Beach Parties & Riding Pillion

Sep 5th, 2008, in News, by

Aceh MosqueReligious leaders in Aceh worry about what young people are getting up to before, during, and probably after, Ramadan.

Beach Parties

In late August leader of the Himpunan Ulama Dayah Aceh (HUDA), Tgk Faisal Aly, said he was very worried about the popular pre-Ramadan tradition of visiting the beach and other sites of interest, called minggu abeh.

He said it was a custom in Aceh, as Ramadan approached, for people to visit tourist sites, especially beaches, and stroll around. He was particularly worried that young, unmarried couples liked to go to the beach together, fraternizing.

Going to tourist sites, especially for unmarried couples, is in violation of Islamic law.

Faisal said this tradition had nothing to do with Islam and it would be better if people got together to clean up the local mosque instead.

He hoped the provincial government would get busy in making a law to forbid beach-going before and during Ramadan. antara

Riding Pillion

One week later our hero Faisal had another complaint, this time regarding the practice of asmara Subuh, another Ramadan tradition, this time during the actual fasting month, when young people again go strolling about, or more likely riding on motorbikes, after having performed morning prayers.

Faisal said going about in the morning was not haram, and had health benefits, but when it involved teenagers, – boys and girls mixing together freely and riding together on motorbikes, – then it was sinful, and he again hoped the government would make a law to put a stop to it. waspada

15 Comments on “Beach Parties & Riding Pillion”

  1. sputjam says:

    I have never read in the koran that being together in publc places between man and women is sinful. Lying is sinful. And if Faysal can give evidence that the above act is sinful, then he is speaking the truth. Otherwise, he is a liar like all priest in any religion.

    A day will come when most people of the muslim religion starts to question their priest and imams their role in the scheme of things, and just like their christian brothers fate 500 years ago, imams and religion will become irrelevant once the ball starts rolling.

  2. Purba Negoro says:

    You can thank the Danish and the UK for especially these Islamics in Aceh.

    Had they not interfered- it would be under auspices of TNI and far less GAM terrorist not to mention no possibility of re-emergence of militant JI (Darul Islamiyah).

    They would still all be hiding in Malaysia where they are welcomed and treated as honoured guests.

  3. sputjam says:

    P Ramlee, a Malaysian born in penang, just across the strait from aceh, was considered an icon, is of acehnese descent. Travel along the west coast of peninsular malaysia and you will be greeted by numerous kampung aceh or kampung jawa.
    If it had not been due to the border, there would have been numerous more movement of people crossing the straits of malacca.

    acehnese are not the only people who seek refuge in malaysia during times of conflict. There are southern filipinos (moros and sulus) in sabah-east malaysia, thai-malays in northern peninsular malaysia, rohingyas from myanmar, at one time, kampucheans and vietnamese. That is why there is a UNHCR office in Kuala Lumpur. Many decide to extend their stay and this create social problems.

    TNI was wiped out during the tsunami as all their camps were built near the sea for logistical reason, while GAM was held up in the hills.Hence the peace treaty was due mainly because TNI was in no position to continue to fight.

    If mainly javanese indonesian like you had honoured the agreement made with the acehnese prior to the formation of indonesia, there wouldn’t be a conflict in the first place.

  4. Rob says:

    The idea that the Acehnese government should issue a qanun or two to regulate behaviour is interesting on a number of levels. I would have thought that unmarried couples anywhere in an isolated location would be forced to confront the temptation I am not sure that going to the beach is in violation of Islamic law though 😀

    What about the ojek drivers makig a living transporting men, women, and children around the place? Are they to be covered by this qanun as well?

    This may well be a first step in the segregation of society. Women only beaches for example! Single sex schools? The list could be a long one…

    But I think I need to change jobs because it sounds like a pretty easy gig sitting around all day working on ways to make people’s lives more difficult and even less joyful!

  5. torasham says:

    you never find or you never read…?
    in that case, maybe you should read the Hadits…

    anyway, that day will never comes 😀

  6. Enigmatic says:

    Going to tourist sites, especially for unmarried couples, is in violation of Islamic law

    How are Acehnese in the Services and tourism sector gonna earn their keep then?

    One week later our hero Faisal had another complaint, this time regarding the practice of asmara Subuh, another Ramadan tradition, this time during the actual fasting month, when young people again go strolling about, or more likely riding on motorbikes, after having performed morning prayers.

    And I thought the case of a Singaporean having to rub himself against to get a big O was not crazy enough.

