine student and other activists opposed to the Suharto presidency in 1997/98 is expected to call some or all of the following former military and intelligence staff to answer questions/give testimony:

  • Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, former Chief of Staff for Social Political Affairs
  • Prabowo Subianto, former Kopassus commander, now leader of Partai Gerakan Indonesia Raya (Gerindra)
  • Wiranto, former Commander of ABRI, now leader of Partai Hanura
  • Sutiyoso, former Governor of Jakarta
  • Muchdi PR, former Kopassus officer
  • Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin, former Kodam Jaya Lieutenant General

The disappeared.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is highly insulted that his name has been dragged into the matter and held a “marathon” special cabinet session on 20th October to discuss the matter with senior colleagues.

Prabowo and Yudhoyono in service days.

After the meeting Cabinet Secretary Sudi Silalahi said

It’s lies and character assassination, it’s dirty politics.

SBY, although offended, was not likely to take legal action, he said. He suggested that the maneuverings within the committee were tied to rivalries ahead of the 2009 election. kompas

20 Comments on “Kidnapping Cases”

  1. Andy says:

    If Indonesians run this investigation it will be swept under the carpet as usual. Even if they committed the worst mass genocide in world history in front of our eyes they would find a way to deny it that is the javanese cowardly way. Noble mmmmm kill or cover up when have the numbers in your favour that is what they do. Never able or willing to fight one on one with great bule or chinese warriors who as they know will continue to rule the world.
    Would love to see Sutiyoso go down. He is the one who didn’t have the courage to fess up about the killing of the Balibo 5 in Timor while in Australia. Spat the dummy like a little baby and went home. The sook. Indonesia as we know (or should I say Java) decimated at least half the population of Timor, women and children included. That is the kind of cowards they are. In 1998, the atrocities committed against the chinese were inexcusable. I hope they are brought to justice by an international court. It is time for the world to march into Jakarta and bring justice to the world. Sovereignty is nonsense. Justice is what we want.

  2. purba Negoro says:

    Patung- where is my comment?

    1998 was Total Chinese lies proven to be false by their own boasting.

  3. David says:

    Purba, the topic is the Kidnapping Cases of student activists – stick to that at least at the beginning of things…. If you are saying the kidnappings never took place and are lies then explain about that, it might be news to the mothers of the boys though.

  4. Enigmatic says:

    And to think that 4 of them is running for President in Indonesia…

  5. DXP says:

    That is the kind of cowards they are. In 1998, the atrocities committed against the chinese were inexcusable. I hope they are brought to justice by an international court.

    Oh please there is no need to talk about this further … don’t you agree that Javanese only able to suppress the minority within the boundary of Indonesia? Have you ever heard in modern history that Javanese have the power of influence in the international stage? None, they only dominate the world by sending their maids around the globe to make up the number of immigrants seeking a better life in other countries.

    To solve the minority problem in Indonesia is simple, leave the country! No more talk but act … surrender back your green (muslim color) passport.

  6. jawa asli says:

    @ PN

    do you have sinophobia?

    I’m sure the kidnapping happened (pretty damn sure they are all dead) and I ‘ll be surprised if any of those generals would get charged.

  7. jawa_asli says:


    We send women to dominate the world, that’s true. We infiltrate their very home, brainwashing their youngs, and oneday, we rule.

  8. dragonwall says:

    Ha..ha..ha.. Even Patung gets pissed off by the cowardly sheer arogance in what he preaches.

    That is the kind of cowards they are. In 1998, the atrocities committed against the chinese were inexcusable.

    Yes indeed they are especially the political elite and those military personel under Wiranto and Prabowo.

    I hope they are brought to justice by an international court. It is time for
    the world to march into Jakarta and bring justice to the world. they have money to spend! Splash them all over the International Court and have them covered up.

    Sovereignty is nonsense. Justice is what we want.

