Purba Negoro looks at Indonesian defence issues in somewhat mystical Javanese terms.
Significant terms for non Javanese:
Singapore aka Cakil, long been investigated as a replacement for Subic Bay Naval Base (Philippines) is currently enlarging Changi Naval Base (CNB) with covert submarine bunker-tunnels. Note: US aka the Rahwana Niwatakawaca has an Imperial footprint of 737 bases, with more under construction – 14 last word in military engineering bases in the KBR-Halliburton-Standard Oil Dukedom of Iraq.
Singapore is the Imperial COMLOG WESTPAC- US Seventh Fleet’s principal COMmand LOGistics and bilateral exercise coordinator for Southeast Asia. Singapore’s own navy has less than 200 permanent crew, yet 49% of Singapore’ budget is earmarked for defense.
Former Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid aka Bagong severely weakened Indonesia’s marginal strategic naval leverage via the illegal sale of sand amounting to 1.28 km² (0.50 sq mi) of reclaimed land for the blue-water CNB alone- now capable of accommodating one aircraft carrier, carrier fleet support ships and sufficient draft for US nuclear submarines. Supply is via automated robotic system.
The Dan Quayle-Lew Kwan Yew MoU (10-Nov-1990) granted US full and unfettered access to CNB with full right for use of lethal force. Mahatir and Suharto strongly opposed, criticising Singapore for exacerbating tensions, destabilising the greater Asian region and fomenting an unwarranted arms race.
The CNB forms part of the US hegemony doctrine of interoperability between Japan and Limited Autonomy Fiefdoms of Australia, South Korea and Singapore with goal for “full integration of C4ISR platforms and remote sea-based sensor stations”.
Concern lies with Pulau Seringat and what is claimed to be ostensibly a civilian 1.2-kilometre tunnel, depth 17 metres protected by 50,000 tonnes of overhead rock, carrying two 30 cm gas lines, two 30 cm water pipes, four 22 kV power cables and four 96 core fibre optic cables for telecommunications. Cost: $120 million SING dollars.
Construction price alone indicates extensive sophisticated boring of rock and suspected to be suitable as a submarine nuclear. Similar facilities were built in Finland, Greenland and Norway.
Commonly (and cheaply) submarine pipes/cables are usually laid in shallow trenches no deeper than depth 3 metres and do not require 50,000 tonnes of protective overhead bedrock.
Evidence of nuclear submarine activity is rife. Lately the Los Angeles-class nuclear fast-attack submarine USS Houston leaked its way from Japan to CNB leaving a visible nuclear trail detected by China and Russia.
The LA Class submarines are:
These submarines are very fast- but can be dangerous to themselves. In Jan 11, 2005 LA class USS San Fransisco struck an “undersea mountain” at 33 knots on route to Brisbane from Guam, killing one sailor, wounding 11.
Guam currently hosts:
Guam submarines routinely patrol the ASEAN region, and an incident or mishap is very possible. Thusly the Rahwana Niwatakaca and lickspittle Cakil seem to be invincible.
Cakil and Rahwana have openly displayed their contempt for Malaysia and Indonesia prior in the Yom Kippur War when an entire nuclear warhead capable carrier fleet was placed in the Malaka Strait.
Fear not Friends of Merdeka, Revolution and the Wong Cilik: The tunggul naga of Semar (Bpk Suharto yg wafat), not the useless Gareng (Habibie) or Bagong (Gus Dur) Punakawan and Adopati (lord) Arjuna Wiwaha (hero character) shall skewer the vile Yankee Niwatakawaca and his lick-spittle Singapore Cakil tusuk satay style via a newer Pasopati purba arrow.
To counter the unprovoked Imperial threat Indonesia and Malaysia have strengthened warm defence ties alongside warm relations with Russia and China to hedge against well-precedented US illegal aggression.
