The Perfect Woman

Sep 13th, 2008, in Asides, by

The perfect woman, and…other things, split from How to Get a Bule Man .

54 Comments on “The Perfect Woman”

  1. perseus says:

    Tomaculum wrote:

    I still wait for a posting about: How to get a white woman.

    Hmmm. I shall read the help file and figure out how to do a post and write it up for you!

    And I prefer white, intellectual, beautiful women without restrain open for any sexual practices I can talk with (bevor and after sex).

    Must admit my conversations with Indo girls have been handicapped by lack of language. I shall be heading over to study Bahasa later in the year :-). I would like to meet some sultry dusky maiden with a Master’s in something interesting who could hold up her end of the conversation from a culturally different point of view in the spa bath while sipping bubbly. 🙂

  2. tomaculum says:

    I meant with talking not discussing about shoes made by Manolo Blahnick or about Gucci bags, as you have recognized it, but about other “less impportant” things like cultural problems in a relationship and how to manage it. So it is not only a language difficulty.
    I’m lookin forward for your posting. 🙂

  3. Farah says:


    Must admit my conversations with Indo girls have been handicapped by lack of language. I shall be heading over to study Bahasa later in the year :-). I would like to meet some sultry dusky maiden with a Master’s in something interesting who could hold up her end of the conversation from a culturally different point of view in the spa bath while sipping bubbly. 🙂

    …don’t blame them then… you barely speak indonesian too… you right, you should learn bahasa IF you really want to know indonesian girl better

  4. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    @ Perseus,

    You’ll have to look long and hard for that. Recommend you go with what the situation gives you & accept that it might not be what you expected…

  5. Farah says:

    @ perseus

    Getting Mr Bule is easy if you are hot looking. Keeping him away from the hordes of competing hot looking ayam is the difficulty!

    …. hot means ?? dark brown skin, small nose, full lips, skinny and shorty (below 155 cms maybe??), or… the part that can’t speak english (made more sexy unique and mysterious??) hang around in bars and local pubs with mini skirt and 12 years old extra tight top..???

    ….. or i just miss understanding between that first “hot looking” and the “hot looking ayam”

    I don’t know if theres difference tho.


    Also as a woman, i THOUGHT ALL MAN do think about sex 24/7 and interested with anything related with sex or opposite sex (or same sex??) whether he is indonesian, asian, american, latin (they’re hot.. some of them)

    Go for Latin bules (Portuguese, Spanish, Italians, Latin American). They’re more classy, handsome and they enjoy joie-de-vivre in stead of working their asses off 24/7 for the sake of complaining on virtually everything. But you have take this into consideration. They’ll love their mothers more than they’ll ever love you.

    very true about the “love mom” things hehehehe…

  6. tomaculum says:

    what about Farah? Sounds like if she achieves Perseus’s criteria. At least she is combative.

    Also as a woman, i THOUGHT ALL MAN do think about sex 24/7
    We think almost 24/7 about sex, except while sitting in the john. Then we thinking about alimentations to pay. 🙂

  7. perseus says:

    …. hot means ?? dark brown skin, small nose, full lips, skinny and shorty (below 155 cms maybe??), or… the part that can’t speak english (made more sexy unique and mysterious??) hang around in bars and local pubs with mini skirt and 12 years old extra tight top..???

    ….. or i just miss understanding between that first “hot looking” and the “hot looking ayam”

    I don’t know if theres difference tho.

    Hi Farah,

    Hot looking just means very good looking with the nuance of head turning, lust inspiring, very good looking. If you go to the thread on the Top 10 Hottest Indonesian girls, the first I would describe as “hot” would be Number 5, Tiara Lestari. Number 1 Revalina is very pretty, the kind of girl you would take home to mother. “Girl next door” we often say in English for that kind of wholesome look. Number 2, Acha, is cute/pretty. Number 3, Agnes, I am happy to leave as “inexplicably popular” – she alas does little for me. Number 4 is cute/pretty. Number 8 and Number 10 I would describe as hot. Number 5 and Number 8 I would also describe as striking. Number 5 I would also describe as stunning. Actually, I would be running out of superlatives for Number 5… Gorgeous, a total babe, a dreamboat etc etc.

