Islam Revert

Dec 20th, 2008, in News, by

A teenage Australian girl from sunny Queensland finds Islam in Lampung and becomes a revert.

Kim, or Kimi, otherwise known as “KimDonesia” (Kim + Indonesia), a 17 year old Australian from Queensland, the Sunshine state, once lived in Lampung, southern Sumatra, for six months, accompanying her step-father who worked for a sugar company, Gula Putih Mataram (GPM).

While in Lampung she says she studied Islam, and was moved by the passionate devotion of the people there to the religion, and finally fell in love with it, particularly the sound of the call to prayer.

After moving back to Australia she converted to the faith, or reverted as she would have it. Here she explains, in rather good Indonesian, how she came to live in Indonesia in 2007:

In this video she explains her religious journey – from Wiccan moon worshipping, to nothing in particular, to Islam – she even has the pronunciation right, Islaaam, – and how living in Lampung and talking to the people there was one of the keys to her decision to throw her lot in with Allah.

Youtube Mission

Kimdonesia has in the short time since her conversion this year produced dozens of Islamic dakwah (missionary) videos on Youtube, and has a bit of a following among some Indonesians, at

549 Comments on “Islam Revert”

  1. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    A female Bule mualaf commands higher price than a male as Javanese believes females are more genuine. Islam taught women to be submissive and Kim would make a very good housewife for a Javanese man. On the other hand, a male Bule convert (especially a punk rocker) is viewed with suspicion. Many male Bule convert settled for second best with Chinese christian because Javanese ladies are not easily tricked.

  2. Barry Prima says:

    On the other hand, a male Bule convert (especially a punk rocker) is viewed with suspicion.

    You think that one really works for you doesn’t it? For me Indonesia and malaysia are the only place in the islamic world where a punk muslim is not viewed with suspicion, there are more punks and esp skinheads in these places than in Europe! In Arabic countries, I keep that punk rock stuff well and truly hidden. Besides it’s not like I walk around with a mohawk!

    Many male Bule convert settled for second best with Chinese christian because Javanese ladies are not easily tricked.

    ????? Where did you get this piece of information from??? I thought you suggested bule revert was a disguise to get underage boys or block m princess previously? Now this?
    Chinese girls in Indo are not easily tricked, they are very wary of outsiders including bules, any good chinese girl would be very cautious of marrying a muslim, let alone a foreign one, imagine the stick from the parents! The Javanese girls (generally) are easily the second best here, it’s a job fighting them off, even when your walking hand in hand with the wifey.

  3. Berlian Biru says:

    “In this video she explains her religious journey – [b]from Wiccan moon worshipping[/b], to nothing in particular, to Islam”

    I think that probably tells you all you need to know about this girl’s “conversion”, she’ll be on to Scientology by the time she’s thirty (if she hasn’t self detonated in some Iraqi market by then).

  4. fullmoonflower says:

    Bule muallaf?
    Sudah biasa kalee.. Sudah banyak kok.. hehe

    Most of “Debu” music group’s members are bules, men and women…
    So, is it still a special thing to discuss about?

    It’s just about choice and ‘hidayah’…

    Just a human right…
    So, nothing to do just give her respect for her choice to be a muslimah…

  5. joao says:

    Just a human right…
    So, nothing to do just give her respect for her choice to be a muslimah…

    Educate me. Is it a human right too in Islamic countries to decapitate/ stone/ hang/ persecute/ torture apostates in the name of the most merciful Allah ?

  6. Lairedion says:

    Perhaps she can be Barry Prima’s next spouse.

  7. Pakmantri says:

    joao said,

    Educate me. Is it a human right too in Islamic countries to decapitate/ stone/ hang/ persecute/ torture apostates in the name of the most merciful Allah ?

    Rwanda is not an Islamic country, and yet they did all of the above and more.
    The Rwandan government reported on November 1, 2006, that 56.5% of the Rwanda’s population is Roman Catholic, 26% is Protestant, 11.1% is Seventh-day Adventist, 4.6% is Muslim, 1.7% claims no religious affiliation, and 0.1% practices traditional indigenous beliefs.