    It never has and will never have. Sovereignty yes, every country has but what Indonesia is doing now is carrying the word sovereignty and democracy with their face written with words like coward, suppression with not pride and dignity.

    Purba, the topic is the Kidnapping Cases of student activists – stick to that at least at the beginning of things…. If you are saying the kidnappings never took place and are lies then explain about that, it might be news to the mothers of the boys though.

    His comments makes up 90 % of words made up of borrowed words that were repitition, 85% of relates to the same stories, always the whinning and sighing of Chinese this Chinese that. Reading the same words and comments seemed to be boring and occupy much of the space in these blogs he went in.
    What I think he is doing is that he is trying to cause a distraction for a cause, like a pre election propaganda! Brainwashing the public or simply he is blind. Because he sees nothing happened except that when the Chinese are rich it is because they are those wrong person at the right place at the right time lynching on those in power.
    Do you think those in power will give something for nothing? Arsehole.

    He will even go to the extent to say that the Trisakti event never took place. Millions worldwide witness those and yet he’s got the face to deny the incident taking place.

    As for someone who says the four like, SBY, Wiranto, Prabowo and Sutiyoso. I am sure there are line of command. As for SBY I think his involvement at quite minimize. But the biggest culprit are Prabowo, Wiranto, and Syafrie Samsuddin. These three were those who were on the top of command especially when they were fighting each others furing the 1998 riot causing do much lives and damages. They should be charge for treason. As for Sutiyoso his involvement were also not too great, at least the extent of his involvement were limited. But at least SBY and Sutiyoso had not something that constitute treason against their own people and the government.

    do you have sinophobia?

    sinophobia meaning?

    I am sure Patung is placing such high priority for this sh*t that most of his comments needs to be scrutinize at the max.
    Pathetic coward slowly being sifted with a saringan kayak pasir…ha.ha.ha…

  9. Purba Negoro says:

    Where is your Solider Rakyat?

    You know who the true enemy is- do not be clouded by your youthful naivety.
    Have you served your nation yet?
    Why not?

    If not- you have no place to comment- you are merely a passenger aboard the train we have built.

  10. raden says:

    If not- you have no place to comment- you are merely a passenger aboard the train we have built.

    Don’t know if PN = General Prabowo himself, if he is, maybe internet is the way to have direct discussion with bapak Prabowo.

    1. have you served the nation?
    answer : how much pak to pay the bribe for joining as a new copral prajurit ? ie : as a Police cadet in Indonesia ?
    2. Why not?
    answer : a humble, innocent & trustworthy people we hv no money for ‘uang pendaftaran’. Those who can afford to bribe the fee surely have ‘corruption minded’ at the recruitment stage (‘balik modal nya kapan nih?’)
    3. If not- you have no place to comment
    answer : ‘ah masak ?’ , that’s the old way of OrBa in saying ‘serving the nation’, which ujung ujung nya menjadi ‘serving kantong sendiri’ by build-up your power to sell our HPH with all the cukong. I think other profesion like teachers, doctors, researcher, geo-scientist etc can serve the nation in more scientific / education way … not always crawling up to the army ladder for power. Nanti bisa spt Thaksin pak, di demo lantas di adili karena korupsi – 2 tahun masuk bui pak, ah takut
    4. you are merely a passenger aboard the train we have built
    answer : actually the train which was built during 30+ ORBA years are stinky, unsafe & unrobust train pak, the passenger inside this kind of train may risk their life, bisa mati terjun jurang sama2 pak, kita takut pak, please do not bring us to the valley of destruction as we see economically & politically we are in the lowest level ever in history. Pak mohon jangan bangga dulu , before you talk you should check shall we be proud of what kind of train you built in the past years ?
    5. Internet is a free podium to comment pak, this is not an army bulletin, everyone are the same right equally to express his idea.
    Pak, it is time for you to retire, we are all know you are very tired already …

  11. dragonwall says:

    He is really is the person you mentioned, then I have one to comment.