    Of course other men may argue about which of these ladies is truly hot…

    Personally, I like a tall girl so I find most Indonesians rather short for me 🙁

    I did meet a tall Sundanese girl on Bali who was a drop dead gorgeous babe but also a bit of a golddigger alas, so that did not last long 🙁

  8. Purba Negoro says:

    you said, “And cut off our infidel internet technology which is designed to perpetrate third generation neo-imperial, neo-colonial, Anglophone, world domination'”

    alas, the syphilis is spreading. Those sweaty nights in Pattaya and one too many gin and tonics must have landed you a rubber-less night with a lady-boy and a free gift.

    Ever notice the coincidence of high numbers of waria and bencong- (male prostitute [flamboyant] gays & cross-dressers for the English speaker) in the areas whitey lives in Jakarta- like Blok M, Jalan Bulungan, Kemang, the former Hilton (now Sultan), etc?

    Apparently the bules prefer cottaging, ahem I mean cottages when they stay in Bali too.

    no 2 looks like my former maid who just went off and got married
    Agnes Monica- vomit.
    Who’d go for those clammy Chinese green-card clawing talons of hers?

    Nia is a nice girl, I know her father quite well.

    But basically they’re all cheap and nasty. Just how bules like them.
    The greater the desperation- the more blind the love, eh whitey?

    One afternoon in any Jakarta mall with a camera would find you a thousand far more attractive, more elegant not to mention STD free women- Chinese and native.

    But alas, they have the disposal income to see the middle-age bules for what they are.

    Ugly sex tourists unable to land a white of equal calibre

  9. tomaculum says:

    Purbo Negoro,
    your last 5 comments include only complaining, wiggings, self pitty.
    What’s going on with you?
    Are you castrated or do you feel you have too small p.n.s, so that you have such a huge inferiority complex?
    Do you feel discriminated not having any change to marry (or just to have a date with ) one of those women like Nadine Ch., Nia, Agnes cs., so that you call them names?
    I for myself do not find them interesting in any way, except …… 🙂 (Ehm, I don’t know them personally).
    no 2 looks like my former maid who just went off and got married
    Agnes Monica- vomit.
    Who’d go for those clammy Chinese green-card clawing talons of hers?

    How would you react, if someone write:
    “Purbo Negoro? Vomit … This wannabe javanese brownie looks like my former kacung etc, etc.?”
    Btw: who is this Agnes Monica?

  10. MK says:

    Your comment made on April 16th, 2008 at 8:12 am … I would like to see that as well. That would be a good book!! I am corresponding with an Indonesian Lady myself. We get along We plan to correspond for some time. I will go and visit her soon to meet her and her family. She is not muslim so that is not an issue. We seem to have alot in common with the way we think about life in general. I’ve been married to an american woman, and believe me,,I dont think nationality prevents anyone from being mean when they decide to do so.It may impossible to please anyone all of the time. But if a couple is willing to compromise with each other then I dont see why they wouldnt get along. I treat people the way I would like them to treat me. I feel like if everyone just had mutual respect for others we would all get along a little easier. Im facinated by Asian culture in all forms. Noone I know likes violence or drug addiction. I stay away from bars and things like that because I think its a waste of time. Sitting in a bar getting drunk. Not all do that, but alot do. Just like not american men are bad,,but some are. Not all Indonesian woman are bad,,but some are. There is a positive and a negative to everything that exisits. What is a good or bad person anyway? Isnt it really just a difference in opinion? I hope the Indonesian Lady I have met is a good woman and has good intentions. I really like her alot. We talk about God, hobbies, kids, animals,food,work,crafts,art,music,nature,etc…. I worry about her being too good to be true. I’ve explained my fears to her,,and she done so to me. We both realize we are worlds apart at the same time we feel close to each other. Because we communicate alot we understand each others desire and future goals. I would like to talk to you about the subject of an American Indonesian marriage. Thanks for your time and consideration……………….MK

  11. perseus says:

    Purbo Negoro wrote:

    alas, the syphilis is spreading. Those sweaty nights in Pattaya and one too many gin and tonics must have landed you a rubber-less night with a lady-boy and a free gift.

    Ever notice the coincidence of high numbers of waria and bencong- (male prostitute [flamboyant] gays & cross-dressers for the English speaker) in the areas whitey lives in Jakarta- like Blok M, Jalan Bulungan, Kemang, the former Hilton (now Sultan), etc?

