Political Party Corruption Rates

Jun 14th, 2012, in Featured, News, by

The most corrupt parties, political corruption rates: SBY says Partai Demokrat is far from the worst.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has defended his political vehicle, – Partai Demokrat, lately beset with corruption allegations, – that it is not even the most corrupt party in Indonesia: antara

Recently there have been Partai Democrat members accused of corruption. The question is, is it only Partai Democrat people that are corrupt? We answer firmly: ‘no’

Speaking at a party function in Jakarta on 13th June SBY went on to bring up figures to prove his assertion, breaking things down regionally.

At the top levels of administration, from what the English language press unfailingly insists on calling “lawmakers” (members of the national parliament), through to ministers, provincial governors, city mayors, and regency heads, SBY said the Democrat rate of corruption was only 8.6%, with two parties having worse records. He didn’t name names:

  • … 33.7%
  • … 16.6%
  • Partai Demokrat – 8.6%

Moving downstream to the provincial parliament “lawmakers”, since 2004 Partai Demokrat had a rate of corruption of only 3.9%, he said, with four more corrupt parties:

  • … 34.6%
  • … 24.6%
  • … 9.2%
  • … 5.3%
  • Partai Demokrat – 3.9%

Minor league Demokrat representatives seem to be the worst, or at least get caught more often, as at the city and county/regency level constituent assemblies Partai Demokrat MP’s had a corruption level of 11.5%, with two parties worse:

  • … 27%
  • … 14.4%
  • Partai Demokrat – 11.5%

SBY ended his plea for understanding with

So is it fair if Partai Demokrat is considered corrupt?

20 Comments on “Political Party Corruption Rates”

  1. Chris says:

    So is it fair if Partai Demokrat is considered corrupt?

    Hell, yeah!

    PD has marketed itself in the past as a “clean” party, when in reality it is now no better than the rest, including (the other “clean” party) PKS.

  2. camion says:

    The vast majority of Indonesia is corrupt & dishonest,its the established culture.

  3. Chris says:

    PD’s treasurer got arrested in Colombia after fleeing prosecution in Indonesia for corruption; he is not the first person to do a runner, but I believe that is a first for a senior member of a Indonesian political party.

  4. ajisaka says:

    It’s too obvious that this party is not different than others. We’re not expecting to have a 100% clean and corrupt-free party; since only God has that excellency. But at least, we’re hoping to have a party who dare to admit that there’s something wrong in his body; and trying their best (by doing) to clean the disease.

    For me, at least, we will have a clean choice not to choose the corrupt party in the next electoral. And the only party who clean 100% is : a GOLPUT party.

    Aji Saka

  5. Arie Brand says:

    Is there any progress in weeding out corruption? Indonesia’s Attorney General insists there is. Not many seem to agree, especially as far as corruption in the “judicial mafia” is concerned. Aljazeera’s East 101 reports:


  6. bonni says:

    It seems like partai demokrat is torn apart. I remember the commercial of demokrat against corruption with angelina sondakh in it and now where is she? I have to say it’s the system that is corrupt. So, it’s sadly impossible to not being corrupt especially being a political party. We may have to do some reform like china.

  7. stevo says:

    We may have to do some reform like china.

    Yeah great idea bonni. Any ideas on how you can “reform” farming so ten of millions of Indonesians die of starvation, in the rice fields?

    China is a good example of how to crush freedom, not how to crush corruption.

  8. peterheck says:

    Corruption is everywhere I think. Normal and legit people have to fight for their freedom for themselves.

  9. bonni says:


    Sarcasm not detected…

  10. stevo says:

    Sarcasm not detected…

    Really bonni? I thought it was dripping with sarcasim. It also touched upon one of the biggest tragedies in modern times. Interestingly, the only thing you cared enough to comment on were your “feelings” of sarcasm.

    Maybe the Indonesian authorities are unable to clean up the corruption, because it may offend someones feeling or they may lose face.

  11. bonni says:

    Oh believe me we all have lost our face, and we even are not ashamed of that at all anymore… Btw stop mentioning my name will you, hahahaha 😛

  12. Oigal says:

    Any ideas on how you can “reform” farming so ten of millions of Indonesians die of starvation, in the rice fields?

    Just slap him Bonni, its just Stevo being Stevo.

    In fact, the reform of farm land (and farm practices) in Indonesia is a critical aspect of Indonesia’s future. Generations of sub division of land to successive sons and offspring have left the majority of Indonesia’s rural poor with barely enough land to remain above subsistence level. Worse in many cases, the rural poor are left to work as modern day serfs for various carpet-baggers from other provinces thanks to dodgy land titles and sleight of hand.