    Conclusion: If visiting tourist spots is a violation of Islamic law, close the sites. Or better still, burn them. As for the ‘asmara Subuh’, ah screw it. Sell bicycles or rollerblades so that ladies don’t have to ride pillion to the beastly men of Aceh. After all, it’s ‘in violation of the Islamic law’ But getting these people to just know the ridiculity of the authorities would be best. Beats riding pillion, or beach partying, or cleaning up mosques.

  7. sputjam says:

    torasham Says:

    September 7th, 2008 at 12:52 am
    you never find or you never read…?
    in that case, maybe you should read the Hadits…

    anyway, that day will never comes

    Hadeeths is an old wives tale. writen by men of dubious background like cleric Tgk Faysal Aly.

    The koran never did invite anyione to embrace a religion. It simply says that a person will be rewarded if he is righteous, just, virtuous, and put his trust in God.
    Today’s religion of islam is far from acheiving this. Today’s muslim put their trust in their preists, who will deviate them away from God’s path.

  8. perseus says:

    Hedonism vs Religion. An old contest. Been going on for centuries…

    If the people of Aceh really want strict sharia law – then let them have it. And watch the young people leave in droves…

  9. Purba Negoro says:

    Hear, hear perseus.

    The Achenese Islamic Police are hated more than the Brimob.

    Young Acehnese want nothing of this Malaysian nonsense. We need Suharto to put these GAM back where they belong- on bamboo pikes surrounding villages.

  10. rizali says:

    Purba, Soeharto already six feet under. if he alive again, he will six feet under again for headache how to fight GAM. look how all army now against each other. wiranto has his way, prabowo too, late edy sudrajat across the corner, hartono side with tutut, continue..

    indonesia army is a joke, they devide and destroy indonesia. we know who behind hercules, late basri sangaji, john key, tomy winata, etc. all this criminal terrorize civilian accross jakarta because military back them.

    fortunately, mayority indonesia is stupid (65% more incomplete junior high school or less).

    the solution for indonesia is not military, but education. unfortunately military has no interest in education.

    to aceh, if you stuck with uneducated people, you end up stupid too.

  11. Purba Negoro says:

    Rizali- you obviously have little knowledge of the military outside of newspapers.

    The Indonesian military is the glue that holds Indonesia together- a necessary stabijlising force. Just sometimes the dirt and insect gets stuck on the glue and die.

    Sangaji, Key, Tommy Winata are all merely a disposable asset to army- they know it.
    Who do you think confiscate Winata’s casino boat? Who owns it now? Why does Winata need 24/7 bodyguard?

    True education is PART of the solution. The other part is the money to pay for it.
    Maybe you can give the money to the people- who chose to eat instead of attending high school?
    And please- which nation are you form?
    I can pull your argument about “stupidity” into many pieces.

    I am imagining because of your arrogance- must be Chinese or Malaysian- very easy targets.

  12. bigwhiteinfidel says:

    When I first went to Banda Aceh in 2003, several men outside of the Baturrachman Mosque (of course I wasn’t permitted inside being an infidel and all) told me that the people of Aceh were slaves to the Dutch and then the Japanese and now the Javanese. They felt they had Shariah law forced upon them by the Javanese government. One man asked “Why can’t everyone just leave us alone. We don’t want the Javanese and we don’t want Shariah. It’s like the Javanese are punishing us for wanting autonomy”. These sentiments were shared by most I talked to, from Banda Aceh to Pidie.

    TNI soldiers used to sell their weapons to GAM in return for ganja that they would then send down to Jakarta. I met a couple of go-betweens that performed the exchanges. While travelling around outside of BA we would get stopped by TNI and warned that GAM was in the area and they might steal all our belongings and kill us. A kilometre down the road we would get stopped by GAM and they would tell us to be careful because TNI was in the area and they might steal all our belongings and kill us. Honestly, I felt safer around GAM. None of GAM that I talked to wanted Shariah, they wanted the Javanese (Indonesian) government to leave them alone.

    What I’m wondering now is if every police officer or TNI soldier stationed in Banda Aceh is still driving a Mercedes, BMW, Lexus, etc that came through Sabang. Maybe that’s still halal in Shariah Law?

  13. Purba Negoro says:

    Big white:
    How stupid do you think we are- insulting our intelligence with such total BS?

    Acehnese by their own plebiscite in 2000 elected them their very own Aceh Party into power with FULL regional autonomy, all former GAM terrorist- who by popular plebiscite enacted Sharia law.
    Under Law No 44 of 1999- enacted by Habibie- Acehnese can chose their own system of law.