    I can’t say that I did notice any such gentlemen in the areas of which you speak – but you seem suspiciously well informed 🙂

    I did go to a few Jakarta Malls but, alas, I found no one quite as hot as Tiara. However, your taste is your taste and mine is mine. For the record, I am a playmate in the spa with a bottle of champagne kind of guy not one for lady boys or gin and tonics. Sorry to disappoint… Oh, and my last white mistress was a Penthouse Pet who was allegic to latex so we had to use special condoms made of some other substance. (I forget what, she brought them with her.)

    But if it makes you happy to believe that all white guys shag lady boys while slurping gin Ts, who am I to get in your way? Personally, Purbo, I think you need to lighten up a bit and work on your appreciation of wit and irony. 🙂

    While I am on my soapbox, you might also note that reckless overgeneralization is not the way to truth. It is the way to making yourself look silly and/or ignorant. Go for precision, verifiable facts, relevance and accuracy. This is the way of science which is the true path to world domination 🙂

    Here endeth the lesson.

  12. Farah says:

    @ perseus

    fyi… i am 173 cm’s my sisters also tall (over 168 cms) we’re all 100% indonesian citizen and i work to pay my bills, also i dislike d*ck head who’s think all tall and pretty girl are gold diggers (i am not talking about you here for sure).

    What i am trying to say is… a JERK is a JERK, no matter how stunning hot his wife is.

    And its also not based on what ever his skin color he had.

    @ tomaculum
    don’t offer me to someone else, i am not a “thing”

    We think almost 24/7 about sex, except while sitting in the john. Then we thinking about alimentations to pay. 🙂

    .. and that was for.. how many secs ??? 😀

  13. Farah says:

    @ MK
    Sure i would love to share thoughts with you 🙂 no problem at all

    btw how long have you know this girl ?

  14. tomaculum says:

    sorry, but I didn’t offer you to someone else. I just wanted to show Achmad, that you achieve Perseus’ criteria.

    About sex: that is the problem. We think very, very frequently about sex, but we don’t do it. 🙂

  15. Farah says:

    @ toma
    okay.. i got it..

    and about the sex..hehehe…. sure its two different thing..

  16. Purba Negoro says:

    I’m glad I hit a nerve.

    I only know about Bulungan as there’s a Chinese jeweller I buy cheap gold in Blok M. We go way back.
    Incidentally- his daughter married a Anglo-Celtic Australian when she was studying at uni and she sponsored her younger brother’s Permanent Residency.
    Unfortunately for her parents, cousins, step-cousins, god-aunties, made-up god-children, next door neighbours etc – the Australian Government closed that oft-abused Indian-Chinese family reunion scam loophole- so now only those of working age and high enough skills/capital may enter.

    I’m also glad my daughter considers middle-age whites repugnant. Thankfully she finds drooling middle-age Indonesian “Om Senang” men repugnant too.

    Is this middle-age obsession with penile gratification caused by enlarged prostates?

    Get your lady-boys to check that one out next time they visit via the the deliveries entrance.

  17. Andy says:

    One sad reality is this. There are many beautiful ladies in the archipelago who can never ever marry or mix with the bule culture. This is sad because the women who would make excellent wives are without a doubt the poorest as they have had to learn to cook, sew, iron etc as this is the only way they can make a living. They do these jobs for the middle class who can’t or won’t be bothered doing them.

    I lost count of the number of middle class women who can’t even cook a fried egg because ‘pembantu’ can do it for them. However they will be the ones to marry bule as they speak English and use the internet allowing them to meet bule guys on Friendster, Facebook etc. Also they would be the ones with both the money and social skills to go to clubs in Jakarta where the bule would hang out.

    I went to Outback Restaurant with my family and pembantu before I left Indonesia. She couldn’t eat western food she said. No steak or potatoes for her. She looked frantically to see if fried rice was on the menu. Now little things like that would pretty well prevent her ever having a normal life with a bule in the west not to mention not even being able to say ‘boo’ to her new mum in law. This is where filipinas have the jump on Indonesians. The kampung classes there still speak English and have an understanding and appreciation of western culture.

  18. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    @ Andy

    Sad? Why do you think marrying Bule or mixing with Bule is ‘happy’?

  19. Purba Negoro says:

    the underlying assumption we find is that your “Western” culture is somehow superior.
    Aspects of it are- but many aspects of it and common, odd expat male psyche are not.