Two new Kilo class fast-attack submarines, two stealthy Dutch frigates near completion and soon to be laid keels for two fast Russian anti-submarine/missile attack corvette vessels will bridge the short-term. But alas Arjuna (Indonesia) cannot possibly outmatch the Niwatakacawa in brute strength.
Like Arjuna, virtue and meditation has gifted an ultimate weapon. This time not but many Paspopati Balap like the current Moskit SS-N-22 Sunburn (Mach 2.1, violent end maneuver flight path passive-defense) created to nullify any and all US AEGIS systems & naval superiority.
Not content with this Pasopati Balap, newer Russian anti-ship missiles with range excess of 200-500 km- singularly capable destroying a Reagan-class carrier, but of similar cheap deployment cost as the reliable Chinese YJ 82 yet equal to SS-NX-26 Yakhonts missile (speed: Mach 2.9; range: 180 naut miles) are in development. Soon a scramjet missile, faster than 4000 km/hr, skimming less than 5 metres above sea will be available.
Predicted damage of such a velocity would be comparable to a US Davy Crocket artillery-size nuclear warhead- a glancing blow as good as an outright kill.
AEGIS systems have 1 second per 28 kilometre (velocity of Sunburn) to compute a defense. Next generation will be 1 second per 56 kilometre- an almost instantaneous kill from less than 40 km. Cakil’s den of Singapore is 28.8 kilometres away, 2.7 km at the narrowest point. At such velocity- kinetic energy alone may make warheads unnecessary- truly a Pasopati arrow worthy of Arjuna.
Missiles greatly leverage: five ex-Israeli Argentine Exocets sunk two modern British warships; one Iranian Exocet cleft Rahwana’s USS Stark in twain. In retaliation Niwatakacawa’s shot down an Iranian civilian 747: but it is worth mentioning some honourable American Arjunas and Bimas serving this Rahwana protested, and even resigned in dissent.
Semar’s tombak sakti: trisula, jebeng and cis trisula (all magical spears) and those of his new friends – shall forever protect Tanah Suci Nusantara (Arjuna) from Raksasa Londo: Rahwana, Cakil and their pancasona (seeming magical invicibility).
Matur Muwen. Kepareng…
question for all the grown up boys here: what does vegemite on toast smell like?
The ??????? where Cyrillic and Mandarin Characters for :Freedom”- perhaps the font had problems rendering these.
Ah Vegemite Eaters vs the rent boys.. outstanding…Happy little vegemites are we…
Although for once assmad I do admire your turn of phrase..
Assmad a rambling site hijacker who resembles faeces….mmmm..yea that works
For the hard-of-comprehension or the comfortably smug:
in a nutshell
the whore Singapore has built a nuclear-proof submarine bunker extending under Sentosa to CNB.
USS fast-attack sub USS Houston is now in CNB- it leaked nuclear contaminated water all the way from Japan.
Indonesia is not only in the firing line between China and US-UK- but threatened by seething Colonial owner of nationalised plantations etc Britain.
Remember how US-Britain started preparing Australia for nuclear weapons via the Wimmera testing, the Queensland Daintree TNT tests (to determine how airburst nuke would effect troop movement in jungle) and F-111 straetgic supersonic first-strike bombers?
When we had you wetting your pants over loosing rent-boy Singapore, Sarawak and Malaysia?
Spitfires and Typhoons strafing evacuating civilians in Surabaya?
Malaya Emergency? Slip your mind?
Installing Suharto? and 7 (failed) assassination attempts on Sukarno?
I quote from a “your eyes only” letter from British prime minister Harold Macmillan to Robert Menzies:
“Dear Bob, I’ve had a chat with Jack (Kennedy) in Bermuda and we think you should roll over on this Dutch New Guinea thing . . . We’ll throw this bone to Sukarno, separate the Indonesian nationalists from the communists and then find some other way to deal with the PKI.”
US President Eisenhower:, ‘Why the hell did we ever urge the Dutch to get out of Indonesia?’