    I don’t think religion has anything to do with human cruelty, the truth is religion (any religion) has been used, abused and twisted by individuals or group of peoples to support their goal.

    ……………………… LOL.


  8. fullmoonflower says:

    @ joao

    You just asking to a wrong person, because I respect to pluralism. I (personally) hate violence, war, killing in the name of religion, ethnicity, etc.

    Anyway, there is one of verses in Surah Al-Kaafirun I held since I was very young (about 9 y.o) : “Lakum diinukum waliyadiin” (For you your religion, for me my religion), and this surah made me respectful to pluralism since I was young.

    I have a friend who was converted to Hindu, because she married to a Balinese. No muslim one from my previous company came to her wedding, but me. When they asked me why I came to her wedding, I told them that it was her choice, and about her religion, it is not human’s business, this is God’s business, and this is her own responsibility to God. So I came to her wedding as a friend, and because we both are human.

    Toh kita semua juga punya dosa kok, jadi mengapa kita harus menghakimi orang, padahal kita sendiri juga belum tentu suci dan terhindar dari api neraka. Biasa sajalah…

  9. Pakmantri says:

    Oh, there are more,

    Mexico is not an Islamic country, click here.

    India is not an Islamic country, click here.

    A crime is a crime is a crime, don’t blame it on religions, nor try to justify crime with religions.


  10. Oigal says:

    A crime is a crime is a crime, don’t blame it on religions, nor try to justify crime with religions.

    Sorry Mantri..The rest of the rational world has had enough of the sad little apologists and excuses. You can throw you as many misdirections and the three year olds excuse ” Waah..but they did it too!!”

    Fact is too evil swine are claiming religion as their mantle of choice (in which Islam seems to be a favourite selection at this time in History) for violence and intolerance.
    If the more rational believers of Islam really want respect then its time to claim back the high moral ground from the swine and stop looking for excuses for their behaviour.

    No doubt, that some Muslims are oppressed, as is an unfortunate number of any ethnic or religious group. To be oppressed or mistreated is not a purely Muslim issue and to claim this a some GOD given right to visit violence upon innocents is the height of arrogance and immaturity as a group. For fellow Muslims to ignore calls from adherents decapitate/ stone/ hang/ persecute/ torture apostates or non believers demonstrates a level of barbarity that is not mitigated on little bit by “BUT THEY DID IT TOO” defence.

    Perhaps its time to stop worry about what other nations/religions do or don’t do and look into the dark corners of your own religion.

  11. Pakmantri says:

    @ Oigal,

    Did I say Islam specifically? Didn’t I say “religions, any religions”?

    Perhaps its time to stop worry about what other nations/religions do or don’t do and look into the dark corners of your own religion.

    Exactly, and yet you sound agreeable with Joao and so worry about other nations/religions! 🙁

    The only things that make me worry are the rise of crime, violence, and intolerance everywhere.


    Imagine there’s no countries
    It isn’t hard to do
    Nothing to kill or die for
    And no religion too
    Imagine all the people
    Living life in peace

  12. Elijah says:

    May Allah make her intention to win Allah’s pleasure only.

    Sahih Bukhari

    Volume 8, Book 76, Number 431:

    Narrated ‘Utban bin Malik Al-Ansari:
    who was one of the men of the tribe of Bani Salim: Allah’s Apostle came to me and said, “If anybody comes on the Day of Resurrection who has said: La ilaha illal-lah, sincerely, with the intention to win Allah’s Pleasure, Allah will make the Hell-Fire forbidden for him.”

    Volume 9, Book 86, Number 85:

    Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab:

    The Prophet said, ‘O people! The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions, and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended. So, whoever emigrated for Allah and His Apostle, then his emigration was for Allah and His Apostle, and whoever emigrated to take worldly benefit or for a woman to marry, then his emigration was for what he emigrated for.”

    Volume 8, Book 76, Number 506:
    Narrated Jundub:

    The Prophet said, “He who lets the people hear of his good deeds intentionally, to win their praise, Allah will let the people know his real intention (on the Day of Resurrection), and he who does good things in public to show off and win the praise of the people, Allah will disclose his real intention (and humiliate him).

