Red Scare in Bogor

Apr 19th, 2006, in News, by

The communist threat in Indonesia remains unabated it appears with the discovery of some “communist” graffiti by the roadside in Bogor yesterday causing much consternation.

Five hammer-and-sickle symbols were discovered to have been spray painted on rubbish bins at the front of the Bogor Palace. Outraged reactions came thick and fast. No less than a senior police chief, Brigadier General Anton Bachrul Alam, was drawn into the fray saying that he had sent an investigative team to get to the bottom of the issue, says Detik.

The police have sent down an investigative team to find out who did it and what they meant.
(Polisi turunkan tim menyelidiki siapa yang buat (atribut) dan apa maksudnya.)

said the police chief.

The symbols were found on 17th April and were quickly erased by city officials.

The Jakarta Post reports that the Regional Military Commander Colonel Edy Rianto also took a keen interest, commenting that:

We’ve been aware of their [communists] presence for a while now, but couldn’t take action because we don’t have hard evidence.

Detik also says that a pamphlet was discovered near the scene of the dastardly crime as well as a number of smaller messages. The messages contained the information that a meeting of the Communist Party of Indonesia was to be held, to which always-on-guard Brigadier General Anton Bachrul Alam responded:

The Communist Party is banned. If the meeting is found to be of a criminal nature then we will act.
(Yang jelas itu (PKI) partai terlarang. Selama rapat itu terdapat unsur pidana baru bisa ditindak.)

The president of the Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS), Tifatul Sembiring, also was concerned:

The police have to investigate the case in Bogor and act firmly against those responsible.
(Polisi harus menyelidiki kasus di Bogor itu dan menindak tegas pelaku penyebaran atribut komunis tersebut.)

and offered this advice on how to combat the spread of communism in Indonesia:

Students need to be taught that communist ideas are very dangerous.
(Misalnya dari segi pendidikan, perlu ditanamkan kepada para siswa bahwa ajaran komunis sangat berbahaya.)

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