British ambassador Sir Andrew Gilchrist wrote: “I have never concealed . my belief that a little shooting in Indonesia would be an essential preliminary to effective change.”
Don’t worry- we Indonesians have a very long memory- and payback will be a bitch. We’re infamous for our savagery remember: Heads on pikes, shrinking heads, scalping, etc..
We haven’t forgotten ours and brother Philippines’ legitimate claim to your two little whores and “Ganyang Melayu” remains incredibly popular
I am very pleased that all this is keeping you awake at night, Purba. You are so very right about the whore-singapore-yankee-jew cabal that is out to get ya. It’s coming straight at ya! BOO!
Say what, so speed it all up and help you get started, I am now going out to give free blowjobs to any yankee-jew soldier who is lumbering along Orchard Road, dragging his knuckles. All for your sake, I swear.
“Wimmera testing, the Queensland Daintree TNT tests ”
Tee..hee…This is funny! Ignorant but funny
Folks — Oigal didn’t even tip me !!
The willfully blissfully ignorant have no idea what happens in their own nations- yet whine about others’:
“Operation Blowdown”:
Here is the video:
Operation Blowdown was a joint UK-US-Australian operation at Iron Range in northern Queensland, Australia 18/07/1963. The test was conducted to simulate the effects of a small nuclear detonation over a rain forest. It involved the detonation of 50 tons of TNT atop a 43 meter tower. The explosion turned the surrounding forest into a twisted knot making troop movements impossible
Aim: to examine the effects of a blast in a forest on military material and field fortifications, and to assess the hazards of flying objects (which ranged from splinters to whole trees). Data collected also enabled scientists to gauge what effect the destruction caused by a 10-kiloton tactical nuclear bomb detonated in a jungle might have on troop and vehicle movement.
In 2001 New Scientist magazine claimed that declassified Australian Government documents indicated that Operation Blowdown. According to New Scientist, a medal citation for an Australian sergeant involved in Operation Blowdown describes the explosion as ‘an airburst nuclear device’.
And from the Australian Government:
“A toxic legacy : British nuclear weapons testing in Australia”
British nuclear tests at Maralinga occurred between 1955 and 1963 at the Maralinga site, part of the Woomera Prohibited Area, in South Australia. A total of seven major nuclear tests were performed, with approximate yields ranging from 1 to 27 kilotons.”
Three tests began in September 1963, codenamed Tadje, Biak and Taranak”
F-111 supersonic strategic first strike bomber:
General Dynamics F-111 is an American medium-range strategic bomber, reconnaissance, and tactical strike aircraft designed in the 1960s.
“The USAF’s Tactical Air Command (TAC) was largely concerned with the fighter-bomber and deep strike/interdiction roles, which in the early 1960s still focused on the use of tactical nuclear weapons. ”
The British East India Company whore-ation of Singapore and its’
Colonial Viceroy vetting college Raffles’ Institution:
* Lee Kuan Yew, Prime Minister of Singapore
* Goh Chok Tong, Prime Minister of Singapore
* Dr S Jayakumar, Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore and Minister for Law (2005 – )
* Lim Bo Seng, World War II “hero” (British collaborator)
* Encik Yusof Ishak, 1st President of Singapore (1959-1970)
* Aziz Ishak, Malayan freedom fighter and former Malaysian cabinet minister
* Benjamin Henry Sheares, 2nd President of Singapore (1971-1981)
* Wee Kim Wee, 4th President of Singapore (1985-1993)
* S Rajaratnam, Minister for Foreign Affairs (1965 – 1980), Deputy Prime Minister (Foreign Affairs) of Singapore (1980 – 1984), Senior Minister of Singapore (1985 – 1988).
* Abdullah Tarmugi, Speaker of the Parliament of Singapore (2002 – )
* Tun Sardon Jubir, former Malaysian cabinet minister and Penang state governor.
Want more evidence of British Imperialism- all for rubber and oil- ask me.
Plenty of damning evidence.
