Hugh Fitzgerald makes a fool of himself.
Hugh Fitzgerald at Jihad Watch writes about the current fighting between Muslims and Buddhists in Thailand, and connects it to past incidences of Islamic jihad in Buddhist lands. The examples given include India, where “Buddhism disappeared because of the Muslim invasion”, and Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
Anti-Chinese Violence in Indonesia, 1996-1999.
In respect of Indonesia Fitzgerald does not reach into the past of centuries ago but mentions that:
600,000 Chinese murdered by Muslims in the 1960s, massacres described as being directed at “Communist fifth-columnists” when in fact it was a Jihad directed at a non-Muslim minority.
Were 600,000 Chinese murdered in the 1965/66 pogroms? Is he claiming that in late 1965 and early 1966 the total number of dead was about 600,000 and they were all Chinese?
Or is he saying that the total number was (much, much) more than this figure and that the Chinese figured for 600,000 victims among many, many more non-Chinese victims?
The fact is most people killed in 1965/66, and the total number ranges anywhere from several hundred thousands to two million, take your pick, were not Chinese, they were poor, landless, or seen to be squatting, Javanese Muslims. It was a kind of jihad, but one not directed at Chinese, least of all Buddhists, but largely at non-orthodox, non-devout, Muslims, generally the “abangan” social group.
A separate post that touches on this subject is East Java Pogroms.
Yeah, those Jews”¦
This is a bit stereotyping, isn’t it
“But now they start showing their typical Jewish attitude”¦. whiners.”
And this is downright rasist although I am sure it was not intended.
I remember those events from a communist perspective.
At the time I was in Poland and the communist controlled media claimed a major plot against heroic proletariat trying to get on with the revolution and reforms.
I would be interested on your more detailed take on those events.
Especially in the light of what you said here:
It was a kind of jihad, but one not directed at Buddhists, or Chinese, but largely at non-orthodox, non-devout, Muslims, the famous “abangan” social group.
It was true more than 500000 people died in Indonesia, 66. Some even say that the number exceeds 1 million. But they’re not all Chinese. Most of then are Javanese, convicted as supporter of communist party. Million more exciled in Buru (if you’re intelligent enough, you must have read ‘The Silent Soliloqui’, by Pramudya Antata Toer).
And why don’t you you say that the killing started after the US embassy supplied a hit list to the Army? It was all backed by the American.
An formal organized Chinese mass killing only happened once in Indonesia. It was under Dutch Administration.
A similar analysis on the murder of Chinese in 1965 was also raised in Eureka Street which was later disputed by Jemma Purdey and Charles Coppell of Melbourne University.
It seems that Fitzgerald has a little knowledge on what happened in 1965. I’ve got the impression that he also just wanted to stress on the Moslem hostility towards others and sadly he completely ignored the context in which the purge has occurred.
I don’t agree with jihad.
I hate the person who bring ‘ALLAH’ names to kill people.
It makes moeslem become suck.
I don’t agree with jihad.
You are not a Muslim.
I hate the person who bring ‘ALLAH’ names to kill people.
‘Hate’ is a very strong word to use for fellow Moslem brothers. Are you sure you hate us?
It makes moeslem become suck.
I think you suck.
“Jihadwatch” is about as credible as the guy who claimed Valentine’s Day was a “Jewish conspiracy.”
It amazes me that cultural reductionism and generalizing hate are universal values!
A similar analysis on the murder of Chinese in 1965 was also raised in Eureka Street which was later disputed by Jemma Purdey and Charles Coppell of Melbourne University.
It seems that Fitzgerald has a little knowledge on what happened in 1965. I’ve got the impression that he also just wanted to stress on the Moslem hostility towards others and sadly he completely ignored the context in which the purge has occurred.
A little as in: not much. 🙂
Which part of Indonesia had the worst violence, per capita? Bali. And who were the victims? Reformist, irreligious and non-traditional Hindus. Who were the perpetrators? Conservative Hindus. Some jihad!
@ Odinius
It amazes me that cultural reductionism and generalizing hate are universal values!
Your statement above is just as ridiculous as, “It amazes me that sex is part of human instinct”. I am curious about your heritage, age and your level of education.
It disturbs me to read all about the killings and massacres. Is this due to the type of ubringing you receive? I am an anthropologist travelling the world to see which cultures produce a benign and loving peoples. To explore and see what kind of upbringing produces a loving and kind adult rather than a venomous and violent person. So that I can advise my government on social policies that will produce harmony and not killings, distrust and religious hatred.
Do you know that in the West, Bali is known for it’s lovingly kind manner of rearing children? To my surprise when I landed in Bali last year I noticed that until the age of seven or thereabouts, children had the most gorgeous smiles. They were kindly disposed even to foreigners who did not speak their language, were mischievous and full of fun. After seven they began to lose their spontaneity and smiles and begin to have the set faces that the adults display.
Set faces usually mean control and discomfort with their way of life. Don’t misunderstand me, the Balinese are among the kindest and most helpful people that I have ever met. They are a delight to get to know. They are also the most hospitable even when they have little to share.
But it does concern me that I cannot recomend to my government that the Balinese culture has much to recommend it apart from how you get your young to discharge their surplus testosterone at the festivals. That is quite brilliant.
We in Britain are very concerned with the ever rising tide of violence in our young and we do need help in order to reduce it and have a happier life.
I was a little boy then, I saw mass of people screaming , yelling protesters, those who weren’t lucky are long gone.
We choose for America, that’s our good luck!
I hope it will never happen again !
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Yeah, those Jews”¦
At first, I thought I like
But now they start showing their typical Jewish attitude”¦. whiners.
I’m not Moslem, and I’m not anti-semitic