  13. Cukurungan says:

    Sorry Mantri..The rest of the rational world has had enough of the sad little apologists and excuses. You can throw you as many misdirections and the three year olds excuse ” Waah..but they did it too!!”

    Yes Mister Oigal you are 100% correct, this guy was only playing Taqiya

    Ha ha ha ha kasihan banget nasib muslim cinta damai dimusuhin saudara sendiri dan di caci maki oleh infidels

    If the more rational believers of Islam really want respect then its time to claim back the high moral ground from the swine and stop looking for excuses for their behaviour.

    But we prefer your dollar than your respect however at least we already executed Amrocy CS so tell us when you are going to prosecute your criminal leader

  14. Elijah says:

    Brother Cukurungan

    fullmoonflower mentioned the problem of ethnicity. I guess if Professor Toynbee is included by you in the rational world.

    “The extinction of race consciousness as between Muslims is one of the outstanding achievements of Islam and in the contemporary world there is, as it happens, a crying need for the propagation of this Islamic virtue.”

    A.J. Toynbee, Civilization on Trial, New York, 1948, p. 205.

  15. Adalrico says:


    Many male Bule convert settled for second best with Chinese christian because Javanese ladies are not easily tricked.

    That’s funny..because whenever I go to CJ, BATS, etc, I rarely see Male Bule couple with Chinese christian…usually Male Bule couple with Javanese ladies 😆

    (pls don’t take this seriously)

  16. fullmoonflower says:

    Kang Cuk..

    Ha ha ha ha kasihan banget nasib muslim cinta damai dimusuhin saudara sendiri dan di caci maki oleh infidels

    Let them be. 🙂
    They thought we (muslim cinta damai) are wrong, perhaps just because we guided by the peace verses in Qur’an.

    Ones of the verses are : Surah Al-Hujuraat : 11-13, especially the 13, because this verse is not only for Muslim, but for ALL people :

    “Hai manusia! sesungguhnya Kami menciptakan kamu dari seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan (Adam & Hawa), dan menjadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan bersuku-suku, supaya kamu saling kenal mengenal (bukan untuk saling membenci dan mencurigai)”

    “O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other (not that you may despise each other)”

  17. iwan2 says:

    Poor 17 year old aussie girl, lucky for she was not converted earlier probably be a child bride to another misquided creton.

    What is missing in all the discussions and in her conversion and any other conversion is that in christianity/buddhism etc their is no apostasy and in the Koran we all know what happens to apostates and that is bye bye mati/death etc.

    Another interesting note for those who believe in the so called religion of peace and or mohamidians as it was called up until the 18 th century is that now that we have a government, police, courts and military. This means that through abrogations some of the more violent and or confusing sura’s are ‘abrogated per se’.
    This means that we (citizens) have a contract with the government both in social and legal ways. Otherwise if we want to use six century moral and social rules then certainly we cannot use 21 century lifestyles, airplanes and computers.

    If those cretons who dont accept the law of the land, government, police the paying of taxes and assume some form of religious high ground through a percieved knowledge of the koran from a wahabi/salafi perspective please wake up and try and obtain saudi citizenship and guess what sorry your, my former religious brothers in the kingdom dont accept us eh ya i am convert that is a sufi’s way

  18. Ross says:

    I ackowledge she is entitled to switch sides, but this word ‘revert’ is surely unacceptable -it smacks of the Laskar Jihad thugs’ argument in Maluku when they forcibly ‘converted’ unwilling people, saying that all babies are borm Muslim anyway so they were just setting things to rights..reversion, the Dark Ages.

  19. Elijah says:

    Brother Ross

    I would be interested in learning about the true nature of the particular incident you are quoting.

    Allah says in The Holy Quran

    2:256 Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.

    88:21 And so, [O Prophet] exhort them; thy task is only to exhort
    88:22 thou canst not compel them [to believe].
    88:23 However, as for him who turns away, being bent on denying the truth,
    88:24 him will God cause to suffer the greatest suffering [in the life to come]
    88:25 for behold, unto Us will be their return,
    88:26 and verily, It is for Us to call them to account.