    In 2006- they elected Irawndi Yusuf- former GAM toerrist.

    IF Acehnese do not like it- they have only themselves to blame- but typically for Acehnese- they point the finger at Java.
    Typically- Acehnese are far too stupid and busy head bowing to King Faud to bother with inconvenient facts.

    Ganja is not even a cash-drug- you must be a very stupid bule.
    It is not even a marginal cash drug in the West. You can make much more money making meth using kitchen equipment than marijuana.

    It costs less than $1 USD per gram- why would a soldier sell weapons- for something worthless as household vegetable?
    Crystal meth sells for 20 times that amountin Jakarta- and does not take so long to produce?

    The intermediaries are Chinese- it has always been Chiense gangsters who control the drug trade of Indnesona- especially the distribution networks in Jakarta.
    Jakarta has a very large Acehnese population.
    GAM have many years used drugs as the method of financing their illegal murderous terrorism.

    So now- can you add 2 and 2?

    Do not believe for an instant any of ridiculous lies from Acehenese.
    When the Tsunami struck- we request Acehnese just sitting around to help pull their next-door neighbours bodies from their houses. They refuse and expect to be paid.

    Who is in charge of Acehnese Reconstruction? A Javanese:
    Kuntoro Mangkusubroto.
    Not even the Acehnese trust an Acehnese to rebuild.
    If Achenese in charge- all that be built would be mosque and pesantren and Sharia public beheading stages.

    Under Suharto 50% of all oil and gas revenue is given to Aceh.

    We have a common folk saying in Idnoensia:
    “if you come across a poisonous snake and an Acehnese- who must you kill first: the Acehnese- the snake is trustworthy and attacks only when provoked”.

    Hasan di Tiro- former ambassaor to the hated Darul Islamiyah started the GAM movement.
    Darul Islamiyaah soutght to impose Islamic law over all of Idnonesia.
    Darul Islamiyah is now the infamous Jema’ah Islamiyah.

    Aceh shelters, protects and sponsors Islamic jihadi terrorists throughout Indonesia.

    The blood of foreign innocents killed can be found all over GAM- especially with the Bali Bombings.

    If Aceh thinks it is hurting how- it has much to learn about how we can turn the screws. We shall not hesitate in punishing these crminals, murders and terrorists to the full capacity of the law.
    Sedition and Treason carry the death penalty throughout Indonesia.

    Under Megawati- we destroyed 50%+ of all GAM members.

    Just wait until we get SBY out of the way- and we return true patriots like General Ryacuduto back leadership position.
    SBY’s soft-handed approach will never again be replicated- once again the Acehnese have spat into the outsretched hand.

    The military was totally unaffected by the Tsunami- we took minimal casualties- less than 500 since 2002- including tsunami.

    Post election- Acehnese will think of the past 30 years as a picnic.

  14. Ish says:

    indonesia army is a joke, they devide and destroy indonesia. we know who behind hercules, late basri sangaji, john key, tomy winata, etc. all this criminal terrorize civilian accross jakarta because military back them.

    Agreed. There is too much corruption in Indonesia. The people are suffering because of the actions of the few individuals at the top.

    What I’m wondering now is if every police officer or TNI soldier stationed in Banda Aceh is still driving a Mercedes, BMW, Lexus, etc that came through Sabang. Maybe that’s still halal in Shariah Law?

    The hypocrisy of the Indonesian Military,is truly baffling. But you cant put all of the blame the individual police officer or TNI soldiers. Its the culture of corruption that
    permeated all the way from the top that created these conditions. The parasitic Suharto and his cronies, was chief architects in creating these conditions. I just hope that the current and future governments can fix the mess that he left behind.
    I love my country and I am optimistic of the future.

    BTW Purba Negoro you’ve had too much propaganda shoved up your behind

  15. Purba Negoro says:

    do not believe such BS- you’re an Indonesian and thus far more intelligent.
    Do you really think those lies are true- that’s 15,000+ benzes and BMWs?
    Not even in Jakarta

    if you truly knew how much money was in Yayasans specifically for the future of the pribumi- you’d eat those words.

    If you knew how Suharto had invested into the nation for the benefit of the pribumi, and owned by the pribumi, you’d eat those words.
    Yet some tales will have to wait to be told.

    Pak Suharto yg wafat was a far better man than many painted him to be.
    History will judge him especially favourably- a Ratu Adil.

    Sabar ya. Let the master dhalang finish his performance.

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