    He is a coward who ran away to Jordan to hide himself and then return when the situation was safe. He is a failure with his fighting with Wiranto and both of them got smacked by an older General of the AL.

    He is not even a soldier when he was place in the position as the head of red beret. Whether I am soldier or not you should know better.

    ABRI enriched themselves with all those uang pendaftaran and then bagi bagi.

    He is rich because of his wife. so is he lynching? His brother is rich and acquiring all those antiques because of the connection from his father.

    These are people who claimed to be clean, honest and serving the nation but in fact are those who made up the larger part of Indonesia’s crook on the loose. WHat difference are they comparing to what they mentioned the so called cukong?

    Each and every of your so called Cukong are people that puts in real money and action. People like him are those who says, Masalah itu nanti saya atur then get a free lunch, nothing else.

    Eddy Tansil puts in his real money with the exception that when TS needed money he was asked to approach the bank. In actual fact those money that was dropped from the bank all went to TS pocket making the project mandet.

    After they were investigated, TS name suddenly dissappeared from the Board of Directors and he was left to take the blame. Indonesia is one country that if you are in power, these are the things that could be done. All those tankers that were sold by Laksamana Sukardi were planned for this hydrocracker projects that failed including the bigger one by SS.

    He can claimed people were not kidnapped. So how did Eddy ended up in jail and able to leave the country safely on the day when Ibu Tien was buried.
    Yes on paper he was wrong to have made the loan and not repay, but who took the money? When Soeharto was alive, I am sure he won’t even dare come close to TS let alone someone else to touch him.

    I am very sure is he is the person you claimed then he should know that most of his family are really made up of people that were good for nothing except the two person on the top who helped BS. Anyway they also enriched themselves with connection.

    You can lined all of them up and you can find them one after another including himself to be the exact opposite of his claimed of a Chinese Cukong.

  12. ultatupai says:

    You know, some of these comments are so out of bounds and off subject as to reflect the absolute ignorance of the writers who submitt them. purba Negoro for instance seems to me to be the wizard of ignorant non-thought. Opinions are not facts Mr. Negoro. Do you say these things just for fun?

    Andy’s comment makes the most sense to me.

    That Wiranto and Prabowo were involved with kidnappings is worthy of investigation (again). Prabowo is a self-admitted kidnapper. Both of these individuals (and others) have yet to account for their violations of human rights and their involvement in the deaths of Indonesian citizens. Not only must justice be done it must be seen to be done. That we are still talking about this ten years after the fact speaks volumes.

  13. dragonwall says:

    No by saying this

    Do you say these things just for fun?

    you should have known that this guy is out on a personal vendetta, jealous rage and a mission of propaganda all against Chinese and his purported claim of a new form of annhilation of the Chinese come 4th November 2008.

    It might happened because he claims to have been to the Cow ranch in Bogor with Soeharto! He claims to be a nationalist defending the ABRI! and who knows he is also a member of the FPI (Fraksi Pengecut Indonesia) I mean.

    He thinks that he is the only person serving the army in Indonesia and attended training at Fort Knox.

    I am also quite sure that the US had listed him to be one of the top contender for Osami Been Laiden when Osama claimed to have succeeded in creating a havoc on US economy.

    Every terrorist like him makes such claims after things had happened. Otherwise he will be out of words to blast.

  14. Purba Negoro says:

    You are a liar.

    I have never ever claimed a murder of Chinese will happen November 4 2008, nor incited it.

    I challenge you to prove it with a quote.

    Otherwise- just more cheap Chinatown Tabloid manufactured news- as well proven by BangKit etc and shop-house gossip.

    Re Anti-Chinese propaganda:
    Also completely untrue.

    I have rebutted every false claim the CHiense commmunity make- including 3rd party and often Western-authored references for others to independently verify.

    Many Chinese claims are well-proven self-serving lies which upoin closer inspection are found to be totally fabricated.

