Cow Sex

Sep 10th, 2008, in News, by

A Balinese man is caught taking advantage of a cow, and how the villagers respond.

70 year old Nengah Sutarya, an elderly resident of Julah village in Tejakula, Buleleng, Bali, in early August was seen holding the backside of a cow, and it seems having sex with the animal.

The person who spied Sutarya was said to be a young, beautiful local girl. Upon seeing her Sutarya waved and called out, the girl came over and Sutarya engaged in some conversation with her, but continued his mating efforts with the cow. beritabali

A cow
A cow.

Local people are said to believe that their entire village is unclean because of Sutarya’s bestiality acts, and his punishment is to pay for the costs of a cleansing ceremony. detik

23rd October 2008.

The violated cow was dragged out to the sea behind a boat and drowned, as part of the cleansing ceremony. It was five months pregnant, and villagers believed Sutarya had impregnated it.

Sutarya himself went along in the boat, and threw his clothes overboard, as a sign that he had given away his cow romancing days. jakartapost

31 Comments on “Cow Sex”

  1. Rambutan says:

    Sadly, the cleansing ceremony includes drowning Sutarya and the cow (after it will be dressed in women clothes and have its face powdered) in the sea. In Sutarya’s case it’s only symbolically but the poor, innocent cow will have to die. Where are Pamela Anderson and PETA if you need them?

  2. Purba Negoro says:

    Hahaha is this a joke?
    That is disgusting.
    Almost as much as Australian woman having sex with horse. And American man die from horse anal sex.

  3. timdog says:

    That is a rather cute cow though…

  4. gOObers says:

    Hahaha is this a joke?
    That is disgusting.
    Almost as much as Australian woman having sex with horse. And American man die from horse anal sex.

    I think you are smart enough to know that this is not a joke. And this case is as disgusting as you are who are so arrogant and always put down American or Australian. I am an Indonesian and I don’t like your “kelakuan yang SOMBONG”

  5. Geordie says:

    That is a rather cute cow though…

    Yes, very pretty eyes…

  6. Geordie says:

    put down American or Australian.

    That’s a bit unfair gOObers, PN pretty much puts us all down and to accuse him of bias is patently untrue.

  7. Rob says:

    Sutarya must be a fairly tall fellow, well-endowed, or he was using a chair to attain the necessary height.

    The photo of the cow looks a little photoshopped to me…

  8. Purba Negoro says:

    Lol @ Geordie and Rob.

    Are Western women that bad that even bovine begin to look attractive…?

  9. Lairedion says:

    Rob said:

    Sutarya must be a fairly tall fellow, well-endowed, or he was using a chair to attain the necessary height.

    I don’t think no man is well-endowed enough to satisfy a cow.

  10. Permana Jayanta says:

    How disgusting having sex with cow. Now, this news is everywhere 🙂

  11. Mach Jabber says:

    Whoa. They didn’t burn the guy at the stake, did they?

  12. Rob says:


    I tend to agree! I think John Holmes would have had his work cut out in satisfying a cow.

  13. Purba Negoro says:

    Is it true you can tell its’ a 1970’s porn by the lamb-chop sideburns on his burung?

  14. perseus says:

    I blame Achmad. His vigorous promotion of pencat silat has corrupted the morals of the Balinese. Only by such perverse techniques could a 70 year old put such a smile on the face of the cute cow.

  15. Geordie says:

    PN asked the following: –

    Are Western women that bad that even bovine begin to look attractive…?

    And in response I say that that’s a damned silly question given that he’s been to, in particular, England. That said, and somewhat more on topic, here in Kenya the papers carry, it seems to me, a lot of reports where livestock are ‘defiled’ as they quaintly term it.

    Not sure what conclusions we can draw from that but bestiality is actually a crime here as opposed to in Bali where it, so it seems, simply is a religious taint requiring certain rituals to cleanse the village. Do I understand that correctly.

  16. Rob says:


    Are Western women that bad that even bovine begin to look attractive…?

    If I am not mistaken Sutarya is more likely Indonesian than a westerner, right?

    So I am not sure that your comment about western women is on the mark on this one. Not surprised that you would make such a remark though. Are you trying to divert attention from the fact that the story is one that happened here? If so, wouldn’t it be better to list a few classic bestiality porn titles from your collection?

  17. Geordie says:

    So I am not sure that your comment about western women is on the mark on this one.

    Rob, PN addressed this comment to you but it was actually Timdog and me.

  18. Purba Negoro says:

    you know I have the same titles as you. We discussed that last porn swap meet when you introduced me to that Ostrayan selling videos of his visits to orphanages.

  19. Farah says:

    euuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Fanglong says:

    It’s not the act which is considered bad but its possible consequences : here a man-cow monster.
    Genetically impossible. Just symbolically to be deleted in a kind od of (confused) Tri Hita Karana view. If you’re a tourist in China, for instance, in case you’re a male, you’ll be punished if you’re caught having sex with a Chinese woman, just because she might be impregnated & add a mouth to be fed, but in case you’re a female tourist, no matter if you have sex with a Chinese guy : when you’ll get out of the country, you’ll bring the possible fruit of your act out & away of China with you. It’s just an economic matter, nothing to do with taste or morals. Could be called “practical communal egoism”.

  21. Black Aghori says:

    i think the old man just want a direct contact with the Gods…
    Or maybe he was too shy for the beautiful farmer girl and tried to hide behind the cow…
    Or maybe he the girl changed in a cow…
    Or he had never seen a cow from behind…
    Is he a communist..?
    Or maybe the graas looks greener when you stand behind a cow..??

  22. the deep thinker says:

    I’ve heard from someplace that you get payed a shitload for discovering a new species. The old dude in the story probly thought, weeelllll in here on a farm, in my broke ass overalls and well if I can’t find a new species why the hell shouldn’t I make one? And I bet he was dissapointed when the cow died because dat was his baby mamma and she was carrying his new species. Sad because im also wondering what would the lil cowman look like?

  23. bayi says:

    If you donate the cow to Darfur or any other place where there is a famine, I am sure the starving people won’t mind its uncleanliness and additionally, many lives will be saves.

    Poor cow! She had to pay for the follies and the unearthly lusts of an old man!

  24. timdog says:

    I just got sent this as a link by a friend in the UK: it’s happened again!

  25. diego says:

    Do you think we can see this in the upcoming “eat, pray, and love (the cow)” movie?

  26. diego says:

    Could it be the case of “taliban balinese”? *)

    *) Just replace goat with cow.

  27. fabian says:

    ha ha ha….

    I almost fall from my chair, laughing about it…

    -Do this kind of things happen often ?

    Well….I knew that some australians, new zealanders and even gauchos from Uruguay and Argentina ocasionally have intercourse with sheep….

    Because they dont have women available, in remote rural areas..

    But here, this is exeeedingly bizarre, for the religious point of view, and the superstition that the old man make the cow pregnant….

    Poor cow !!!

    raped and killed !!!!

    Well…..maybe she is guilty for not using burka or hijab….

  28. lizardman says:

    i,ld have sex with her if i could put lipstick on her and called her dirty names.

  29. sobhana says:

    that is disgusting. i wonder what the offspring would have looked like.

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