“Maralinga occurred between 1955 and 1963 at the Maralinga site, part of the Woomera Prohibited Area, in South Australia.”
Laugh..Trouble is when you cut n paste with no real knowledge then you are bound to get caught up with a bizarre mish mash of fact n fiction which only highlight your stupidity.
Here’s a couple of tips to help you frame a semi logical point PN..
Check your locations on map before you start defining areas, you may want to check you place name spelling as well…Do some of your own research rather than silly little cut n pastes..have fun
As for thes rest of your evidence…it’s still amusing…its da JOOWS, I tell ya da JOOWS
Oigal- wimmera and woomera are very closely spelt.
Aside from the spelling mistake- all else is accurate. Prove me wrong on the facts.
South Australian desert was chosen due to prevailing winds whicc would blow fallout over uninhabited desert.
1963- end of testing
1963-5 Konfrontasi/Malay Emergency
1965 CIA-Mi6 regime change installing Suharto Konfrontasi ends
Perhaps you can ask your Aboriginal slaves who now glow in the dark about South Australian nuclear testing?
I am thoroughly pleased you find your Australian trait of total ignorance amusing.
Actually no they are not..In fact Wimmera is few thousand miles away from Woomera and has nothing to to with Rockets…
Maralinga is no where near Woomera….D/Tree sorry wrong yet again..
Ignorance in some is bliss in your case an artform..
Let’s see, spelling errors, geographically incorrect are least of your worries
Aside from the spelling mistake- all else is accurate. Prove me wrong on the facts.
What facts? Aside from an incoherent rant its difficult to determine what point if any you are making..but you do provide mild amusement with your inability to structure any point that does not involve badly performed cut n paste from various sources to support a strawman agrument.. YAWN
The phrase:
“An aussie wouldn’t know their own sh*t from clay” is entirely appropriate:
from wikipedia just now:
“British nuclear tests at Maralinga occurred between 1955 and 1963 at the Maralinga site, part of the Woomera Prohibited Area”
A quick search on Google maps also confirms this.
You Australian stupidity is infuriating:
Here it is very simply no big words.
Britain and Australia terrified of Sukarno and his “21 million man call” to crush Malaysia.
Sukarno also threatened to nationalise SHell, Stanvac and Caltex.
Britain and Aussie puppet wet their trousers. Menzies very afraid of pro Communist Indonesia taking Papua New Guinea- a stone’s throw from whale farm of Darwin.
Malaysia engineered to protect Britiish tin, rubber and petroleum. Singapore is created as strategic free-trade port and US naval base.
Britain and Australia receive little encouragement from either JFK or LBJ- decide strategic 10-20 kiloton nuclear weapon may be needed.
Britain, Australia and CIA remove Sukarno and install Suharto in fake coup d’etat.
Perhaps instead of gormandizing, you can read a book- also written by an Aussie. I’m sure it has pretty opictures too. “The Frightened Country”, Macmillan,
Melbourne, 1979.- Renouf is the authour.
And “Ganyang Melayu/Crush Malaysia” remains still very popular.
PS- I just spent some time looking at 1960’s atlas.
Daintree and Iron Range jungle were once linked.
A few things I agree with this article.
1) The point where we should get PRC or Russia to counter Singapore+US alliance. And I’m not being sarcastic. On the flipside they’re exposing themselves here. If Russia go to war with USA Singapore is in deep trouble.
2) Singapore’s insensitivity by getting American help when they are sandwiched between Muslim countries. Then again it’s THEIR version of detterence policy. Singapore is nicknamed Israel of the East for a reason here. However, while Israel was carved out unwillingly out of Palestine Territories (Sorry for historical errors, I’m still doing Cold War for my Junior College 1st year history course and move onto Israel only next year) while Singapore was booted out of Malaysia for screwing up the geographical makeup of Malaya (majority Chinese population in SGP, countering the Malay majority). But trust me, Singapore isn’t famous for being considerate to others. Their support for the war in Iraq is a good example.