    Why they perpetuate such lies is to avoid deportation or having their fraudulently acquired Singaporean/Australian Permanent Residency/refugee status revoked and face charges for their libel and cultural enamour with white-collar crime.

    The reader is more than welcome to seacrh all of my comments and see they are specifically targetted at the hostile Hokkien and their collaborators of Indonsia and Singapore- a tiny minority of Colonial lickspittles who chauvinistically sneer upon even their own Mandarin speaking majority.

    Furthermore- if the Chinese of Indoensia are so badly treated- why do they remain?
    If the Chinese flotsam of Indonesia are so viceless and saintly- why do the poor hate them?
    Why also the poor of Phillipines?
    South Africa?

    Rarely is there smoke without fire.

    The forum requires some balance not just for an overly privileged hostile, uninvited Colonial collaborator minority to constantly clamour for more power.

    Raden- you are a very polite and intelligent individual- and you’re corrcet you may comment and offer your opinion.

    My abrasive comments were not to deride you or demean you- and being one of God’s many flawed humans- I apologise if so.
    Howvere I remind you your greater duty is Nasionalisme- Bangsa dan Rakyat selalu pertama: sebuah maja yang Sebuah yang di motong di tengah. Ketika lengkap= Patriotisme.

    not any endorsement of the lies of the hostile over-privileged relic of colonialism intent on enslaving us all in our own lands.

    And Dragonwall- you ae further proven a liar, a fabricator and an diot.
    I have never claimed to be Pak Prabowo- it is it even Prabowo in the picture you utter buffoon

    Quite clearly I am not- would Pak Prabowo even be bothered to be interested or are their far bigger fish for him to dine on?

  15. dragonwall says:

    Everyone in these blogs at IM saw what you wrote using big borrowed words, like I said hard words breaks no bones, when you said
    Chinese this Chinese that.
    Chinese stole money.
    Chinese does not assimilate.
    Javenese reign supreme.
    And to look carefully like what I also said you have 90% of what you wrote are borrowed words, 85% are repititon and 5 % cinsist of sheer fabrication out of ignorance of which you preofess to be a master to that.
    And you said

    You are a liar.

    So I will use simple words and belittle you so that you eat back all those words yourself.
    You said

    I have never ever claimed a murder of Chinese will happen November 4 2008, nor incited it.

    I challenge you to prove it with a quote.

    You need not challenge me or give you a quote. Just look into if I am not mistaken it is is the Riot 1998 that you said there will be a bigger wave.

    So what does that imply? You have proven yourself to be the biggest Chinese hater and by incinuating that I translate that into your furious rage of jealousy of the Chinese success in Indonesia that controls 85 of the total economy now approximately 65% that the detestation in you led you to make that statement and on most blogs I kept reminding these words “Come 4th November 2008” as a reminder for you.
    That was a challenge I took that I knew you could not honor because of what you are.

    Otherwise- just more cheap Chinatown Tabloid manufactured news- as well proven byLike this

    BangKit etc and shop-house gossip.

    Which you kept repeating does that constitute

    Re Anti-Chinese propaganda:


    Also completely untrue.

    Then what is true? Like

    I have rebutted every false claim the CHiense commmunity make- including 3rd party and often Western-authored references for others to independently verify.

    Many Chinese claims are well-proven self-serving lies which upoin closer inspection are found to be totally fabricated.

    Does not make up of propagande? Then what is propaganda. You have been professing in the public all sorts of nonsense by scapegoating all Chinese just because there were some chinese criminals like Anton Medan. He had converted into Muslim and is your buddy. Fight him. Tell him off in front of your ulamas saying that he is a fraud! Why blame other Chinese for their success.

    Why they perpetuate such lies is to avoid deportation or having their fraudulently acquired Singaporean/Australian Permanent Residency/refugee status revoked and face charges for their libel and cultural enamour with white-collar crime.