    What is the problem with a woman not knowing how to cook, clean etc?
    Do you want a mother or a wife?

    How many Western wives would instantly jump for opportunity of not having to be Western man’s pseudo mother-maid for having a life free of boring houseworks?

    Maybe the problrm is- when expat return to your country- suddenly- not lord of all he surveys- but the facade soon falls away.
    He is yet another middle-class man struggling on a 30 year mortgage with minimal disposble income. Not such a prize catch- in fact better ones back home.
    Universal health and giving money to fat lazy unemployed will not wash the dishes or the other million chore a Western wife must do.

    Then their new exotic woman quickly finds Western life is far less pleasant, the food very average, and very unglamourous or easy as expat cannot afford the help she is entitled to?

    How many modern Western girl can cook these days?
    Or more accurately- will cook for their man (read: traitorously lower their feminist principles to subserviance to the Paternity) ?

    Maybe a better spouse for such an infantile bule who need constant motherly attention is to just marry his mother.
    Latin men would if they could. Oedipus was Mediterranean for a reason.

    I have a good friend who was former UK soldier. He is 70 years old and never does not trust his wife with his clothes, his bathroom cleanliness or his bed. Must always be army perfect everytime.
    He says he does not need a woman to look after him- he can do it himself.
    Kids can learn to cope for themselves- he even force wife never to make their sholol lunch or cook their dinner- they an.

    She does not complain- in fact- probably less tired for other more enjoyable marital responsibility…

  20. Andy says:

    AAB-@ Andy

    Sad? Why do you think marrying Bule or mixing with Bule is ‘happy’?

    Well my friend, to not marry a bule runs the risk of ending up with someone like you for example.

    Seriously though, without bragging, it is clear that a fair percentage wish to be with a bule for whatever reason and that’s something you’re going to have ask them. If I was to say money was the factor this thread would be jammed with angry Indonesian women asking me to ‘please explain’. So I won’t guess the reason. But I will challenge you to this. If we ever meet I will meet you in a bar and we can see who is the first to attract a young lady. I have complete confidence in myself in winning that bet based on my previous form.

  21. Andy says:

    Purba-What is the problem with a woman not knowing how to cook, clean etc?

    Interesting….most Indonesian males that I know still prefer their wives to be housewives. See feminism hasn’t spread throughout the country as it has in western countries. Now i’m not saying I expect all women to be just like my mother. Of course an old softie like me just wants someone to love me. Cooking is a bonus. My wife cooks for me most evening as I finish work late. However, she rarely if ever cooked in Indonesia but she doesn’t mind and really enjoys it.

    Purba-Then their new exotic woman quickly finds Western life is far less pleasant, the food very average, and very unglamourous or easy as expat cannot afford the help she is entitled to?

    What is your problem with western food? I really craved a nice juicy T bone while I was there but couldn’t find one too often. Most steak restos in Jakarta charged 3 times for an aussie steak but after being duped a couple of times decided I may as well settle for the local product. I remember saying ‘this doesn’t taste like any steak i’ve ever eaten back home’ The only Indonesian food that I really enjoy is Padang. Most Indonesian dishes to me seem pretty bland in fact compared to Thai, Chinese or Vietnamese. But steak, potatoes and gravy will always win in my kitchen.

  22. Yummymummy says:

    @ Andy, if your definition of a good wife is the one who can cook, sew, iron, clean up house, etc, etc than you live in the wrong time. The last time I check, it’s the year 2008 when many male partners enjoy equality in earning money & parenting & value good relationship above everything else in their marriage. My brother doesn’t mind with his wife non-existent cooking skill because she understands him best, good motivator & organizer (which is what my brother needs) & also good mother to their children. There are many other good qualities that men seek in women whom they want to marry. So Andy, if you’re looking for a wife who can cook, sew, etc, etc, then, yes you better marry a pembantu. That way you get a wife AND pembantu. Get two for one price!

    I also disagree with your view that a specific food requirement would stop the village girls to have ‘normal’ (from whose perspective?) life in the west. Nowadays, Asian groceries stores are easy to find in many cities in the western countries. So, they can cook indonesian food if they want or can.