Still at the end of the day I just hope that all parties can get along well with one another.
Personally Purbo, we need more citations for your sources.
And if you’re wondering how America can be destroyed (by the Chinese or anyone else) here’s a link.
Laugh.. Can’t even save you from your own stupidity..
For the sake of Geography in nothing else..
Wimmera is region in Western Victoria approx 1700Km from Woomera. Maralinga is the far west of South Australia about 360 KM by air (approx 600km by road) from Woomera on the Stuart Hwy.
Iron Range is connect to Daintree..mmm. only if you call 600Km of intervening jungle and hills joined (Kinda like Manila and Jakarta are joined hey..)
Of course if you are going to quote the Woomera (not Wimmera) Testing Range, pays to be bit careful as it covers an area the size of England and with your obvious inability to grasp the basics of navigation, not an area one would suggest you should blunder into to.
Considering the 360Km is the closest you have got to getting things right perhaps best you stay at home more…On the plus side, you aint a pilot..
As for the rant..Laugh..its funny..well done
Enigmatic.. PN does not need any more citations or references, they can all be found out..
http://WWW.conspiracies-are-us.com or http://www.It‘s da joows fault.com or http://www.where-the-f-am I.com
Oigal Says:
August 13th, 2008 at 11:36 am
Laugh.. Can’t even save you from your own stupidity..
For the sake of Geography in nothing else..Wimmera is region in Western Victoria approx 1700Km from Woomera. Maralinga is the far west of South Australia about 360 KM by air (approx 600km by road) from Woomera on the Stuart Hwy.
Iron Range is connect to Daintree..mmm. only if you call 600Km of intervening jungle and hills joined (Kinda like Manila and Jakarta are joined hey..)
Of course if you are going to quote the Woomera (not Wimmera) Testing Range, pays to be bit careful as it covers an area the size of England and with your obvious inability to grasp the basics of navigation, not an area one would suggest you should blunder into to.
Considering the 360Km is the closest you have got to getting things right perhaps best you stay at home more…On the plus side, you aint a pilot..
As for the rant..Laugh..its funny..well done
Enigmatic.. PN does not need any more citations or references, they can all be found out..
http://WWW.conspiracies-are-us.com or http://www.It’s da joows fault.com or http://www.where-the-f-am I.com
Thanks for the links. Might use them next year for my Hist paper?
I am glad your own ignorance is a source of great amusement.
I said Wooomera and Maralinga form the same weapons test site.
Sorry- that is a fact.
I mispelt Woomera as Wimmera- they are very similar in spelling.
Is Melbourne related to Mill Byrne? Yes- Melbourne is the Australian corruption- most likely due to high Australian illiteracy rates vbeing very much in same category as US.
Maralinga Test Site for “wewak” nuclear devicce is 200 miles approx from Coober Pedy.
Woomera Test Site coves 127,000 sq km.
Jakarta and Manila are 1,730 nautical miles apart- almost 3,000 km.
But I am guessing concepts of scale elude the Australian whale
Daintree and Iron Range base are less than 200 miles apart. In the 1960s Daintree extended further North.
You may check here:
Lariedon- I am sorry, those who use drugs escape a reality too confronting for their internal weaknesses to cope with.
You may check all of my facts- there are many Government and Military sources too-
Naval Intel Open Source:
US Navy:
There are other sources- which cover same info- which I am not able to divulge.
Australian Nuclear bunker- “Mercator”:
Laugh..Daintree shrunk? (Dang Jews?)….127000Sq km (no kidding btw how big is England? 200 Miles (actually its more but hey) is an acceptable margin of error..as I said we are all happy you are an amusing xenophobe nutter and not a pilot.
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Hi PN — like the jist of this — it’s good to let foreigners know just how barbaric they really are. I’d recommend, though, you break it down for them really, really, simple in the first two or three pararaphs. The likes of Oigal have never read anything longer than the label on a vegemite jar (vegemite = popular Australian food that resembles faeces).