    The reader is more than welcome to seacrh all of my comments and see they are specifically targetted at the hostile Hokkien and their collaborators of Indonsia and Singapore- a tiny minority of Colonial lickspittles who chauvinistically sneer upon even their own Mandarin speaking majority

    Furthermore- if the Chinese of Indoensia are so badly treated- why do they remain?
    If the Chinese flotsam of Indonesia are so viceless and saintly- why do the poor hate them?.

    Each country have their own investigative channels. When they deem fit for them to stay, and or if they could prove since Indonesia and Government have been proven to be so corrupted, that what they say to immigration department seeking protection were subjected to such intense scrutiny like you never know. So what is there to defraud when something had actually happened to them?
    Right that is how Singapore survive and not Indonesia.
    When you say chauvenistic sneer you should like the Indonesian says “Ngaca Dulu”.
    Singapore have never in any way lickspittles any country. Singapore is one country that will tell the US off right in their face and will defy any threat place upon her soverignty and as to your so called the Hokkien collaborators they made up of the richest people in Asia at least to say. None of you even come close. UOB, Tat Lee, Chung Kiauw, name it all Hokkian, are they collaborating with the Indonesians to make them rich? No arsehole..lickspittle are people like you.. example you detest the Chinese and yet you said you have a Shanghainese friend. sort of things.

    The Chinese are not going anywhere is because they have considered themselves to be Indonesian Citizen. To prove that they are nationalist that is why they choose to stay, unlike you and your Prabowo character who ran away to lickspittle the Jordanian King when his country near hanged him by his prick.

    Why also the poor of Phillipines?
    South Africa?

    So what about these countries? Have they pricked you in your arse? They are poor so they receive aids from International Community. Or do you think that everyone must set up a fund to cater for you because you are poor.. This is a big problem for you that is you cannot get over things becaue you are poor or unsuccessful Not only that you have not proven the least that your contribution to Indonesia have been significant enough that you need to seek to be outspoken in the IM blogs to show you sympathy you so badly needed.

    Rarely is there smoke without fire.

    Yeah you are right. If there is no Indonesian Officials who are corrupted, the country will not be so poor that the Chinese seemed and easy way out to vent your anger.

    The forum requires some balance not just for an overly privileged hostile, uninvited Colonial collaborator minority to constantly clamour for more power.

    You are do damn right that you are unbeffiting to be in these blogs flaring up, except for once those that may have lickspittle you have claim to admire you support in Child abuse.

    Raden- you are a very polite and intelligent individual- and you’re corrcet you may comment and offer your opinion.

    My abrasive comments were not to deride you or demean you- and being one of God’s many flawed humans- I apologise if so.
    Howvere I remind you your greater duty is Nasionalisme- Bangsa dan Rakyat selalu pertama: sebuah maja yang Sebuah yang di motong di tengah. Ketika lengkap= Patriotisme.

    Who are you to determine whether a person is fit or not. If it is right it is right. Unlike you when it it right you tends to say it’s wrong. And your abrasive comments were actually meant for everyone on these blogs and please don’t profess God to others when you were trying to pretend to be God.

    not any endorsement of the lies of the hostile over-privileged relic of colonialism intent on enslaving us all in our own lands.

    Go sue the Dutch, Sue the British, Sue the Japanese. What has Chinese slaves brought into Indonesia has to do with you demise.

    And Dragonwall- you ae further proven a liar, a fabricator and an diot.
    I have never claimed to be Pak Prabowo- it is it even Prabowo in the picture you utter buffoon

    And buffons like you should read carefully, that I never said you were, but suspected to be and I further siad that if it is he then I have one comments.. and so on. See how idiotic of your part. A buffon is always a buffon. I have not once mentioned your name or otherwise make quotes with your name attached.

    And remember I always asked you to “Ngaca Dulu” Why? You are using someone’s photos and now you are saying that everyone thinks you are him. When it is him I quote his name like Wiranto, Prabowo and Syafrie Samsuddin etc.

    Quite clearly I am not- would Pak Prabowo even be bothered to be interested or are their far bigger fish for him to dine on?