    “I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make itself appeal to every age. I have studied him – the wonderful man and in my opinion for from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the Saviour of Humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness: I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today.”
    George Bernard Shaw, THE GENUINE ISLAM

    For more, visit

  20. Kim says:

    So first of all, thanks for featuring me on your website, I really appreciate it.

    Secondly, I’ll make a good housewife to a Javanese man? Not quite sure what that means.

    Thirdly, Scientology? Islam is the only way of life I’ve stuck with, and I know that I will die with Islam as my religion. Who are you to try to make my decisions for me?

    And fourth… Some of you should have a little respect for other people’s religions.

  21. iwan2 says:

    The versus elijay mentions have been abrogated by newer suras in chapter 9. I am impressed you have abrogated the more violent suras automatically.

    Muhammad told: “I have several names. I am Muhammad, Ahmad, al-Aqib [the last in succession], and al-Mahi [the obliterator].” Al-Zuhri states: “Al-Aqib is the one after whom there is no one [i.e., no prophet], and al-Mahi is the one through whom Allah will efface infidelity.Tabari IX p. 155

  22. Lanang says:

    @ Kim

    Respect. 😀

  23. joao says:

    @ fullmoonflower

    You have my honest respect.

    @ Pakmantri

    Next time, please read the WHOLE question thoroughly at least twice before answering.

    @ Elijah

    I was hoping for more of your own ORIGINAL answers, not of Toynbee’s or GB Shaw’s or Quran’s. If I think I need some quotations, I can look for them myself.

    Anyway, thanks!

  24. joao says:

    And fourth… Some of you should have a little respect for other people’s religions.

    Making fun of somebody else’s ethnicity or physique or congenital disabilities are completely unethical because people are born with them. It’s beyond their will.
    On the other hand, people can choose their religions. They have the will to do it. Heck, sometimes a religion is forced upon some people against their will. IMHO, criticizing someone’s belief is completely okay as everyone should be responsible to themselves for the choices they make in their lives. By listening to others’ opinions, we may have the chances to review and reflect on our current stance on religious matters.

  25. Pakmantri says:


    Here is your whole question:

    Educate me. Is it a human right too in Islamic countries to decapitate/ stone/ hang/ persecute/ torture apostates in the name of the most merciful Allah ?

    Correct me if I am wrong,
    You are saying you want somebody to tell you if it is a their right (as in human right) that in Islamic country people prosecute and do all other things you said to people who change their faith from Islam to other faith.

    Maybe my English is second class since English is my second language, please educate me.

    My problem is you are being specific to a group of people or countries, while human right abuse is everywhere, done by almost everyone.

    As Oigal said,

    Perhaps its time to stop worry about what other nations/religions do or don’t do and look into the dark corners of your own religion.

    And your own nation.


  26. Pakmantri says:

    And to all of you infidel (as Cukurungan called you):

    Have a very Merry Christmas and I hope Santa is nice to you this year!

    Ho Ho Ho …………..


  27. Lanang says:

    Happy Christmas! – 25th Dec.
    Happy Kwanzaa! – 26th Dec.
    Happy Hanukkah! – 21st Dec.
    Happy Islamic New Year! – 29th Dec/1430 H.

    Infidels love ya.

  28. Lairedion says:


    Don’t you know it’s not permissible (haram) for Muslims to accept and respond to the kafir’s Christmas wishes.

  29. Pakmantri says:

    Ha ha …..

    I’ll accept/bear all the sins of wishing the kafir’s Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah and happy Kwanzaa as long as everybody are happy and living in peace. 😀


  30. Kim says:

    @ joao, and everyone else who seems to have a problem with Islam and Muslims:

    People like you are the reason there are wars today. IGNORANT people like YOU, who believe it’s okay to attack people because of their religions, are the reason the world is so freaking messed up. Again, have some respect. Whatever your religion is, I’m sure it teaches respect. As Islam does.

    I have complete respect for everyone else and their religions, I live in a family of non-Muslims and love them more than anyone else. I don’t believe they’re infidels, and I don’t believe you are either. Stop trying to put words into the mouths of Muslims.

    And for God’s sake, for the sake of the God that WE ALL SHARE, stop mocking the Islamic faith. It’s up to God to judge, not any of you.

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