The man in charge of the committee dealing with the anti-porn bill has said that the bill will likely be debated on in the parliament in June 2006 and then passed into law because the opposition to it is so insignificant.
Balkan Kaplale said:
I am sure that the debate on the anti pornography and indecency bill will be complete by June because those who are opposed to it are so small in number.
(Saya yakin, pembahasan RUU APP itu akan tuntas pada Juni 2006, karena kelompok yang kontra sebenarnya tidak banyak.)
He also claimed that 82% of the people support the bill and managed to work out that this must mean that only 18% oppose it.
It’s impossible that the parliament would be so disregarding of the majority opinion just because there is some opposition. (Karena itu, DPR RI tak mungkin mengabaikan kelompok mayoritas hanya karena ada penolakan.)
Few legislative proposals have caused so much opposition, and of a such a vehement nature, than the anti-porn one. The exact nature of the opposition as well, the fact that it arises in part out of fear on the part of religious and ethnic minorities that their traditions will be trampled on by Balkan’s beloved majority is another cause for him to stop and think supposing this were possible in such a tight, confined space as this man’s head seems to be.
Hello Oskar,
yessss: I think it is the way, how the world works.
What about this: Democracy is a dictatorship of the majority.
Or this: The strongest will rule.
Or this, majority has no power at all. The majority is the unluckiest group of all. ha…ha…ha…ha…ha… that majority people there are the most narrow-minded and the most unfortunate people.
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Isn’t that how the world works? The majority (most of the time) wins. Heck, even a moronic president from a country that acts like world police get voted from so much moronic people. Majority rocks!