The lovely Zaskia Adya Mecca has been enlisted in an anti-abortion campaign in south Sulawesi.
Zaskia Adya Mecca
Zaskia Adya Mecca, 18, for those who don’t know of her talents, is an Indonesian soap opera, or sinetron, star. Her most acclaimed performance, as these things go, has been in the serial Kiamat Sudah Dekat, (Judgement Day is Near). She has been enlisted by the organisers of an anti-free sex and anti-abortion campaign in the provincial capital of Makassar who hope that she will deliver the message:
Virginity, yes!…, free sex, no!… and abortion, no!
Not a bad message at all to be delivering of course. The campaign is run by the government family welfare agency, a company called “Media Solutions”, and a branch of the state telecoms provider.
Fit For A Harem.
Zaskia has been chosen, said Rudi Iman Prasetyo of Media Solutions, because she is a well-behaved girl and a modest dresser thus making her a good role model for young women.
Cover Yourself With This.
Apiaty Amin Syam of the family welfare body, in explaining the reasons for the campaign, talked of hymens:
Virginity is not just a matter of the hymen, it’s much more than that, it is related to the problem of abortion.
He then went on to mention the high moral standards which are to be seen everywhere one looks in Indonesia, what with the child beggars in rags at every set of traffic lights, the 6th worst level of corruption in the world, slothful fatalism among the masses.
And, if viewed from a socio-cultural and religious perspective, the phenomenon of free sex is not appropriate in a culture that always holds high standards in morality and religion.
She’s inspiring me to be a better one.
Zaskia, I don’t know what can i tell for you…
I just wanna say that I want you to be my ‘siti aisyah’
zaskia, Allah swt give u the best part n no word i can tell for u…..u trully georgeous woman!! I really want have children from u n growth old with u!!!
u are so great.
im just to meet u?
Dear Zaskia,
I hope you are able to “istiqomah” on this struggle for the whole of your life. I support you hollystically. I encourage you to continuously doing this campaign to evry body. Love U Zaskia:)
I hope you are able to “istiqomah” on this struggle for the whole of your life. I support you hollystically. I encourage you to continuously doing this campaign to evry body. Love U Zaskia.I’m felling
assalamualaikum wr.wb. zaskia
I am Indonesian. I really admiring u for ur role in kiamat sudah dekat.
u also very beautiful. as beautiful as ur behaviour. I really want u to be my wife. to build a sakinah family with u. and have sholeh and sholehah child from u. if u want to become my wife, i promise I will trying as hard as i can to make u happy. I will do anything for u. zaskia, please marry me!
call me at
if u read my long message, please call me. I’m not a bad person.
Asalaam alaykum sister,
All praise is due to Allah, the lord of the alamin. May Allhat guide us and grant us paradise (ameen).
Firstly I would like to mention that u r a truely beautiful woman. Secondly, and being most important to me I would like to send u a private email whereby, I can be honest about how I feel in regards to ur status as a soap opera. I was just browsing through to find ur picture on the web site and ur occupation. I would like to get to know u better, as they say “first impressions count!”. My email address is
Take care and may Allah make us better Muslims (Ameen).
p.s. I hope I haven’t offended u in anyway. If I have, then, please forgive me.
Wa alaykum asalaam
zaskia u r so beautifull
hope to meet u soon…..
zaskia looks pretty Moslem. subhanAllah, I can’t say more comment because influent in english so may be I can introduce with her and become her friend
zaskia is one of example that indicated true Muslimah that Islam religion wanted…
it was suppostube every women in this world following her!!, she have verry good of attitude an plany of more..
the last from me.., it was honnor for me if i can have sillaturrahmi with her.. and be her friend!!
I’m not a Moslem and am glad you are willing to be a role model for so many girls in Indonesia. I think it is time for people to stand for the right thing and be a positive influence to the society. Keep up the good work!