    I suppose this is also one way of fishing out the bigger fish to dine with…don’t you think so?

    Next time when you want to quote my nick..think carefully before you go on.. I said earlier if you come logger head with me I will take you out one to one….


    My childrens are Indonesians. We don’t lynch on the Indonesian Government or society.
    I am Singaporean I have every right to defend what is deemed to be defamative. I will also defend the rights of my childrens. I am in the US but my childrens and family are still in Indonesia. Why? Because they felt that they were born Indonesian and it is their duty and right of belonging.

    So keep going on with your propaganda and I am still waiting for what is to come on 4th November 2008. I will make you hide your face under this earth by making you eat up all those words.

  16. DXP says:

    eer … I missed all the discussion threat, is that true there will be a new threat to burn our Indonesian chinese shops & houses again on 4th Nov 2008 ? it is next Tuesday.
    If this is really true, don’t worry brothers, the China immigration gates will be largely open very very widely.
    China is immune to USA financial turmoil, our GDP growth used to be double digits in the past 10 years but now was slightly adjusted down to 9 % GDP forcast growth, we sent people to space orbit and walk on the moon very soon. China is a new super power country join the club of the elites as an equal partner of USA, EUROPE, JAPAN.

    Indonesia riot ? ho ho ho … don’t worry brothers … please come back home, we will comfort you with our nice cha sau mien, yam-cha, go ruo pao … , you will find plenty of beautiful siau cie in home country you can select from the race you like and live peacefully, richly in either HK , macau, shenzen, shanghai, guangzhou, etc where ever you like.
    We have abundant of land & new reform land policy, we have abundant resources 10 or 20 times bigger than Indonesia, why are you affraid ?
    The bigger the riot the better for you to justify to leave this country Indonesia.

    My Indonesian chinese brothers, please dont cry, we will welcome you when you arrive seeking asylum in our immigration gates and there will be 7 china youg beautiful girls to pemper you … in this case there is no need for you to die in order to enjoy our young china girls , we hv plenty of stock no worry, pls don’t die, enjoy live ! & eat more pork it is halal here

  17. Rob says:

    Dear All…

    The topic is one of the kidnappings and the purported attempt to raise the issue in the lead up to the election. This reeks of politicking and does not do justice to those families who lost loved ones.

    PN can say what he likes in terms of this all being manufactured and Chinese lies. Even where the victims are Javanese they would be lackies of some Indonesian Chinese overlord. If any of you take PN seriously on this one you are choosing to ignore a lot of personal accounts and literature that could not possibly have been manipulated by Indonesian Chinese or leftist NGOs.

    It is an interesting question as to whether there is a serious commitment to uncovering the truth. Prabowo was honorably discharged but the rose team in which he was allegedly instrumental in creating saw some of its members do jail time.

    SBY might be a little upset but then again if he has no skeletons in his closet then this would be the perfect opportunity to end this thing once and for all, clear his name.

    The problem is that you have to turn one to get the others. While no one turns this is not going to go anywhere. In any event, unless the committee has some kind of subpoena power these fellas are never going to turn up and answer the call.

  18. dragonwall says:

    It is about time

    It is an interesting question as to whether there is a serious commitment to uncovering the truth. Prabowo was honorably discharged but the rose team in which he was allegedly instrumental in creating saw some of its members do jail time

    And right, appropriately placed.

  19. Rob says:


    The about time, I get. The appropriately placed after the cut and paste from my earlier post, I am not sure what you mean.

    I guess my point about it being an interesting question was lending itself to arguments of it all being politicking and ultimately moot. My personal opinion is that the main players here are not far enough removed from power yet. The eternal optimist in me says “there will be a day” when those responsible will pay for their actions.


  20. dragonwall says:

    It is about time when some one start telling these people off and that the eternal optimism in you says there will be a day when those responsible will apy fot their actions.

    Sure there will be a day.

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