Maluku Safe

Apr 3rd, 2006, in News, by

The province of Maluku, the scene of a civil war only a few years ago, is now safe for visiting.

Antara reports the Minister for Development of Deprived Regions, Syaifullah Jusuf, as saying, while opening a national consultation meeting of the Association of Indonesian Christian Students (GMKI):

The situation in Maluku is already very conducive. Only those who do not know the real situation there still have doubts about it.


I have come here many times. I have even visited the southernmost places in Maluku namely Wetar and Kisar that borders East Timor to observe the security situation.

The Governor of Maluku, Karel Albert Ralahalu, meanwhile said:

I am ready to take anyone wishing to observe the situation to any place in Ambon to prove that the situation in the city is already safe.

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