  13. stevo says:

    Just slap him Bonni, its just Stevo being Stevo.

    LOL it took the bait and waded in with the White Knight, defender of women show/act. Classic case of a guy selling out morality to impress a bit of pussy. Still I guess its his only trick.

    Oigal also seems to think death by starvation of tens of millions is an ok sort of reform for Indonesia to try out. He then gives identical reasons to those given by Mao in order to justify it.

    It does not surprise me, given the Oigal trolls view on freedom of expression. He is our own little resident Maoist posser. Of course if he ever had to reap the fruits of what he attempts to sow, he may change his tune and do what is right.

  14. bonni says:

    Oigal, he likes to mention my name for some reason lately, that’s why I decided not to slap him hahaha. Our cutie stevie…

    Just dont have any idea to solve the corrupt system here. That’s all. Too complicated and the “sama sama tahu” thingy. “We all know we know that we know”. From the first time demokrat made commercial promoting their party against corruption, I knew it was just a commercial part of the marketing. Because we all know we know that we know.

  15. stevo says:

    Here is a small taste of what Oigal has defended, and seems to want for Indonesia:

    His book, Mao’s Great Famine; The Story of China’s Most Devastating Catastrophe, reveals that while this is a part of history that has been “quite forgotten” in the official memory of the People’s Republic of China, there was a “staggering degree of violence” that was, remarkably, carefully catalogued in Public Security Bureau reports, which featured among the provincial archives he studied. In them, he found that the members of the rural farming communities were seen by the Party merely as “digits”, or a faceless workforce. For those who committed any acts of disobedience, however minor, the punishments were huge.

    State retribution for tiny thefts, such as stealing a potato, even by a child, would include being tied up and thrown into a pond; parents were forced to bury their children alive or were doused in excrement and urine, others were set alight, or had a nose or ear cut off. One record shows how a man was branded with hot metal. People were forced to work naked in the middle of winter; 80 per cent of all the villagers in one region of a quarter of a million Chinese were banned from the official canteen because they were too old or ill to be effective workers, so were deliberately starved to death.

    Here is a basic outline of Oigals plan to “help” the rural poor of Indonesia. What a guy !


  16. stevo says:

    Generations of sub division of land to successive sons and offspring have left the majority of Indonesia’s rural poor with barely enough land…

    Wow thats terrible. Maybe the state should “Collectivise” the farms?


    What a miserable piece of Sh#T….

  17. Oigal says:

    Dearie Me Stevie..get a grip 🙂

    It’s long bow even for you from the basic fact that traditions of breaking up family land has left many with the inability to provide for themselves to Mao’s long march.

    I would try and explain some for you but frankly not worth the time.

  18. stevo says:

    It’s long bow even for you from the basic fact that traditions of breaking up family land has left many with the inability to provide for themselves to Mao’s long march.

    My comment was not about that. It was about using China as an example of reform. My position was not open to other interpretations. By attacking my position you defended the indefensible.

    Your instinctive reaction was to appeal to what you thought would make you look good at the time, rather than doing the decent principled thing. I suspect this is a life long habit you have cultivated.

    I suspect you are not really a fan of Mao, but are happy to defend him in order to impress some pussy.

    Grow a pair.

  19. Oigal says:

    I suspect you are not really a fan of Mao, but are happy to defend him in order to impress some pussy.

    An articulate charmer as always Stevie however as I said I really don’t have the time to play with the challenged today but thanks for sharing

  20. bluemoejoe says:

    oh well , even after an almost two years frame time …. hate and disgust still persist it seems .

    while old fools and maggots still lingering around the society but haters were never even bother to loks up for the brighter side . provided we were never been “smart” to begin with . well , atleast my generation strive for the better condition in earnest ( hell ….some of my confidante even pay it with their blood and broken tooth and bones 😀 )

    well … HATERS gonna hate anyway …. so i try to make things short … we’re still in A NATION in TRANSITION …. so don’t expect anything grands and cute . and while it is always easy to throw some grandiose ideals behind the screens while degrading others ideas for not following his/her ass arounds . doing some changing on the ground and educating the masses for their lack of understanding about the matters was entirely a different ball game alltogether .

    while i don’t expect much from the unlucky jokowi&jk duo ( whom i endorsed and defend for the last 8 moths ) . atleast some ray of gradual changes for the better are starting to shine … and believe me , the real fight for the changes in indonesia are starting from 20 oct 2014 and thats going to be a bloody one

    and the changes were happens on the street not on some virtual world . and if you’re happen to believe that because some bullshit spewed around the webs and thing change for the better and we all can go to lalaland …. either you’re a delusional freaks or you’re a total hypocrite


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