    Re calling your in-laws Bu or Pak, many open minded westerners don’t mind being called Bu or Pak. I’ve met many of them & they found it fascinating, actually. Some even go further with learning Bahasa Indonesia. Hint, bilingualism is a must in the future job market, even today a lot of big companies highly prize their bi or multi-lingual employees. So why don’t these so-called educated bules learn indonesian instead of pushing the uneducated ‘kampung’ wifes to speak fluent english?
    Good marriage will only happen if both partners do their best to make it happen, won’t it?

    @ AAB, good person is a good person regardless of their race or religion. My sister is happily married to a good indonesian & I’m happy with my good bule hubby.

  23. Purba Negoro says:

    Andy- we like our wives to be housewife-
    by definition staying home to look after children until they reach school age.

    Maids are useless child-minder- and children will become as stupid and mindless as the very immature maids if they are not adequately supervised.

    Wife works from home and minds and educates children- both my children can read and write age 2 1/2 .
    My son start cursive writing age 6, my daughter (youngest) much faster age 4.

    I was shocked to hear in Australia- some children cannot even read at age 5- occasionally 7- this is appalling.
    In Indonesia- this is a symptom of major brain problems or severe malnutrition.

    My wife is a postgraduate economist. It would be insulting to her, her parents and my daughter if I forced her to waste her talents for the benefit of my fragile ego.

    I know many, many educated families- lower middle-class and upwards to former Ministers. Maybe 40% of these families- the woman earns much more- but the husband would nto sacrifice that extra money for petty ego.
    Both parents work- sometimes due to economic necessity.

    Amongst the low class- those who want a better future also work for it.
    My gardner’s wife has two toddlers. She runs a small warung selling “gorengan” foods. He begged her to take over his former jamu and illegal alchohol warung. Both are Muslim- and his alchohol kaki lima was directly in front of a mosque!

    Every father I know who has a sdaughter does not want her trapped inside at home driven insande by children- and none would ever want their daughter to sacrficie her dignity to cleaning up after her husband.
    That’s why we employ others to do this- it is not her job as a wife to be cooker/cleaner/carer/chaffeur/etc if the husband or wife has the means to hire maids.

    One former Minister I know- has so much money- wife and grandaughter down to 12 generations can just sit at nhome growing their bokohng.
    BUT his wife has been very active all of her years as his wife championing Indonesian art and finding corporate and Embassy scholarship for Indonesian woman to continue ballet overseas.
    Her children- all daughters- very bright highly educated women- one is a Professor at prestigious Universitas Indonesia. The other three are all doctors- one a prominent oncologist.

    So Andy- I think your knowledge of Indonesian is restricted to Chinese dandy men alone.

  24. Oigal says:

    I was shocked to hear in Australia- some children cannot even read at age 5- occasionally 7- this is appalling.In Indonesia- this is a symptom of major brain problems

    Yep I concur, primarily occuring in the rich elite and the “peoples” (lol) representives of Indonesia who view their childrens education as just another way to enrich themselves.

  25. Purba Negoro says:

    Oigal- today you are making no sense.

  26. timdog says:

    Andy said:

    the women who would make excellent wives

    Good grief!
    Well, Mister Andy, if these perfect women, who according to your criteria – as has already been pointed out – seem to me to resemble mothers/servants rather than wives, seem such a wonderful proposition but are unfortunately beyond the reach of all the deserving bule men out there, here’s a suggestion for you:
    Why don’t you knuckle down, learn to speak Javanese (or whatever) properly, learn to make do without you “T-bone steak” and put up with eating rice, and head out to the kampung and marry one of them? No? Why is the onus on them to be able to speak English and guzzle their steaks with relish?

    If we ever meet I will meet you in a bar and we can see who is the first to attract a young lady. I have complete confidence in myself in winning that bet based on my previous form.

    Absolutel every bule in Indonesia with even the slightest hint of self-awareness knows full well that this don’t mean sh*t…

    Incidentally, I believe you mentioned elsewhere that you were married to a Javanese woman (who you “came to Indonesia to Indonesia to be with” if I’m not mistaken – where, then, did you meet her?); after that you got yourself a Chinese Indonesian…
    Without wishing to suppose, or to load the question, were you in some fashion rendered incapable of finding yourself a woman of your own nationality?

  27. Purba Negoro says:

    Andy- I think you are either a very clever comedian or perhaps an ultra- Indophile specifically out to Indonesia shine like a,polished stone with all the positive comments your contributions generate.

    How arrogant is it to barge into a foreign nation and expect them to speak your language?