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Since I’m no longer residing in Indonesian I might say, i lose contact of all that happens regularly on the tv show in Indonesia and to tell u the truth, i regret it!!! i Luv Indonesia like i love myself…lyk my soul and I know this does huv nuthin to do with it so to get to the point…this is the first time to how i get to know u, i mean mentally not physically. First time in my life i happen to see and find an Indonesian actress who is young and gorgeous lookin woman who happens to think bout her country as a whole n towards it religiously. This is the first EVER Indonesian actress that i happen to see who is…ohh how can i say this…”wearing the hijab thing”. n this makes me think that “Ohh Islam is still there”.it enlightens me too…
I’ve never in my life watchin all kinds of Indonesian movie or soap opera which has a girl/woman wearing a hijab.NEVER!!! other than when it comes to a religious soap opera. I’ve always thought, “yes they are Muslims but never thought to think of wearin it, maybe they might have think its uncool to wear hijab or may i say “scarf” over their head?”
N oh well..maybe im wrong,when i first look at you, first realising you were there…I think twice n inspired u alot!!! ur 18 i gess rite? n by looking at you, it makes me think “weheyyy u enlightened Islam there!!!”
i admired u alot!!! n may Allah bless u all the way…
im hoping to watch ur show “KIAMAT SUDAH DEKAT”…..but considering im way way wayyyyy too far from Indonesia, i jst never get to follow up the tv show n i dunno how im able to watch it!! T.T oHh godd hikxx
bUt neway..keep up the good work sis!!!
hopefully insya Allah we’ll get to contact via email each other..n would love to hav a conversation with u bout Islam =) or maybe u culd be my Islamic tutor heHee…
itee I said enuff…
Allah Bless u always..Aminnn
oh, zaskia…
I proud of u to be a reAl moSlem
be istiqomah. key : )
ass. my name is umar, i’d like to be one of your friend
zaskia such a beautiful young moeslimah, I hope you keep your’re istiqomah wearing that beautiful shield the jilbab. thanks.wass
asalamualikum wr wb
u are my dream girl….I can’t say anything about u…
just keep smile n keep move in the way of Allah….
Zaskia…do you be my wife ?!!!
assamualaikum wr wb
i like you , you’ re my inspiring me
if you read my mesage please call me in
zaskia adya mecca, you are the beautiful Muslimah, nice girl, and I hope you keep istiqomah in 4JJI sight.amin. you’re inspiring me to be a better Muslimah
may God bless you:)
Zaskia….. I hope you always keep your istiqomah. I really want to be your friend, please visit me at
you’re smart girl and you’re beutiful girl and you’re my best sister ! I want to meet you kak ia ! i love you
zaskia i love u, penuh jati diri bangsa. love u .
aku ngefansssss banget
Assalamualaikum Ukhti.
Zaskia I hope you can be “Bidadari surga yang turun ke bumi”.
And my prays will be with you, if you still “istiqomah” in “Jalan Allah”.Allahuakbar!
( ^_^ )Ai TMind,-
I only have a single word 2describe her : SUBHANALLAH….
Hi Zaskia,
Keep on behaving a truly Moslem young lady. Remain steady toward the rush of multiple unguided thought.
assalam. to all of male and ikhwan.. don’t believe with all you see… woman is toxic in you life, painful. But I realize now that da’ “se-ikhwan2nya dan setaat2nya elo, kalo liat cw cakep juga ngiler.” So don’t be naive to yourself with any one in your life time. May god bless you.
Now in Malaysia they are playing ‘KIAMAT SUDAH DEKAT’series!I will punished myself if i miss to watch it!What a lovely girl!Too see her face imagined that see an angel!May ALLAH bless you…One of the beautiful creature ever…….
keep it up to be a good Muslimah…..
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Zaskia: You are a true wonderful woman, the epitomy of womanhood actually. May you find a husband worthy of you, yet many Islamic husbands would brutalise you not seeing your worth. But just seeing you as a sex object you, wonderful woman, deserve more than that. May you be richly blessed. R. Patterson