    Do you have that same attitude if you were to visit Germany, France or Spain- where they speak perfect English- far better than many Australians- but elect not to- as they find it insulting visitors do not bother learning THEIR language?
    Or are those with brown skin best known to you as servile sycophant?
    Phillppines kampung women speak English especially “Love you long time, me so horny” becuse Philippines was a US Naval port of call. Subic Naval base was one of the largest military installations in the world- it had 4 primary schools alone.
    Read giant whore-house- exactly like Pattaya Thailand (incidentally where Tiger Woods’ mother is from).
    Also- Philippines was a US colony.

    I am so sorry to find you feel our national and cultural self-worth and dignity so repugnant.
    I know plenty of Bule who have converted to Islam for their beloved. I know plenty of Indonesian women who have converted to Christianity for heir beloved.

    I know plenty too who have made Indonesia their new home- and I must point out a huge number of Australian and British love this country more than many natives- again I point to the huge input of expats in charity work amongst the urban and ivllage poor..

    Never once have I ever hear one niggling complain about adrfessing
    their in-laws as Pak or Bu.
    Because- in a society with manners and social graces- obviously not for many in Ostraya- in-laws are called MR or Mrs, or even Sir and Ma’am.
    Very strange many Dutch, British and American do not complain?

    But this is most bizarre: “Indonesian food is bland”. Not possible- we are the Spice Islands. Everything has spice. Maybe often too many.

    You can make a Thai cry like a school girl when he eat the cabe rawit children here eats as snack with tofu.

    Actually I suggest you may have a neurological disorder if your taste sensations are not so strong- it could be sign of a stroke.
    I am very serious- maybe you should check this out- and not because I like you- but because I don’t want your wife here again looking for another green card.

  28. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    Andy Says:

    September 10th, 2008 at 12:10 pm
    AAB-@ Andy

    Sad? Why do you think marrying Bule or mixing with Bule is ‘happy’?

    Well my friend, to not marry a bule runs the risk of ending up with someone like you for example.

    Seriously though, without bragging, it is clear that a fair percentage wish to be with a bule for whatever reason and that’s something you’re going to have ask them. If I was to say money was the factor this thread would be jammed with angry Indonesian women asking me to ‘please explain’. So I won’t guess the reason. But I will challenge you to this. If we ever meet I will meet you in a bar and we can see who is the first to attract a young lady. I have complete confidence in myself in winning that bet based on my previous form.

    Andy, you have to snap out of your White Imperialism fantasy. Humility is what Bule of Anglo-Celt heritage lacks.

    Why pick up girls from seedy bar in Blok M? It is not my cup of tea. You know you will fail badly with decent girls from the village or from elitist Javanese families, because Bules in general are known as sex fiends. It is unfortunate English teachers of Anglo-Celtic heritage (especially those from Ostraya) are giving other decent Bules a bad name. If you look through my postings, I am only targeting your kind as you are shaming the whole Bule race at large. To most Indonesian, Bule are Bules. They can’t differentiate between an Englishman, a French, an Italian, a Greek or an Ocker. Only those like myself can tell and smell an Ocker from a distance.

  29. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    @ Yummymummy

    @ AAB, good person is a good person regardless of their race or religion. My sister is happily married to a good indonesian & I’m happy with my good bule hubby.

    Mbak, you mentioned that your Bule hubby is an Australian of Greek descent. I have many Greek and Italian friends in Melbourne and Sydney. These are down to earth people who treat you as another human regardless of race. Ask him what he thinks of ex-convict Ozzie.

  30. Rob says:


    Not all of us Australians trace a history (or heritage) back to a convict past. Those of us that do maybe we are proud of it or maybe we are not. What is interesting is that revile those that judge you but have no pause for reflection when judging others.

    Most Indonesians I know are down to earth people who treat you as a human being regardless of race and then there are a paltry few Indonesians (if you truly are Indonesian has yet to be determined) like you who seem to focus on nothing but race.

    No need to retort with the “why can’t you believe Indonesians can speak and write good English?” I know plenty who write, read, and speak better than with a broad world view and an intellect to match. You strike me as a man who lives in a glass house and likes to throw stones!

    It is time for a new trick the bule of anglo-celt origin is getting a little predictable. Are Javanese elitist? You are obviously getting a little soft in your old age as you acknowledge that there are decent bules out there in Indonesia.

    Enjoy your day.

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